Brought to you by the Sir. Ricco Tournament Foundation
Edit: Rounds II has been edited due to a miscalculations.
- Objective: Survive through the rounds as the number of elimination per game (EPG) escalates.
- Number of Players: 72
- Game Load: 1-4
- Requirements: At least 2 game slots open at all time.
Game Settings:
- Map: First Nations North America, Triple Alliance, Indian Empire, Eastern Hemisphere, High Seas
- Number of Players: 6
- Game Type: Standard
- Initial Troops: Automatic
- Play Order: Sequential
- Spoils: Escalating
- Reinforcements: Chained
- Fog of War: No
Game Play:
At the beginning of the tournament you will be randomly placed in a player set. The Player Set will consist of six players. After each round, players will be randomly assiged to a new player set.
Please note, in order to keep the tournament running smoothly, once elimination from each round has been determined, the next round will start. So there is a possibility that your game load will pile up.
- Round I [1 EPG]
Map: First Nations North America
Twelve 6-players games.
First player eliminated in their game is removed from the tournament.
- Round II [2 EPG]
Map: Triple Alliance
Ten 6-players games.
First two players eliminated in their game, are removed from the tournament. There will also be four extra eliminations. The four players eliminated in the four quickest games will be removed. In case of tie, position in the previous Round I with determine who is removed. Tie breaker game will be played if there is still a tie.
- Round III [3 EPG]
Map: Indian Empire
Six 6-players games.
First three players eliminated in their game, are removed from the tournament.
- Round IV [4 EPG]
Map: Eastern Hemisphere
Three 6-players games.
First four players eliminated in their game, are removed from the tournament.
- Round V [5 EPG]
Map: High Seas
One 6-players games.
The winner of the game wins the tournament.