Large-Team Tournaments Policy
Announced June 16, 2011
1. Large-Team Tournaments are tournaments featuring larger teams playing a variety of game settings toward a common goal. Every tournament must have at least 8 teams competing with each team carrying 5-12 active players. Tournaments that have teams of 13 or more players will not be allowed.
2. To be allowed to run a Large-Team Tournament the organizer must:
- Have successfully completed a minimum of 3 tournaments, including 1 standard-team tournament.
- Appoint another TO as co-host or assistant (see below).
- Provide a clear and comprehensive tournament description and explanation.
- Provide a summary of the above tournament description (key points).
- Establish rules for the replacement of players and/or teams.
- Design the tournament in a manner that another organizer with a similar amount of experience would be able to rescue the tournament without too much interpretation of the rules.
- Seek approval from the Tournament Director responsible for Large-Team Tournaments before posting the tournament in the Create/Join a tournament forum.
- The approval PM needs to indicate which tasks both organizers will be responsible for.
3.- The co-host or assistant of the organizer must:
- Have successfully completed 1 tournament as the organizer.
- Have access to, or copies of, the relevant tournament information such as spreadsheets and brackets.
- Be prepared, willing, and active enough in the flow of the tournament to take over the tournament if the organizer leaves for any length of time.
4.- To be eligible for a Tournament Achievement Medal a member of the winning team must:
- Have played at least one-third (33%) of the tournament games he/she could have played.
- i.e. If a player could play in a max of 6 games per round, then they need to average at least 2 games per round over the course of the tournament.
- Have participated in at least half (50%) of all rounds or phases of the tournament.
- Have won 1 game in the tournament.
- Note: This rule is in addition to the existing rules about Tournament Achievement Medals.
Minimum Requirements Update
In April of last year, we made a substantial update to the Minimum Requirements to be considered a public tournament. We have been seeing an increase in the length of time it takes to complete tournaments, either through organizers not updating promptly or because the format is very long and/or complicated. As such, we would like every organizer to Design your tournament in a way that it should last no longer than 1 year in length. This is obviously a very subjective guideline as exact lengths are nearly impossible to accurately predict, but we have found that tournaments that last longer than 1 year tend to lose many players as well as the organizer. We are mostly asking organizers to be mindful of this target date for the length of their tournaments and design the structure and settings of the tournament to end in a timely manner. Longer and in-depth tournaments are invaluable to the CC Tournament environment, but we want to make sure they don't suffer from player attrition and organizer fatigue.
Tournament Director Changes
We recently found out that danryan needed to step down from his Tournament Director position due to becoming busier in his personal life. We thank him very much for the help he was able to contribute during his time as a TD.
Taking over his task of handling Abandoned and Rescued Tournaments will be tokle. And we couldn't just add 1 new TD, so we have also added sonicsteve to the group. He will be helping out when new organizers are needing assistance as well as helping us put together a new task that will be announced to the public in the coming weeks. Thank you both for your willingness to help make CC Tournaments a better place.
Also, the Tournament Director Task Distribution List has been updated, so be sure to check it for any issue you're needing help with in relation to CC Tournaments.
And thank you to everybody for your patience as we wrote the new policy and for your eagerness to expand the realm of CC Tournaments. This site would not be half enjoyable without your dedication.
~Night Strike
Head Tournament Director