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Postby joetalk on Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:37 am

Hello to my friends on the C.C. Site, I have started to enrich my life with a few Daily readings for meditation and spiritual growth.
So for those of u who can use a little inspuration in there lives may u find it here if no where else.
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Postby joetalk on Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:45 am

Today's lesson is
Take a good long look at your daily activities, are u spending ur time ensureing true enjoyment and laughter, ( in other words spending all day at ur computer wired on coffee and playing C.C.) Remember to look on the lighter side of things and don't OBSESS ABOUT THE LITTLE THINGS. ( show good sportsmanship when u've been ahnihalted or teased to death)
Always look on the positive side of things and remember that things have to go down to apprieciate the ups!!!
just a little insite into my days that i would like to share.
see u tommorow for our next A.B.C.'S OF SPIRITUALITY
joetalk out
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Postby KoolBak on Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:17 am

This is much better than politics...thank you Joe!! Now...back to your annihiliation!!!!!!!
"Gypsy told my fortune...she said that nothin showed...."

Neil Young....Like An Inca

riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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JUNE 20TH/06

Postby joetalk on Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:34 am

today is as good of a day as any to think about our contact with the great spirit.
are we in contact, do we pray and ask for guidence, do we quiet our minds once a day to listen to what the great spirit is saying.
If only once in a day we can say yes, than we will also see the options and lessons set before us.
though these lessons often come with there fair share of pain and grief, we learn, somthing about ourselves and about the great spirits path set forth for us.
LISTEN, PRAY, ASK FOR GUIDENCE and watch the miricles unfold before u as i have.
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Postby hawkeye on Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:04 pm

behold the power of cheese ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Postby minihaymanz on Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:06 pm

Top 50 ways to get fired

20. The Most Annoying Thing of All Time
Do not leave any room, at any time, without first saying, "Seacrest Out." ... ectionID=1
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JUNE 21ST /06

Postby joetalk on Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:20 am

Today is a great day to think about our attitudes in life,
the way we handle things and our allaround perspective on things.
Do we face the harder things in life with a smile and say ok this sucks but i can handle it and work it through to the best of my ability, or do i look at an obsticle and go OH thats to hard i can't do it.
the way we act, is the way we are purcived by others, and how we represent ourself to the world, but most of important it becomes a part of WHO we are. Looking at things in a positive light might not always be easy, but truley living life to the fullest, means looking at the things we have and are greatfull for every day, and not the oposite,
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Postby joetalk on Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:26 am

Today we need to focus on our ever changing world about us.
Maybe we are comfortable in our constantly changing world, or sitting stagnant in our lives.
We need to accept that life changes, not always the way we want, but sureley the way we need. Being able and willing to face these facts is a part of life, making sure that ur ontop of ur game is also as important as being aware.
MIX THINGS UP, DO A DIFFERENT TYPE OF EXCERSISE, DATE SOMEONE U NORMALLY WOULD NOT. Doing things differently and changing things up is the best way to remain allert and sensitive to options that may be around us, that we may otherwise miss out on.
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JUNE 23rd

Postby joetalk on Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:01 am

Today we should think about the area's we need to surrender and accept. Many of us spend more time and effort fighting things and people that are involved in situations we cannot control.
Accepting that a situation is not in ur power to control or change, must come first, for us to reach serenity. Next u must take the appropriate action, which in some case's may be none, other actions may be to start to mentally prepare for what is in the process of happening.
Last we need to come to a point of understanding that all things happen for a reason, NOTHING HAPPENS BY ACCIDENT everything is in the great spirits plan just the way it is supossed to be.
Every day here is a lesson to be learnt are u seeing it?
joetalk out
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Postby Pilate on Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:08 pm

this still running?
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Postby Phx99 on Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:37 pm

I think it is...I'll give Joe a nudge...
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sorry for the delay's life got in the way , and weekends are

Postby joetalk on Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:30 am

To Pilate065 who kindly inquired, I will be continuing this page, and ask for a little patience while i sort out a new schedule in my life.
i will be continuing this page 5 days a week with weekends off for necessity.
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Tuesday June 27 /06

Postby joetalk on Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:44 am

Today's lesson'S
as i missed a lesson for yesterday it only seem fitting that i share two lesson's today.
1) Do not act defensive to other people's opinions, especially when they are about our own shortcommings.
Being defensive only limits our ability to grow from these opinions.
However being open to the fact that someone may see somthing about us that we have trouble seeing for ourselves is the key, a key to freedom from these shortcommings.
With each of these opinions we have the ability to grow and continue our daily oportunity to make progress in our lives.
2) Do one nice thing to another each and every day.
No matter how small it is, if it is sencere and for the benifit of another it will be noticed.
Imagine a world where every day we did just the simplist of things to help make a better day for just one other person.
Letting go of how we may have been treated in the past by others is the key in this lesson.
Doing a nice thing for another everyday will allow us to see and be a part of the best parts in life.
Are u open minded and willing to grow everyday from others opinions?
Have u done a nice thing for another today?
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June 28th /06

Postby joetalk on Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:08 pm

Today's lesson
Today is a day for thought of action, what do u do to be rememberd, what do u want people to remember u for, now is the time ur life to get active in ur community, and make a difference in others lives.
by doing this we see what others are going through, and in turn it helps to put our problems in purspective, aswell as help heal our souls with the kind efforts we put in on these activities.
being there for someone can change there lives for ever, one day at a time, or for that fact one hour at a time.
Put ur efforts in the right directions out side of ur personal life and things in ur personal life will fall into place.
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Postby joetalk on Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:05 am

Anyways, Todays lesson is to make spiritual and physical progress.
Complacency is one of our biggest enemy's, the feeling of comfort and ease it brings is not a bad thing, yet it does slow down our desire's to make ongoing progress in all the areas of our life.
Do not halt in this process, as everyday spent not working on ourselfs is another day we have not used wiseley. every day has something to teach, and it is up to us soulely to take these lessons to armes and use them in our defence against demoralizing actions that we may encounter.
be there for urself, be there for others, ask for help from others and remember to share the path of lessons learned for best results.
joetalk out
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Postby Phx99 on Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:07 am

and can I be the first to say...


Your present is later, darling

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Postby Machiavelli on Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:08 am

That sounds ...
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Postby Phx99 on Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:46 pm

Machiavelli wrote:That sounds ...

sounds???? It's common knowledge that Joetalk is my spouse...

and I was talking about something else, ya big perv! lol
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June 30th/06

Postby joetalk on Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:18 am

Today's lesson
Today is a good day to focus on our goals.
Having a plan is the next step, not all of us can see clearly how to reach the goals we have, stepping up to the plate and taking chance's is now where we go, councel from others who u may have met that appear to have reach simialr goals is often advised, but nothing teach's like trial and error
many of us may say "ok i want this and this and would like to do this and that" at certain stages of life, but are these goals spritually helpfull, do they meet our actual needs?, physicly spiritually and emotionally?
for many it it will take time and reaching some goals to actually see clearly what means most and how to enjoy the rewards.
For others it may take complete and utter failure to awaken there sence's of reality and true desire.
i impair upon u to look deeply inside when making ur goals, and to set goals that encompus all of our live's.
for many the goals we make today and reach tomorrow will change, as we change.
this is one of life's most important task's and should be clearly seen every day on a wall, on the fridge, next to ur bed, where ever it will inspire u to work.
let us stop for 5 minutes and take a look at what we think our goals are and what those goals trueley bring into our live's.
joetalk out
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sorry for the delay in programing

Postby joetalk on Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:29 pm

to all those who find the time to notice, the programing has had to be temporaraly canceled till my morning dont have to be so early and my nights so late.
I expect that one week or so and i should be back to regular programing. thanks and hope u all find ur fix of inspiration in the mean time
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Postby reverend_kyle on Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:15 am

Joe talk wath is your avatar from?
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Postby notyou2 on Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:55 am

I think Joe ran out of spiritually enlightening lessons.
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Postby Timminz on Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:11 pm

notyou2 wrote:I think Joe ran out of spiritually enlightening lessons.

It's too bad. I was really beginning to grow as a person.
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Postby BigBallinStalin on Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:21 pm

WHere's my inspuration?
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Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:15 pm

notyou2 wrote:I think Joe ran out of spiritually enlightening lessons.

There were only ten of them published, but I heard there was a secret 11th lesson which is buried in the Sands of Time.

Begin the Quest for the 11the Lesson!
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