Survivor Tournament
To start out there will be two tribes of 8 people. Before the merge you will play one 1 vs 1 match up against someone on the other tribe. These matchups will be considered the reward challenge. The tribe that wins the most reward matches wins the reward. The reward is getting to choose the settings for the team match ups(immunity challenge). All reward matches will be Flat spoils , chained reinforcements, and sunny. The team matchups are considered the immunity challenge. The losing tribe will go to tribal council and vote someone out. Every person on the losing tribe will send me a PM with their vote and I will post the results in the thread and that person will be out of the tournament. If there is a tie the tribe that wins in the least amount of rounds wins the tiebreaker. For example in the first reward challenge if you each win 4 of the matchups but one tribe does it in 20 rounds and the other in 22 the first tribe wins. When we get down to only 8 people the tribes will merge and it will become a solo game. You can stay with your original tribe or you can start new alliances. You will still have reward challenges where the winner still gets to pick the map settings for the immunity challenge. And then of course the winner of that gets immunity while the rest are vulnerable. When it gets to a solo game everyone plays on the same map and the 1 on 1 matches are over. Once we get down to three people the 7 previous voted out will become the tribal council and they will vote on the final 3 people. The player with the most tribal council votes gets to choose the settings for the final map. So sticking with the Survivor theme it will be Heroes vs. Villains. When you sign up please choose your tribe. The maps for the reward challenge are:
Reward 1 Classic
Reward 2 Midgard
Reward 3 Tamriel
Reward 4 Africa
Reward 5 Madagascar
Reward 6 USA
Reward 7 Texan Wars
Reward 8 Europe
Reward 9 Malta
Reward 10 Prohibition Chicago
Reward 11 San Francisco
Reward 12 CCU
Reward 13 British Isles
Orange= eliminated
Blue= Jury member
1] Rudibach
3] The Mantis
4] b00060
5] woolleyy
6] Katd89
7] Etropal
8] thetiger
1] adam666
2] TalynStarburst
3] Vykingsfan64
4] cakcledbetter
5] uckuki
6] kawe85
7] ask me2
8] alexsmart