I am a fan of Sci-fi and Fantasy Books and have decided to create a tourney with a battle for supremacy using races of creatures and men that are straight out of those types of books. Trolls, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and much much more. Who will reign supreme in this battle for the lands of fantasy???
I am looking for 32 players to take part in this event.
This is a 1 vs 1 tourney. It is open to freemiums, but they must keep at least 2 slots open to enable faster gameplay. Game rules explained below.
Each round will be a best of 3 series, as if it were a battle with several skirmishes. Initially the games should all begin as Good vs. Evil (G vs. E), but as we progress we may see Good vs. Good and Evil vs. Evil. The number of G vs. E teams to begin are hopefully equal, so we will have equal representation on both sides to start.
With each best of 3 series, I will initially send out 2 game invites for each matchup. Each player will have a chance to begin first, but no guarantees. If a third game is necessary I will then create the game and send your invite. This allows both fremium and premium players to participate.
Game settings will be: Map: Midgard Sequential Escalating Chained Foggy
Initial matchups will be determined using a score based seed. I will get each players score when I sign them up. When all players are signed up, I will then seed the players based on those scores.
I will then create a seeded bracket based on those scores, using standard seeded tourney rankings with 1 vs. 16, 2 vs. 15 and so on. Provided the Good and Evil players are split equally, then this means G seed #1 plays E seed #16, E Seed #1 plays G Seed #16, G Seed #2 plays E seed # 15, E seed #2 plays G seed #15 and so on.
Below is a list of fantasy creatures that you may pick from. The list is first come-first serve. There will be good and evil races to choose from, and I hope to have an even number of both sign up to allow an even start for both "sides". Some of the races and creatures are those that I have come across in my Fantasy Adventures, so you may not recognize all of them.
I am even open to allowing players to pick their own race, as long as it is a verifiable pick. Basically, if you choose one not on my list, please provide reference to where it is from, and if it will play as good or evil.
To join this tourney, all you need to do is indicate that you want in, and pick your race. If your first choice is already taken, please feel free to choose another. THere is a small stipulation of at least 50 completed games to join.
I reserve the right to refuse entry to any individual. This usually happens only when you get on my bad side, such as deadbeating in a different tourney.
Last edited by Fuzzy316 on Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:36 am, edited 36 times in total.
deantursx wrote:trolls please! I noticed you wrote something about each player being able to take their turn first...unfortunately I don't think thats possible...
Thanks... you are right. Changed the wording. Thanks my friend.
ok - i'm game and i will represent a gryphon - what the hell - i love jeopardy and it was created by merv griffin and as an american - being 1/2 eagle is symbolic.
I do apologize, but the rules of the tourney have a prerequisite of needing at least 50 games completed. You have only 3 complete. At this time, I must decline your request. However, if I have trouble filling it up, I may reverse my decision.