Image provided by: HitRed : viewtopic.php?f=1&t=230580#p5104558
Monday 01 July through to Sunday 07 July CCT
Join games through the Banner, or contact your favorite Mod for a game
(Even if you have them FOED... they will happily fight you !!)
Generic Password - Whac
How Whac-a-Mod works:
Casual OPEN Singles/Teamers and Speeders will be created on a daily basis - first in, first served.
PLEASE try to share game openings around in order to allow all interested parties to participate.
Avoid joining more than 3 games in a row against the same mod without the mod's permission.
- Games are joined from the Whac-A-Mod event banner on the top of "My Games" or the above "Game Finder" link.
- Get "Play Tokens" when the games start (on or before July 07) and "Win Tokens" when you win (on or before August 08).
- Scoring is via Whac percent (Win Tokens/Play Tokens).
Chat Bounty Games:
Chat Scavenger details Announced June 30
- Games must start between CC Time: 2019-07-01 08:00:00 and CC Time: 2019-07-07 23:59:59 to be considered for WaM.
- Wins will count until CC Time: 2019-08-08 23:59:59.
- Any issues will be solved by us, Razorvich and the Global Mods, and our word will be final.
- Any attempt to de-rail or manipulate this event will not be looked upon favorably