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Star Trek: To Boldly Go [Winner: negoeien]

Tournaments completed in 2008.

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Star Trek: To Boldly Go [Winner: negoeien]

Postby barterer2002 on Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:34 am

Alright, I've been considering this one for the past two months and wanted to wait until some of my other tourneys finished up but I just can't wait any longer. So here it is

The Star Trek Tournament: TO Boldly Go where No Tournament has Gone Before

Here's the way it will work. There will be 64 players who will play 7 games at a time. Thus this tournament will be open to PREMIUMS ONLY.

There are 8 Regions with 8 characters to play from. Each character will play one 8 player game, one 7 plyaer game, one 6 player game, one 5 player game, one 4 player game, one 3 player game and 1 1v1 game.

You will not necessarily be playing players from within your region but could be from any where within the Star Trek universe. Now obviously some numbers do not work with 64 so you may be saying how are we going to play 7 player games, what happens to the extra players. That's where I come in. I'm not competing in this tournament but will be playing enough games to fill in the empty slots so I'll have 6 7 player games, 2 6 player games, 1 5 player game and 2 3 player games to play. That will make it so that everyone can play one of each.

Matchups will be done on All names will be entered and randomized, the first 8 will play an 8 player game and so forth. The list will then be re-randomized for 7 player games until all the games are settled.

Scoring. I've debated this one and looked at some of the scoring systems that others have used but in the end I believe that this is a game that should be played to win. Thus you win or you lose. Each win counts as 1 point and nothing else. Yes this means that a win in an 8 player game counts the same as a win in a 1v1 game. So you'd better win those games if you want to be in it at the end. It may seem harsh but in the end this game is about winning and, to quote from a different sci-fi universe, There can be only one.

Finals. Each region will maintain seperate scoring and will crown its own regional champion giving us 8. (ties will be broken on a one game play off among all tied with the winner advancing).

To sign up you need to select a character that has not yet been selected. If you select a character that has been otherwise selected or if you just sign up without selecting a character I will assign you one. The characters in play are the ones we are playing with so don't pick one that isn't there.

This is star trek and as a result the settings will be as follows:

Map SPACE (all games)
all games are sequential and sunny
1v1 games chained, no cards
3 player adjacent, escalating
4 player unlimited, flat rate
5 player chained, flat rate
6 player unlimited, escalating
7 player chained escalating
8 player unlimited escalating
Last edited by barterer2002 on Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby barterer2002 on Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:35 am

Here are the characters and regions that we are playing

For those who don't know my scoring. it reads games won/possible wins so a 2/4 would mean that the player has 2 wins and if they win the rest of the games they are active in can get to 4 wins. In parenthesis it'll tell what events were won.

The Original Series Region
Lieutenant Uhura dtellis 3 wins (5 way, 6 player, 7 player)
Sulu AfroDwarf 2 wins (1v1, 7 player)
Pavel Chekov EdwinG 2 wins (1v1, 5 way)
Captain Kirk mushin 2 wins (3 way, 6 player)
Ensign Rand Gilligan 2 wins (1v1, 4 way)
Scottie-peanutsdad 1 win (6 player)
Spock reahma 0 wins
Dr. McCoy acores2005 0 wins

The Next Generation Region FULL
Captain Picard jaybebo 3 wins (1v1, 4 way, 5 way) won playoff
[b]Commander Riker dfp2dep 3 wins (1v1, 3 way, 4 way)[/b]
Deanna Troi VermiciousDad 2 wins (1v1, 3 way)
Geordi La Forge hschroed78 2 wins(3 way, 4 way)
Worf thekidstrumpet 1 win (3 way)
Data heatz 1 win (1v1)
Natasha Yar vikprez 1 win (1v1)
Beverly Crusher denominator 0 wins

The Deep Space Nine Region FULL
Quark gonzo111 4 wins (1v1, 3 way, 4 way, 6 player)
Odo hecter 2 wins (1v1, 5 way)
Miles O'Brien brandoncfi 1 win (1v1)
Julian Bashir Jeremy21 1 win (1v1)
Jake Sisko guylian 1 win (3 way)
Jadzia Dax seamusvibe 1 win (1v1)
Benjamin Sisko RedBaron0 1 win (4 way)
Kira Nerys Evil Semp 0 wins

The Voyager Region FULL
Captain Janeway spidey 5 wins (1v1, 3 way, 4 player 7 player, 8 player)
Tuvok DimnjacarStef 4 wins (1v1, 4 way, 6 player 8 way)
Chakotay tiberiusaquila 4 wins (1v1, 3 way, 4 way, 7 player)
Tom Paris dragon dor 2 wins (1v1. 8 player)
Neelix oakleyshole 2 wins (1v1, 7 player)
Bā€™Elanna Torres poptartpsycho18 1 win (3 way)
Seven of Nine Juls 1 win (3 way)
The Doctor c3po 0 wins

The Enterprise Region
Travis Mayweather MuzzaG 3 wins (1v1, 5 player, 7 player) Game 3065043 won tiebreaker
Dr. Phlox Serbia 3 wins (3 way, 6 player, 7 player)
Commander Tucker KingPrime 2 wins (6 player, 8 player)
Captain Archer AtreidesHouse 2 wins (1v1, 3 way)
Malcolm Reed uofajac 2 wins (1v1, 4 way)
Ensign Daniels Ghost_Rider 1 win (3 way)
Hoshi Sato wpg27offsuit 1 win (3 way)
T'Pol Drasill 1 win (5 way)

The Villians Region FULL
The Cardassians SWeko 4 wins (1v1, 3 way, 5 way, 8 way)
V'ger Bboru 3 wins (1v1, 5 way, 8 player)
The Borg Godd 2 wins (3 way 5 way)
Jem'Hadar Risky_Stud 1 win (8 player)
The Xindi arkaxow 1 wins (6 player)
Q befera 1 win (4 way)
Species 8472 Icefog99 0 wins
The Dominion jezboy 0 wins

The Ships Region FULL
USS Excalibur negoeien 4 wins (1v1, 4 way, 5 way 6 player)
Defiant musteriuz 2/3 (1v1, 3 way) Game 3065036
Terok Nor vexx 2/3 (3 way, 4 way) Game 3065036
Voyager Darin44 2 wins (1v1, 8 player) Game 3065032
NCC-1701D ultraman 2 wins (3 way, 5 way)
NX-01 PAUL912 1 win (1v1)
USS Titan vragus 1 win (6 player)
NCC-1701 Drunk_Idiot 1 win (1v1)

The Novels Region FULL
Captain Rachel Garrett harvmax 3 wins(1v1, 4 way, 7 player) won tiebreaker
Elizabeth Shelby MEK 3 wins (1v1, 3 way, 7 player)
Emperor Tiberius Deech 2 wins (1v1, 4 way)
Grand Nagus Rom japser_be 2 wins (1v1, 4 way)
Captain John Harriman. warlord06 1 win (1v1)
Elias Vaughn elfcasino 1 game (5 player)
Captain Morgan Bateson Spinal 0 wins
Captain Mackenzie Calhoun mangus 0 wins

Advancing to Round 2

Advancing to playoff to get to round 2

The finals
negoeien 3/5 (1v1, 3 way, 5 way)
dtellis 3/4 (1v1, 3 way, 5 way)
spidey 1/3 (3 way)
jaybebo 1/3 (1v1)
MuzzaG 1/2 (1v1)
Sweko 0/2
hecter 0/2
harvmax 0/2
Last edited by barterer2002 on Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:35 pm, edited 36 times in total.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby spidey on Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:49 am

I want in just let me know what other info you will need from me once you have the regions set up
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby jaybebo on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:25 am

I would like to be Captain Picard in the Next Generation Region
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby indy62 on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:25 am

In - Picard please
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby Bboru on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:25 am

I'm your V'ger-berry
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby Juls on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:26 am

seven of nine please!
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby Godd on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:27 am

Im in- The Borg

did you know that William Shatner is the most arrogant person in real life? Yes I have ran into him and I Do not like him at all!
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby hschroed78 on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:29 am

IĀ“m in as Geordi La Forge.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby mushin on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:29 am

Godd wrote:Im in- The Borg

did you know that William Shatner is the most arrogant person in real life? Yes I have ran into him and I Do not like him at all!

Most arrogant person ever!!!!


Give me Capt Kirk
If I seem slightly confused somebody please slap me.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby Icefog99 on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:33 am

Im in - Species 8472 please
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby negoeien on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:33 am

whichever character
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby reahma on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:34 am

Spock please. Thanks.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby dtellis on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:34 am

I'll play. I'll be Spock if he is still available.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby acores2005 on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:35 am

Dr. McCoy
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby AfroDwarf on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:35 am

Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor not a gamer. Oh that game, well sure I'll play.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby tiberiusaquila on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:35 am

I'm in.

Emperor Tiberius, naturally.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby SWeko on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:35 am

I want to play with Elim Garak, he should be in the Deep Space 9 region.
He's more of a character then Jake Sisco anyway :)
If it's not possible to change the rosters, then give me The Noble Cardassians.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby EdwinG on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:36 am

Sign me in as Chekov.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby AfroDwarf on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:37 am

Since I appear to have been ninja'd by mere seconds, I guess I'll switch to Sulu.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby Darin44 on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:39 am

put me in

The Ships Region

going on vacation 23rd to 26th August
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby uofajac on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:40 am

I'll play. Put me anywhere. Don't care.
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby dfp2dep on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:41 am

i'm in Commander Riker
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby jezboy on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:53 am

the Borg please
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Re: Star Trek: To Boldy Go

Postby musteriuz on Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:03 pm

I'll play as Defiant, thanks.
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