16 players
All games will be played on the Duck and Cover map
All games will be 1v1 single elimination
Rounds 1, 2 and 3 will be 1 game, the finals will be best of 3
All players are randomly assigned to their games each round using random.org
Freemiums are welcome
show: Settings
Manual Sequential No Spoils Chained Sunny
show: players
1 - sdh 2 - Jobiwan 3 - Sniper08 4 - HighlanderAttack 5 - Adow 6 - shoop76 7 - tokle 8 - Swifte 9 - brett2000 10 - jemfin3 11 - The Mantis 12 - DBandit70 13 - jricart 14 - greenoaks 15 - japser_be 16 - morleyjoe
show: round 1
Sniper08 vs greenoaks Game 7526559 The Mantis vs tokle Game 7526557 Adow vs sdh Game 7526556 Jobiwan vs brett2000 Game 7526555 jemfin3 vs shoop76 Game 7526554 morleyjoe vs HighlanderAttack Game 7526553 jricart vs DBandit70 Game 7526552 Swifte vs japser_be Game 7526550
show: round 2
shoop76 vs HighlanderAttack Game 7568614 Jobiwan vs Sniper08 Game 7568613 tokle vs jricart Game 7568611 japser_be vs sdh (jasper_be is unable to continue)
show: round 3
tokle vs Jobiwan Game 7686910 HighlanderAttack vs sdh Game 7686909
show: Final
Jobiwan vs HighlanderAttack Game 7727499 , Game 7727498 , Game 7727497