You must have alteast 99% turns take at time of sign up and minimum of 100 games completed. All games will be played on US Senate map.
Fremiums are welcome but must keep 1 game slot open.(3 for final)
Settings Automatic , sequential , no spoils , Chained , no fog
There will be 16 participants and 4 rounds. This will be a 1v1 elimination tournament with the final being the best of 2 out of 3.
Reserve Policy: If there are any players that do not join their game during Round 1, they will be replaced by a reserve after 48 hours of time has passed. If a player drops out after Round 2 , no reserve will be used and the oppenent will get a bye to the next round.
Last edited by Sniper08 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:37 pm, edited 9 times in total.