by jricart on Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:36 am
Hi Everybody:
I want to promote a NEW Tournament to celebrate the new 2011 Formula 1 season.
Race 03 - Chinese GP This Tournament is open to everybody, but specially for those F1 Racing Fans around the world and users of Conquer Club.
This year, the 2011 F1 season will have 19 races, with 24 drivers going for the Drivers Championship. I changed the setup of the tourney and instead of having a big one, I split it into 19 different ones. There is no Team Championship or Pit-Stop Challenge this year. So you dont need to choose a Driver or Team when you sign up. I will not reserve spots to any of my GP's, so you need to be alert and join the tournament on time. New GPs tourneys will go out at least 1 week prior to the real GP. If you need more information about the actual 2011 Formula 1 Season and calendar, please visit
Players: 24 and 3 Reserves (Premiums Only) Type: Standard Order: Sequential Drop: Automatic Spoils: Escalating Reinforcement: Chained Fog: No (sunny) Map: Greater China
Number of Rounds: 3PRACTICE SESSION 24 players in this round 3 groups of 8 players. Last 3 on each group are out. A total of 9 players are eliminated. Members of the same team are not in the same group in this round.QUALIFYING SESSION 15 players in this round 3 groups of 5 players each Last 3 on each group are out. A total of 9 players are eliminated. Top 3 each group advance to the Final Race.FINAL RACE 1 group of 6 players. Winner takes the trophy
(map in parenthesis) 01 - AUSTRALIAN GP (Australia) 25 - 27 Mar 02 - MALAYSIAN GP (Middle East) 08 - 10 Apr 03 - CHINESE GP (Greater China) 15 - 17 Apr 04 - TURKISH GP (Europe) 06 - 08 May 05 - SPANISH GP (Iberia) 20 - 22 May 06 - MONACO GP (Europa) 26 - 29 May 07 - CANADIAN GP (Canada) 10 - 12 Jun 08 - EUROPEAN GP (Duck and Cover) 24 - 26 Jun 09 - BRITISH GP (British Islands) 08 - 10 Jul 10 - GERMAN GP (Germany) 22 - 24 Jul 11 - HUNGARIAN GP (Extreme Global Warming) 29 - 31 Jul 12 - BELGIAN GP (Benelux) 26 - 28 Aug 13 - ITALIAN GP (Italia) 09 - 11 Sep 14 - SINGAPORE GP (Classic) 23 - 25 Sep 15 - JAPANESE GP (Japan) 07 - 09 Oct 16 - KOREAN GP (Eastern Hemispher) 14 - 16 Oct 17 - INDIAN GP (Asia) 28 - 30 Oct 18 - ABU DHABI GP (Doodle Earth) 11 - 13 Nov 19 - BRAZILIAN GP (Brazil) 25 - 27 Nov
SETUP GAMES -All games will be setup using -Reserves are for the first round only. JOINING GAMES - All players have 24 hrs to join their games. - Invites system will be used. Players have only 24hrs to join before the invite. Exceptions will be analyzed per case if needed. ELEGIBLE DRIVERS - Players need at least 98% turns taken and 4.5 ratings. - Exceptions to the rule above can be made, but I will analyze them if needed. - I reserve the right to accept any player to this tournament. - Premiums Only! - Need at least 100 completed games to join any of my tournaments. ACCIDENTS DURING A RACE - If one of the drivers have an accident (kicked out for missing too many turns) during any of the qualifying sessions or in the Final Race, driver will not be allowed in any of my future tournaments. - If one of the drivers got a black flag (temporally banned from CC) during any of the qualifying sessions or in the final race, driver will not be allowed in any of my future tournaments. FAILURE TO APPEAR - If one of the drivers fails to appear during PRACTICE SESSION equals a DNF, and the driver will not be allowed in any of my future tournaments. The player will be replaced by a reserve. - Failure to appear during QUALIFIYING SESSION and FINAL RACE are not sanctioned by a suspension, but there will be kicked out of this tournament. I will redo the game with the left over players. - If one of the final 6 players in the Final Race fail to appear, driver will be disqualified and a DNF will show as result. LONG GAMES RULE - STALLED GAMES - All games have a 25 round cap. After 25 rounds I will determine finishing order using total armies via BOB. I would strongly suggest that you don't let your game go to 25 rounds. - Final Game Agreement needs to be done before round 23 in the game chat by all players, meaning that they can run an alternate game to define the winner. APPEAL RESULTS RULE - All drivers have 24 hrs after completion of a GP to appeal the results. To do that, you must PM me with a complete explanation of you case! The above Rules are subject to change. ALL MY DECISIONS ARE FINAL!
jricart The Mantis NZHostel xMBKx mviola V.J. jjmracing shoop76 GhoStedar hagardunor benga Leitz dragon dor Dukasaur grant.gordon shaneback uckuki rmjw10 Crarg Adam666 mickunited333 canona85 machrs morleyjoe RESERVE DRIVERS: MattiWacklin TheSaxlad angola
show: ROUND 1
Game 9054323 The Mantis V.J. machrs benga shoop76 Leitz dragon dor mickunited333Game 9054322 NZHostel Crarg Adam666 morleyjoe canona85 GhoStedar mviola grant.gordonGame 9054321 Dukasaur hagardunor jjmracing rmjw10 jricart shaneback xMBKx uckuki
show: ROUND 2
Game 9388844 dragon dor mickunited333 xMBKx shaneback rmjw10Game 9388842 benga grant.gordon canona85 hagardunor shoop76Game 9388841 NZHostel Crarg mviola Dukasaur machrs
Game 9608166 xMBKx mickunited333 benga shoop76 Crarg NZHostel
[Winner: mickunited333]
Last edited by
jricart on Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:38 pm, edited 9 times in total.