hi and welcome to pokemon diamond
well work the same as pokemon pearl but winner is dialga master of time pearl worked like this
all 3 player games
pokemon well be
1. Alakazam acores2005
2. Staraptor barterer2002
3. Infernape Kalano Sanchin
4. Empoleon Jonny_Bravo92
5. Honchkrow plurple
6. Torterra c3po
7. Manectric Schwournes
8. Swampert shadowllama
9. Spiritomb dustin800
10. Garchomp weatherdude92
11. Rampardos adrunkceltx
12. Bastiodon dtellis
13. Electabuzz Godd
14. Raichu Tupence
15. Golem jgazaille
16. Steelix Gilligan
17. Cherubi Stephen Wayne
18. Roserade Tea leaves
19. Kadabra saaimen
20. Mr. Mime AgentSmith88
21. Staravia Dota
22. Ursaring RedBaron0
23. Tyranitar HighlanderAttack
24. Venusaur warlord06
25. Blastoise InsomniaRed
26. eevee dittoeevee8888
27. Sceptile Lucifer4o
maps will be Doodle Earth for round 1 round 2 will be Africa round 3 will be World 2.1 enjoy