NEW TO. See viewtopic.php?f=91&t=145042&view=unread#p3434355 for updates.8 Quads Teams
New World Quads Round RobinSettings
Automatic, Sequential, No spoils, Foggy, Chained
Round Robin-- Each team will face every other team once. The team with the most wins will be declared the winner.
If after first clear winner is established..the tied participants will play one final game on Feudal War to determine the winner.
If after the first round 3-4 teams are tied...a second round robin composed of tied winners will ensue on the new world board.
If the second round again produces a tie...tied members will continue to play the round robin format until a clear winner by record is determined.
Sign up as a quads team with all four members
Please include a team name
Premium only...3-4 games at a time will be played.
Teams1. M&B hagardunor , Pedrox , PATMB , Wilayers
2. Smoked Ham, Dibbler, Alt1978, sprinkles
3. Old Dog Brigade, Great-Ollie, John Deere, lynch5762, douitashimashite
4. Seriously Grave Reapers, Shoop76, Patrickaa317, Seechster, Jigger1986
5. KOA happyfeet chapcrap mviola & GoranZ
6. Fantastic Four nashlloyd, jerry1111, JP007, eaglesagent
7. Rebels SupremeRebel, Crash_22, RKCVED, anonymus
8. Brazilian Nuts Guderian09 cptbeefalo, fapostolo, aad0906
1. Seriously Grave Reapers 4-0
2. Fantastic Four 3-0
3. KOA 2-1
4. Rebels 2-2
5. Old Dog Brigade 2-2
6. Brazilian Nuts 1-2
7. M&B 0-3
8. Smoked Ham 0-4