Franchise Tournaments
Many organizers have found a winning blueprint to string together a bunch of similar successful tournaments. These tournaments are popular among the participants, but they tend to cause some issues when awarding and accumulating medals. In an effort to reduce the time it takes to distribute medals as well as recognize organizers for the variety of tournaments they organize, we would like to introduce the Franchise Tournament Designation.
- An organizer who runs a series of similar tournaments (in name and style) has the opportunity to achieve a Franchise Designation after completing their 5th tournament. To receive a Franchise Designation, an organizer needs to contact a Tournament Director requesting the designation. If the series has not been Franchised after the 10th completed tournament, the Tournament Directors will decide whether it will receive the designation or continue as normal.
- Franchised tournaments will have all medals removed for those tournaments. In its place will be a special medal description. We currently do not have a new medal specifically for Franchises, but we will request one in the future (if possible).
- Franchised tournaments will receive a special designation in the Tournament Hall of Fame. Furthermore, the Franchised name will be "retired", and the "rights" to that title will remain with the recognized organizer unless the organizer gives another member permission to use that title.
- An organizer may be recognized for more than one franchise. i.e. Natewolfman can be recognized for both Foundry Update and Back to the Basics.
For a housekeeping note, when a Director moves your thread over to Completed, we will use two different tags for denoting newly completed tournaments. Threads with ** will be receiving a medal and be updated in the Hall of Fame, while those with ^^ will get mentioned in the Hall of Fame but will NOT be getting a medal due to the tournament being a franchise, the organizer already having 30 medals, or a change of organizer too late in the tournament for either to have earned the medal.
International Tournaments Policy
The tournament forums have always been a place for organizers to test their creativity in a competitive format. However, they have also always been an English-only environment. Several organizers have branched out to host competitions in their native languages, but their approval have always been on a case-by-case basis. We have decided to codify some guidelines that will hopefully improve the gaming atmosphere for even more members.
- Members who wish to run an international tournament must have successfully organized a completed tournament in the main forum.
- One person cannot run more than 2 international tournaments at the same time.
- The member must be a frequenter in the international forum (therefore knows the language and probably even from that country).
- When requesting privileges for the tournament, the organizer must include an English translation of the tournament with their request in order to receive the privileges.
- The organizer is responsible for informing the Tournament Directors when the tournament finishes. They will also be required to provide an update to the tournament upon request.
- These tournaments will be under the same regulations (abandoned tournaments and privileges abuse) and rewards (Hall of Fame and medal recognition) as tournaments in the main forums.
In addition to these new guidelines, some members have chosen to translate the Tournament Handbook into the International Forums. If you have already translated it or would be interested in doing so, please get in touch with Night Strike for additional details. Thanks a TON for helping with that endeavor.
Post Tags
There have been several newer tags added to the forum code to primarily help organizers. You may have seen some of these in use by several organizers.
Spoiler Tags
These tags allow you to "hide" some text to keep your posts from getting too long. Readers can click on the boxes to show the hidden text. To use these tags, type
- Code: Select all
[spoiler]Tournaments Rock![/spoiler]
TO Tags
These tags allow an organizer to post an auto-join link to get people into their games faster. You can click the first part of the text to view the game, and the second part to join the game without typing a password. To use these links, type
- Code: Select all
[to]1000000 Password[/to]
TOT Tags
An upgrade to the TO tag, this tag allows you to utilize the new Join Team links to get your participants into team games easier. For these tags, you need to use
- Code: Select all
[tot]1000000 password team#[/tot]
Organizer Competition
The Foundry has run many competitions for various activities in their history, so Natewolfman and Gilligan have decided to run a special Tournament Design Competition of our own. Be looking for details about that in the near future.
Many thanks again to all of you for your great tournaments. The number of completed tournaments have more than doubled in just the last 5 months. We really do have the most popular forum.
~Tournament Directors
Steelhorse, Night Strike, Natewolfman, Gilligan