[Edit -tokle] This tournament has been rescued, see this post for updates.
Terminator Poker Tournament
Hi all, this tournament will be based off a normal poker tournament in which the winner is the player who can accumulate everyone else's chips. One game will be played at a time, so freemiums are welcome if they can save a slot throughout their life in the tournament.
Map/Settings Poker Club, Terminator, Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Foggy
UPDATE: ServinPainCakes has been banned from the site. We will not replace him with a reserve, one table will be down one player to begin with, randomly.
Rules 1. Each player will begin with $2000 in chips.
2. Players will be split into tables of 4 or 5 players, depending on tournament size. Tables will be randomized with each new game. As players are eliminated, so are tables, until the Final Table with the final 6 remaining players.
3. Ante - Each game, every player will add their ante to the pot, which the game winner will take. The ante for Game 1 will be $200, and will be raised by another $100 each game.
4. Betting - Bets in each game are separate from the Ante pot. To ensure fair play - THERE IS A HOLD RULE IN EFFECT. For 12 hours after the game is initialized, you MAY NOT attack or take your turn. In this time, however, you can take a took at your drop, and place a bet in game chat based on whether you think you can eliminate someone. When you eliminate a player, you receive the bet that they placed into your funds. Breaking the HOLD RULE will result in a warning the first time, a fine of $1000 the second time, removal from the tournament the third time. If a player does not bet in this time, they will only bet the minimum amount. Each player's bet CAN be different, and does not need to be equal to anyone else.
PROP BETTING - A great suggestion from one of the players. If a player wishes to place a side bet with any other player at the table, they may do so. If both parties agree in game chat, then the bet will be tallied.
5. Minimum Bets - The minimum bet starting game 1 will be $25, then progressively higher: 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 400. Any further rounds will remain at 400.
6. Raise/Fold - At any time, you may raise your original bet in game chat, and others in the game can Call to match yours. If you think you've made a mistake and wish to cancel your last raise, you may say FOLD in game chat and revert to your last bet, but only if no one else has called you. Once you FOLD in a game, you cannot raise again in that game. You may continue to play for both player's bet, and the ante.
7. Low Funds - If a player does not have enough money to complete a full ante and minimum bet for a game, they will be allowed to play, but MUST win the game to continue in the tournament. Not winning will automatically eliminate them from the tournament. All remaining money for that player is put into the Ante pot, and if the player is eliminated, the player that eliminated them will receive whatever was put in for that round out of the ante pot.
8. Once a player has no cash, they are eliminated from the tournament.
I'm definitely not going to miss this one. a great tourney Idea. Do you mind clarifying the betting though. What is the benefit to betting higher. It seems like you just lose more chips but gain nothing. I don't think I fully grasp it.
callmecommander wrote:I'm definitely not going to miss this one. a great tourney Idea. Do you mind clarifying the betting though. What is the benefit to betting higher. It seems like you just lose more chips but gain nothing. I don't think I fully grasp it.
Raising your bet is just an option for the game chat - it might not work since people will be wanting to conserve their money, but it's an option. Maybe someone will try to bluff the others in the game? Or get someone else's adrenaline going and try to risk their money as well. I don't expect it to be used much, but it's there in case.