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Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list.

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Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list.

Postby Votanic on Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:58 pm

Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list.
That's pretty much it. This has happened more than once to me.
Is there a way to make this procedure more fool-proof?
If it requires adding an extra confirmation 'click' that seems totally acceptable to me.
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Re: Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list

Postby king achilles on Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:02 pm

Operating System: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Browser: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Scripts/third party programs used: xxxxxxxxxx

If the bug happened in a game/s, do not forget to indicate the game number/s.

Concise description:
  • xxxxxxx

  • xxxxxxx
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Re: Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list

Postby TeeGee on Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:24 pm

A quick fix for you
and click yes to confirm deploy

But as KA says, please use the template provided

it would also help us in this instance to know if it's speed games only or all games
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Re: Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list

Postby Votanic on Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:24 am

Okay, that already exists. Did not know that. I'll have to revisit the Settings page.
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Re: Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list

Postby Votanic on Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:27 pm

...and yes, now that I have the confirmation button on, the extra click is annoying... but I'll try and live with it for now.
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Re: Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list

Postby IcePack on Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:59 am

I’ve had the blink / reset happen as well fairly regularly. Especially noticeable in speed games.

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Re: Site 'blinks' and troops misdeploy to first terr on list

Postby Votanic on Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:51 pm

An update about this.
I've been using the Confirmation button... and the blinks still happen!
When the site wants to blink, it will blink right past the confirmation step as well!
Maybe a little less often...but I'm not sure.

Very annoying. one can easily lose a game that way.

I don't know if CC could track the occurrences and discover what factors cause this to happen.
Does this happen to everybody? Some players seem ot never mention it or complain about it.
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