Alliance of the Ancient Tribes – Mixed Triples
Congratulations to the winners - ghirrindin, farrier101 and skepticCS
Original Scenario
As civilisations of the Ancient World begin to grow and develop sea-faring vessels, many tribal leaders have realized the value of forming alliances to prevent local wars and develop combined armies capable of invading and exploiting other regions.
This is a Triples tournament, with 8 teams (24 players in total). It follows a simple knock-out (bracket) structure.
The Tribal Alliances
As each region’s alliance combines the forces of tribes of varying military strength, each team must be a mix of players as follows:
- (1) Maximum of one triples gold medal holder (unlimited points) - This could be a silver or bronze medal player if you wish.
(2) One triples bronze or silver medal holder with a maximum of 1999 points.
(3) One triples bronze medal holder (or player with no triples medal) and a maximum of 1599 points.
Players should join as a team (although players are welcome to post if they wish to arrange an alliance themselves). When posting to join, each team member’s points total and triples medal status should also be posted. Status at time of sign-up is only relevant - any changes in rank/achievement of medals after sign-up do not affect eligibility.
Each team should also indicate where their alliance is based:
- 1 Persia (Gilgamesh map) - Selected
2 Mongolia - Selected
3 Ancient Greece - Selected
4 Macedonia (Alexander’s Empire Map) - Selected
5 Oceanic Tribes - Selected
6 The Far East (China & Japan) (Asia Map) - Selected
7 Africa - Selected
8 The Andes (South America Map) - Selected
9 Ancient Egypt (Valley of the Kings Map)
10 North American Indians
Freemiums beware – up to 3-games-at-a-time. If a player fails to join a game or deadbeats,(s)he will be replaced by a ‘novice’ (bronze no-medal player).
First Round:
Each civilisation alliance with battle with a neghbouring region*.
Battles will be fought in both regions. If neither alliance manages to gain superiority then a naval battle will finalise and determine which region gains superiority (High Seas Map).
*For Example:
The Macedonians will battle The Greeks
The Egyptians will battle The Persians
The Mongols will battle the Chinese & Japanese
The Africans will battle The Andes Tribes
Semi-Finals and Finals:
Again, each regional alliance will battle with a relatively close neighbouring region (with a naval battle determining superiority if required).
Match Options
Joining Matches
Some of the other Tournaments by DJ Teflon