Original thread
http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=115202#p2555134 As the title indicates, this tournament will be made of 4 player games.
Settings: auto, sequential, sunny, escalating, chained Games will be played on British Isles
I plan on having 64 players, but if there is huge response like in the Classic tourney, I will expand to 128. If there are 128 players, then the winner and the last person eliminated will move on IN THE FIRST ROUND ONLY. After that only the winner will move on.
Freemiums welcome, only 1 slot needed.
hide: Players
1. AgentSmith88 2. morleyjoe 3. jrh_cardinal 4. HighlanderAttack 5. shaneback 6. rishark1969 7. ETROPAL 8. bowermaniac 9. DBandit70 10. Roundy 11. Valvinar 12. triplea11 13. fapostolo 14. MattiWacklin 15. Neptune1 16. santa.tank 17. Nothappy 18. evertonian 19. GreenBaize 20. stringybeany 21. DrDarth 22. codierose 23. persianempire 24. rmreagle 25. sfroml 26. Stretch20 27. brett2000 28. Razorvich 29. lbw1367 30. moé2 31. unionman 32. shin chan14 33. unique_name 34. Jock McCock 35. tomopotamus 36. bernooch 37. Chewie1 38. killer_ace3 39. The Howling 40. Yojimbo28 41. musteriuz 42. HerrZ 43. IWearRed24 44. rnunez 45. PvRvD 46. thetiger 47. Madstuthe1st 48. rickjamze 49. MiaMix 50. Cubs24 51. Geno1510 52. The Mantis 53. C_Dezi 54. Falkomagno 55. skoobydo 56. Lensois 57. dwilhelmi 58. tragik 59. noddy_nuts 60. SuperWayne 61. jsholty4690 62. Leatherhead 63. nut breaker 64. bradimus_prime 65. skettynutz 66. Sharps 67. withmejulie 68. welsmer 69. macro1770 70. P_ZZ_E 71. notarg 72. phillipm 73. pridekiller 74. beckymv 75. Greyhulk 76. General Quigley 77. saberty 78. thewarisnow 79. Morlick 80. Greg Bishop 81. carl giggia 82. necromicon 83. welshbean 84. general koz 85. General Flashman 86. Earin Shaad 87. lordhaha 88. o0Amz0o 89. dijxtra 90. heyiamt 91. atraub 92. PhatPat 93. joop98 94. Seraphic 95. Ladymindkey 96. MyTurnToWin 97. markg_74@hotmail 98. jayathecat 99. superkeener 100. jamesoneill 101. br4nd0n2002 102. lance kelleher 103. Goombrah 104. mphil 105. ultimiller 106. aprilamiller 107. toonarmy88 108. Harumf 109. Captain Jack 110. maximumbandit 111. Valchrist 112. elpuente 113. PrincePyro 114. lucyjack 115. shaunchef 116. NanoTheGreat 117. Inanout 118. yonatanfar 119. paws1610 120. Caro etarra 121. NCachulo 122. chiefsfan4ever 123. topper 124. benga 125. StackedAmazon 126. martin1991 127. Topcatt1882 128.fabrizio5555
hide: Reserves
1. Don Gorgen 2. Ghosteagle 3. villa-7 4. mickunited333 5. Oshida
Round 1
show: Group 1 1. Earin Shaad 2. skettynutz 3. bowermaniac 4. superkeener show: Group 2 1. atraub 2. Seraphic 3. Captain Jack 4. MattiWacklin show: Group 3 1. shin chan14 2. maximumbandit 3. StackedAmazon 4. Ladymindkey show: Group 4 1. lbw1367 2. dwilhelmi 3. rickjamze 4. PhatPat show: Group 5 1. shaunchef 2. noddy_nuts 3. thewarisnow 4. General Quigley show: Group 6 1. MyTurnToWin 2. br4nd0n2002 3. Yojimbo28 4. welshbean show: Group 7 1. Morlick 2. Neptune1 3. Harumf 4. skoobydo show: Group 8 1. Greg Bishop 2. musteriuz 3. nut breaker 4. NCachulo show: Group 9 1. mphil 2. lance kelleher 3. SuperWayne 4. jamesoneill show: Group 10 1. rmreagle 2. jayathecat 3. Sharps 4. Goombrah show: Group 11 1. persianempire 2. jsholty4690 3. heyiamt 4. lordhaha show: Group 12 1. Valvinar 2. yonatanfar 3. dijxtra 4. topper show: Group 13 1. unique_name 2. pridekiller 3. general koz 4. moé2 show: Group 14 1. paws1610 2. Leatherhead 3. jrh_cardinal 4. bernooch show: Group 15 1. Falkomagno 2. The Mantis 3. C_Dezi 4. phillipm show: Group 16 1. sfroml 2. bradimus_prime 3. Lensois 4. lucyjack show: Group 17 1. o0Amz0o 2. MiaMix 3. AgentSmith88 4. Geno1510 show: Group 18 1. saberty 2. necromicon 3. ultimiller 4. GreenBaize show: Group 19 1. Nothappy 2. PrincePyro 3. rishark1969 4. Roundy show: Group 20 1. Greyhulk 2. morleyjoe 3. PvRvD 4. General Flashman show: Group 21 1. toonarmy88 2. HighlanderAttack 3. codierose 4. fapostolo show: Group 22 1. killer_ace3 2. Jock McCock 3. santa.tank 4. HerrZ show: Group 23 1. rnunez 2. beckymv 3. aprilamiller 4. Chewie1 show: Group 24 1. Cubs24 2. evertonian 3. tomopotamus 4. shaneback show: Group 25 1. Topcatt1882 2. NanoTheGreat 3. Razorvich 4. brett2000 show: Group 26 1. carl giggia 2. DBandit70 3. elpuente 4. Valchrist show: Group 27 1. thetiger 2. benga 3. chiefsfan4ever 4. fabrizio5555 show: Group 28 1. Inanout 2. notarg 3. withmejulie 4. IWearRed24 show: Group 29 1. ETROPAL 2. DrDarth 3. The Howling 4. unionman show: Group 30 1. Stretch20 2. joop98 3. Caro etarra 4. tragik show: Group 31 1. markg_74@hotmail 2. P_ZZ_E 3. Madstuthe1st 4. martin1991 show: Group 32 1. stringybeany 2. macro1770 3. welsmer 4. triplea11
hide: Round 2
Group 1 Game 7309147 1. [s]Earin Shaad 2. Captain Jack 3. triplea11 replaced by welsmer 4. martin1991 replaced by Madstuthe1st Group 2 1. thetiger 2. lbw1367 3. Caro etarra 4. The Howling Group 3 Game 7309149 1. noddy_nuts 2. MyTurnToWin 3. IWearRed24 4. Sharps replaced by benga Group 4 1. skoobydo 2. NCahulo 3. carl giggia 4. Razorvich Group 5 1. mphil 2. jayathecat 3. tomopotamus 4. beckymv Group 6 Game 7309150 1. lordhaha 2. Valvinar 3. HerrZ 4. toonarmy88 replaced by codierose Group 7 1. unique_name 2. jrh_cardinal 3. Greyhulk 4. PrincePyro Group 8 1. The Mantis 2. bradimus_prime 3. GreenBaize 4. o0Amz0o Group 9 1. Geno1510 2. saberty 3. hagardunor 4. phillipm Group 10 Game 7309152 1. Nothappy 2. General Flashman 3. bernooch 4. moé2 placed by superkeener Group 11 1. fapostolo 2. santa.tank 3. yonatanfar 4. persianempire Group 12 1. aprilamiller 2. Cubs24 3. shin chan14 4. jamesoneill Group 13 1. NanoTheGreat 2. elpuente 3. musteriuz 4. Harumf Group 14 1. chiefsfan4ever 2. notarg 3. br4nd0n2002 4. General Quigley Group 15 1. ETROPAL 2. tragik 3. dwilhelmi 4. StackedAmazon Group 16 Game 7309154 1. P_ZZ_E replaced by markg_74@hotmail 2. stringybeany replaced by macro1770 3. Seraphic 4. skettynutz[s]
Round3 show
The Howling Razorvich beckymv unique_name bradimus_prime hagardunor santa.tank shin chan14 musteriuz br4nd0n2002 tragik Nothappy lordhaha Madstuthe1st Seraphic MyTurnToWin Group 1 Game 7419614 [/s] 1.santa.tank 2.hagardunor 3.shin chan14 4.musteriuz Group 2 Game 7419615 1.lordhaha 2.tragik 3.Seraphic 4.Madstuthe1st Group 3 Game 7419617 1.unique_name 2.bradimus_prime 3.The Howling 4.beckymv Group 4 Game 7419619 1.Razorvich 2.br4nd0n2002 3.Nothappy 4.MyTurnToWin
musteriuz Seraphic unique_name Nothappy