Non-Premium Players Welcome
Hello and welcome to 9-ball pool tournament, a NateWolfman production

In 9-ball pool two players take turns taking shots at 9 balls on the table, the balls must be sunk in sequential order, 1, 2, 3 ect until the 9th ball. If you miss sinking a ball along the way your opponent is up. The winner in this game is decided by the player that sinks the final ball, often times a player will sink more then half the balls then miss, and the following player will step up after all your hard work and steal the win.
-Map: Doodle Earth (Why? Because it is a good fast paced map that works well for this tournament)
-Gameplay: Standard 1v1 (much like in regular 9-ball)
-Fort: Chained (one shot one pocket)
-Cards: No Cards (No Cards in a pool game!!!)
-Fog: Sunny (You must see the balls to line up your shots)
Now for the complicated part... The number of balls you sink is based on the turns it takes you to defeat an opponent.
3 turns: 9 balls sunk
4 turns: 8 balls sunk
5 turns: 7 balls sunk
6 turns: 6 balls sunk
7 turns: 5 balls sunk
8 turns: 4 balls sunk
9 turns: 3 balls sunk
10 turns: 2 balls sunk
11 turns: 1 ball sunk
12+ turns: 0 balls sunk
If not all 9 balls were sunk in the single game, then we play another game, with the number sunk carrying over again. It dosnt matter how many games you win, but whoever wins the game that sinks that 9th ball is the winner and will advance! good luck everyone, and of course have fun