Hello again, ConquerClub! I've been looking over the way things were happening and the admins and I have all come to a consensus that we thought you'd agree upon: updates are being handled horribly.
Updates with no warning/feedback, updates with no announcement, and updates being released at sporadic points of time were all unprofessional, uncoordinated, unsupervised, and just..."un."
After further discussion with the other Administrators last night, this thread, along with another item I have planned (to be detailed below), will setup how updates are handled with more consistent standards and feedback/reach.
Here's what we have:
- Updates will always happen at around 3am CC Time and no other time unless it is an emergency
- I will post in this thread with an announcement of every update, no matter how small instead of a new announcement each time. This is more easily accomplished since the updates will be coordinated to take place at the same time each week (if any).
- Feedback: After speculation, it looks like feedback is distorted since not many on the site aren't active forum-goers that actually know what's happening. Due to this, I'm setting up a trial way to gather feedback from non forum-goers in conjunction with everyone else. Once I get it all tacked down, I'll release it as an update to you guys for a trial run. Hoorah for feedback!
Along with this, I have a list of things that we should cover:
- After much, much public feedback, the New Medals have been switched to 'Platinum'. They will be fixed as soon as possible (I'm petitioning that it be included in Next week's update...possibly sooner).
- Game finder is no longer auto-filled with preselected items.
- Due to low activity, the ConquerClub Shop at Zazzle will be removed from the site. Goodbye, Zazzle -- a sad day indeed!
- I just have some other minor things that have been unannounced:
- Game Finder Results are remembered
- Don't Allow Inactive Members to Receive Invites
- Password Bug Fixed!
- Player Tag Problem Fixed!
- 50 Waiting Games Bug Fixed!
- Explain Moderator Duties More Done!
- Rename Player 'V' Done!
- Login Using HTTPS
- Auto-Focus On Login Form (and more!) Done!
- Rank Icon Links to Rank Page Done!
There are many more, too, thanks to teamwide coding efforts to help better round off our site. Thank you for your time, patience, and understanding for the bugs. Best,
--rdsrds2120 (BMO)