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TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest] All Results: 2nd Post

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TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest] All Results: 2nd Post

Postby Lindax on Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:02 pm

Voting: Voting for "Primes" Voting is closed.

All the results of this contest are posted below, in the second post.


Dear Tournament Fans,

The Tournament Organizers Usergroup has decided to launch a contest: ā€œTournament Organizer of the Year ā€“ 2011ā€. We got the inspiration for the format from the ā€œOscarsā€ (thanks to DJ Teflon and sonicsteve), the yearly awards for the movie industry.

Our awards are ā€œPrimesā€ in honor of Optimus Prime, the Godfather of the CC Tournament World (thanks to barterer2002 for the idea).

We have put together a variety of categories for which the winning tournaments and their organizer will be awarded Golden, Silver and Bronze Primes, as well as two separate contests for the TO of the Year and the TO Career Awards (see below).

Everybody on CC is free to participate, however, you cannot nominate your own tournament(s) and every nomination needs to be accompanied by a valid reason for the nomination to be eligible for entry in the contest.

If you have any questions, please post them in this thread.

Have fun all!

Current Leader of the TO Usergroup


TO of the Year Contest - 2011

The ā€œPrime Awardsā€
show: primes


TO of the Year
show: TO of the Year


TO Career Award
show: Career Award


Last edited by Lindax on Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:27 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Results]

Postby Lindax on Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:24 pm

Below the results for the TO Career Award:

The winner is HighlanderAttack. He will receive a General Contribution Medal.

barterer2002 and Lindax ended in 2nd and 3rd place.


Below the results of the voting for the TO of the Year - 2011:

  1. Golden Prime > flexmaster33. He will receive a General Achievement Medal.

  2. Silver Prime > > > barterer2002

  3. Bronze Prime > > > HighlanderAttack


Below the results for the tournament Primes:


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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Nominations]

Postby Lindax on Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:24 pm

Approved nominated tournaments for the "Primes":

The tournaments in green are through to the final voting. The ones in red are out.


  1. Best Small Tournament

    1. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE - TO: deantursx

    2. Gods, Devils, and Everything in Between - TO: deantursx

    3. Mystery Door - TO: DD2


    5. Looking out for Number One! - TO: koontz1973

    6. Chap's Route 66 Challenge - TO: chapcrap

    7. HA presents Lindax's favorite map - TO: HighlanderAttack

    8. Concretes Feudal +2 Dubs, Part 2 - TO: concrete

    9. The Third Crusade - TO: multiplayertim

    10. Journeys of Discovery ā€“ 1; Marco Polo - TO: DaveH

    11. Rust's Red Square Landing - TO: WorldCup4James


  2. Best Mid-Sized Tournament

    1. 2011 World Cup of Risk - TO: WorldCup4James

    2. Top v Bottom - TO: paulgamelb

    3. patrickaa317's Massive Dubs Tourney - TO: patrickaa317

    4. Ever Decreasing Circles II - TO: Tupence

    5. double ballenus summer 2011 - TO: ballenus

    6. Blood Money: USA - TO: MrGlassB


  3. Best Large Tournament

    1. Epic Teams - TO: chapcrap

    2. GameZZone: Diablo - TO: amazzony

    3. Initech XXV: Olympic Games - TO: Peter Gibbons

    4. Super Smash Bros Triples League [TPA] - TO: Gilligan

    5. Angola loves Random - 8 player, esc. - TO: angola

    6. MC's 25th Tournament - TO: mcshanester29

    7. Escalating Fog: Hold To Win - TO: benga

    8. Clandemonium Beta Style - TO: Blitzaholic

    9. HA reaches 5000 Arms Race Games - TO: HighlanderAttack

    10. NHL Season 2 - TO: Serbia


  4. Best Huge Tournament

    1. College Hoops 2010-11 - TO: flexmaster33

    2. 2011 MLB Season - TO: vykingsfan64

    3. Size Matters - TO: kuma32478

    4. 6 Man Madness! - TO: Gilligan

    5. Bring it on!!! II - TO: Lufsen75

    6. Tournament 100 - TO: Godd

    7. TLO 2010 - TO: Lindax, Co-Host: danryan

    8. Running through the alphabet - TO: barterer2002


  5. Best Terminator Tournament

    1. Exterminator [TPA] - TO: PepeAtila

    2. Chap's Christmas: Round Robin Style! - TO: chapcrap

    3. 313's Jamaican Terminator - TO: merch313


  6. Best Assassin Tournament

    1. Master of Assassin [TPA] - TO: poptartpsycho18


    3. Blood Money: USA - TO: MrGlassB

    4. Chap's Egyptian Assassin - TO: chapcrap


  7. Best 1 v 1 Tournament

    1. CC Golf Match Play [TPA] - TO: shaneback

    2. Ha presents a love for LUX - TO: HighlanderAttack

    3. 2011 MLB Season - TO: vykingsfan64

    4. Triple ICE - TO: IcePack

    5. DKs Friendship Festival - TO: Dukasaur

    6. MV's 1 vs 1 Round Robin Teams - TO: mviola

    7. HA presents Lindax's favorite map - TO: HighlanderAttack

    8. CC [Beta 2011] 1v1 - Middle Ages - TO: alstergren

    9. HA's Don't Blink-Baseball - TO: HighlanderAttack

    10. Yugoslav Premier League and Cup - TO: qwert

    11. Alpha Beta 1 - TO: ViperOverLord


  8. Best Doubles Tournament

    1. patrickaa317's Massive Dubs Tourney - TO: patrickaa317

    2. MC's Random Doubles on Your Map - TO: mcshanester29

    3. World Cup Format Doubles II [TPA2 - MAJOR] - TO: Lindax

    4. ATP Tour ā€“ Aussie Ascending Dubs 2011 - TO: DJ Teflon

    5. 2v2 Series - France 1789 - TO: sdh

    6. JRT's Dobles Hispanos 8 - TO: jricart

    7. Broadway, Your Way [TPA] - TO: anamainiacks


  9. Best Triples Tournament

    1. Gunn's Triples Round Robin II - TO: Gunn217

    2. Super Smash Bros Triples League [TPA] - TO: Gilligan

    3. ContinentConquer: N A Trips [TPA] - TO: shaneback

    4. What Year Is It? [TPA] - TO: dowian2

    5. Intercontinental League - TO: Pirlo


  10. Best Quadruples Tournament

    1. Unloved Maps - Forbidden City Quads - TO: danryan

    2. Play at one - quads - TO: trboye

    3. MotoGP German Grand Prix - TO: tokle

    4. My 4 Are Still Better Than Yours - TO: Darin44


  11. Best Large-Team Tournament

    1. TLO 2010 - TO: Lindax, Co-Host: danryan

    2. 313's Got 11 CC Friends? - TO: merch313


  12. Best International Tournament

    1. Yugoslav Premier League and Cup - TO: qwert

    2. JRT's - Ultimo Hispano en Pie 3 - TO: jricart


  13. Best Speed Tournament

    1. Speed Terminator V [TPA2] - TO: DJ Teflon

    2. Speed Assassin IV [TPA] - TO: DJ Teflon


  14. Best Mixed Tournament

    1. Dean's Mini-Clan Wars - TO: deantursx

    2. GameZZone: Diablo - TO: amazzony

    3. Looking out for Number One! - TO: koontz1973

    4. Major League Soccer 2011 - TO: flexmaster33

    5. 313's Got 11 CC Friends? - TO: merch313

    6. Sonic's Decathlon - TO: sonicsteve

    7. CYOT: Damsel in Distress - TO: Lindax, Co-Host: amazzony


  15. Best Sports League Tournament

    1. College Hoops 2010-11 - TO: flexmaster33

    2. 2011 MLB Season - TO: vykingsfan64

    3. Major League Soccer 2011 - TO: flexmaster33

    4. Sonic's Decathlon - TO: sonicsteve

    5. LITTLE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES - TO: flexmaster33

    6. Yugoslav Premier League and Cup - TO: qwert

    7. MotoGP German Grand Prix - TO: tokle

    8. NHL Season 2 - TO: Serbia


  16. Best Tournament Series

    1. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid - TO: greenoaks

    2. MotoGP Season 1 - Main TO: tokle

    3. Initech Series - TO: Peter Gibbons

    4. Chap's Challenge Series - TO: chapcrap

    5. Trainee Triples Series - TO: DJ Teflon

    6. Alpha Beta Series - TO: ViperOverLord

    7. TPA Series (Tournament Players Association) - Head Organizer: barterer2002, Various TOs

    8. LxDS (Lx Doubles Series) - TO: Lindax

    9. Map Master Triples - TO: amazzony

    10. King of the Map - TO: Serbia

    11. ATP Tour - TO: DJ Teflon

    12. 2v2 Series - TO: sdh

    13. CC [Beta 2011] Series - TO: alstergren

    14. HA's Don't Blink Series - TO: HighlanderAttack

    15. Play at one - quads - TO: trboye

    16. ATP World Tour Masters 2011 - TO: trboye

    17. My Map, Your Settings - TO: dowian2

    18. Kings of England - TO: tokle


  17. Most Creative/Innovative Tournament

    1. GameZZone: Diablo - TO: amazzony

    2. 2011 World Cup of Risk - TO: WorldCup4James

    3. Mystery Door - TO: DD2

    4. College Hoops 2010-11 - TO: flexmaster33

    5. Pixar's choose your map Tourney! - TO: Pixar

    6. 1v1 Conqueror of Europe - TO: eagleblade

    7. Chap's Baseball Challenge - TO: chapcrap

    8. MC's Random Doubles on Your Map - TO: mcshanester29

    9. Looking out for Number One! - TO: koontz1973

    10. Breaking Thru Ice - TO: IcePack

    11. Triple ICE - TO: IcePack

    12. MV's 1 vs 1 Round Robin Teams - TO: mviola

    13. Initech XXV: Olympic Games - TO: Peter Gibbons

    14. CYOT: Damsel in Distress - TO: Lindax, Co-Host: amazzony

    15. Sonic's Decathlon - TO: sonicsteve

    16. LITTLE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES - TO: flexmaster33

    17. The Legend of Tor Na'Mit - Original TO: Gozar, Rescued and completed by: benga

    18. Journeys of Discovery ā€“ 1; Marco Polo - TO: DaveH


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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby NoSurvivors on Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:16 pm

HA's 200th Tourney

Category- Big Tournament

Ran by: HighlanderAttack

Reason: Tough to handle as an organizer because of its size, and it has a lot of thought put into it. Also a lot of generosity (premium bounties etc).
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby Tupence on Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:27 pm

NoSurvivors wrote:HA's 200th Tourney

Category- Big Tournament

Ran by: HighlanderAttack

This nomination fails in so many ways.

My congratulations on a very nice job by Lindax and the other TOs.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby DoomYoshi on Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:53 pm

I would like to nominate Oliver for TO award


2012 Olympics tournament under Sports, Mixed and Huge tournaments. It was quite well organized, an amazing feat considering how huge it is.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby rokus35 on Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:20 pm

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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby patrickaa317 on Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:33 pm

Best Large Team tournament - Merch313's Intergalactic Tourney. This was fun because I got to play with a ton of people for several weeks that I normally wouldn't have ever played with. (I'm not sure if this one has finished, if not, the majority of the teams have been out for a while and it'd be on the downhill stretch).

Best Mixed tournament - Dean's Mini-Clan Wars viewtopic.php?t=151602 - Was a very competitive group of people and had a fun mix of 1v1, dubs, quads.

Best Large Tournament - Epic Teams viewtopic.php?t=142815 - Was very unique setup with every possible team combination and trying to find 11 home maps, then playing a best of 33 per round.

Most Creative/Innovative - Chap's Pick 'em Challenge series - It was always fun to see how many people would challenge you in a round and the maps and settings that people wanted.

I nominate Chapcrap for TO of the year. The guy rocks at keeping his tourneys updated & moving along. Plus it seems like he always has a list of ones that you can sign up for and has 30 active right now.

I nominate HighlanderAttack for TO Career Award. The guy has organized over 200 tournaments and always does a great job keeping them going.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby barterer2002 on Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:34 pm

I have a few nominations for you here.

1. Best Large Team Format: TLO 2010. Begun April 18, 2010, ended July 22, 2011. Organizer Lindax. The TLO series is the best large team format I've seen. Its well run, consistently updated, has little sub games within the tournament (Christmas) and fairly simple to understand while still using a variety of maps.

2. Best Assassin Tournament: Masters of Assassin Begun June 20, 2011, currently in finals (obviously needs to finish this month to qualify). Organizer poptartpsycho18. I wasn't sure how this one was going to go but I really enjoyed it. THe game load wasn't too bad there was enough of a pause between rounds but not too much to make it forgotten. Its not a simple thing, well worthy of the TPA Major label.

3. Best 1v1 tournament: CC Golf Match Play Begun October 26, 2010, ended September 29, 2011. Organizer: shaneback. The 1v1 format often is a bracket style which this one is but this one has the twist of playing golf style match play using twice on each map for 18 "holes" Well organized, kept up to date and original concept.

4. Best Terminator Tournament: Exterminator Begun January 3, 2011, ended December 8, 2011. Never stalemated, always updated, constantly moving forward yet clear in the objectives as to how to survive. An original format for terminators.

I would also like to nominate Night Strike for the career award. He's run the tournament department for longer than any other TD in CC history and has overseen tremendous growth. He took the tremendous base that OptimusPrime left him and has built on it with decisions that weren't always popular but always moved the tournament department forward. His hands are often tied by the webmaster but he rarely complains (at least in public) about that. He has recruited a solid group of TDs to assist him over the years, replacing and refilling as needed. There are certainly people who have disagreed with his decisions, as I have at times as well, but I've never doubted that he has always listened to what is said in all the tournament forums and tried to make the best decisions possible for the CC tournament community. Had I been in his shoes I'd have walked away from his often thankless job many years ago and yet here he still stands, his hand still firmly on the rudder steering tournaments into the future. And so I nominate Night Strike for meritous career service to the CC tournament community.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:18 pm

So there are many many really good organizers in my opinion. The one that stands a little taller than the rest is merch313.

I nominate him for TO of the year. All of his tourneys are run smoothly. He adds flare to all of them with some kind of art work that is a basic theme for each map. Always a professional and positive when running his tourney. Can't think of anyone that deserves the TO of the year award more.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby Bones2484 on Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:06 pm

Tournament: GameZZone: Diablo

Tournament Organizer: Amazzony

Nomination Categories:
* Best Large Tournament
* Best Mixed Tournament
* Best Tournament Series
* Most Creative/Innovative Tournament

The reason why your nomination should win: This is the third in Amazzony's "GameZZone" tournaments which are loosely based off her favorite computer games (which also happen to be my favorite). What makes this tournament unique is that amount of variability that each individual player affected. There were 7 different "classes" to sign up for, and each class allowed you to adjust the gameplay of the maps you would play in some fashion. This was anywhere from reinforcements to map to fog. The innovation that Amazzony used to create the intricate rules structure of this tournament was beyond amazing.

Since this tournament also consisted of 12 stages your opponents and games were constantly changing which forced the leaders of the tournament to be a master of every game type... proving that the best all-around players would come out on top. To make this even more exciting, the winner of the tournament was in doubt all the way to the last of the 12 rounds which lead to intense competition and very fun game chat for all of us involved.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby mviola on Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:54 pm


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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby richman688 on Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:49 pm

I am new to tournament and found Highlanderattack and eagleblade very pleasant to work with as a new player to tournament. enjoyed there many tournaments. I look to run some tournament and I will use these two as my models

I nominate highlanderattack for Big tourney, He run a very smooth tournament, He is well organized and easy to communicate with. I think he does an exceptional job.

I nominate eagleblade for 1 vs 1 tournaments. He is one of the hardest working tournament directors out there. His tournaments are well organized and covered a variety of maps and let everyone choose custom settings. ( I bet a lot of work).

I think both of them deserve a reward for there tireless hours of hard work.

God Bless

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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby eagleblade on Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:07 pm

richman688 wrote:I am new to tournament and found Highlanderattack and eagleblade very pleasant to work with as a new player to tournament. enjoyed there many tournaments. I look to run some tournament and I will use these two as my models

I nominate highlanderattack for Big tourney, He run a very smooth tournament, He is well organized and easy to communicate with. I think he does an exceptional job.

I nominate eagleblade for 1 vs 1 tournaments. He is one of the hardest working tournament directors out there. His tournaments are well organized and covered a variety of maps and let everyone choose custom settings. ( I bet a lot of work).

I think both of them deserve a reward for there tireless hours of hard work.

God Bless


what you said really touched me
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby blonderic on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:02 pm

alexlau make a great tournament
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby Alexlau on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:08 pm

I nominate Greenoaks for 1 v 1 tournement ..............many tourney of them
I nominate chapcrap for run robin ...........original
I nominate Tupence for Mid-Sized Tournament .......... pleasant
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby merch313 on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:19 pm

I will give this some thought over the next few days and go through the tourneys ive played and know about and put up more nominees.

But for Large Tourney I nominate HighlanderAttack for his 200th Tourney.. Just the size of player pool and the time it took to make games. All the work he did for the bounties and prizes was just impressive.

I will give my thoughts on others as well this tourney just stood out to me as the winner ;)
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby Lindax on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:32 pm

Alexlau wrote:I nominate Greenoaks for 1 v 1 tournement ..............many tourney of them
I nominate chapcrap for run robin ...........original
I nominate Tupence for Mid-Sized Tournament .......... pleasant

I'll check the nominations in this thread tomorrow.

In the meantime a few remarks:

You need to nominate tournaments, not TOs.

Please also make sure nominations comply with the requirements.

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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby chapcrap on Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:06 pm

merch313 wrote:I will give this some thought over the next few days and go through the tourneys ive played and know about and put up more nominees.

But for Large Tourney I nominate HighlanderAttack for his 200th Tourney.. Just the size of player pool and the time it took to make games. All the work he did for the bounties and prizes was just impressive.

I will give my thoughts on others as well this tourney just stood out to me as the winner ;)

I would think that HA's 200 would be a shoo-in, but I'm not sure if it qualifies because it won't be in the Finals or finished by January 31, will it?
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby Lindax on Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:30 pm

chapcrap wrote:
merch313 wrote:I will give this some thought over the next few days and go through the tourneys ive played and know about and put up more nominees.

But for Large Tourney I nominate HighlanderAttack for his 200th Tourney.. Just the size of player pool and the time it took to make games. All the work he did for the bounties and prizes was just impressive.

I will give my thoughts on others as well this tourney just stood out to me as the winner ;)

I would think that HA's 200 would be a shoo-in, but I'm not sure if it qualifies because it won't be in the Finals or finished by January 31, will it?

I would be very surprised if it did. ;)

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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:34 pm

The 200th will be a two year tourney when said and done--maybe even a little longer--with all that was involved and with real life slowing me down in every aspect of CC contributing as well. Even if I had perfect timing with the 200th the number of players and the format still equate to a two year tourney.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby merch313 on Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:04 pm

Lindax wrote:
chapcrap wrote:
merch313 wrote:I will give this some thought over the next few days and go through the tourneys ive played and know about and put up more nominees.

But for Large Tourney I nominate HighlanderAttack for his 200th Tourney.. Just the size of player pool and the time it took to make games. All the work he did for the bounties and prizes was just impressive.

I will give my thoughts on others as well this tourney just stood out to me as the winner ;)

I would think that HA's 200 would be a shoo-in, but I'm not sure if it qualifies because it won't be in the Finals or finished by January 31, will it?

I would be very surprised if it did. ;)


:oops: Sorry guys for the wasted post lol......Must have skipped that part dangit! :lol:
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby eagleblade on Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:31 pm

I nominate Nosurvivors for Most Creative/Innovative Tournament. The name of the tournament being "Spread The Love." I believe it is very creative because he plagiarized it word to word from me.
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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby Lindax on Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:19 pm

Here are some posts with (short) remarks from myself.

NoSurvivors wrote:HA's 200th Tourney

Category- Big Tournament

Ran by: HighlanderAttack

No reason provided
Tournament did not enter final stage before 2012

DoomYoshi wrote:I would like to nominate Oliver for TO award


2012 Olympics tournament under Sports, Mixed and Huge tournaments. It was quite well organized, an amazing feat considering how huge it is.

You can't nominate anybody for the TO Award.
2012 Olympic did not enter final stage before 2012

rokus35 wrote:highlanderattack

What's the matter with him?

patrickaa317 wrote:Most Creative/Innovative - Chap's Pick 'em Challenge series - It was always fun to see how many people would challenge you in a round and the maps and settings that people wanted.

I nominate Chapcrap for TO of the year. The guy rocks at keeping his tourneys updated & moving along. Plus it seems like he always has a list of ones that you can sign up for and has 30 active right now.

I nominate HighlanderAttack for TO Career Award. The guy has organized over 200 tournaments and always does a great job keeping them going.

Chap's Pick'em Challenges did not enter the final stage before 2012
You can't nominate for the TO of the Year or the TO Award

mviola wrote:Flexmaster33


Missing some relevant info

richman688 wrote:I am new to tournament and found Highlanderattack and eagleblade very pleasant to work with as a new player to tournament. enjoyed there many tournaments. I look to run some tournament and I will use these two as my models

I nominate highlanderattack for Big tourney, He run a very smooth tournament, He is well organized and easy to communicate with. I think he does an exceptional job.

I nominate eagleblade for 1 vs 1 tournaments. He is one of the hardest working tournament directors out there. His tournaments are well organized and covered a variety of maps and let everyone choose custom settings. ( I bet a lot of work).

I think both of them deserve a reward for there tireless hours of hard work.

God Bless

You'll need to nominate the tournaments, not the TOs

blonderic wrote:alexlau make a great tournament

That's interesting, care to nominate his tournament?

Alexlau wrote:I nominate Greenoaks for 1 v 1 tournement ..............many tourney of them
I nominate chapcrap for run robin ...........original
I nominate Tupence for Mid-Sized Tournament .......... pleasant

You need to nominate tournaments, not TOs
We don't have a round robin category

eagleblade wrote:I nominate Nosurvivors for Most Creative/Innovative Tournament. The name of the tournament being "Spread The Love." I believe it is very creative because he plagiarized it word to word from me.

I assume this is a joke?


Please everybody, read the first post before you nominate anything.


The approved nominations are posted on page 1, 3rd post.

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Re: TO of the Year - 2011 [Contest]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:39 pm

LX--I also wonder how we can get the word out on this a little more.

I am sure a lot of players are planning to take the time to do some nominations so that is why the responses are slow.

I just wonder being at the top of this page it is not getting noticed by many of the players--maybe if something could be added to the create/join pager where most players check out on a weekly basis at least.

Just my thoughts
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