by koontz1973 on Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:14 am
jotheconqueror has gone missing, deaadbeating in all games so will be eliminated from the tournament. In round 2 and 3, 6 games will only have 7 players with all players in that game getting 5 points.
Delayed the start of round 2 by a week as not as many games finished as thought.
Scores are going up in the order the games finish. This way mistakes are less likely.
Round 2 games sent out.
12 hours to go to accept games. Invites sent out as the last reminder and to anyone who missed a game. 3 players had not accepted any games so if invites not accepted, will be eliminated.
One player eliminated as gone freeium. withmejulie. 6 games had to be remade because of this. All players will get 5 points at the end of the game.
Still 7 games of round 2 to start. Invites are starting to finish and we are now over the 48 hours. One player to join one game and one to join all 6. If the player to join all 6 does not show by the end of invites, I will ask withmejulie to come back in as his premium kicked back in.
cavill out, withmejulie back in.
Jessamine noticed some of his score was missing. It is up in the scorecard but in to separate entries. I will alphabetize the list at the end of the tourney in case this happens again.
GhoSteader has pulled out so 3 players missing in round 3.
Going to see if DJENRE is back, if not, he will also be eliminated from the tourney.
musteriuz is going away for the weekend so he has extra time as he let me know.
Round 3 games sent.
11 round one games still being played.
6 round 2 games left.
Monday night/sent out invites to all players that have not joined games as a last reserve. If these are not joined by the end, the player will be eliminated. This comes after the 48 hours to join games and the reminders that have been sent.
crazycolin and killakazooma eliminated for not joining games and bad manners.
Last edited by
koontz1973 on Tue May 24, 2011 11:57 pm, edited 14 times in total.