First Round:Games 1-9: Game 4662314,
Game 4662315,
Game 4662316Game 4718506,
Game 4718507,
Game 4718509Game 4759813,
Game 4759820,
Game 47598211. *blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividebyzero, nephilim----------------4 HorsemenWon 4662314, 4662315, 4662316, 4718506, 4718509, 4759813, 4759821, 4759820 44.0
2. *WPBRJ , Meggy, Hacx5nine,Riskier than you--------------------Block Heads Won 4718507 5-3=2.0
Games 10-18: Game 4638806,
Game 4638808,
Game 4638809Game 4718510,
Game 4718511,
Game 4718513Game 4759823,
Game 4759824,
Game 47598263. *Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall----------------------------Rangers of the NorthWon 4638808, 4638809, 4718510, 4759824 21.5
4.*aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters----------------------Four-Skins Won 4638806, 4718511, 4718513, 4750823, 4759826 25-3=22.0
Games 19-27: JP Darths Chariot of Fire forfeited -18 OUT
Eternal Empire forfeited -18 OUT
Games 28-36: Game 4638813,
Game 4638814,
Game 4638815Game 4718514,
Game 4718515,
Game 4718517Game 4759827,
Game 4759837,
Game 47598387. *jgalioto, bigragooch, geoe, Haggis_McMutton-------------------Bigragooch and His ImmortalsWon 4638813, 4638814, 4716514, 4759838, 4718517, 4759837, 4718515 35.5
8. *Natascha, dragon dor, pascalleke, ronc8649---------------------Hun Buns Won 4638815, 4759827 10-3=7.0
Games 37-45: Game 4638816,
Game 4638817,
Game 4638818Game 4718519,
Game 4718520,
Game 4718521Game 4759841,
Game 4759842,
Game 47598439. *Marfski, MEK, speed, gcwca_4_life-------------------------------Death from AboveWon 4638817, 4718520, 4759843 15-6=9.0
10.*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano----------------------The Von Trapp Family SingersWon 4638816, 4718521, 4638818, 4759841, 4759842, 4718519 31.5-9=22.5
Games 46-54: Game 4638822,
Game 4638824,
Game 4638825Game 4718524,
Game 4718525,
Game 4718526Game 4759844,
Game 4759845,
Game 475984611.*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier----The Gray Matters
[b]Won 4638824, 4638822, 4638825, 4718525, 4759846, 4759845, 4759844 38.5
12.*taxmanjle, shaneramma, JockDoc, Supposesublys-------------Magic City Maruaders 10.0
Won 4718524, 4718526Games 55-63: Game 4638827,
Game 4638829,
Game 4638830Game 4718527,
Game 4718528,
Game 4718529Game 4759847,
Game 4759848,
Game 475984913.*iambligh,littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid---------------Black Sheep SquadronWon 4718527, 4718528, 4759849 15.0
14.*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc--------------------------The TeePeesWon 4638827, 4638829, 4638830, 4718529, 4759848, 4759847 32.5-3=29.5
Games 64-72: Game 4638831,
Game 4638832,
Game 4638833Game 4718530,
Game 4718531,
Game 4718534Game 4759851,
Game 4759852,
Game 475985415.*Theotherone, desmondI08, jmelovesGod, brentalexander----Bruce Brothers
[b]Won 4638832, 4638831, 4638534, 4639854, 4718530 27.0
16.*Bigballinstalin, Nola_Lifer, Bigus_Dogus, Amish Ninja--------One Brit and the Crescent City Conquerors4638833, 4718531, 4759852, 4759851 21.5
Games 73-81: Game 4638834,
Game 4638835,
Game 4638837Game 4718536,
Game 4718537,
Game 4718538Game 4759855,
Game 4759856,
Game 475985717.*Woodruff, jlduff, Bolo XXXV, Armadillo-------------------------Name to be Determined 0.0
18.*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd----------------OutsidersWon 4638837, 4638834, 4638835, 4718537, 4718536, 4759855, 4759856, 4718538, 4759857 48.5-3=45.5
Games 82-90: Game 4638838,
Game 4638839,
Game 4638840Game 4718539,
Game 4718541,
Game 4718542Game 4759859,
Game 4759861,
Game 475986319.*murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet, King sam------------------------LOD Won 4638838, 4638839, 4718539, 4718542, 4759859 25-3=22.0
20.*rbelgrod, paddy the cat, the true north, phantomzero---------Regulated SexahloicsWon 4638840, 4718541, 4759861, 4759863 20.0
Second Round:Games 91-99:Game 4944621,
Game 4944624,
Game 4944626Game 4995299,
Game 4995302,
Game 4995303Game 4995336,
Game 4995340,
Game 4995341*blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividebyzero, nephilim----------------4 Horsemen Won: 4944626, 4944624, 4944621, 4995336, 4995302, 4995303=33.0
*rbelgrod, paddy the cat, the true north, phantomzero---------Regulated SexahloicsWon: 4995341, 4995299, 4995340=15.0
Games 100-108:Game 4944627,
Game 4944628,
Game 4944631Game 4995307,
Game 4995308,
Game 4995309Game 4995343,
Game 4995344,
Game 4995345*Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall----------------------------Rangers of the NorthWon: 4995309, 4944628, 4995308, 4995307=22.0
*murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet, King sam------------------------LOD Won: 4944627, 4944631, 4995343, 4995344, 4995345=26.5
Games 109-117:Game 4944634,
Game 4944635,
Game 4944636Game 4995310,
Game 4995311,
Game 4995313Game 4995349,
Game 4995351,
Game 4995352*aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters----------------------Four-Skins Won: 4944636, 4995349, 4995351, 4995352=20.0
*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd----------------OutsidersWon: 4944635, 4944634, 4995313, 4995310, 4995311=27.5
Games 118-126:Game 4944640,
Game 4944641,
Game 4944642Game 4995314,
Game 4995315,
Game 4995316Game 4995353,
Game 4995354,
Game 4995355*jgalioto, bigragooch, geoe, Haggis_McMutton-------------------Bigragooch and His ImmortalsWon: 4944640, 4944642, 4995315, 4995316, 4995354, 4995355, 4995353=36.5
*Bigballinstalin, Nola_Lifer, Bigus_Dogus, Amish Ninja--------One Brit and the Crescent City ConquerorsWon: 4944641, 4995314=11.0
Games 127-135:Game 4944646,
Game 4944648,
Game 4944649Game 4995318,
Game 4995320,
Game 4995321Game 4995356,
Game 4995359,
Game 4995360*Natascha, dragon dor, pascalleke, ronc8649---------------------Hun Buns Won: 4995321, 4944648, 4944649, 4995318, 49953204995356, 4995360=35-20=15.0
*Theotherone, desmondI08, jmelovesGod, brentalexander----Bruce Brothers Won: 4944646, 4995359=10.0-6.0=4.0
Games 136-144:Game 4944651,
Game 4944653,
Game 4944654Game 4995323,
Game 4995324,
Game 4995325Game 4995361,
Game 4995362,
Game 4995363*Marfski, MEK, speed, gcwca_4_life-------------------------------Death from AboveWon: 4944653, 4995362, 4995363=15.0
*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc--------------------------The TeePeesWon: 4944654, 4944651, 4945323, 4995324, 4995325, 4995361=33.0
Games 145-153:Game 4944655,
Game 4944657,
Game 4944658Game 4995327,
Game 4995328,
Game 4995330Game 4995364,
Game 4995365,
Game 4995366*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano----------------------The Von Trapp Family Singers Won: 4944657, 4995366, 4995364, 4995365=21.0
*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier----The Gray MattersWon: 4944655, 4944658, 4995327, 4995328, 4995330=27.5
Games 154-162:Game 4944660,
Game 4944662,
Game 4944663Game 4995331,
Game 4995333,
Game 4995335Game 4995367,
Game 4995368,
Game 4995369*taxmanjle, shaneramma, JockDoc, Supposesublys, SC MAN----Magic City MaruadersWon: 4944662, 4995335, 4995368=15.0-12.0=3.0
*iambligh, littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid---------------Black Sheep SquadronWon: 4944660, 4944663, 4995331, 4995333, 4995367, 4995369=30.0
Third Round:Games 173-181:Game 5203803,
Game 5203806,
Game 5203807Game 5246980,
Game 5246981,
Game 5246983Game 5277142,
Game 5277143,
Game 5277144*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividebyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------HorsemenWon: 5203806, 5203807, 5203803, 5246981, 5277142, 5277143, 5277144=38.5
*Bigballinstalin, Nola_Lifer, Bigus_Dogus, Amish Ninja, Scottyboymck-One Brit & Crescent City Conquerors Won: 5246983, 5246980=11-6=5.0
Games 182-190:Game 5203808,
Game 5203810,
Game 5203811Game 5246984,
Game 5246985,
Game 5246986Game 5277145,
Game 5277146,
Game 5277147*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd----------------OutsidersWon: 5203808, 5246986, 5203811, 5277146, 5277145=27.5
*rbelgrod, paddy the cat, the true north, phantomzero---------Regulated Sexahloics Won: 5203810, 5246984, 5246985, 5277147=20-9=11.0
Games 191-199:Game 5203812,
Game 5203813,
Game 5203814Game 5246988,
Game 5246989,
Game 5246990Game 5277148,
Game 5277149,
Game 5277150*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton--------------Bigragooch and His ImmortalsWon: 5246988, 5246989, 5203814, 5203813, 5203812, 5277150, 5277149, 5277148=42.0
*aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters----------------------Four-Skins Won: 5246990=5.0
Games 200-208:Game 5203816,
Game 5203817,
Game 5203818Game 5246991,
Game 5246992,
Game 5246994Game 5277151,
Game 5277152,
Game 5277153*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier----------The Gray MattersWon: 5203818, 5203816, 5203817, 5246992, 5246994, 5246991, 5277152=38.5-6=32.5
*Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall, danfrank, ralphcptc---------Rangers of the North Won: 5277151, 5277153=10-3=7.0
Games 209-217:Game 5203820,
Game 5203821,
Game 5203822Game 5246995,
Game 5246996,
Game 5246997Game 5277156,
Game 5277157,
Game 5277158*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc--------------------------The TeePeesWon: 5248995, 5277156=10.5-3=7.5
*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano----------------------The Von Trapp Family SingersWon: 5203821, 5203820, 5203822, 5246996, 5246997, 5277158, 527157=38-3=35.5
Games 218-226:Game 5203824,
Game 5203825,
Game 5203826Game 5246999,
Game 5247000,
Game 5247001Game 5277160,
Game 5277161,
Game 5277162*iambligh, littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid, hiddendragon--Black Sheep SquadronWon: 5203824, 5247001, 527760=15-6=9.0
*King sam, murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet------------------------LOD Won: 5203825, 5203826, 5246999, 5247000, 5277162, 5277161=32-4.5=27.5
4th Round:Games 227-235:Game 5516144,
Game 5516145,
Game 5516146Game 5589881,
Game 5589883,
Game 5589884Game 5648796,
Game 5648798,
Game 5648799*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividedbyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------------HorsemenWon: 5516144, 5516145, 5589884, 5589881, 5648798, 5648796=33.0
*King sam, murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet, Bluu------------------------------------------AOD Won: 5516146, 5589883, 5648799=16.5
Games 236-244:Game 5516148,
Game 5516149,
Game 5516150Game 5589885,
Game 5589887,
Game 5589888Game 5648800,
Game 5648806,
Game 5648807*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Blindmatt, Drew483----Bigragooch and His ImmortalsWon: 5516149, 5516150, 5589888, 5589887, 5648806, 5589885, 5648807=37.0
*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd--------------------------OutsidersWon: 5516148, 5648800=11.0
Games 255-266:Game 5516151,
Game 5516152,
Game 5516153Game 5589890,
Game 5589892,
Game 5589893Game 5648810,
Game 5648813,
Game 5648815*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier-------------The Gray MattersWon: 5516153, 5516151, 5589893, 5589890, 5648815, 5648813=33.0
*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc------------------------------------The TeePeesWon: 5516152, 5589892, 5648810=15.5-3.0=12.5
Games 267-278:Game 5516154,
Game 5516155,
Game 5516156Game 5589895,
Game 5589897,
Game 5589898Game 5648819,
Game 5648826,
Game 5648828*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano--------------------------------The Von Trapp Family SingersWon: 5516155, 5516156, 5516154, 5589898, 5648828, 5648819=32.0
*iambligh, littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid, hiddendragon, andy1975----Black Sheep SquadronWon: 5589895, 5589897, 5648826=15.0-3.0=12.0
5th Round:Games 279-287:Game 5801472,
Game 5801473,
Game 5801474Game 5842295,
Game 5842296,
Game 5842297Game 5842307,
Game 5842308,
Game 5842312*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Blindmatt, Drew483----Bigragooch and His ImmortalsWon: 5801472, 5801474, 5842297, 5842296, 5842295=26.5-6=20.5
*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier-------------The Gray MattersWon: 5801473, 5842312, 5842307, 5842308=21.5-4.5=16.5
Games 288-296:Game 5801465,
Game 5801466,
Game 5801467Game 5842292,
Game 5842293,
Game 5842294Game 5842314,
Game 5842315,
Game 5842316*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividedbyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------------HorsemenWon: 5801466, 5801465, 5842292, 5842314, 5842315=27.5
*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd--------------------------OutsidersWon: 5801467, 5842293, 5842294, 5842316=21.5
6th + Finals Round Ongoing:Game 6005328,
Game 6005329,
Game 6005350Game 6050537,
Game 6050538,
Game 6050539Game 6050541,
Game 6050543,
Game 6050544Games 297-305:*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividedbyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------------HorsemenWon: 6005328, 6005350, 6050537, 6050541=21.5
*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Blindmatt, Drew483----Bigragooch and His ImmortalsWon: 6005329, 6050539, 6050538, 6050544, 6050543=26.0