Conquer Club

Issue 19: 28/04/08

Old issues and old threads regarding various newsletter things.

Moderator: Community Team

Issue 19: 28/04/08

Postby Gozar on Wed May 27, 2009 6:25 pm

Issue 19: 28/04/08


Editor’s Note

Hello, tournament fans, players and organizers.
Hope you find all kinds of tournaments that suit your tastes in this issue.



Newsletter Poll
Currently Taking Signups
Tournament Updates
Coming Soon
The Tournament Roll of Honour
Interview with Serbia
Next Issue

Newsletter Poll
Here are the results of the latest newsletter poll:
What is the deciding factor for you in choosing a tournament?
Maps 25%
Settings 16%
Organiser 6%
Game Load 6%
Theme or Story 21%
Players Signed up 1%
All of the above 18%
Other 5%

Total votes : 80

The latest poll is now up in the submission/suggestion thread. Please vote!

Currently Taking Signups
Here are just some of the tournaments that are currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread.

Teams Tournaments

Brigade Commander Tournament - Quads
Organiser: gdeangel

Feudal Kings Tournament
Organiser: CryWolf/Sd031091
This is a doubles, speed, freestyle tourney

The Pimps Doubles Tourney
Organiser: pimphawks70

The RTTT Tournament
Organiser: risk-yall100-0
This is a doubles, freestyle tourney

Road to the Final Four Tournament
Organiser: risk-yall100-0
This is a doubles, sequential tourney

Major+ 2008 Summer Doubles League
Organiser: AndrewB
This is a doubles tourney

1 versus 1 Tournaments

The Need for Speed
Organiser: Tieryn

Westsidekilla's 1vs1 Tournament
Organiser: Westsidekilla6

CC AFL League
Organiser: The Scarecrow

All maps every maps tourney
Organiser: Tk 421

Duck, Duck, Goose!
Organiser: dittoeevee8888

The More The Merrier
Organiser: brendan man

Battle of the Ranks: Part 1
Organiser: Natewolfman

Futurama: Bite My Shiny Metal Bracket
Organiser: RedBaron0

1v1 Singles League Season 5
Organiser: amazzony & simor

Mortal Kombat! Trilogy
Organiser: NateWolfman

Guitar Hero III Tournament
Organiser: White Moose

General Tournaments

Conquer the World
Organiser: Icedragont

Racing to Win
Organiser: madman7

Official Age of Realms Trilogy Tournament
Organiser: Sir. Ricco
There is a premium prize for the winner

Murphy Tourney Season 2
Organiser: murphy 16
This is a freestyle tourney

Cardless Canadians
Organiser: Dragonah

Fight for the Nation
Organiser: RedRover23B

Twisted Tournament
Organiser: brendan man

Grand Prix Season 1
Organiser: Kilazul

CC World Cup of Risk 2008
Organiser: sensfan

The Apprentice 1 – CC Style
Organiser: dittoeevee8888

Mafia Tournament with Risk
Organisers: max is gr8, NateWolfman, Lord Voldermort

Wrestling Tournament
Organisers: blakebowling

Classic vs Doodle Earth
Organisers: Tazza

Coast vs Coast Tournament
Organisers: gameplayer

World Cup 2010 - Africa
Organisers: Forza AZ

The WWII Tournament
Organisers: fighter1405

Beer League
Organisers: Gburg Gunner

The Jack of all Maps: Season 1
Organisers: Luvr

Satelllite Tourney for the 20th Annual RISKTOC2008
Organisers: Steelhorse
This is giving away 1 seat in this year's live International Risk Tournament of Champions.

Battleastar Galatica
Organisers: seamusvibe

Needing Reserves

Reserve pool for all EIOT tournaments
Organiser: Natewolfman, Sir. Ricco, Gozar, jennifermarie, lord voldemort, amazzony, Gilligan, barterer2002

Ultimate Classic League
Organiser: barterer2002

Sir. Ricco’s reserve pool
Organiser: Sir. Ricco

2008 MLB Season
Organiser: vykingsfan64

Best of the Best Preliminaries: Ancient Greece
Organiser: Natewolfman

Mario & Sonic Tournament
Organiser: Fire Mario

Olympics Part 2:Altius
Organiser: amazzony

Battle for the Continents Tournament
Organiser: ralphcptc

Termination: Doodle Earth
Organiser: amazzony

NateWolfman’s Reserve/Notice List
Put your name down here if you would like to be notified by pm of any tournament NateWolfman creates.

Tournament Updates
Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread.

Canadian Football League 2008
Organiser: keiths31
Tournament based on a full season of the Canadian Football League, in week 2 of 19 week schedule. Consisting of 8 doubles teams.

Escape From Hell!
Organiser: keiths31
Try to escape the depths of hell and reach paradise. Based on Dante's Divine Comedy. The Inferno round is just underway.

The World Leader's Assassin Tournament
Organisers: Gozar
Last game of day four is now playing.

The Long Walk
Organisers: Gozar
Third elimination coming up.

Eight In One Tournament Headquarters
Eight tournaments by different organizers, with the winners competing for a premium prize. Join one, or join them all, the choice is yours.
Gilligan's Bracket Tournament III
Update 16/04/08
lord voldemort's Double Elimination Delight
Round Two underway
Natewolfman’s Lost in Translation Tournament
Round One underway.
Sir. Ricco’s Mission – Survive the Longest V4.0
Elimination Seven.
Gozar’s Battle for Waterloo Tournament
All games in the qualifying round are running. One of seven finalists has been determined.
amazzony's Musical Chairs
Round One 14/16
barterer2002's Alien Invasion
Update 10/04/08
jennifermarie’s The C-list
Standings update 14/04/08

The Rescue of Optimus Prime
Organiser: Godd
Running 1st and 2nd rounds.

The Player’s Tournament
Organiser: Godd
Running round 4.

Coming Soon

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.

Sir. Ricco's World War II Tournament Series
10 Tournaments, 10 Maps, 20 Finalists, 1 Winner. The ultimate WWII battle – Coming Late April.
“In the absence of order, go find something and kill it.”

Olympics Part III from amazzony
In the spirit of Olympics, Part III will be 3-8 player games.

The Tournament Roll of Honour

Here are some recent tournament winners.

”Captain+ Winter 2008 Doubles League” Forefall and Mozes
”Portugal Mini Tournament”- danielcmr
”Fantastic Four: Evil Rises”- Godd
”Tournament of the Minds”- multiplayertim
”CCC Masters Division 4”- rallison
”Natewolfman’s CC Special”- negoeien
”Back to the Basics”- Chadwick31
”RISK Game: The Classic”- pempi
”AOR Officers’ Magic Club Tournament”- killmanic
”UEFA Cup 2007/2008”- spidey
”Optimus Prime Anniversary Tournament”- Buba
”’The Office’ Tournament”- goggles paisano
”Battle for Pearl Harbour”- mwcc

Interview with Serbia
This week we had the chance to talk with organizer and player, Serbia. All questions are reader submitted, so if you have something you want to ask an upcoming organizer; PM me. Next week’s interview will be with brandoncfi. If you have not submitted your questions, you have until Tuesday to either PM me, or post in this thread.
In two weeks, our interview will be with mushin. Feel free to begin submitting your questions now, I have created this thread for that purpose.

Now, on with the interview.

Q: Hello, Serbia.

A: Hi!

Q: Why did you join CC?

A: Always been a big fan of Risk, and I was first turned on to the site by a buddy of mine, Big Jon. Joined without looking at the game first, and after looking around, I was definitely hooked!

Q:What made you want to start running tournaments?

A: I've always been a big fan of tournaments, any kind really... I love the competition. And as far as running my own, the organization involved, and making charts, and keeping stats... I'm feeling all geeky just thinking about it! :ugeek:

Q: Where did you come up with your tournament ideas?

A: I'm a huge hockey fan, and I enjoy the 1v1 tourneys, so I wanted to mesh the two. Several other leagues were already up, Spidey's NHL, and OP's CHL, so I went with a league based around the Detroit area (where I'm from), the OHL.

Q: Describe the experience of your first tournament ran, and first played in.

A: I'm still enjoying my first tourney actually. I have to apologize lately, as I've gone through a change of address, and still am not settled down yet, so I've got games due, but hope to get that squared away over this weekend. The first tourney played in? Wow, that's going back... I believe it was run by Podge, and was based on the USA map. Unfortunately, Podge disappeared during the tourney, and we never finished it... but that was a lot of fun, seeing as I was doing fairly ok in it, and had advanced to the second round even! :lol:

Q: What is your favorite tournament you’ve played in?

A: Has to be the NHL tourney by spidey. I got to play as my beloved Detroit Red Wings, made it to the playoffs as a 4 seed, but lost in the first round to Clive, in 7 games. I really enjoyed that one!

Q: Is there a specific type of format that you tend to gravitate towards? Why? Is there a format that is your favourite?

A: I really like 1v1. Why? Because I'm pretty good at that, and pretty bad at most other formats!

Q: Overall, are you playing a lot in tournaments? If not, then why and where do you find your games to play?

A: I play almost exclusively in tournaments.

Q: How excited where you with your first CC win?

A: Very excited. It was on the Space map, a 3 player game, and against my buddy Big Jon, which made winning all the better!

Q: What is your most disappointing tournament loss to date?

A: NHL... I really wanted to take home the Stanley Cup! :(

Q: In your mind, what makes a successful tournament?

A: A well organized director, with a good flow to the games, tables updated regularly, updates in the thread... basically, everything I haven't been doing the past two weeks! :oops:

Q: What do you consider to be the most successful tournaments you've seen run?

A: This is more of a difficult one for me to answer, I don't really follow many tourneys, and once I'm out, I usually don't follow either. So to me, a successful tourney is one that is seen all the way through, with a clear winner.

Q: How do you attract players to your tournament, and what aspect (besides a reward of a premium prize or something like that) of a tournament do you think appeals to a lot of players and why?

A: As far as attracting players goes, all I've done is post the sign up thread. I asked a few players personally if they'd like it, but mostly, it filled up quick on it's own. As far as what aspect, I'll speak for myself... I go mostly based on the settings. I join a lot of 1v1 tourneys, since they are my favorites. And I'm a sucker for tournaments involving nations, such as the World Cup tourneys being run currently, I joined in 5 I believe. So really, I think particular players are going to gravitate to the settings they prefer, and go from there.

Q: Is there anything in particular that you dislike about tournament organizing?

A: The part where I don't have time to run more! :D

Q: With experience comes the wisdom of knowing what mistakes you've made in the past so you can avoid them in the future. What mistakes have you made in your tournaments that you are sure to avoid in future tournaments?

A: I've been lucky to not have made many mistakes so far. The best advice I have, would be to make all your preparations before you even begin your tournament. In my OHL tourney, I had the entire season's schedule made before I even made my sign up list. This way, all I had to do was fill in the player's names, settings, and then game numbers. There are some minor changes I'd make to my file, to help things go more smoothly, but preparing first really has made my life easy.

Q: If you could change one thing about Conquer Club in general, what would it be?

A: I'm not a real big fan of the language permitted on the site. I'd prefer it were kept strictly in flame wars. I don't like the new smileys, and I'm for counting all posts toward your post count, although it really doesn't bother me that it's been changed.

Q: If there was something that the Conquer Club administrators could implement into the game to make tournaments easier to manage, what would it be? Similarly, is there anything you would like to see taken away from Conquer Club to make running tournaments easier?

A: I really don't have an opinion in this regard. My experiences have been good, and I don't really have any ideas on improving this side at all.

Q: Is there anything that you would recommend to encourage new tournament organizers?

A: Prepare before you even think about starting a sign up thread! If you've got as much of the prep work as possible done before you have your first player, it'll make running your tournament so much easier on you!

Q: Why did you pick the name Serbia?

A: Long story... first, I'm 1/4 Serbian, on my mother's side, my Grandmother's maiden name was Syakovich. Now the rest of it... I had joined another board about 10 years ago, and was talking with a girl friend of mine about what I should use as a screen name. I tend to be very unoriginal with my nicknames, so I was getting suggestions from her, and making some of my own. When I suggested Serbia, she told me it was cute, and she really liked it. And since she's cute, I went with it, and have used it ever since, on every thing I join, with some variances.

Q: If you had to choose a different screen name what would it be?

A: Zetterberg

Q:I presume you are a sports fan. Any teams or sports stand out?

A: Hockey is my favorite sport, by far. I'm a big Detroit Red Wings fan, have been since I was a kid. I'm also a Michigan Wolverines football fan. I watch the Detroit Tigers play baseball, now that they're good, and the occasional Pistons game, more in the playoffs... and since I'm a glutton for punishment, I watch every single Detroit Lions football game too. :roll:

Q: Which CCr's would you like to meet and hang out with??

A: Tripitaka is a good friend, who I'd like to meet up with. Optimus Prime is a good guy, Keiths31 would be fun to watch a hockey game with, and I'd love to hear Gozar and Timminz play in their band live. And there are many more people in my clan who would be fun to hang out with.

Q: Name 3 of the most influential people in your life

A: Hmm.... my father has had a major impact on my life, raising me to be the man I am today. I have an older friend, who's been a mentor to me, and has helped shape my opinions on life and relationships. And then I have a very close friend, who I share everything with, who's always been supportive of me, always there for me.

Q:What is your biggest real life fear?

A: I really don't have any fears... I keep pretty even about everything.

Q: Any tournaments planned for the future? What are they?

A: I'd like to continue my OHL League into a second season. After that, I've thought of doing a field of 64 1v1 single elimination tourney on different maps, with a single setting, but haven't thought that one totally through yet... although, it intrigues me!

Q: Thank you for your time.

A: Relcome! :)

Next Issue

Interview with brandoncfi brandoncfi will answer your questions in our tournament interview series.


If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:

Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:
Rough estimate of percent complete/signed up:

You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!

To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.


Editor- Gozar
Recruiting Tournaments Editor- greenoaks
Title Design- spinwizard
Contributors- People like you!
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Lieutenant Gozar
Posts: 2534
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:15 pm
Location: Nova Scotia (G1)

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