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CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenrir

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CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenrir

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:24 pm


Welcome Comrades to the 66th edition of the Dispatch :)

Supposedly Sully is having internet problems, but I am of the firm belief that he's just fallen off his chair and is trapped under his desk with the modem cord wrapped firmly around a foot! I'm sure it was an accident and other than that I'm saying nothing!! 8-[

Well, there's lots to be proud of here - from the roasting of Master Fenrir to all your favourite divisions. The result is an issue too big to bring to you in one posting!, So we've split it into two parts! Furthermore, for the first time ever, the interrogation itself exceeded the maximum size allowed for enclosure in spoiler tags, so the interrogation itself has been split into three parts!

So, without further ado ... enjoy!! =D>

Foundry Executive


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Welcome back readers, hope everyone had a good leap day. An interview with Master Fenrir awaits you all as he delves into the lycan side of him.

We're debuting the Dear Enrique column, so meet our mysterious new writer.

Freestyle Executive

Ask A Mod! by Victor Sullivan

Dear Enrique by Enrique Alvaro Espionsa Padilla Peñaloza de la Vega

JD's Hot List by Jdsizzleslice

The Scum Insider by thehippo8


show: interrogation of master fenrir part one

show: interrogation of master fenrir part two

show: interrogation of master fenrir part three


It's not easy writing about strategy or calculations but in this issue I think we have a couple of winners for you.

First we have Crazymilkshake5 with his calculations on beating the odds. "To Roll or Not To Roll" is a unique article supplying an interesting site where these calculations can be done.

Secondly we have, well, me. =) Viceroy63, with an article about always being aware of the situation in the game rounds and why. "Round 02" may be a bit lengthy but well worth the read. I guarantee it or your can cancel your subscription as of right now. :lol:

So lets just get right into this and enjoy this Strategy Section of issue 66 of the Conquer Club Newsletter.

To Roll or Not to Roll? by crazymilkshake5

Round 02 by Viceroy63


Hello again my friends, and welcome to your favorite part of the Newsletter, "War Games", where you can find information about CC Tournaments! Our team has put together another absolutely stunning assortment of articles, including three big interviews: greenoaks, koontz1973, and MudPuppy. All our regular features are here too: Dave's Tips, TPA Wrap, and Join This? Or Not!

On the minus side, I have to report that tournament reporter plurple has gotten busy with real life and resigned from our team. Plurple, we wish you the best of luck, both on CC and in real life! (Maybe we'll get a chance to feature some of your tournaments soon!)

For the last two months the TO Usergroup has been busy working on the TO of the Year /TO Career Award /Prime Awards. Today Lindax, current leader of the Usergroup, released the final results. They are posted in the General Info section of the Tournaments forum, but for the benefit of our readers we have reproduced them below, along with a special message from Lindax himself. My personal congratulations go out to all the winners in the many categories! Well done!

Tournament Executive

Primes/TO of the Year/TO Career Award Winners by Lindax
show: message from Lindax and complete list of winners

Meet the Tournament Organisers: greenoaks by WorldCup4James
show: interview with greenoaks

Meet the Tournament Organisers: koontz1973 by Fuzzy316
show: Interview with koontz1973

Meet the Tournament Winners: MudPuppy by Fuzzy316
show: Interview with MudPuppy

Tournament Tips by DaveH
show: Excel Macro to Summarise Points

Join This? Or Not! by NoSurvivors

TPA Wrap by Sensfan
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CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenrir

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:28 pm


And another fortnight swings around and hits us all in the back of the head - now exactly where did that come from?? :shock: Well while I practically slept and ate my way through 14 days of games, games, games, my main man Koontz1973 made like the proverbial worker and practically single-handedly brought you another week of news, views and :-$ controversy! I wish I had a bit more of his mojo! :oops: Actually we can all do with mojo, and if some of you have some then please sing out because the Foundry section is just Koontz1973 and moi at the present. So, if you want to brush off your creative streak and join the most rewarding division in CC then go to this link and follow the instructions! :D

This is another bumper issue! There's the Foundry News and the What's Where in the Foundry both brought to you by Koontz1973. His talent and experience in the Foundry process really shows in his insight, no change there! I found out that There's Something in the Water and I can only hope you never look at water the same way again! Koontz1973 brings us his second part in his Diary of a Map - crucial reading if you are struggling your way through the foundry (or want to!). But, saving the best till last, you have to check out Koontz1973's bombshell article Declining Standards. If this doesn't get you chattering, nothing will! =D>

Thanks and regards and in the immortal words of Benjamin Rush:
Controversy is only dreaded by the advocates of error.

thehippo8 -- Foundry Executive

Foundry News koontz1973

What's Where in the foundry koontz1973

There’s something in the water! by thehippo8

Diary of a map. Rorke's Drift. Part two. koontz1973

Declining Standards koontz1973


Welcome to the latest and greatest in terms of Clan news as we head off our section with an exciting update on the Semi-finals of the Newcomers Cup, and then graduate to the news on the League stage as it heads off down the final straight in Phase 1.
Next we welcome back our French correspondents as they report on their research into Clan Training Groups, this time with ++The Legion++.
And finally comes our creme de la creme, as our monthly exclusive on the latest changes to the F400 ranking by compiler Gunn217.

In other news we're also glad to congratulate our ACC and CC2 reporter alt1978 on his newly-minted appointment as the 4th Clan Director!

Clan Executive

NC2 Semi-Finals Preview Skillfusniper33 (IF)

Clan League 4 by DJ Teflon (Bofm)

Recruitment Method II by QuikSilver & DJoach (LHDD)
French Version

F400 Ranking by Gunn217 (PR)


Stay Tuned for the next issue of the ConquerClub Dispatch for an interrogation of Symmetry. Post any questions you may have for them here --> Interrogation with interviewee

Submitting Your Own Articles

If you have a story you think the ConquerClub Community would find interesting, you can submit your articles to Victor Sullivan and you may just see your article published in the Newsletter!


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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby DoomYoshi on Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:10 pm

Where is the cartography section?
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby thehippo8 on Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:56 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Where is the cartography section?

Is that a trick question? :roll:
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby Denise on Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:18 am

aw, I was looking forward to part 3 of Fenrir's interview, but there's nothing there. Great job on the issue, though.
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:53 am

Denise wrote:aw, I was looking forward to part 3 of Fenrir's interview, but there's nothing there. Great job on the issue, though.

Thanks, Denise. I have fixed the issue :)

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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby grifftron on Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:04 am

Why wasn't my question asked
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby Swifte on Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:04 am

It's in there.... look closelier...

Q. How did it feel to join IA halfway thru the war with the pack as a glimpse of hope to destroy the pack, only for that hope to be stripped away as the pack toppled over IA and their midway recruit at the finish line?
Fenrir: I think I went 4-2 in my games, so I felt just fine. In fact, I’m really proud of you guys! Keep on trucking and you’ll eventually be able to shrug off that shroud of mediocrity. Others disagree, but I support The Pack with all of my heart and soul. You won’t be middling forever!
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby anonymus on Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:10 am

although next issue should have a guide on the difference of % and %-units especially in a segment about odds and probability it makes all the difference..

/ :?:
Click image to enlarge.

show: BoganGod speaks the truth
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby grifftron on Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:55 am

Swifte wrote:It's in there.... look closelier...

Q. How did it feel to join IA halfway thru the war with the pack as a glimpse of hope to destroy the pack, only for that hope to be stripped away as the pack toppled over IA and their midway recruit at the finish line?
Fenrir: I think I went 4-2 in my games, so I felt just fine. In fact, I’m really proud of you guys! Keep on trucking and you’ll eventually be able to shrug off that shroud of mediocrity. Others disagree, but I support The Pack with all of my heart and soul. You won’t be middling forever!

Ah it was in there, i missed it while skimming as everyone else who asked questions got the little (callout) lips but all I got was a word changed question, but good enough.. good answer MF.. although clans are for team players, so just like in bball, even tho you make the most shots in the game, doesn't matter if your team doesn't win bud :geek:
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby thehippo8 on Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:05 am

anonymus wrote:ENJOYED IT!
although next issue should have a guide on the difference of % and %-units especially in a segment about odds and probability it makes all the difference..

/ :?:

You're on the team !!

... now write the aticle!!
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby danryan on Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:51 am

grifftron wrote:
Swifte wrote:It's in there.... look closelier...

Q. How did it feel to join IA halfway thru the war with the pack as a glimpse of hope to destroy the pack, only for that hope to be stripped away as the pack toppled over IA and their midway recruit at the finish line?
Fenrir: I think I went 4-2 in my games, so I felt just fine. In fact, I’m really proud of you guys! Keep on trucking and you’ll eventually be able to shrug off that shroud of mediocrity. Others disagree, but I support The Pack with all of my heart and soul. You won’t be middling forever!

Ah it was in there, i missed it while skimming as everyone else who asked questions got the little (callout) lips but all I got was a word changed question, but good enough.. good answer MF.. although clans are for team players, so just like in bball, even tho you make the most shots in the game, doesn't matter if your team doesn't win bud :geek:

He owned you, that's all that matters. Don't be butthurt about it, you won the war. :lol:
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Re: CC Dispatch [Issue 66 03-03-12] The Bite of Master Fenri

Postby PepeAtila on Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:52 pm

I don't understand very well whay should I do. So if it is to write a sentence :D
"TPA told me to organize a terminator game, then I thought what the hell! Exterminator"...

even my English didn't improve so much, I can read up to 5 lines
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