SuicidalSnowman wrote:Jungle Madness"In the Jungle, the mighty jungle, the Lions sleep tonight..." YouTube Hippo
SuicidalSnowman***Everybody who are ready to give constantly 3 spots to this tournament are welcome***
Jungle has reached CC! Unless it has always been here but hidden, waiting its time to come out. Anyway, now it's here, Lions are sleeping and Hippo along with Dog are inviting everybody to become the next Leader of Jungle. Are you clever enough? Do you have enough stamina to hold on weeks, even months? Are you strong enough to fight yourself from battle to battle until all opponents have dropped out and there's only you standing? Come! PROVE IT!

Setup of this tournament will be very similar to Snowy Rock Races but with some improvements to make it stronger and more reasonable. Make sure that you read through everything and use the form to sign up.
SetupOverall I'm looking for at least 15 Triples teams.
Approximately once per week (depends how fast you'll be playing) a bunch of games will made. Not a random number of games but a formula will be used (number of teams * 3 / 2). That way everybody will play 3 games (on some weeks some players play a game or two less) and win/lose points according to the scoring below. If your score reaches zero (or goes below it) then you are not worthy to be next Leader of Jungle and drop out of the tournament.
Winning the tournamentThere are 2 winning conditions:
1. One team collects 50% of all available points.
2. If condition one does not occur after 40 Rounds, all remaining teams will play double elimination playoff. If odd numbers, team with most points will get a first round bye.
SettingsStandard, Sequential, Casual, Automatic, Triples
Map: different in each battle (check the map pool below)
Cards: Escalating
Fortifications: Chained
Weather: Foggy
ScoringEverybody starts with 10 points.
Points disappear or move from one player to another.
Losing a game (Rounds 1-10): 3 points from loser to winner
Losing a game (Rounds 12-20): 5 points from loser to winner
Losing a game (week 21-25): 7 points from loser to winner
Losing a game (Rounds 26-30): 10 points from lower to winner
Losing a game (Rounds 31-35): 15 points from loser to winner
Losing a game (Rounds 36-40): 20 points from loser to winner
Not joining after 1st message: -1 point
Not joining after a reminder: -2 points
Not joining after 2nd reminder: -3 points
Joining more than 3 games: -2 points per opponent (wins don't count, each opponent receives 2 points)
Map Pool * For each battle, a map from this list will be used, randomly selected.
* Jungle Madness Map List:
8 Thoughts, Africa, Age of Merchants, Age of Realms 1, Archipelago, Bamboo Jack, Brazil, Cairns Coral Coast, Caribbean Islands, King of the Mountains, Land and Sea, Midgard, Midkemil, Oasis, Oceania, Philippines, South America, Treasures of Galapagos, Triple Alliance, World 2.1
Team Captain**:
Team Members***:
*Animal you wish to represent.
**All games will go out to Team Captain, who is then responsible for distributing and filing games.
***Please sign up as a full team.
****Please find a picture and post either link or image of it when signing up. (entirely optional)
o Signing up to the tournament counts only when posted to this thread.
o Foe List is ignored. If you wish to play in my tournament then you have to play with anybody who stand in your way.
o If you wish to drop out from the tournament then be polite - let me know about it. Donāt just deadbeat.
o If you need more time to joining games then let me know. Iām sure we can work out something.
o With any problems and questions, turn to me either by PM or posting to this thread.