5 Lands of Shannara
Number of Territories:
Special Features:
If you own a group of territories you have access to another group of
Extra territories thah can only bombar nearest territories
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:
In CC there are a few fantasy maps!!!
The Copyright Agreement
The author retains copyright on their work, and gives Conquer Club permission to use the imagery free of charge, for as long as Conquer Club sees fit on the Conquer Club website. Conquer Club cannot sell, lease, or lend the right to use the images to anyone else. The author swears that their map is their own work, or a legal derivative work and by submitting it, do hereby claim all responsibility for that being true.
Map Image:
This is a Standard map with several starting neutral territorires (30).
If you own all the Standard territories of a group you get the realative bonus.
If you own a Capital and the relative Standard territories you get an autodeploy of +1 in the the Capital
and you get access to the relative Extra territories
All the Capitals can bombard nearest territories.
If you own a Capital without the all the relative Standard territories you get a malus of -1 in the the Capital
If you own Extra territories without the relative Capital you get a malus of -1 in each Extra Territory owned
If you own all the Extra territories of a group you get another autodeploy of +1 in the the Capital.
From Extra territories you can only bombard nearest territories.
If you dont own the relative Capital you cannot access to the realative Extra territories.
Standard territories:
Elves Lands
El0 - Aborlon
El1 - Baen Draw Pass
El2 - Kensrowe Pass
El3 - Sarandanont
El4 - West Plains
El5 - West Mermidon Plains
El6 - Shroudslip
El7 - Hollows
TOT 7 + Capital
Trolls Lands
Tr0 - Skull Mountain (CAPITAL)
Tr1 - Skull Kingdom
Tr2 - Kershalt Territory
Tr3 - West Rock Trolls Land
Tr4 - Kierlak Desert
Tr5 - Breakline
Tr6 - East Rock Trolls Land
TOT 6 + Capital
Druids Lands
Dr0 - Paranor
Dr1 - Streleheim Plains West
Dr2 - Streleheim Plains East
Dr3 - Jannisson Pass
Dr4 - Rabbs Plains
Dr5 - Hall of Kings
Dr6 - Valley of Rhenn
Dr7 - East Mermidon Plains
TOT 7 + Capital
Dwarves Lands
Dw0 - Culhaven
Dw1 - Upper Anar
Dw2 - Darklin Reach
Dw3 - Olden Moor
Dw4 - Central Anar
Dw5 - Pass of Jade
Dw6 - Culhaven Plains
Dw7 - Lower Anar
TOT 7 + Capital
Humans Lands
Hu0 - Tyrsis
Hu1 - Callahorn
Hu2 - Tirfing
Hu3 - Wing Hove
Hu4 - Highlands of Leah
Hu5 - Lowlands of Clete
Hu6 - Battleground Lowlands
Hu7 - Silver River Country
TOT 7 + Capital
Total Standard territories: 9+7+8+8+8 = 39
Extra territories
Can only bombard nearest territories:
Elves Lands ---> Forests
Fo1 - Paranor's Woods
Fo2 - Greenoaks
Fo3 - Dun Forest
Fo4 - Black Oaks Forest
Fo5 - Lower Anar Forest
Trolls Lands ---> Swamps
Sw1 - Malg Swamp
Sw2 - Terraboog
Sw3 - Matted Brakes
Sw4 - Mist Marsh
Sw5 - Mias Mish
Druids Lands ---> Cities
Ci1 - Grimpen Ward
Ci2 - Shady Vale
Ci3 - Leah
Ci4 - Valfleet
Ci5 - Storlock
Dwarves Lands ---> Fortress
Fr1 - Pykon
Fr2 - Heaven's Well
Fr3 - Capael
Fr4 - Graymark
Fr5 - Dun Fee Aran
Humans Lands ---> Lakes
Lk1 - Innisbore
Lk2 - Blue Divide
Lk3 - Myrian Lake
Lk4 - Rainbow Lake
Lk5 - Cillidellan
Total Extra territories: 5+5+5+5+5 = 25
Total of all Territories: 39 + 25 = 64
CHANGES IN 24 jun 2013
- Eliminated El2
- Shorted all territories names in visual order
CHANGES IN 20 jun 2013
Today I've changed the map several times...
- Created a complete Legend with all the rules,
- Calculated all the bonuses with the "Copia di CC_MAP_BONUS_CALC.xls" sheet and here is a screenshot of the xls file:
CHANGES IN 17 jun 2013
- Fo5 eliminated
Fo6 changed in "Fo5 - Lower Anar Forest" - Hu4 eliminated
Hu8 cnahged in "Hu4 - Silver River Country" - Dw2 eliminated
Dw9 changed in "Dw2 - Upper Anar" - DW5 eliminated
Dw8 changed in "Dw5 - Olden Moor" - El1 eliminated
El9 changed in "El1 - Hollows" - Created "Sw4 - Terraboog"
- Created "Sw5 - Mias Mish"
- Linked new El1 - Hollows" with new "Hu3 - Wing Hove"
- Fr5 moved to the west
- Resized all at 840x800
Now all the Extra groups are composed by 5 territories.
- Waiting Thenobodies...
Old Version Map
Old Version Map
Old Version Map