Conquer Club

Rules Determination

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Re: Rules Determination

Postby stahrgazer on Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:45 pm

The Voice wrote:On that note, it would be nice if mods were held accountable for their actions like every other player. I think it would add a great deal of legitimacy to the rules.


jgordon1111 wrote:If you are on the site and hold the position of Moderator,there should not be a time you are not representing CC and the owner. You have been given a responsibility to look after what happens here.

Your game play,what you say,and how you act is under a microscope that everyone looks at. If you bend the rules or show favoritism to a buddy,You make the site look bad,and inspire others to challenge rules that do not apply to everyone equally.

And every time a MOD does something along these lines,you are cheating every other player on this site and discriminating against them.

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Re: Rules Determination

Postby deathcomesrippin on Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:05 am

jgordon1111 wrote:
The Voice wrote:On that note, it would be nice if mods were held accountable for their actions like every other player. I think it would add a great deal of legitimacy to the rules.

+1 Got to say thank you for bringing that point forward. As a MOD they are representing CC,Admin and The owner. For the rules not to be applied to them as they do to everyone else makes it look like the only thing important here is the premium players $25

If you are on the site and hold the position of Moderator,there should not be a time you are not representing CC and the owner. You have been given a responsibility to look after what happens here.

Your game play,what you say,and how you act is under a microscope that everyone looks at. If you bend the rules or show favoritism to a buddy,You make the site look bad,and inspire others to challenge rules that do not apply to everyone equally.

And every time a MOD does something along these lines,you are cheating every other player on this site and discriminating against them.

I don't feel I represent CC as a whole, just my single facet. I represent the C&A forums, and the enforcement of our rules as they pertain to C&A areas of concern. I have nothing to do with any of the other areas, and feel that my opinions in regards to other areas should be taken as the opinion of just another person. In the months I have been a mod, I have really barely interacted with anyone outside of my department, and I think people have the wrong idea about us mods being some kind of borg collective. If someone put a case through C&A that wan't just "This mod is abusing his power because he kicked me out of live chat!!1!!11" or "I was given a ban by this mod because he hates me because I hate his friend because he likes the mod" about a mod, I would treat it exactly like any other case, and I would hope the other mods would too. As for mods showing favouritism, I think I just answered that, or I hope I did. I can only speak for myself, but there is no modwide conspiracy to cover up our tracks if/when we mess up. I would hope that in each area we would be treated just as a user. If a mod fired off in one of my reports, I would warn him and lock the report same as anyone else. I think all mods would act the same way.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby ender516 on Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:35 am

The comment made by rdsrds2120 about precedents being difficult to trace is a valid one. I think the difficulty could be alleviated in part by posting a record of nearly every moderating decision to a topic associated with the rule that was applied. I say "nearly" because it might become onerous for some moderators who make many such decisions every day.

The criteria indicating that a record is needed would be:
  1. did the moderator have to think more than a little about the decision?
  2. did the decision provoke debate?

An answer of yes to either of these would mean we want to retain the result of the decision-making process as a precedent.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby SirSebstar on Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:52 am

I have read the first post and all seven pages.
Humbog i tell you. woodruffs post is filled with inaccurate generalizations, faulty assumptions and skwered logic and most of all a very bias point of view whereby purposly ignoring every bit of data that is unwelcome to him.
however i am going to assume he is is partly honest with his intentions. I am going to assume that the key question is that several highprofile cases have been out in the public, and that rampant spamming and speculation turned your head upside down.
Yes since the inception of this site the rules have changed. right alongside the community..
As i see the question of woodruff, well it would seem to me that he is asking permission to see where the line is and if he can cross it. Its not really that hard. the rules i mean. basicly, it is do not be annoying. Don't be stupid and don't behave like a little child when you don't get it your way..
Take Wicked. that was a total bust. a moderator going wild... sure it happens. since then it turns out to be the high profile exception.
now high profile players get a lid on their nose after the community has been after them for years. Sure it could have been done on day one, but then mods still are not spychic and omnicient.
to show your case is absurd, lets pull it into the real world.
thou shall not steal. pretty easy, right?! real world rule.
so you are in your moma's house and you are hungry and you take a cookie without asking. is it your cookie? no, therefor it is stealing. would a jury convict you. hell no. case dismissed.
the site rules are not made by me, but my posts and actions have influence over them, you might actually have more influence, but we all have influence. not all mods have the exact same definition. true. don't ask me about C&A works, cause I aint the judge there I don't see what they see, i don't know what they know, and i dont really want too, in general its not too hard though, its people lying about the unfair advantage they are taking advantage off and how it was always someone else who did it, and oh look he did that and got away with it. (mostly untrue, since they are already lying, facts are in short supply) but in general it is about people who purposly try ti screw things over for everybody else. I keep a tighter watch on Q&A then on discussions. does that need to be writen in stone?!. i hardly think so. if needed(hardly ever) i'll let the person know that its over the line and why.

the rules in place are not designed to be writen in stone(and a fat lot of good did this do the romans when they asked for writen rules, interpretation is still in the hands of the lawyers) they are there to give some flexability and weed out the worst. the worst, not everybody and everything that you don't agree with.
Someone sprouting bigotry in a clear and persistant manner? then report him. dont report the guy you had an argument with over every single posts where you two are flaming eachother. because then it looks like you have an alteror motive... bad mojo right there..
in short, nobody ever got banned that did not try to be a purposefull jackass. since that is the case, why do you want to change the playingfield?? unless you are stating that there are a lot of people who do not deserve to be here. on that last bit i concurr. there are a lot of people in the forum or game that are simply nightmarish, and yes they are low level jackasses, not to the level of a Wicked. Lets hope they never make it there and we can simply turn them on the good path with a friendly word, request or action. i don't seek to ban anybody, unless they force me to ban them.

in short, your story is nice to read. it looks like the barbarians are at the gates and everybody here is a closet nazi homo and/or republican (okay, that was funny)
But really, if you have specific questions, ask yourself this first.(warning: metafor for common sense) Would you mother mind if you did/say it?! if yes, then don't do it
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby Robinette on Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:36 pm

SirSebstar wrote:I have read the first post and all seven pages.
Humbog i tell you. woodruffs post is filled with inaccurate generalizations, faulty assumptions and skwered logic and most of all a very bias point of view whereby purposly ignoring every bit of data that is unwelcome to him.
however i am going to assume he is is partly honest with his intentions. I am going to assume that the key question is that several highprofile cases have been out in the public, and that rampant spamming and speculation turned your head upside down.
Yes since the inception of this site the rules have changed. right alongside the community..
As i see the question of woodruff, well it would seem to me that he is asking permission to see where the line is and if he can cross it. Its not really that hard. the rules i mean. basicly, it is do not be annoying. Don't be stupid and don't behave like a little child when you don't get it your way..
Take Wicked. that was a total bust. a moderator going wild... sure it happens. since then it turns out to be the high profile exception.
now high profile players get a lid on their nose after the community has been after them for years. Sure it could have been done on day one, but then mods still are not spychic and omnicient.
to show your case is absurd, lets pull it into the real world.
thou shall not steal. pretty easy, right?! real world rule.
so you are in your moma's house and you are hungry and you take a cookie without asking. is it your cookie? no, therefor it is stealing. would a jury convict you. hell no. case dismissed.
the site rules are not made by me, but my posts and actions have influence over them, you might actually have more influence, but we all have influence. not all mods have the exact same definition. true. don't ask me about C&A works, cause I aint the judge there I don't see what they see, i don't know what they know, and i dont really want too, in general its not too hard though, its people lying about the unfair advantage they are taking advantage off and how it was always someone else who did it, and oh look he did that and got away with it. (mostly untrue, since they are already lying, facts are in short supply) but in general it is about people who purposly try ti screw things over for everybody else. I keep a tighter watch on Q&A then on discussions. does that need to be writen in stone?!. i hardly think so. if needed(hardly ever) i'll let the person know that its over the line and why.

the rules in place are not designed to be writen in stone(and a fat lot of good did this do the romans when they asked for writen rules, interpretation is still in the hands of the lawyers) they are there to give some flexability and weed out the worst. the worst, not everybody and everything that you don't agree with.
Someone sprouting bigotry in a clear and persistant manner? then report him. dont report the guy you had an argument with over every single posts where you two are flaming eachother. because then it looks like you have an alteror motive... bad mojo right there..
in short, nobody ever got banned that did not try to be a purposefull jackass. since that is the case, why do you want to change the playingfield?? unless you are stating that there are a lot of people who do not deserve to be here. on that last bit i concurr. there are a lot of people in the forum or game that are simply nightmarish, and yes they are low level jackasses, not to the level of a Wicked. Lets hope they never make it there and we can simply turn them on the good path with a friendly word, request or action. i don't seek to ban anybody, unless they force me to ban them.

in short, your story is nice to read. it looks like the barbarians are at the gates and everybody here is a closet nazi homo and/or republican (okay, that was funny)
But really, if you have specific questions, ask yourself this first.(warning: metafor for common sense) Would you mother mind if you did/say it?! if yes, then don't do it

That was a fun and interesting read sir..

Not sure i would appreciate that last part as much if I were a Nazi or a Republican, but since i am more of a Libertairian I would have enjoyed it even more had you been an equal oppourtunity basher and added a marxist Democratic twinge to it... hehehee... now that was funny too...
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby Woodruff on Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:23 pm

SirSebstar wrote:As i see the question of woodruff, well it would seem to me that he is asking permission to see where the line is and if he can cross it.

Very much the opposite, actually. I would like "the line" to actually be drawn (as of right now, it is not) so that those who ARE crossing it can feel the pressure of moderator intervention. I'm not sure how you got that view of me from my post, to be honest. After all, as you can see if you did actually read the rest of the thread, I am far from the only one seeing these problems. Surely, you don't think all of the people in agreement with me are also just looking for the line so that they can cross it?

SirSebstar wrote:Its not really that hard. the rules i mean. basicly, it is do not be annoying.

And there you go...this is not enforced with any consistency at all. You've pointed out a large part of the problem.

SirSebstar wrote: in short, nobody ever got banned that did not try to be a purposefull jackass. since that is the case, why do you want to change the playingfield?

There are purposeful jackasses that clearly aren't feeling any pressure from the moderators. Consistency of application would suffice, and I don't believe it is too much to ask. And this isn't at all a matter of "people I disagree with", because of the five people I have in mind, two of their worldviews align very closely with mine.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby VectorxMan on Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:15 am

I'll say this right off the bat: the only parts of your rant/big block of text I read were the parts about bigotry and bank robbing.

-Remove the rule regarding "unwritten rules" as regards gross abuse of the game.
Unwritten rules = common sense stuff, however, it's stuff that needs to be put out in the open somehow and in some way so the unwritten rules is a good thing to have; albeit oddly named since it isn't so 'un' written :P.

-Remove the community guideline regarding not being intentionally annoying.
Spam/flooding a chat is an act of intentionally being annoying in my book. Therefore, keep this.

-Remove the community guideline regarding bigotry.
You have a point on this one.

-Remove the community guideline regarding trolling.
f*ck trolls. Keep this rule.

-Remove the community guideline regarding using the foe list.
There is no guideline regarding the use of the foe list since there isn't really a 'right' or 'wrong' way to use this list. The guideline page simply states the intent as well as some suggested uses for foeing someone.

-Remove the community guideline regarding flaming.
It may be hard for a fellow emotionless bastard to understand but there are people who take things they read on the internet very seriously. This rule should stay in effect.

-Remove the community guideline regarding nudity and pornography.
If you really really feel the need to beat off in between games then go to a different website. There are countless websites that exist. This one revolves around conquering the world. 'nuff said.

-Remove the rule regarding secret diplomacy.

-Remove the rule regarding multi accounts.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby Bones2484 on Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:36 pm

VectorxMan wrote:I'll say this right off the bat: the only parts of your rant/big block of text I read were the parts about bigotry and bank robbing.

And by not reading, you completely missed the point of the suggestion. Nice job.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby Woodruff on Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:35 pm

VectorxMan wrote:I'll say this right off the bat: the only parts of your rant/big block of text I read were the parts about bigotry and bank robbing.

-Remove the rule regarding "unwritten rules" as regards gross abuse of the game.
Unwritten rules = common sense stuff, however, it's stuff that needs to be put out in the open somehow and in some way so the unwritten rules is a good thing to have; albeit oddly named since it isn't so 'un' written :P.

-Remove the community guideline regarding not being intentionally annoying.
Spam/flooding a chat is an act of intentionally being annoying in my book. Therefore, keep this.

-Remove the community guideline regarding bigotry.
You have a point on this one.

-Remove the community guideline regarding trolling.
f*ck trolls. Keep this rule.

-Remove the community guideline regarding using the foe list.
There is no guideline regarding the use of the foe list since there isn't really a 'right' or 'wrong' way to use this list. The guideline page simply states the intent as well as some suggested uses for foeing someone.

-Remove the community guideline regarding flaming.
It may be hard for a fellow emotionless bastard to understand but there are people who take things they read on the internet very seriously. This rule should stay in effect.

-Remove the community guideline regarding nudity and pornography.
If you really really feel the need to beat off in between games then go to a different website. There are countless websites that exist. This one revolves around conquering the world. 'nuff said.

-Remove the rule regarding secret diplomacy.

-Remove the rule regarding multi accounts.

You might go back and read the whole suggestion. I suspect we're much more in agreement than you seem to believe from your admittedly cursory examination, other than apparently the rule on bigotry.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:17 am

The Voice wrote:On that note, it would be nice if mods were held accountable for their actions like every other player. I think it would add a great deal of legitimacy to the rules.


let's take chemefreak for example.
post 1
chemefreak wrote:Um, go f*ck yourself? You whiny fucking little bitch. Seriously? This post shows you are probably one of the most pathetic assholes on this site. What did you add here? Vaseline (you can't even spell that right can you, you little fucking prick)...blow jobs? You are fucking clown who can't handle fog games...that is clear. So why don't you do us all a favor...shut the f*ck up and play only in the sun.

post 2
chemefreak wrote:f*ck you Chewy. You should see the terrible drop you gave me in the final. Asshole ;)

and there are plenty of other posts. plus he's an official of TeamCC talking to a regular user. in this sort of relatinship there should be nothing but respect.
now i wonder what kind of punishment i'd get if i talked like that to a mod/admin?
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:35 am

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Re: Rules Determination

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:37 am

Last edited by BGtheBrain on Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:50 am

BGtheBrain wrote:Lets put that post in context douche.

thanks for proving my point that mods can talk to users however they please.

BGtheBrain wrote:This was the post that incited Chemefreak

ah, so if a users incites a mod then the mod is allowed to curse that user as much as he want, right?

is the opposite ok too?

for example you just called me a douche and i haven't provoked you in any way. so basically you started this.
can i start cursing you and it will be ok?

BGtheBrain wrote:From the Community Guidelines
"They aren't "staff" and they don't have to take crap from other members just because they have a special colour in their name."

but the community has to take crap from the moderators?
what about the people that PAY to play on this site and are cursed by the staff?
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:05 am

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Re: Rules Determination

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:21 am

BGtheBrain wrote:You can call me a douche, I dont care.
I didnt prove a point.. You do that a lot. You make statements that are obvious but add an incorrect conclusion to backup your ridiculous statement.

ah, but you see, the problem isn't if you care or not. the problem is if i care because i was the one that was called a douche.
the fact that you don't care about being cursed, doesn't give you the right to curse others. that's the most stupid argument i've ever heard.

if i send lack/andy/KA a pm saying "f*ck you douchebag" and then mention i don't mind being called the same, will i be banned or will i get away with it? according to your logic i'll be fine, right?

BGtheBrain wrote:The mods are allowed to talk however they want. We have establishing that, it didnt prove a point...

wait, what? when did we establish that? where in the world does it say in the community guidelines that the mods are allowed to talk however they want?
in fact i know for sure that once you become a mod you also agree to uphold the highest standards of behaviour. or at least that's what i agreed to when i became one.

BGtheBrain wrote:
DiM wrote:but the community has to take crap from the moderators?
what about the people that PAY to play on this site and are cursed by the staff?

You fail to realize that moderators ARE community members.

and since the moderators ARE community members shouldn't they be punished in the SAME manner and obey the SAME rules?
i called somebody an idiot and an imbecile and i got banned.
calling me a douche would be comparable, right? will you get banned?
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:36 am

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Re: Rules Determination

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:51 am

BGtheBrain wrote:So are you saying you want all insults and cusswords to not be allowed or just FROM the mods? Also Admin and Mods are very different.

i'm saying that i want decency and common sense to prevail. to start a post with a curse, like you did, is neither decent nor common sense.

and no i don't want cusswords to be banned. if i want to say "f*ck the dice they stole my victory" or "f*ck yeah, go team and kill the other guys" that's perfectly fine. but i should not be allowed to go ahead and curse people as i please just for the sake of cursing.

BGtheBrain wrote:Ah so you think that this agreement means I must post without opinion and use only approved by DiM words?

that agreement states that mods/admins should be an example of appropriate behaviour.
but you're intentionally just being absurd. your opinion can be posted without using fowl language. you're saying that if you're not allowed to curse people, then you can't post your opinion? are you stating that you're incapable of talking decent? or are you stating that your opinions always include curses?

BGtheBrain wrote:If I get a pm from a mod saying "Leave DiM alone" and I ignore it, I would expext a punishment.

so until you receive that PM you're free to talk however you want? interesting. i haven't received any PM telling me to leave you alone. does that mean i should profit now and quickly curse you?
is this kinda like a special offer? "all you can curse right now. limited offer until warning PMs arrive. curse now"

also you've avoided answering these:
ah, but you see, the problem isn't if you care or not. the problem is if i care because i was the one that was called a douche.
the fact that you don't care about being cursed, doesn't give you the right to curse others. that's the most stupid argument i've ever heard.
if i send lack/andy/KA a pm saying "f*ck you douchebag" and then mention i don't mind being called the same, will i be banned or will i get away with it? according to your logic i'll be fine, right?

where in the world does it say in the community guidelines that the mods are allowed to talk however they want?

looking forward to your answers.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:08 am

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Re: Rules Determination

Postby *Pixar* on Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:17 am

DiM are you really complaining half the site swears and uses douche whats the big deal here? GET A LIFE
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:24 am

BGtheBrain wrote:in this case its not C&A so Im just a member

as long as your name is coloured and it says Cheating/Abuse Moderator under it then you're a mod no matter if you post in the general discussions forum, in live chat or in a game. throughout this whole site your behaviour should be an exemplary one.

BGtheBrain wrote:For the record, most of my opinions include curses. Normally much worse than douche

grade A material for a moderator. =D>

BGtheBrain wrote:Basically youre entire argument against me is that since youre a paying member and Im a mod, I have to treat you as though you are superior.

nope. read again. my argument is that since you're a mod you're supposed to set an example for the community and be a moral pillar. you should treat everybody, paying or non paying, mods or common users with the same respect and decency.

BGtheBrain wrote:If youre a douche, Ill treat you like a douche. If youre normal, Ill treat you like youre normal.

so if somebody trolls you troll back, if somebody curses you, you curse him back, if somebody is being abusive you try to be even more abusive than him?

i'm not sure you fully understand the "moderation" aspect of being a moderator.

BGtheBrain wrote:You seem to have serious issues involving a love of censorship.

nope, not really, but i do have serious issues with double standards being used around here.

BGtheBrain wrote:Have a good day.


were you trying to call me a douche one final time or just signing your post?

btw, you still avoided these:

DiM wrote:
ah, but you see, the problem isn't if you care or not. the problem is if i care because i was the one that was called a douche.
the fact that you don't care about being cursed, doesn't give you the right to curse others. that's the most stupid argument i've ever heard.
if i send lack/andy/KA a pm saying "f*ck you douchebag" and then mention i don't mind being called the same, will i be banned or will i get away with it? according to your logic i'll be fine, right?

where in the world does it say in the community guidelines that the mods are allowed to talk however they want?

looking forward to your answers.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:28 am

Pixar wrote:DiM are you really complaining half the site swears and uses douche whats the big deal here? GET A LIFE

not at all. if CC's policy is to allow curse words then i'm ok with it. i'm not trying to ban cusswords, just trying to make things fair.
if a moderator is allowed to curse a user then allow the user to curse back. don't let the moderator go, but punish the user.

that's all i want, fair and equal standards for everybody.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby agentcom on Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:27 pm

Cool it down a little, guys.

If anybody wants to continue this in the interest of furthering the discussion on how the rules should be changed, that is fine. Keep quotes from other topics to a minimum. There is a fine line between pointing out an example of bad rules/outcomes/unpunished behavior and inciting people to rehash an old argument. I'm not sure where that line is, but we probably crossed it for a moment back there.

BG: The name calling is not necessary. Figure out a way to respond to his argument without helping him prove his point.

DiM: If you have an actual suggestion for where the line should be drawn, let us know. I know you wouldn't draw it at "douche." If you want to ask hypothetical questions about what is and what isn't allowed, go somewhere else, figure it out and come back to us with why it's right or wrong.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby SirSebstar on Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:21 pm

Interresting, i kept reading
Douche bag, or simply douche, is considered to be a pejorative term. The slang usage of the term originated in the 1960s.[5] The term usually refers to a person, usually male, with a variety of negative qualities, specifically arrogance and engaging in obnoxious and/or irritating actions, most often without malicious intent.
Male, check
arrogance, check
irritating actions, check.
without malicious intent? I am willing to go with it for the time being.
How can something be insulting if it is your name/ discribes you in an objective manner? Okay that was a bit of fun with poor old DiM.
He is quite witted you know...
Also, i'd like to make that case that in the past a fw people have been banned according to rules that nowadays apply differently. we could get equal standards for everybody, but that would be very unfair. The current rules try to be fair. Some posters just dont seem to take a hint.
e.g. DiM, you ask to be provided with a line where it says that (paraphrasing) "mods are allowd to speak as they want".
Its in the lines of "Mods are players too" and the fact that rules apply to players. Thereby conversly they apply to mods. BG already said this twice... quite patiently even.

I was going to continue on the lines of why and how the rules are being used as consitently as possible, but that people are allowed to put forward a valid verifiable point. However we all know that is the case. So i cannot but conclude that it must be personal grievences that motive some players. They feel they are being treated unfairly because of what they feel they contribute to this site. \But the great news s, you are punished regardsless of your percieved importance. not saying you are not important, just that this in itself does not form a factor..
It basicly proves that rules are therefor already as consistant and fair as possible.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:35 pm

agentcom wrote:DiM: If you have an actual suggestion for where the line should be drawn, let us know. I know you wouldn't draw it at "douche." If you want to ask hypothetical questions about what is and what isn't allowed, go somewhere else, figure it out and come back to us with why it's right or wrong.

it's not about drawing an arbitrary line. that's both stupid and ineffective.
you can't tell people that douche is ok but f*ck is not. it all depends on context and common sense.
i don't want to ban all cuss words or even a part of them. by all means if CC wants to permit any form of cursing imaginable then i'm ok with it.
what i do want is that the same rules are applied to all people regardless if they're mods, veteran users, or a guy that joined 2 days ago.
bg called me a douche. i told him that i'm offended by that and yet he continued to call me a douche.
if i call you a douche now and you tell me you're offended and i keep calling you a douche, will i get banned?

also, getting back to the rules. they are very ambiguous and offer a mod the possibility to judge 2 identical cases in 2 different ways.

for example BG calls me a douche. i report him and i get the following answer quoted from the rules:
"Coarse language is generally allowed, so if you find something disagreeable we encourage you to use your Foes List."
basically i'm being told i should ignore him and BG isn't punished. perfectly within the rules.

i get mad and i come to the forum and i call BG a douche. he reports me and i get banned because according to the same rules:
"It doesn't matter if another user rubs you the wrong way, that's not an excuse to flame or personally attack them."
and since calling somebody a douche can be considered a flame/personal attack i can be warned/banned. again perfectly within the rules.

same infraction, same words, same rules different outcomes. this needs to be rectified.
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Re: Rules Determination

Postby DiM on Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:57 pm

SirSebstar wrote:How can something be insulting if it is your name/ discribes you in an objective manner?

you're mistaking objective with subjective.
if you consider me arrogant/prickly/douchey or whatever, that's merely a subjective opinion and you're perfectly entitled to it as long as you aren't taking that subjective opinion and transform it into a personal assault.
and if you do the mistake of transforming your opinion into an insult at least don't repeat it over and over again after i tell you you're being offensive. that only makes you look like the one who's arrogant/prickly/douchey or whatever. :roll:
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