by barterer2002 on Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:29 pm
Premium welcome must have 2 slots open for Round 1 and 1 after that until finals when 2 are needed again
For most of us on CC whether we be rooted in Europe, USA, Canada or Australia the roots of our civilization are found in a European tradition. To that end this tournament will trace some of the history of the world through Europe.
Round 1 will be played on Ancient Greece There will be 120 players divided into 24 5-player games.
Escalating (to represent the spread of ideas coming out of the Greek city states)
Unlimited (to represent the freedoms of thought)
Fog (since you don't know where these ideas are going to go)
Sequential (to represent the different growth patterns)
24 winners of these games will advance to Round 2
The Greeks gave way to the Romans who took up the banner of Western Civilization and carried it forward and no European history tournament would be complete without the representation of the Romans. There are several options for us available here from the Peloponnesian Wars depicting the time when it wasn't sure that Rome would prevail over Carthage to the Battle of Actium when Mark Anthony and Cleopatra fought Octavious for control of the Empire at its height but for our purposes, the Imperium Romanium map best reflects the breadth of the empire at its height and so we'll focus on that
Round 2 will be played on Imperium Romanium. There will be 24 players playing in 6 4 player games
Escalating (to represent the escalating expansion of the Empire as it spread from Rome at its center to the British Isles, across Northern Africa and into the Middle East)
Chained (to represent the restrictions on citizens, particularly the non-Roman citizens during this timeframe)
Sunny (to represent the Golden Age of the Ancient World)
Sequential (to represent the inevitable march outward of the Empire)
6 winners will advance to Round 3.
After the fall of Rome Europe went through the Dark Ages, a time that was reflected by large religious movements and the growth of two main religions in the world, Christianity and Islam. The conflict between these two movements led to several crusades that we must now fight out on.
Round 3 will be played on the Third Crusade map They will play 2 3 player games
Escalating (to represent the way the conflict escalated as entire kingdoms were won and lost)
Adjacent (to represent the difficulty of troop movements across an entire continent)
Fog (to represent the lack of understanding of each other)
Sequential (to represent the movements of large masses of people from Western and Northern Europe to the Holy Lands)
2 players will advance to Round 4
Europe over the past 100 years has undergone tremendous change including many wars. We're going to play a best of 7 series on 7 maps that reflect this time in Europe.
1. Unification Italy (to reflect the unification/nationalism movement that we entered the 20th century under)
2. Europe 1914 (to reflect the status of the continent at the outbreak of WWII
3. WWII Ardennes (to reflect one of the most famous battles of WWII)
4. WWII Europe (to show the massive scope of the war)
5. Rail Europe (to show the interconnectivity of the European nations
6. Europe
7. Europa
Finals will be played on
Sequential to show the movement through the century
Chained to show the political realities of the era
Nuclear to show the threat that hung over all of Europe
In the event a freemium makes the finals, there will be 2 games at a time, otherwise all 7 will be played at once.
Last edited by
barterer2002 on Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:47 pm, edited 10 times in total.