Welcome to the 5th Participants: 23 players (some players have won multiple tournaments)
Type: Best of 3, 1v1 Single elimination bracket
Settings: Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Sunny
Maps: The 5th 32 maps on CC (maps 129 to 160)
Prize: A General Achievement medal & 3 months premium
show: Participants
BluU delibekir ejph general cod Gilligan greenoaks jemal_fixit Junior Bee lenesuLensois Loose Canon Most_Wanted Ninja Champion osujacket rockfist Serreski shoop76 stevehopkins TheQuietOne TheTrueNorthtraffic133 V.J.whydelilah Replacements Triple 6 mcshanester29 Ugly_Moose djelebert GhoStedar
show: KISS Winners and map list
Eastern Hemisphere: jemal_fixitPeloponnesian War: BluUOceania: shoop76Land And Sea: greenoaksCastle Lands: rockfistGreenland: delibekirIndian Empire: Junior BeePoison Rome: GilliganGilgamesh: shoop76Vancouver: lenesuRoute 66: BluUFirst Nations North America: whydelilahAusterlitz: shoop76England: whydelilahThird Crusade: Loose CanonWWII Poland: stevehopkinsRail Africa: V.J.Jamaica: osujacketFeudal Epic: Ninja ChampionHive: TheQuietOneChicago: TheTrueNorthFractured America: SerreskiAtlantis: general codJapan: traffic13313 Colonies: traffic133Monsters: ejphDawn Of Ages: Most_WantedNordic Countries: BluUUnification Germany: lenesuUnification Italy: TheTrueNorthFlanders 1302: LensoisCentral America: BluU
show: rules
it will be a best of 3 - each winner's map and a random one from the 32 maps this GF tourney covers. settings will be standard KISS settings. several people have won multiple tournaments but they won't have to forfeit those additional places as i have 23 different winners. 8 different players is the minimum. if someone meets themselves they automatically advance to the next round AND may choose which of those 2 maps they play with. that decision can be remade each round. if the winner of a lead-in tournament does not play in round 1 they will be replaced by the runner-up. as per my usual procedure, round 2 onwards is a bye to the opposition.