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[CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 29-31 - Final 5/2

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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 18-29

Postby merch313 on Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:36 pm

Grats TOFU!! Well played!!

Lots of Fun, laughs and too much reading lol

Good luck in the Finals hope it will be as interesting as this war was :D

So now that this is over can Denise and Cat come over and play again? ;)
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 18-29

Postby niMic on Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:53 pm

CoF, I don't understand why you feel the need to bring that up in the first place, and then claim you're not one to gloat. I mean, come on, stop it with the act. Let it go and enjoy your win.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:01 pm

Because I don't believe it's a remark that should have gone ignored. I've said my peace, now just leave it (unless of course you want to argue the point that what was said about me was fair?).

p.s. bringing this up and gloating are totally different things.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby niMic on Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:05 pm

If you say so.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby alt1978 on Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:14 pm

Congrats to tofu on the win...but in my mind and even greater tip of the hat to kort for running one of the greatest dynasties of all time...and in saying that I am in no way implying that it is over. To do what you have done against the incredible competition taking aim at you is ridiculous. If thota were the bill russell celtics of the early nba...kort are the yankees of the sixties. perhaps tofu will be the steelers of the 70's...but this was a hell of a war to watch. Nicely done by both clans.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 18-29

Postby codeblue1018 on Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:30 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:It wouldn't be TOFU-KORT without some needle and occasional sledging. A lot was riding on this challenge: a replay of the infamous 2010 fixture, a place in the final of CC's most prestigious clan tourney, and a contest of wits between the clans ranked 1st & 2nd with a possible switch at the top of the F400. Whilst undoubtedly there's a clash of personalities, I'd like to think a lot of the reason behind people's motivation has been due to an unspoken respect for the other's playing ability. In 60 games there was not a single fixture that could be taken for granted. There is no 'weak' KORT team and there are seldom, if any, poor KORT moves. It has been a competition played at the highest level that also happened to have a history of rivalry. It's ManUtd/Liverpool, Yankees/RedSox, USA/USSR (that was), etc etc.

This challenge had got off to a good, friendly start. Perhaps not what some outsiders wanted to see, but it sat well with the combatants on either side and I believe they were happy to see it progressing as it did. Where it went of the rails was after the post of 19th Feb (bottom of p.6) where a particularly poor display of sportsmanship was shown. And that pales in comparison to the remark made in a PM (by the same author) to one of my fellow clan members:

if you beat us on the board, you are the first who deserve to be congratulated (not CoF, his score is again negative like in PACK war, but rest of TOFU).

Frankly I don't have time for people who display such bad sporstmanship. I also don't have the inclination to gloat once this challenge is officially over. I merely wish to congratulate everyone (100%, not 90% or 95% either) who participated in a very hard-fought contest. There are winners and losers in every contest - whether it be over a series of individual games or as a challenge overall - and each should be applauded for having tried his or her best.

So well done KORT, I for one salute you =D>

Well said mate and congrats. I smell a TSM/TOFU matchup in the future. :D

Kort is loaded with outstanding players; well played to you peeps as well.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 18-29

Postby josko.ri on Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:53 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:And that pales in comparison to the remark made in a PM (by the same author) to one of my fellow clan members:

if you beat us on the board, you are the first who deserve to be congratulated (not CoF, his score is again negative like in PACK war, but rest of TOFU).

Lol CoF, again you show how a class you are. At first, I wonder why Denise shares her pm with others in TOFU. That is pm (If you do not know meaning it is "personal message") so both Denise shared personal message from me to her with you and now you shared it with public. But it is not weird to me, for you obviously everything to do/to say is allowed and normal, but for me is somehow different, whatever I say all of TOFU jump on me and declare me with the lowest honor names.

Since you think it is normal to share pms in public, well then I also can do so, no? But, I am more classy, I will share pm that I wrote to Denise, not the one that some other person received and shared with you for purpose that you share it with public (Thanks Denise, very classy move from you =D> ). In the pm my future doings (filling a C&A report which will reveal sitting abuse from CoF in last 2 wars) are announced to her. I still did not report it because I respect other members from TOFU and do not want to neglect their on-board deserved wins so I am waiting until this war comes to 31st win before putting the report evidence in C&A forum.

josko.ri wrote:Reading your example, I agree that is normal, if you are suspicious your teammate will miss and time is low, you will sit. I think I read once you sat for raketen when I think he was playing other turns, but I never did and never wil investigate if he really played other turns or not. In my opinion that is normal, you wanted to be sure that you will avoid turn missing. I even think you would find some other KORT member sitting for someone who was online in 24 hour timeframe if you do deep research. It is normal it happens sometimes.

BUT, the one who think it is NOT normal, if CoF, judging by his constant accusations towards me, starting from the first case against me when he (and other TOFU members) were the most loudest in pointing fingers at me, which was the only motive that I show to the whole clan world that they are even worse by filling report against CoF. Then second time he again pointed fingers to me for case that I was even cleared. Then third time he not only reported case to hunters (where we were cleared) but also besides the report put all his suspicions (which were wrong suspicions, as officials cleared us) into the thread in order to taint our names over decision of officials. And now count, how many times I tried to taint his name in public by pointing fingers to his abuse? Only twice, and both times it was just putting back into his face for what he accused me. I think this is enough to conclude who was hostile in our "relationship" and who every time started with throwing on negative feelings.

Also, we know rules very well, and we play according to rules. In this war, a my clan mate counted we had 8 missing turns, and you had 2 missing turns. For us, 8 is the lowest number of missing turns in all recent wars, other wars had even more. Now at the end it happens that with equal field of missing turns we could go 31/29 or 30/30 instead 29/31, if for example P.Harbour, M. Ages, HRE was not screwed by miss. Logically, he questioned if that is legal one person to have all passwords, even password of Head Moderator Dako in period when he is not absent (i.e. his color were not removed and he was normally playing in 13 other games the day when sitting appeared). In my clan, there is no normal user who knows password of Moderator user, with exception of absence time when Moderator color is removed and normal user is sitting. I personally know passwords of maybe 5 players total which I sat for during absence and did not forgot password (I use just my memory, without memorizing pw on paper or on computer, and pm disappears after 75 inbox messages). Other KORT members also have passwords of just several others, we do not share it. And there comes fact that maybe you will not believe of, and it is that KORT has in every recent war more than 10 misses. If you do not believe this statement, say to CoF to investigate, he anyway has a ton of free time. Maybe reason for that is totally opposite that CoF (again) try to present us in public, which is that we play this game for fun, and we think even less active members deserves to have fun. It often costs us to achieve better result by putting them into games, but we are proud that fun is not divided just by players who are online 24/7 but the fun is also given to players who care less about CC. And there is no sitter who can do great move in urgent sitting in foggy game for anyone, so with that we risk losing a lot of games.

And then we see what happens from other side, at first pointing fingers to us that we are the ones who are intentionally doing sitting abuse, and at second many worse sitting cases done by CoF for several others. It is not weird that some of my clan mates are questioning did we have equal rules level, when we follow rules, costing us to have final 8v2 turn missing rate, and CoF is doing what he is doing together with pointing fingers to us that we are intentionally avoiding rules. Yeah, the clan who has 4 times more misses than opponents are for sure serious intentional account sitting abusers. And you see, KORT has like 30+ active players, and TOFU has like 20+, so where is more chance that someone will notice a turn will maybe be missed? 10 more people for sure have more possibility to notice possible missing. If we share passwords among each other, (almost) no missing would happen, 30 persons are pretty high number in possibilities to notice someone is low on time. Another fact that we do not share passwords but only give it to 2/3 who are(were) your sitters during absences.

Also, your arguments in pm even more proved my statement that he did not stopped cheating, but he only improved it to more proficient level. Why more proficient? Before, when he noticed that someone is low on time, he logged in and sat. Now, when he notice that someone is low on time (Pedro/catnip case presented to you) then he finds some sitter outside the game (logically, if sitter is outside the game, his/her sitting will be less suspicious), ask him/her to sit, but actually the sitter is just clicking in the game moves which CoF are dictating. In essence, there is no difference between CoF sitting and other player sitting because the move is anyway ordered by CoF (just clicking was done by other player). So, previous amateur level (CoF log in and sit) is now improved to professional level (CoF pm or wall someone to sit while he is on the same time online and dictates the move). The case I forwarded to you is just one the most obvious example of that, but I found several cases, and I have some suspicious cases which hunters can check if CoF and sitter were logged on the same time when turn was done.

I see you think my motives are only revenge. You are wrong, my motives are having finally top fun in clan wars, without one who constantly, war after war, are pointing fingers to us about wrongdoings while he personally is much worse. Imagine how clan world would look like without that. In our first war there would not be dice whiner who caused me to reply to his whining by arguments that they played bad. I know, it is not ok saying in public that someone played bad, but is is also not ok to cover your loses by saying they are lucky as a hell. He started, I replied. Then the whole TOFU was flaming me the whole war because of that. Then started accusations that I sit for everyone, when actually CoF were playing 21 games and sitting for 13 players at the end. I have only played 17 games so even with several sitting I was way less used in the war than I could have been. So, as reply to accusations, we made program which generates "josko for X" whenever someone plays his turn. It was all continued by rude accusations towards me on personal basis, series of event that caused us to accept non popular decision of TOFU forfeits due to breaking rules. Then Bones accused me for sitting abuse that was not abuse at that time. Hats of to Bones, I investigated him and he really never did similar sitting doings. He was the right person to throw fingers at me and ask for equal playing field. And he made success in that, the precedent verdict was done. In my opinion unfair, I was punished for breaking rules which were declared AFTER the verdict. But again, there were CoF and many others from TOFU pointing fingers into us and being the most loud in seeking for punishment, while they were in the same shoes, proven by C&A report against CoF that followed. After the verdict against me, I was the one who forever stopped to do any shady sitting, while CoF only improved his sitting practices on higher level. That revealing by Chuuuuck was pain in the ass for clan world that something of that can even happen. Then it followed another report from CoF to me, I wonder was it chosen timing just before our war to eliminate me from it? 1 month ban in case I was guilty would serve great for TOFU in our war, together with blame, moral falling for KORT and everything which happens with that. Nice try to increase his chances to win upcoming war but fortunately, hunters were protecting us from false accusations. And then again, in this war I had only 1 sitting total. The 1 sitting was enough to report it to hunters, together with additional accusations of proxy log in for Moonchild, and together with putting all that in public thread, which has nothing to do with C&A cases.

So there is in short summary of history of his accusations. And now you are saying my motive is revenge. Funny. My only motive is finally having fun in playing clan wars. My clan and me had very high fun in all other wars in our history, except in wars vs TOFU. Our 2 the strongest players Rodion and sjnap refused to play just because they knew it will come a ton of shit from TOFU in forums and they are here to have fun and not to have pain in the ass over and over again. You see, they both played in wars before TOFU, and they both will play in CL5 and CC4, but somehow they did not play vs TOFU. Now you know reasons. I also want to have fun in clan world in general, the constant point fingering to me together with numerous of false accusations hurts the rest of clan world as well, you see it the best from Leehar's reply to my post. In conclusion, in the same manner like GLG ban was increasing overall CC fun, I am sure CoF ban will increase clan area fun. For my clan it will for sure increase, we want to have fun in playing games, not in being ass fucked over and over again, especially not from person who is doing and was done much bigger abuses than we could ever think of. However, as I promised, nothing will come out before our war ends, we let it finish by result achieved on board. What will happen after, I will do in agreement with my clan mates, if majority of them say let it go without report, I will agree. I lost a lot of time for investigation, but as I said already in the forum "Honest person seeking for justice does not mind to spend his precious time in order to achieve that goal".
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:59 am

Your sitting abuse claims are laughable. So now I'm guilty of sitting abuse when I'm not sitting! Feel free to waste your time. Knock yourself out.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby josko.ri on Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:07 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Your sitting abuse claims are laughable. So now I'm guilty of sitting abuse when I'm not sitting! Feel free to waste your time. Knock yourself out.

Anyway this thread is not place to speak about that, my motive was just sharing pm, like you did, not to discuss here about that. This will soon be in C&A report so feel free to say there whatever you have for your defense.

Pedronicus wrote:Glad to see that korts tactic of holding back from winning certainly won games to give them some sort of hollywood comeback has failed.

cocky fuckers.

I do not know what you are speaking about, another flame from TOFU to dishonor KORT (why it is not anymore weird?). We were accused for stalling game in Game 12213226 but right now there are: Team 1 97 ( 68% ) 92 / 92 (72%)

So we have just 5 troops more than regions, 4 of them on Moonchild who will now use it in attack mode. I really do not see where do you see holding back in that game. Do you expect we can take all 121 territories with 97 troops and already win but we choose to hold it back? :lol:
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Extreme Ways on Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:48 am

Stop it, both of you. You already said the other good game, maybe not well played, but at least good game.I foudn the war fun, although I've only played 2 games. The flaming and discussions here where at the line, but they were fun if you look back at it, besides the CoF vs Josko parts.

As for Pedro, games on big maps will take longer. We love big maps.

Very well played TOFU and congratulations, good luck in the finals. It was a fun war for me.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby josko.ri on Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:52 am

Extreme Ways wrote:Stop it, both of you.

I have already stopped several pages before but somehow he (and Pedro) felt some needs to make another flame and point fingering towards me. Again and again, how many times? I am expecting now that half of TOFU including Denise aka "the pm is not pm" will come here and say how "bad boy" Josko always starts first with ill speaking about others from her clan. Isn't it so Denise? :lol:
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:04 am

Well let's face did. Why did you have to say what you did in your PM? What's amusing though is one minute you are implying I'm a useless player with a negative record who should resign, and the next you are complaining that I'm writing in gamechat and somehow giving 'professional' advice. Your logic sucks.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby betiko on Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:48 am

so the finals will be tofu vs afos!

by the way, freakns invited me to that kort tofu mix teams on conquer rome, still not filling in!
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Iron Maid on Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:34 am

Thanks KORT for the great battle! =D> =D> =D> It surely was a circus with some class acts (except for the clown with his jokari jokes).
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Dako on Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:39 am

Just a remark that personal message belongs to both sender and receiver and both of them can do what they please with this message as it is their personal belonging. It is normal to show texts/PMs/emails to your friends if you think it is the right thing to do (wether to share a joke or funny picture or inform them about something that concerns them). There is no rule about "never show anyone your PM" so I don't know where did you get that notion from. I could have understood you if you'd told Denise in PM "Please don't tell anyone about it" and she broke that promise. But you never did. So I don't know why are you complaining about that.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby fishydance on Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:03 am

We REALLY need some Jaffa cakes about now.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Nicky15 on Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:27 am

fishydance wrote:We REALLY need some Jaffa cakes about now.

That sounds good !

OK if we are submitting reports then let me have them. Lets not get this thread locked in the final stages, and keep it lighthearted guys and girls.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby freakns on Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:51 am

i think Denise shared PM with others simply because it was way too long for only her to read... ive read 2 paragraphs, and then just left it. seriously Josko, who is writing such a long PMs? you could said "CoF have small penis, and im reporting him for abusing other ppl penises, but ill do that after war is over, so noone feel butthurt with usage of small penis, which would be rather silly", and voila, you can get back to watch porn in your free time.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby comic boy on Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:03 am

Thanks for the fish guys :D
Im a TOFU miSfit
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Denise on Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:43 am

:lol: @ Freak. I'm actually starting to enjoy your small penis jokes. You know the secret of being funny. Even if something is not funny at first it will be eventually if you say it over & over.

@ Josko. I shared a part of your PM with my clan that I thought concerned them. What was shared was something you have already said a few times. I remember you saying it at least twice in this thread, maybe more, so I didn't think it was meant to be confidential. In fact I figured you hoped CoF would hear it. It's no secret you want him to know how you feel about it.

Your quote you posted above I did not share in any part.

Thanks, Dako. That's basically how I feel about PM's, too. Unless someone specially tells me, "please keep it confidential" there is nothing wrong with sharing with others the parts that concern them.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby freakns on Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:34 am

Denise wrote::lol: @ Freak. I'm actually starting to enjoy your small penis

i knew it was only matter of time!

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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby fishydance on Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:04 pm

freakns wrote:
Denise wrote::lol: @ Freak. I'm actually starting to enjoy your small penis

i knew it was only matter of time!

freakns you HAVE a penis?? :shock: You've been holding out on me!!
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:58 pm

fishydance wrote:freakns, you have a penis you've been holding out on me!!

The difference that punctuation can make.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby niMic on Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:29 pm

Not... in that case, though? He has a penis, and he has been holding it out on fishy. That's pretty much both sentences.
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Re: [CC3] SEMI FINALS KoRT vs TOFU 19-30

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:35 pm

OK, I don't think you got the joke. N/mind
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