Conquer Club

Issue 18: 21/04/08

Old issues and old threads regarding various newsletter things.

Moderator: Community Team

Issue 18: 21/04/08

Postby Gozar on Wed May 27, 2009 6:25 pm

Issue 18: 21/04/08


Editor’s Note

Hello, tournament fans, players and organizers.
Hope you find all kinds of tournaments that suit your tastes in this issue.



A Message from Night Strike
Currently Taking Signups
Tournament Updates
Coming Soon
The Tournament Roll of Honour
Interview with barterer2002
Next Issue

A Message from Night Strike
Hello fellow organizers and players. I trust that you all are enjoying your times here in the tournament forum. I have now completed my first month serving as one of your tournament directors. It has been good working with Optimus Prime and Steelhorse as well as the other Team CC members. I did kind of get dumped into things with Optimus on leave for nearly two weeks, but it was a good time for learning. I hope that you all have noticed quicker response times for granting privileges, moving threads, and answering questions.

The three of us have been working on providing you all with exciting new features and policies to aid your tournament experiences. The ball is rolling on a few different projects, and it's expected to roll even faster once school is finished for Optimus later this week and for me in a month. Also, Optimus and I are looking into hosting a few tournaments together. We are currently in the planning stages of one, but official site tournaments will not be hosted until we receive approval from lack.

If you have any concerns, please send me, or any of us, a PM. We are here to help you run your tournaments in a manner that is enjoyable for both you and your players. If you have any suggestions for improving the tournament experience, please voice your opinion. We would like to hear how you would like the site to be improved. Tournaments are the primary reason many players participate on Conquer Club, so keep up the great work that you all provide.

~Night Strike

Currently Taking Signups
Here are just some of the tournaments that are currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread.

Teams Tournaments

Feudal Kings Tournament
Organiser: CryWolf/Sd031091
This is a doubles, speed, freestyle tourney

Brigade Commander Tournament - Quads
Organiser: gdeangel

The Pimps Doubles Tourney
Organiser: pimphawks70

Olympics Part 2:Altius
Organiser: amazzony

1 versus 1 Tournaments

The More The Merrier
Organiser: brendan man

Westsidekilla's 1vs1 Tournament
Organiser: Westsidekilla6

The Need for Speed
Organiser: Tieryn

CC AFL League
Organiser: The Scarecrow

Duck, Duck, Goose!
Organiser: dittoeevee8888

Raining Fire (Waterloo 1v1)
Organiser: lanyards

Battle of the Ranks: Part 1
Organiser: Natewolfman

Bite My Shiny Metal Bracket
Organiser: RedBaron0

All maps every maps tourney
Organiser: Tk 421

General Tournaments

The Wolfman's Regulars
Organiser: Natewolfman

CC World Cup of Risk 2008
Organiser: sensfan

Twisted Tournament
Organiser: brendan man

Racing to Win
Organiser: madman7

Conquer the World
Organiser: Icedragont

Represent your map
Organiser: Tazza

Fight for the Nation
Organiser: RedRover23B

Grand Prix Season 1
Organiser: Kilazul

Cardless Canadians
Organiser: Dragonah

Official Age of Realms Trilogy Tournament
Organiser: Sir. Ricco
There is a premium prize for the winner

Murphy Tourney Season 2
Organiser: murphy 16
This is a freestyle tourney

Ladder Climb Tourney
Organiser: water_foul
This is a freestyle tourney

The Tri Nations
Organiser: multiplayertim

Cold War Tourney
Organiser: dittoeevee8888

Down and Dirty III
Organiser: barterer2002

Needing Reserves

Tri-Season Doubles
Organiser: Tieryn
Mid round replacements needed

2008 MLB Season
Organiser: vykingsfan64

Reserve pool for all EIOT tournaments
Organiser: Natewolfman, Sir. Ricco, Gozar, jennifermarie, lord voldemort, amazzony, Gilligan, barterer2002

Arena League
Organiser: flexmaster33
This is a doubles event

The CC Poker Tourney
Organiser: knighthawk

Ultimate Classic League
Organiser: barterer2002

Quickdraw 1v1 Tournament
Organiser: Natewolfman

Sir. Ricco’s reserve pool
Organiser: Sir. Ricco

Best of the Best Preliminaries: Ancient Greece
Organiser: Natewolfman

Looking for reserves
Organiser: brendan man
Looking for reserves for 2 tournaments - Battle of the Lakes & Wimps vs Cool Dudes

License to Kill
Organiser: conquerAce

Double Do It
Organiser: brendan man
This is a 1v1 tourney

Mario & Sonic Tournament
Organiser: Fire Mario

Tournament Updates
Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread.

The World Leader's Assassin Tournament
Organisers: Gozar
Last game of day four due to begin soon.

The Long Walk
Organisers: Gozar
Third elimination coming up.

Eight In One Tournament Headquarters
Eight tournaments by different organizers, with the winners competing for a premium prize. Join one, or join them all, the choice is yours.
Gilligan's Bracket Tournament III
Update 16/04/08
lord voldemort's Double Elimination Delight
Round Two underway
Natewolfman’s Lost in Translation Tournament
Round One underway.
Sir. Ricco’s Mission – Survive the Longest V4.0
Elimination Seven.
Gozar’s Battle for Waterloo Tournament
All games in the qualifying round are running.
amazzony's Musical Chairs
Round One 14/16
barterer2002's Alien Invasion
Update 10/04/08
jennifermarie’s The C-list
Standings update 14/04/08

Heroes: Choose Your Power
Organiser: Night Strike
Based on the NBC show Heroes (season 1).
This tournament is halfway through the finals with Vish, in his first tournament, leading the way. This may finish up within the week. I'm unsure whether I will be hosting a Season 2.

Amazing Race: USA
Organiser: Night Strike
Based on the CBS reality show Amazing Race
As the tournament nears the halfway point, the teams are traveling the Rails. After the 3 slowest teams are dropped, the remaining teams will revisit the Civil War.
Another edition of Amazing Race will begin when this one nears its ending.

Mod Wars
Organiser: Night Strike
Based on wanting to give the community a chance to play against many of the Team CC members. Winner receives 1 year of premium.
This tournament was a crazy one to get set up and started, but everything has been running smoothly for a few weeks. About 2/3 of the Round 1 divisions are finished, with several of the 5+ player divisions playing slower. Round 2 probably won't be starting for a couple weeks.

Coming Soon

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.

Sir. Ricco's World War II Tournament Series
10 Tournaments, 10 Maps, 20 Finalists, 1 Winner. The ultimate WWII battle – Coming Late April.
“In the absence of order, go find something and kill it.”

Olympics Part III from amazzony
In the spirit of Olympics, Part III will be 3-8 player games.

The Tournament Roll of Honour

Here are some recent tournament winners.

”RISK Game: The Classic”- pempi
”AOR Officers’ Magic Club Tournament”- killmanic
”UEFA Cup 2007/2008”- spidey
”Optimus Prime Anniversary Tournament”- Buba
”’The Office’ Tournament”- goggles paisano
”Battle for Pearl Harbour”- mwcc
”Down and Dirty I”- Cave Man
”Superheroes and villains”- blockhead15
”Conquerer of Realms!”- Alexinho
”Pokemon Diamond and Pearl”- Seeso
”Fatty’s Classic Tourney”- ronzerox
”The Foundry Update Tournament 1.0”- brandoncfi
”Mercenary Team War”- Hiddendragon
”Tossed Salad Doubles”- lokisgal

Interview with barterer2002
This week we had the chance to talk with organizer barterer2002. All questions are reader submitted, so if you have something you want to ask an upcoming organizer; PM me. Next week’s interview will be with Serbia. If you have not submitted your questions, you have until Tuesday to either PM me, or post in this thread.
In two weeks, our interview will be with brandoncfi. Feel free to begin submitting your questions now, I have created this thread for that purpose.

Now, on with the interview.

Q: Hello, barterer2002.

A: Hello Goz

Q: Why did you join CC?

A: I play sim-baseball on another site and there were a group of us that all started playing another Risk based site last June. Then somebody pointed us to CC and I've been here ever since

Q:What made you want to start running tournaments?

A: I have a rather addictive personality. I can't do things half way and I like getting to know people, and tournaments seemed like a good way to contribute to the CC community as well as to meet new people

Q: Where did you come up with your tournament ideas?

A: Sometimes they're spur of the moment, I decide its time to start and run with whatever's in my head at the moment. Other times I kind of plan them out a little more.

Q: Describe the experience of your first tournament ran, and first played in.

A: The first I ever played in was Gilligan's 4 Man Madness. He was looking for a replacement about half way through and I joined up. I didn't make the comeback to win the division but then in the middle fo the finals the division leader dropped out and I ended up playing most of the finals as well.
The first I ever ran was N Am vs. Europe vs. the World. I picked up the idea actually by reading through the tourney idea thread and picking one that sounded interesting. I did learn a lot on that one and it was fun but I would probably do it a little differently now.

Q: How many tournaments have you run and how long have they been? How many at once?

A: Run lets see here, N Am vs. Europe vs. the World, The Foggy Tournament, Battle for Supremacy, Superheroes and Supervillians, Alien Invasion (EIOT), Down and Dirty I, II and III, The Lucky 7s The Optimus Prime Anniversary Tournament. I think I'm missing one or two but I like to have a few going at a time. Typically I'll have one larger tournament (like Supremacy) and a few smaller, quick hitting tourneys running. I try to keep it to 4 or less at a time though.

Q: What is your favorite tournament you've run? Why?

A: I think Battle for Supremacy has been my favorite to run. 264 players battling over 64 maps has been a lot of fun for me.

Q: What is your favorite tournament you’ve played in?

A:Probably the Point Grabbers Quads since I had some terrific partners in that one and we ended up winning. There was some terrific competition and I felt lucky to be playing with such great partners in it. I keep thinking I should run my own quads tourney just to reunite the team. (Bones2484, Rogue Warrior and Jetpac)

Q: Is there a specific type of format that you tend to gravitate towards? Why? Is there a format that is your favourite?

A: When running a tourney I tend to prefer a round robin format and 4 player games although I'm trying a 7 player format in The Lucky 7s. I think the round robin format is a better indication of skills than a one and done type thing although the Down and Dirty series is all one and done. I also tend to use flat rate and unlimited although there are certain maps that really need an escalating game (see Valley of the Kings-Battle for Supremacy which is still playing Game 2 from December)

Q: Overall, are you playing a lot in tournaments? If not, then why and where do you find your games to play?

A: I try to strike a balance. In general I'm trying to keep my game load down. It reached the mid 80s and that was too much for me. At this point I'm letting it drop into the high thirties and then adding it up to the sixties and then stopping. I pick some toruneys that I like and am really enjoying Bring it On!!! but I also try to pick up some games on formats that I've never won and maps I haven't done so well on feeling that more practice on them will make me a better all around player. I hear from people all the time with things like "I'd join but I don't like (fog, unlimited, flat rate, that map, really whatever they want to say). Personally I'm aiming to be well rounded and able to play any game on any format.

Q: How excited where you with your first CC win?

A: It was pretty cool from my perspective. Again it was with the baseball guys and was a doubles game. I never played team games growing up so this was a first for me. Playing on the classic map I think my partner and I were about to go down in flames when I got lucky with the dice, took my partner out, turned in two sets and ended up running the board in that turn. It was pretty cool from a noob perspective.

Q: What is your most disappointing tournament loss to date?

A: I was disappointed to lose in the OP tournament. i reached the Sweet 16 and was hoping to get further but was taken out by dragonah in a game that he played well and I played poorly with some misdeployments and poor fortification choices. I can play better than I did in that game and while I may not have won it anyway I was really quite disappointed in my game.

Q: In your mind, what makes a successful tournament?

A: A good tournament is one that has the rules and objectives spelled out well from the beginning, anticipates any issues and has an organizer that communicates well with the players both in the thread and via PMs. The organizers need to stay on top of the games to know when to make more and know who's winning.

Q: What do you consider to be the most successful tournaments you've seen run?

A: Point Grabbers and You're Eliminated are both well respected franchises by Optimus Prime and Godd respectively. I kind of looked at how well they were running those and decided to start my own franchise (Down and Dirty) for those who prefer a mult player game rather than 1v1.

Q: How do you attract players to your tournament, and what aspect (besides a reward of a premium prize or something like that) of a tournament do you think appeals to a lot of players and why?

A: The most successful method I find is to let players know that you're tournament is out there. I've been collecting a list of names of players who have played in previous tournaments of mine and when I start a new one I send out a PM to each of them. It allows me to fill them quickly (Down and Dirty II filled 64 slots in 6 hours). I got the idea when I started the Battle for Supremacy and was told it would take a few months to fill the required 264 slots. I took that as a challenge, sent out about 600 PMs and filled the thing in a week. At this point I don't send them out randomly, I'll send them to people who have played in mine before or who request to be notified when I'm starting a new one and I always take people off the list if they request it.

Q: Is there anything in particular that you dislike about tournament organizing?

A: I don't like the initial PMs. They're fine if you can send out the same PM to 4-10 different players but I prefer to mix up my matchups so players aren't playing the same opponents in every game. I don't always do that because its a real pain to do sometimes but its my preferred method and those PMs take a few extra hours to send

Q: With experience comes the wisdom of knowing what mistakes you've made in the past so you can avoid them in the future. What mistakes have you made in your tournaments that you are sure to avoid in future tournaments?

A: I think round limits can be a good idea. There are toiurnaments that get hung up on a game or two that just won't end and a round limit could push things along a little more.

Q: If you could change one thing about Conquer Club in general, what would it be?

A: I would make it more community oriented rather than clique oriented. In general there are clans, there are cartographers, there are flame wars, there are tournament people and there isn't always a whole lot of overlap amongst them. Each group is its own little clique and I'm in general more interested in community building

Q: If there was something that the Conquer Club administrators could implement into the game to make tournaments easier to manage, what would it be? Similarly, is there anything you would like to see taken away from Conquer Club to make running tournaments easier?

A: I'm intereted to see where OTIS takes us. Its an interesting concept and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of it because I think a lot of my issues are addressed there.

Q: Is there anything that you would recommend to encourage new tournament organizers?

A: My son, zoebear, wanted to run a tournament as soon as he joined. I made him play in a few first so he could have a sense of what makes a good tournament. Now I sent him to some of the better organizers that I knew (Godd and Amazzony) in addition to a few of my own but I should have sent him to some of the guys who don't always do a good job. Some of the organizers I've learned the most from were the guys who showed me how NOT to run a tournament so I'd say try tournaments from at least 4-5 different organizers and pick up which styles will work for you and what things they do that you don't like as well.

Q: Why did you pick the name barterer2002?

A: I've had it for 6 years now. Back when I was married my wife and I started a barter exchange (our very own cashless society) in 2002-hence barterer2002. I've used it in a variety of different places and have a couple of email addresses with it as the header as well.

Q: Any tournaments planned for the future? What are they?

A: I've got a few that I'm toying with. I'm considering an escalating format where you start in a 1v1 game, if you win you move on to a 3 player game, with the winners of that moving on to a 4 player game and the champion coming from a 5 player game. I'm also considering a team oriented tournament because that's an aspect I haven't delved into yet.

Q: Thank you for your time.

A: Thank you for your time in putting together this newsletter each week.

Next Issue

Interview with Serbia Serbia will answer your questions in our tournament interview series.


If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:

Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:

You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!

To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.


Editor- Gozar
Recruiting Tournaments Editor- greenoaks
Title Design- spinwizard
Contributors- People like you!
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Lieutenant Gozar
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Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:15 pm
Location: Nova Scotia (G1)

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