Conquer Club

$MONEY MAKER$ [Winners: See 1st Post]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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$MONEY MAKER$ [Winners: See 1st Post]

Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:07 pm

$MONEY MAKER$ Tournament (Quads / Trips)
I'm hosting a tournament based on Earning and Banking Wins or Money, an Idea I got from my good m8 Pedronicus, with my own unique twist. The world is in economic crisis, these are the final people on the planet that have been sent out on a mission to collect the little money left that our planet has. Now they face off in battle to play for $ and power to bring in a new world and to prevent any future bankruptcy.

The winners are THOTA: Blitzaholic, Dividedbyzero, Incandenza, Nephilim and are Champions! =D>

You need to create a team of 4 rich players in skill. One player to be the CEO of team. Your team will need to invent a name for your money making and bank depositing team.
The CEO is in charge of your team. 16 teams and up to 64 players.

Game info will only be pm'd to CEO's to organize their teams. CEO's to post game results in this thread, if the CEO fails to report game results in the thread win or lose within 72 hours, they will get taxed $50 bucks, an automatic withdrawal. This also includes the CEO posting how many team members survived. Captains or CEO's over all others need to demonstrate fiscal responsibility to protect their assets.

Team Requirements:
All Premium Players for this one, if one player runs out during tourney of premium on a team and goes to freemium, just always save at least 3 spots. Anyone on FOE must be removed for this tourney or simply do not enter nor waste my time.

Game settings (All Games):
No spoils and Escalating.
Chained and Unlimited.
Foggy and Sunny.

Game arrangements:
All teams play each map once. Teams will be placed in a hat and pulled out at random (best of 7 per round every round) Single elimination, but only 3 or 4 games will be played at a time. ALL 7 games must be played, and no 2 teams will face each other 2x, unless some strange reason they meet up again in the finals.

Time Limits: Your team has 72 hours for all to join, if not, taxed $10.00, if not within 96 hours, taxed $25.00, if not all joined by 1 week, taxed $50.00. I reserve the right to forfeit anyone that has not joined within a week. I also reserve the right to allow or deny any entrants into this tourney based on past negative behavior or possible abuse of the game at my discretion.

Winning any game gives you a deposit of + $100.00. Each member of your team that survives earns interest of $5.00 per person surviving.

The name of the game! All teams will start with $1,000.00. Out of the 16 teams 1st round, The 8 teams with the most $ advance to next round. Then the 4 teams with most $ advance to the final 4, Next, the last 2 teams standing face off for the championship. For some reason if there is a tie between 2 teams, in order to see who advances, a quad game on the Forbidden City will be played, the team that wins, will receive NO points, where it will be an extra game, but, played to show what team advances. It is forbidden due to rare currency being lost, so if this occurs, find it. The winning team is the team who won the most money.

Poker Trips (Gotta gamble to win)
NYC Quads (Valued stocks @ Wall Street if you invest wisely)
Battle of Iraq Trips (Oil based trades are a rich resource)
Age of Merchants Trips (Times are tight on funds, Trading is a good supply of $$$)
Poker Quads (Got gamble in ya?) I know this is a repeat map - but 1 is trips, 1 is quads, besides, it's a fast way to make $ if lady luck is on your side
US Senate Quads (Politicians feud over the mighty dollar)
New World Trips (Money becomes rare again, (just $1.00 seems like a billion) then the richest team sparks vision for the future to avoid another economic crisis from ever happening)
The winning team is the team who won the most money.
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Mon May 10, 2010 4:34 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:08 pm

reserved for sign ups and team names, * = CEO and Money standings!

1. *Blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, incandenza, nephilim--------------------------4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
2. *lord voldemort, Risky_Stud, Phr34ky, phantomzero-----------------------Dragoons
3. *MrBenn, InsomniaRed, MrMoody, slowreactor------------------------------Eternal Empire
4. *Natascha, Dragon dor, lejul, nachito---------------------------------------- EUROPEANS
5. *rbelgrod, gorehound, the prowler, CAPK81 ---------------------------------Sexaholics
6. *theotherone, desmondI08, brentalexander, jmelovesGod---------------- The Bruce Bankers
7. *PepeAtila, leolou2, Xpagnol, aniximo-----------------------------------------Millionairs
8. *gehrem, blockhead15, sour, girque ----------------------------------------- The TeePees
9. *RedFun, 69Chevy, Iron Maid, MarVal-----------------------------------------¥€$!
10.*danryan, finchboy, brian fletcher, wolfpack0530---------------------------Outlaws
11.*MyTurnToWin, conquer hero, joeaggie98, kemeryj------------------------The Four Spendthrifts
12.*hiddendragon, HighlanderAttack, littlebrother2k7, Andyman1975--------BSS
13.*laughingcavalier, king sam, xxtig12683xx, VampireM---------------------Angels of Death
14.*shoop76, gubarretto, Lunch36. crashAWC----------------------------------Marauders
15.*freakns, lordnex, dinustef, trboye--------------------------------------------Endzone
16.*Chuuuuck, TheSpaceCowboy, Ninja Champion, Toxicmickey--------------Empire

$ $ $ $ $ THE $-MONEY-$ STANDINGS $ $ $ $ $

01. 4 Horsemen @ da Apocalyp$e.. = $3,335.00
02. Endzone........................... = $3,025.00
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Wed May 19, 2010 7:14 am, edited 142 times in total.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:09 pm

1. *Blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, incandenza, nephilim--------------------------4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
2. *lord voldemort, Risky_Stud, Phr34ky, phantomzero-----------------------Dragoons
3. *MrBenn, InsomniaRed, MrMoody, slowreactor------------------------------Eternal Empire
4. *Dragon dor, lejul, nachito, natascha---------------------------------------- EUROPEANS
5. *rbelgrod, gorehound, the prowler, CAPK81 ---------------------------------Sexaholics
6. *theotherone, desmondI08, brentalexander, jmelovesGod---------------- The Bruce Bankers
7. *PepeAtila, leolou2, Xpagnol, aniximo-----------------------------------------Millionairs
8. *gehrem, blockhead15, sour, girque ----------------------------------------- The TeePees
9. *RedFun, 69Chevy, Iron Maid, MarVal-----------------------------------------¥€$!
10.*danryan, finchboy, brian fletcher, wolfpack0530---------------------------Outlaws
11.*MyTurnToWin, conquer hero, joeaggie98, kemeryj------------------------The Four Spendthrifts
12.*hiddendragon, HighlanderAttack, littlebrother2k7, Andyman1975--------BSS
13.*laughingcavalier, king sam, xxtig12683xx, VampireM---------------------Angels of Death
14.*shoop76, gubarretto, Lunch36. crashAWC----------------------------------Marauders
15.*freakns, lordnex, dinustef, trboye--------------------------------------------Endzone
16.*Chuuuuck, TheSpaceCowboy, Ninja Champion, Toxicmickey--------------Empire

First Round:

Games 1-7:
Game 5649185, Game 5649321, Game 5649338,
Game 5711453, Game 5711463, Game 5711473, Game 5711483
Team: 1 (*Dragon dor, lejul, nachito, natascha---------------------------------------- EUROPEANS)
Team: 2 (*shoop76, Army of nonubaga, Lunch36. crashAWC--------------------------Marauders)

Games 8-14:
Game 5649189, Game 5649323, Game 5649339,
Game 5711454, Game 5711464, Game 5711474, Game 5711484
Team: 1 (*MyTurnToWin, conquer hero, joeaggie98, kemeryj------------------------The Four Spendthrifts)
Team: 2 (*PepeAtila, leolou2, Xpagnol, aniximo-----------------------------------------Millionairs)

Games 21-28:
Game 5649190, Game 5649325, Game 5649341,
Game 5711455, Game 5711465, Game 5711476, Game 5711485
Team: 1 (*freakns, lordnex, dinustef, trboye--------------------------------------------Endzone)
Team: 2 (*rbelgrod, gorehound, the prowler, CAPK81 ---------------------------------Sexaholics)

Games 29-35:
Game 5649191, Game 5649326, Game 5649342,
Game 5711456, Game 5711466, Game 5711477, Game 5711486
Team: 1 (*RedFun, 69Chevy, Iron Maid, MarVal-----------------------------------------¥€$!)
Team: 2 (*gehrem, blockhead15, sour, girque ----------------------------------------- The TeePees)

Games 36-42:
Game 5649194, Game 5649327, Game 5649343,
Game 5711458, Game 5711468, Game 5711478, Game 5711487
Team: 1 (*Chuuuuck, TheSpaceCowboy, Ninja Champion, Toxicmickey--------------Empire)
Team: 2 (*danryan, finchboy, brian fletcher, wolfpack0530---------------------------Outlaws)

Games 43-49:
Game 5649195, Game 5649328, Game 5649344,
Game 5711452, Game 5711462, Game 5711472, Game 5711482
Team: 1 (*theotherone, desmondI08, brentalexander, jmelovesGod---------------- The Bruce Bankers)
Team: 2 (*Blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, incandenza, nephilim-----------------------4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse)

Games 50-56:
Game 5649196, Game 5649329, Game 5649345,
Game 5711459, Game 5711469, Game 5711479, Game 5711489
Team: 1 (*MrBenn, InsomniaRed, MrMoody, slowreactor------------------------------Eternal Empire)
Team: 2 (*lord voldemort, Risky_Stud, Phr34ky, phantomzero-----------------------Dragoons)

Games 57-63:
Game 5649197, Game 5649330, Game 5649346,
Game 5711460, Game 5711470, Game 5711480, Game 5711490
Team: 1 (*laughingcavalier, king sam, xxtig12683xx, VampireM---------------------Angels of Death)
Team: 2 (*hiddendragon, HighlanderAttack, littlebrother2k7, Andyman1975--------BSS)

2nd Round:

Games 64-70 :
Game 5863365, Game 5882392, Game 5936505
Game 5976977, Game 6032245, Game 6062018, Game 6172061

Team: (*hiddendragon, HighlanderAttack, littlebrother2k7, Andyman1975--------BSS)
Team: (*freakns, lordnex, dinustef, trboye-----------------------------------------Endzone)

Games 71-77 :
Game 5863366, Game 5882393, Game 5936506,
Game 5976978, Game 6032247, Game 6062021, Game 6172062

Team: (*lord voldemort, Risky_Stud, Phr34ky, phantomzero-----------------------Dragoons)
Team: (*RedFun, 69Chevy, Iron Maid, MarVal-----------------------------------------¥€$!)

Games 78-84 :
Game 5863367, Game 5882394, Game 5936504,
Game 5976979, Game 6032248, Game 6062024, Game 6172060
Team: (*Blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, incandenza, nephilim----------------------4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Team: (*MyTurnToWin, conquer hero, joeaggie98, kemeryj------------------------The Four Spendthrifts)

Games 85-91 :
Game 5863368, Game 5882395, Game 5936507,
Game 5976980, Game 6032249, Game 6062026, Game 6172063
Team: (*natascha, dragon dor, lejul, nachito ---------------------------------------- EUROPEANS)
Team: (*Chuuuuck, TheSpaceCowboy, Ninja Champion, Toxicmickey--------------Empire)

3rd Round-FINAL 4:

Games 92-99:
(Game 6313714, Game 6342812, Game 6342823,
Game 6416841, Game 6521209, Game 6539951, Game 6615811
Team: 1 (*Blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, incandenza, nephilim----------------4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Team: 2 (*Chuuuuck, TheSpaceCowboy, Ninja Champion, Toxicmickey----------------------------Empire)

Games 100-106:
(Game 6313715, Game 6342813, Game 6342824,
Game 6416842, Game 6521208, Game 6539954, Game 6615815)
Team: 1 (*natascha, dragon dor, lejul, nachito ---------------------------------------- EUROPEANS)
Team: 2 (*freakns, lordnex, dinustef, trboye--------------------------------------------Endzone)

Finals Round:

Games 107-113:
(Game 6708924, Game 6754352, Game 6754360
Game 6777788, Game 6792209, Game 6856210, Game 6856212)
Team: 1 (*Blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, incandenza, nephilim----------------4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Team: 2 (*freakns, lordnex, dinustef, trboye--------------------------------------------Endzone)

The winners are THOTA: Blitzaholic, Dividedbyzero, Incandenza, Nephilim and are Champions! =D>
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Mon May 10, 2010 4:33 pm, edited 51 times in total.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:09 pm

blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, incandenza, nephilim

we in

team name THOTA
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Scott-Land on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:55 pm

Pretty cool concept Blitzy-- I'd play but I don't like those maps and the ones I'd ask to play prolly wouldn't either. :twisted:
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Postby lord voldemort on Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:06 pm

save me a spot...I'm positive ill have a team from goons
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Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:23 pm

Scott-Land wrote:Pretty cool concept Blitzy-- I'd play but I don't like those maps and the ones I'd ask to play prolly wouldn't either. :twisted:

thx scotty

maybe next time I can create another with different maps.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:26 pm

lord voldemort wrote:save me a spot...I'm positive ill have a team from goons

ok, but choose a CEO and team name my friend
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Postby InsomniaRed on Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:47 pm

Eternal Empire is joining!!

InsomniaRed, MrBenn, MrMoody and slowreactor

Hmm I'll make MrBenn CEO ;)
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Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:54 pm

InsomniaRed wrote:Eternal Empire is joining!!

InsomniaRed, MrBenn, MrMoody and slowreactor

Hmm I'll make MrBenn CEO ;)

ok, thx InsomniaRed
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Postby dragon dor on Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:55 am

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Postby Mageplunka69 on Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:54 am

reserve me a spot, will let you know the team
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Postby PepeAtila on Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:56 am

:D I have no time to read, but sure is good
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Postby TheOtherOne on Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:47 am

theotherone, desmondI08, brentalexander, jmelovesGod - The Bruce Bankers

I'll be the CEO
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Postby Blitzaholic on Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:52 am


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Postby Blitzaholic on Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:54 am

rbelgrod wrote:reserve me a spot, will let you know the team


pick the ceo and a name, I am guessing your name is sexaholics

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Postby Blitzaholic on Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:57 am

TheOtherOne wrote:theotherone, desmondI08, brentalexander, jmelovesGod - The Bruce Bankers

I'll be the CEO

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Postby Blitzaholic on Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:01 am

PepeAtila wrote:in
:D I have no time to read, but sure is good

ok Pepe, you need a team of 4, let me know who is the captain or ceo, pick a team name

I will reserve you a spot
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Postby gehrem on Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:02 am

We are in.

gehrem, blockhead15, sour, girque -- The TeePees

I will be the CEO.
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Square Dancing
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Best Movie Ever, CC Edition (Boondock Saints)
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Postby Blitzaholic on Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:27 am

gehrem wrote:We are in.

gehrem, blockhead15, sour, girque -- The TeePees

I will be the CEO.

ok, added

thx gehrem
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Postby MarVal on Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:53 pm

We are in:

Name: ¥€$!

  • Iron Maid
  • MarVal
  • RedFun *
  • 69Chevy *

* = just waiting for their replies :P

Note: I will let you know asap the CEO.

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Postby Blitzaholic on Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:54 pm

MarVal wrote:We are in:

Name: ¥€$!
  • Iron Maid
  • MarVal
  • RedFun *
  • 69Chevy *

* = just waiting for their replies :P


ok, added

let me know you CEO or captain, thx marval
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Postby danryan on Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:58 pm


rest to be announced later.

Team Outlaw, we're here to take your money. If that's too long, O&H.
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Postby Blitzaholic on Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:22 pm

danryan wrote:danryan

rest to be announced later.

Team Outlaw, we're here to take your money. If that's too long, O&H.

sounds good

your added

just need 2 more and a CEO
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Postby PepeAtila on Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:36 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
PepeAtila wrote:in
:D I have no time to read, but sure is good

ok Pepe, you need a team of 4, let me know who is the captain or ceo, pick a team name

I will reserve you a spot

I will be the ceo and the team name for this game I think should be "Millionairs" :D
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