Conquer Club

Issue 14: 24/03/0

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Issue 14: 24/03/0

Postby Gozar on Tue May 26, 2009 9:19 pm

Issue 14: 24/03/08


Editor’s Note

Hello, tournament fans, players and organizers.
Hope you find all kinds of tournaments that suit your tastes in this issue.



Currently Taking Signups
Tournament Updates
Coming Soon
The Tournament Roll of Honour
Interview with Natewolfman
Next Issue

Feel free to comment on any news item, or submit your own.

New Tournament Director- Night Strike has taken up the position of ‘Tournament Director’, joining Optimus Prime and Steelhorse in helping the tournaments’ forum run smooth.

Currently Taking Signups
Here are just some of the tournaments that are currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread.

Raining Fire
Organiser: lanyards

Feudal Kings Tournament
Organiser: CryWolf/Sd031091

Conquer the World
Organiser: Icedragont

Survivor: CC style
Organiser: mushin

It’s a CC Tournament Charlie Brown!
Organiser: RedBaron0

NHL League
Organiser: sensfan

Battle Europe II
Organiser: Gozar

Brigade Commander Tournament
Organiser: gdeangel

Quickdraw 1v1 Tournament
Organiser: Natewolfman

The CC Poker Tournament
Organiser: knighthawk

lovo’s 1v1 league Season I
Organiser: lordvoldemort

The Elder Wand League
Organiser: lordvoldemort

The Rescue of Optimus Prime
Organiser: Godd
Optimus still needs more players to win back his clan.

Twisted Tournament
Organiser: brendan man

The More the Merrier
Organiser: brendan man

Quick and Painless Tournament
Organiser: croat_ante

Literature Prize
Organiser: amazzony

Organiser: amazzony

Olympics Part 1: Citius
Orgainser: amazzony

MLB Season
Organiser: Killer619

Big Brother I-CC Style
Organiser: dittoeevee8888

Tournament Updates
Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread.

Bring It On!!
Organiser: Lufsen75/thekidstrumpet
New Rounds Every Monday! You don't have to be signed up to challenge for a map, ALWAYS accepting new players. Which map are you the best at? Challenge for it and become champion of a map, or collect and become champion of a number of maps.

The World Leader's Assassin Tournament
Organisers: Gozar
Only one Day Three game still playing.

The Long Walk
Organisers: Gozar
Twenty-two games until elimination are still running.

Eight In One Tournament Headquarters
Eight tournaments by different organizers, with the winners competing for a premium prize. Join one, or join them all, the choice is yours.
Gilligan's Bracket Tournament III
Round 2 starting soon.
lord voldemort's Double Elimination Delight
Round One underway
Natewolfman’s Lost in Translation Tournament
Round One underway.
Sir. Ricco’s Mission – Survive the Longest V4.0
Elimination Three.
Gozar’s Battle for Waterloo Tournament
All games in the qualifying round are running, or will be shortly.
amazzony's Musical Chairs
Round One underway.
barterer2002's Alien Invasion
Round One underway.
jennifermarie’s The C-list
Round One/Week One

The Player’s Tournament
Organiser: Godd
The Players Tournament is winding down its 3rd round with 2 games still going. It may be this next weekend for round 4 to start.

Coming Soon

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.

The Official Age of Realms Trilogy Tournament from Sir. Ricco
Look for it: When the Age of Mayhem map nears completion

The Tournament Roll of Honour

Here are some recent tournament winners.

”NCAA Basketball Tournament”- Rumundo
”Gilligan’s Bracket Tournament II”- Godd
”The Foggy Tournament”-
”Battle Europe”- Paulus
”Transformer’s Wars II”- chard and Condor
”Musicman’s Anime Tournament”- smasher_123
”Primera Division”- inonzuk and Shai
”March Madness ‘08”- Buba
”The Next Feudal Lord”- homer_jay
”Point Grabbers Quadruples Edition” -barterer2002, Bones2484, Rogue Warrior, Jetpac
”Escalating Classic Tournament”- freyme
”Davis Cup”- qwert and Natewolfman
”’You’re Eliminated’ V”- BaldAdonis
”Can U Rule the World?”- acores2005
”Cairns Coral Coast Masters: Division 2”- Jay513
”Cairns Coral Coast Masters: Division 3”- Zemljanin
”Yanks vs Rebs”- V.I. and jiminski
”Feudal Wars Singles Tournament”- JCsolidrock

Interview with Natewolfman
This week we had the chance to talk with organizer, Natewolfman. All questions are reader submitted, so if you have something you want to ask an upcoming organizer; PM me. Next week’s interview will be with lordvoldemort. If you have not submitted your questions, you have until Tuesday to either PM me, or post in this thread.
In two weeks, our interview will be with Tieryn. Feel free to begin submitting your questions now, I have created this thread for that purpose.

Now, on with the interview.

Q: Hello, Natewolfman.

A: Yo.

Q: Why did you join CC?

A:I was actually searching Google for an online risk game to DL, and by chance stumbled upon the site.

Q:What made you want to start running tournaments?

A: I started running tournaments after I had played in so many, and after being in a few that were quite poorly run I thought 'ehh, why not?' lol

Q: Where did you come up with your tournament ideas?

A: Here and there. For the most part I try to create somewhat new ideas, but most just come to me, and as they do I make them ;)

Q: Do you prefer to run tournaments alone or have a long discussion with others and then run it with several people?

A:Well, aside from EIOT, and The Ultimate Classics League, I haven’t done too much in the way of co-op, but I’m certain when you get a group together, you can come up with much better ideas, which interests me. 8)

Q: Describe the experience of your first tournament ran, and first played in.

A: Well, The first tournament I ever ran was (and still is) 'The Kill or be Killed tournament'. Its a VERY slow moving tournament, but I like it. Terminator style gameplay, and the only way to advance is to eliminate another player, which means the number of players to advance each round is not set in stone. The first I ever played in... If I can remember that far back lol, I think is WWII tournament hosted by Forza, and believe it or not it’s still going on, since in the second round they had a game to over 100 rounds. :P

Q: How many tournaments have you run and how long have they been? How many at once?

A: I think right now I have around 10-15 going... including those still in the waiting for players status.

Q: What is your favorite tournament you've run? Why?

A:I Think my favorite is the Best of the Best series, and I like hosting it because it is so fast paced, I play 8 players per map, having new player advance for every map.

Q: What is your favorite tournament you’ve played in?

A: THAT is a hard choice... I think my favorite format is 'The Conquerer of Conquer Club' I love playing in a team format.

Q: Is there a specific type of format that you tend to gravitate towards? Why? Is there a format that is your favourite?

A: I try to keep it changing, move it around, I don’t like to host a lot of the same so, but I’ve had more 1v1 then anything for the simple fact that, 1v1's are what people like to join. :evil:

Q: Overall, are you playing a lot in tournaments? If not, then why and where do you find your games to play?

A: I’m playing in a ton of tournaments, I couldn’t even begin to guess how many... but aside from tournament play, the only games i play are team games, mostly triples.

Q: In your mind, what makes a successful tournament?

A:A tournament is a success when the players are happy, when you see good fun competition and no harsh feelings left behind.

Q: What do you consider to be the most successful tournaments you've seen run?

A: That’s another tough one... I’ve seen many great tournaments run by organizers much better then I... I don’t think I can answer this one in a straight answer :?

Q: Is there anything in particular that you dislike about tournament organizing?

A: PMing the contestants! I can’t wait until a mass PM system is created, PMing is tedious especially with the larger tournaments, then if you make one little mistake you must rePM everyone. :lol:

Q: With experience comes the wisdom of knowing what mistakes you've made in the past so you can avoid them in the future. What mistakes have you made in your tournaments that you are sure to avoid in future tournaments?

A: The worst mistakes (as mentioned above) once or twice I have made an error while PMing players, wrong game number, wrong password, so always double check your PM's before sending them! Also, as time went on I learned to make descriptions in your tournaments more specific to avoid confusion (though it still happens from time too time) ^^''

Q: If you could change one thing about Conquer Club in general, what would it be?

A: An effective way to weed out deadbeats, I don’t know how it would be done, but its a nice dream :P

Q: If there was something that the Conquer Club administrators could implement into the game to make tournaments easier to manage, what would it be? Similarly, is there anything you would like to see taken away from Conquer Club to make running tournaments easier?

A: To make running tournaments easier... I suppose the best way to make it easier, is awareness, I’m sure there are hundreds of players who would play in our tournaments if they knew about them.

Q: If you were Tournament Director for a day, what would you do?

A: I would bend all of CC to my will! :twisted:
did I type that out loud?

Q: Is there anything that you would recommend to encourage new tournament organizers?

A: Most of this has been answered by past interviews, but the best thing to remember is patience, It takes time to gain players, to wait for games to finish, etc. So have patience and things will go smoother ;)

Q: Do you have any particular goals for yourself as far as tournament organizing is concerned? If so, what are they?

A: Well... I suppose the only goal I can really set is to create something on CC tournaments that is truly memorable! A series that people will jump at to join similar to how Point Grabbers is perhaps.

Q: How long do you think you'll continue organizing tournaments?

A:ehh, no end in sight :P

Q: What is your best/favorite map?

A:Really, anything that is standard gameplay style, like classic only different countries.

Q: Why did you pick the name Natewolfman?

A: That’s my name in most every site I join. Well, my first name is Nate, and I love wolves... a friend of mine back in middle school once called me ‘wolfboy’, so on a whim I made it a screen name, and it stuck all these years.

Q: Where did you get your avatar, and what is it?

A: The avatar is Tiberon, a pirate from a game called 'Warsong'. Its one of my favorite RPG's of all times, and it’s for the sega genesis.

Q: Who do you respect the most in the tournament organizing community? (Player or Organizer).

A: I definitely have a lot of respect for Prime.

Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: gah, so vague... I love the dark movies, Tim Burton types, Seven, Batman Begins, etc.

Q: If you died today where would you go?

A: Hopefully not into an unmarked grave by a disgruntled friend :P Afterlife wise, no specific belief in mind.

Q: If there was a fire and you could only save lordvoldemort or Sir. Ricco; who would you choose?

A: SAVE THE TV! :twisted:

Q: Name 3 people in a movie that are inspirational to you

A: In a movie? lol no clue :P

Q: Why does it rain?

A: The angels are crying :cry: ... or maybe the water is just evaporating into the air... either way!

Q: I have seen you give some people nicknames. Where do you come up with them?

A: :lol: I do this in real life as well... I’ll call people by what pops out at me. :P For example, lufsen75, I called him Lucifer because his picture is of the pope with lots of flames in the back, which slowly translated into just calling him 'The Devil'.

Q:Which came first the chicken or the egg?

A: Obviously the egg came first BECAUSE whatever laid the egg that bore the chicken obviously wasn’t a chicken QUITE yet.

Q:How do you feel about apathy?

A:Apathy is me in most situations :P I’m a very indifferent person.

Q: Do you like pie?

A:I could eat pumpkin pie all day every day for a year and not get sick of it :D

Q: What is your IQ?

A:ehh... 120something last time I took a test.

Q: How do you feel about global warming?

A: Not really my favorite map to play on ;) BUT Stephen Colbert says that global warming is real because Al Gore’s environmental movie made money and therefore it is true.

Q: Any tournaments planned for the future? What are they?

A: I am actually hoping to make a tournament based on the board game Clue here soon, be on the lookout ;)

Q: Thank you for your time.

A: Anytime! Have fun out there conquer club!

Next Issue

Interview with lordvoldemort lordvoldemort will answer your questions in our tournament interview series.


If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:

Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:

You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!

To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.


Editor- Gozar
Title Design- spinwizard
Distributor- simor
Contributors- People like you!
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Lieutenant Gozar
Posts: 2534
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:15 pm
Location: Nova Scotia (G1)

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