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Rules of the World...You Decide!

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Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby pmchugh on Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:51 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker :twisted:
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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Major pmchugh
Posts: 1262
Joined: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:40 pm

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby LED ZEPPELINER on Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:55 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker :twisted:
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
Posts: 1088
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:09 pm

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby ManBungalow on Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:55 am

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker :twisted:
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
Colonel ManBungalow
Posts: 3431
Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:02 am
Location: On a giant rock orbiting a star somewhere

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby Drench on Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:00 am

Last edited by Drench on Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cook Drench
Posts: 0
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:02 am

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby Merker on Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:15 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker :twisted:
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
MrBenn wrote:On an a side-note, as a child I used to have a recurring nightmare about being chased round a supermarket by a crocodile pushing a shopping trolley and wearing an "I ♥ Shopping" t-shirt...

-----Spanish Civil War: Vacationed
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Cook Merker
Posts: 124
Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 4:26 am
Location: Manjimup, Australia

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby LED ZEPPELINER on Thu May 07, 2009 9:41 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker :twisted:
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
sailorseal wrote:My big boy banana was out the whole time :D
AndyDufresne wrote:
AndyDufresne wrote:Many Happy Bananas to everyone, lets party...with Bananas.
Forever linked at the hip's-banana! (That sounds strange, don't quote me.)
Posts: 1088
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:09 pm

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby Martin Ronne on Thu May 07, 2009 11:37 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
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Major Martin Ronne
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:04 pm
Location: Behind you.

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby LED ZEPPELINER on Sat May 09, 2009 5:03 pm

    1..Everyone must like bananas.
    2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
    3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
    4. Anyone names fircoal must die
    5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
    6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
    7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
    8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
    9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
    10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
    11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
    12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
    13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
    14. autoload gets all the women
    15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
    16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
    17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
    18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
    19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
    20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
    21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
    22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
    23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
    24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
    25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
    26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
    27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
    28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
    29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
    30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
    31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
    32. you must go to this site:
    33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
    34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
    35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
    36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
    37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
    38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
    39. This will be the final loo.
    40. autoload can't make decisions
    41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
    42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
    43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
    44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
    45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
    46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
    47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
    48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
    49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
    50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
    51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
    52. ghosts have to attack MTG
    53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
    54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
    55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
    56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
    57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
    58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
    59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
    60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
    61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
    62. Dinars become the new global currency.
    63. Everyone must play PAWN
    64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
    65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
    66. We must all feed the trolls
    67. Feed them cena-rules
    68. Everyone must bring a dildo
    69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
    70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
    71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
    72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
    73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
    74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
    75. misterman10 is the greatest
    76. If you see her, say hello
    77. misterman10 is king
    78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
    79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
    80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
    81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
    82. Not always good for him though...
    83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
    84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
    85. sleeping is bitching
    86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
    87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
    88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
    89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
    90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
    91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
    92. Scientology is the one true religion.
    93. How many roads must a man walk down
    94. Before you can call him a man.
    95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
    96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
    97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
    98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
    99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
    100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
    101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
    102. Norse may do as he pleases.
    103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
    103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
    104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
    105. Don't kick your own ass
    106. And never lick it either.
    106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
    107. you will notice when autoload cheats
    108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
    109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
    110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
    111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
    112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
    113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
    114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
    114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
    115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
    116. All skaters must burn in hell
    117. Dominationnation is amazing
    118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
    119.Chinese is the only official language.
    120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
    121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
    122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
    123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
    124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
    125. Dominationnation is amazing!
    126. No more major bumpage
    127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
    128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
    129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
    130. NES must be worshipped!
    131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
    132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
    133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
    134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
    135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
    136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
    137.And cena
    138. everyone must like pie
    139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
    140. BRYGUY IS TO BE WORSHIPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!
    141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
    142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
    143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
    144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
    145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
    146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
    147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
    148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
    149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
    150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
    151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
    151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
    152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
    153. bryguy shall shut up
    154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
    155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
    156. These rules are for everyone
    157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
    158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
    159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
    160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
    161. until he dies along with spaladin
    162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
    163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
    164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
    165. You must not be ugly
    166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
    167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
    168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
    169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
    170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
    170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
    171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
    172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
    173. The captain is always right
    174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
    175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
    176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
    177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
    178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
    179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
    180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
    181. everybody must have funny sigs
    182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
    183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
sailorseal wrote:My big boy banana was out the whole time :D
AndyDufresne wrote:
AndyDufresne wrote:Many Happy Bananas to everyone, lets party...with Bananas.
Forever linked at the hip's-banana! (That sounds strange, don't quote me.)
Posts: 1088
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:09 pm

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby theusual1 on Sat May 09, 2009 5:41 pm

184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
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Sergeant 1st Class theusual1
Posts: 48
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Location: Peterborough, UK

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby Supermarioluigi on Thu May 28, 2009 3:22 pm

    1..Everyone must like bananas.
    2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
    3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
    4. Anyone names fircoal must die
    5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
    6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
    7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
    8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
    9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
    10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
    11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
    12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
    13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
    14. autoload gets all the women
    15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
    16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
    17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
    18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
    19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
    20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
    21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
    22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
    23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
    24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
    25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
    26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
    27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
    28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
    29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
    30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
    31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
    32. you must go to this site:
    33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
    34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
    35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
    36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
    37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
    38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
    39. This will be the final loo.
    40. autoload can't make decisions
    41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
    42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
    43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
    44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
    45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
    46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
    47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
    48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
    49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
    50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
    51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
    52. ghosts have to attack MTG
    53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
    54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
    55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
    56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
    57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
    58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
    59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
    60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
    61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
    62. Dinars become the new global currency.
    63. Everyone must play PAWN
    64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
    65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
    66. We must all feed the trolls
    67. Feed them cena-rules
    68. Everyone must bring a dildo
    69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
    70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
    71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
    72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
    73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
    74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
    75. misterman10 is the greatest
    76. If you see her, say hello
    77. misterman10 is king
    78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
    79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
    80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
    81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
    82. Not always good for him though...
    83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
    84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
    85. sleeping is bitching
    86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
    87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
    88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
    89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
    90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
    91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
    92. Scientology is the one true religion.
    93. How many roads must a man walk down
    94. Before you can call him a man.
    95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
    96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
    97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
    98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
    99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
    100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
    101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
    102. Norse may do as he pleases.
    103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
    103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
    104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
    105. Don't kick your own ass
    106. And never lick it either.
    106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
    107. you will notice when autoload cheats
    108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
    109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
    110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
    111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
    112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
    113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
    114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
    114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
    115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
    116. All skaters must burn in hell
    117. Dominationnation is amazing
    118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
    119.Chinese is the only official language.
    120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
    121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
    122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
    123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
    124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
    125. Dominationnation is amazing!
    126. No more major bumpage
    127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
    128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
    129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
    130. NES must be worshipped!
    131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
    132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
    133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
    134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
    135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
    136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
    137.And cena
    138. everyone must like pie
    139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
    140. BRYGUY IS TO BE WORSHIPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!
    141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
    142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
    143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
    144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
    145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
    146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
    147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
    148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
    149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
    150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
    151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
    151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
    152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
    153. bryguy shall shut up
    154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
    155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
    156. These rules are for everyone
    157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
    158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
    159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
    160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
    161. until he dies along with spaladin
    162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
    163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
    164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
    165. You must not be ugly
    166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
    167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
    168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
    169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
    170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
    170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
    171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
    172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
    173. The captain is always right
    174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
    175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
    176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
    177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
    178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
    179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
    180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
    181. everybody must have funny sigs
    182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
    183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
    184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
    185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
Achieved August 27, 2009
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Cook Supermarioluigi
Posts: 360
Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:06 pm
Location: uhh...over there

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby Martin Ronne on Fri May 29, 2009 8:57 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
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Major Martin Ronne
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:04 pm
Location: Behind you.

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby Martin Ronne on Fri May 29, 2009 9:03 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺.
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Major Martin Ronne
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:04 pm
Location: Behind you.

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby a.sub on Sat May 30, 2009 3:40 am

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
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Cadet a.sub
Posts: 1834
Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:07 am

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby owenator on Sat May 30, 2009 3:47 am

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
189. Rule # 188 shall be abolished - FOREVER.
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Lieutenant owenator
Posts: 572
Joined: Thu May 22, 2008 9:41 am
Location: Toronto

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby a.sub on Sat May 30, 2009 3:49 am

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
189. Rule # 188 shall be abolished - FOREVER.
190. no more rules can be made ;)
User avatar
Cadet a.sub
Posts: 1834
Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:07 am

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby owenator on Sat May 30, 2009 3:56 am

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
189. Rule # 188 shall be abolished - FOREVER.
190. no more rules can be made ;)
191. Rule # 190 never existed. EVER.
User avatar
Lieutenant owenator
Posts: 572
Joined: Thu May 22, 2008 9:41 am
Location: Toronto

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby owenator on Sat May 30, 2009 3:58 am

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
189. Rule # 188 shall be abolished - FOREVER.
190. no more rules can be made ;)
191. Rule # 190 never existed. EVER.
192. All women shall obey their man. ALWAYS. Sex, shall never be denied, rejected, nor turned away. Furthermore, the punishment for this rule hereby allows for your man to sleep with your hot sister.
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Lieutenant owenator
Posts: 572
Joined: Thu May 22, 2008 9:41 am
Location: Toronto

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby Captain_Scarlet on Sat May 30, 2009 4:32 am

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
189. Rule # 188 shall be abolished - FOREVER.
190. no more rules can be made ;)
191. Rule # 190 never existed. EVER.
192. All women shall obey their man. ALWAYS. Sex, shall never be denied, rejected, nor turned away. Furthermore, the punishment for this rule hereby allows for your man to sleep with your hot sister.
193. Rule #192 can be enforced on Owenator aka kermy and his shovel however I only have brothers
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Sergeant 1st Class Captain_Scarlet
Posts: 502
Joined: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:31 am

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby AndyDufresne on Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:09 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
189. Rule # 188 shall be abolished - FOREVER.
190. no more rules can be made ;)
191. Rule # 190 never existed. EVER.
192. All women shall obey their man. ALWAYS. Sex, shall never be denied, rejected, nor turned away. Furthermore, the punishment for this rule hereby allows for your man to sleep with your hot sister.
193. Rule #192 can be enforced on Owenator aka kermy and his shovel however I only have brothers.
194. This topic must be ceremoniously bumped at least every 2 years or so.
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Corporal 1st Class AndyDufresne
Posts: 24919
Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:22 pm
Location: A Banana Palm in Zihuatanejo

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby Quirk on Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:49 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
189. Rule # 188 shall be abolished - FOREVER.
190. no more rules can be made ;)
191. Rule # 190 never existed. EVER.
192. All women shall obey their man. ALWAYS. Sex, shall never be denied, rejected, nor turned away. Furthermore, the punishment for this rule hereby allows for your man to sleep with your hot sister.
193. Rule #192 can be enforced on Owenator aka kermy and his shovel however I only have brothers.
194. This topic must be ceremoniously bumped at least every 2 years or so.
195. Buffalo Gals go round the outside.
Image Image

pancakemix wrote:Quirk, you are a bastard. That is all.
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Major Quirk
Posts: 2064
Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:27 pm
Location: Athens, Georgia

Re: Rules of the World...You Decide!

Postby firsal901 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:56 pm

1..Everyone must like bananas.
2. pikachu is to be treated as a mentally handicapped mongoose
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. I wana see if ayone notices that I chnged this rule
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. I wonder why IM bothering to change so many rules?
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. This isnt one of the rules theat dominationnation changed
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Dominationnation is amazing
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
119.Chinese is the only official language.
120. emos must be killed. goths must be killed and rappers must be killed
121.Smokers must to be imprisoned.
122. Everyone must go on a bumping rage\
123. Only JND is allowed to look at porn.
124. All porn becomes remakes of LEMON PARTY, Just for JND.
125. Dominationnation is amazing!
126. No more major bumpage
127. Every Friday, The Weird One gets to host a house-burning party
128. all cc'ers must attend to rle 127
129. Do not Bank on Tony, especially in the case of Genesis.
130. NES must be worshipped!
131. ...but he can't ever mod a mafia game (even if it's 1 player).
132. ignotus must get an island & 100 million Canadian dollars so he can live with his cats & books happily ever after
133No law may be enacted without prior consent from satanspaladin.
134 If anyone can give me the numbers of all the ruls I changed in this post Ill give them a cookie
135. Fireedud becomes a firebender
136.Everyone must play mafia other than NES
137.And cena
138. everyone must like pie
139. modifying the rules in your quotes is NOT allowed
141.Bryguy is and always will be the king of double posts
142. george lucas will be given a high government position for coming up with star wars.
143. you must quote the whole list every time you post a rule
144. there are to be no guns, only twigs, sticks, lightsabers, and other objects for warfare
145. mr. incrediball must change his avatar to something of my liking
146. Nobody is to tell bryguy what to do. only bryguy telling them what to do
147. we are not to listen to mr. incrediball and we do not have to do his rules
148. mr. incrediball will be given immortalitie and have horrible things done to him each day, making him wish he could die
149. All these rules are to be trashed (gotten rid of) by my next post, so we can start over
150. WL_ southerner accept's that baseball is the sport of Kings.
151. Rule 149 shall be ignored
151. cena-rules must have more posts than mtg
152. These rules shall remain and bryguy's new list ignored
153. bryguy shall shut up
154. bryguy's posts shall be ignored unless he aknowledges the validation of the first list
155. both lists are valid and one is the rules of the rebels that try to throw me from my seat of power, and the other is mine (with all my stupid little rules Twisted Evil)
156. These rules are for everyone
157. bryguy's rules are now considered heresy and obeying them is punishable by death
158. so are these rules, and are punishable by the death of muy_thaiguy and his accomplice, satanspaladin
159. bryguy must wear a pink ribbion in his hair at all time
160. Avron is Lord God and must be obeyed at all times.
161. until he dies along with spaladin
162 cute kittens are all way's immortal
163. Spamalot must be the elite high class of society,
164. You must copy and paste the rules not quote
165. You must not be ugly
166. Everyone must obey rule 27 the most
167. All odd rules except this one are to be ignored
168. Rule #167 is to be ignored
169. All immortal kittens are to be tortured day and night making them wish they could die
170.All odd rules except this one are to be obeyed. Game over guys I win!
170 rule 170 fefers to guys only so all rules by woman stand making womankind the only rule maker
171. rules 170 makes no sense and shall be ignored, just as spaladin shall be ignored
172. All EVEN rules except this one are to be ignored. Looks like I win now bitches!
173. The captain is always right
174. If the captain is wrong see rule 173
175. Everyone must welcome and obey our new robot overlords.
176. All threads over a year old must be immeadiately bumped.
177. Led Zeppelin is everybody's favorite band, and the best band in the world
178. Metallica is everybody's favourite band, and the best band in the world
179. The next five rules must hail Drench in some form.
180. In case of alien invasion you are to place your head in TVs and repeat the "T'is the good ol'e life" from seasons 1 - 2.5 to ensure safety of your household.
181. everybody must have funny sigs
182. Pluto shall be reinstated as a planet, and all newly discovered planets shall be given common simplistic names such as Bill, Ted, Fred, Jethro, Cletis Jimbob, and Pauly Sure. Any and all who attempt to name a planet after one of those dumbass fücktard Roman or Greek gods, will be burned at the stake with a plaque over their head that says "ALL HAIL DRENCH!!!!!!"
183. Led Zeppelin shall get back together again
184. All preceeding rules are void because they are human rules and it is clear that all humans have their flaws, especially those who deem themselves perfect. Therefore i suggest we create a 'perfect' test to see who is the most perfect being in our world. This being would then create all the doctrine and he will be our divine overlord. Or, we could scrap the test and i will take the position. All agree?
185. You do not talk about the rules of the world
186. The next rule made, must be made in a foreign language.
187. ザ 訳者 of 本 法則 べき 委託 秘儀 自殺
188. all rules beyond this mus be numbered by a prime number greater than the number of the rule before it
189. Rule # 188 shall be abolished - FOREVER.
190. no more rules can be made ;)
191. Rule # 190 never existed. EVER.
192. All women shall obey their man. ALWAYS. Sex, shall never be denied, rejected, nor turned away. Furthermore, the punishment for this rule hereby allows for your man to sleep with your hot sister.
193. Rule #192 can be enforced on Owenator aka kermy and his shovel however I only have brothers.
194. This topic must be ceremoniously bumped at least every 2 years or so.
195. Buffalo Gals go round the outside.
196. everybody must be a fool or rule #195 shall be ignored
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Cook firsal901
Posts: 193
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:33 am
Location: Laguna, Philippines (Google it)


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