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CC is declining again!

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon May 15, 2017 6:18 pm

I think shocked is funny. Also, how am I being stupid? I know why you don't like me, and I'm fine with that. I don't waste my time making someone who dislikes me change their mind.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon May 15, 2017 6:58 pm

IcePack wrote:As long as you don't quote me or have cameras rolling in the bushes

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby WILLIAMS5232 on Tue May 16, 2017 1:34 am

IcePack wrote:
The Holy Book of Jason wrote:Chapter 1:1
IcePack says that's not the case, and he's kind of the special apostle whom our webmaster trusts more than the rest of us, so his information is probably good.

don't forget about
chapter 4;24-29

24; and Jason said unto Icepack, don't thou forget about the parable of jimminy, and Jason continued, Ezra walked unto the counter at thou hamburger joint of Satan,
25; and Jimminy handed Ezra the special hamburger, thence Ezra pulled off the bun of the burger and noticed a mucous looking yellow gooey mess on the hamburger. he then replied to Jimminy
26; what has thou placed on my hamburger jimminy?
27; thence jimminy replied, it's not a loogy Ezra
28; and therefore both jason and Icepack knew that it was in fact a loogy that jimminy tried to get Ezra to consume
29; and Jason could tell that at that moment Icepack understood the customer should have a little knowledge unto what was bestowed upon him that thou has purchased with hard earned money.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby Dukasaur on Tue May 16, 2017 3:46 am

One day this thread will be studied in World Literature classes alongside the Odyssey and Pilgrim's Progress.
ā€œā€ŽLife is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.ā€
ā€• Voltaire
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby BoganGod on Tue May 16, 2017 8:52 am

Dukasaur wrote:One day this thread will be studied in World Literature classes alongside the Odyssey and Pilgrim's Progress.

Only if CC becomes an antiquated religion.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed May 17, 2017 4:55 am

If we're not using the 50k file, we're using something worse. I'm not going to buy a bullshit line like "we're not using the 50k file but I don't know what we're using". Why wouldn't bigWham give any inclination as to what the supposedly newer and better system is? It's just a fucking con and I'm tired of it. IcePack might think that he's "in the know" with the wonderful bW, but CC's owner clearly doesn't give a single f*ck about his customers here. If there was actually any information whatsoever that backed up the claims of improved dice, I wouldn't be complaining. I mean really, what's he done for us?

1. Alienated paying customers and moderators who now only remain for certain aspects of the community and, whilst they'd love to see the site prosper and contribute, cannot do so with bW at the helm.
2. Created a completely broken scoreboard that awards people who abuse the game. Refuses to acknowledge the issues or attempt to fix them.
3. Won't provide any information whatsoever regarding the "improved dice algorithm". Most likely lying about having something better than the 50k file.
4. Doesn't listen to suggestions from people more knowledgeable on certain topics, but instead decides his word is law and ploughs on ahead no matter the consequences.
5. Doesn't advertise the website, but instead allows other online games to advertise on CC's site.

IcePack, don't bother replying to this unless you have something to say that you didn't just eat straight out of bigWham's arse. I like you, but your recent replies in this thread have been weak and give the impression you blindly trust someone who is happily fucking over his paying customers. It's like bW thinks he can do whatever he likes because he'll always have premium memberships coming in, so I guess we'll see how that works out for him. Online risk in general is losing popularity at a rapid rate, and bigWham is just a catalyst for the downward spiral.

Maybe I'm an idiot for having spent so much money on this site. In fact no, I'm definitely an idiot considering the amount I've spent here on premium for myself and for others, but that will be coming to an end very soon. I'm not alone in this either, I guarantee you that, I'm just a little more vocal than others choose to be. Good luck in repeatedly fucking over your customers bigWham. Customers who were here before you, who loved this game and still play to this day. Don't you feel any kind of guilt knowingly fucking these guys over? People who have been paying to play on a site for years before you bought it? You're disgraceful. I'm losing count of the amount of people I've spoken to on this site who remain only because of their clan or their friends here. The game? It's been ruined for them. Tournaments? Ruined. Maps? Ruined. Dice? Ruined. Fun? Ruined. Ownership? Ruined. If you think the reason people are still playing here is because of changes you've made then think again: it's because of friendships that were built before your arrival and will continue after you, or they, have gone. I'd advise you to pick your head up out of the sand, stop lying, fix the shit that's broken, and maybe this site will be a little prosperous; a small, solid gaming community with a tidy revenue. Or just ignore me like you do with everyone else and drive this place into shit.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby Donelladan on Wed May 17, 2017 5:23 am

That's really not true Caff.
bW did implement some nice suggestions and some very nice stuff. I am sure you'll agree on some at least. ( I am not sure if all are to give to bW credits but I think so)
And this is only a short list.

Polymorphic game.
Clan page
Bot games
Parachute fort
Zombie spoils
12 player games
Guide games
Auto tournament
Panel interface

The most recent and a very nice one imo : Resign Button.

Bot games and guide game are very good for new players.
And polymorphic games are definitely the best improvement I have seen since I am on CC.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby Donelladan on Wed May 17, 2017 5:43 am

Double posting - sorry.

Seems you are blaming bW for the decline. But I really don't see how the change he made are responsible.
The new scoreboard ? Ok they have been abused, but look at them today, in the top 10 of both, how many players "cheated" to get there ? I'd say only one in both. And it's been the same most of the times, only a few individual used some tactics to get in there, but most of the time it was honest player getting the medal.
Furthemore, yes it's been abused, but it has been made with good intentions, and other players can completely ignore it ( I think most people on CC actually completely ignore those scoreboard). So not such a big deal imo.

iAmCaffeine wrote: I'm losing count of the amount of people I've spoken to on this site who remain only because of their clan or their friends here. The game? It's been ruined for them. Tournaments? Ruined. Maps? Ruined. Dice? Ruined. Fun? Ruined. Ownership? Ruined.

I don't see how bW is responsible for any of the items in this list. Tournaments are "ruined" because we have much less players. Maps are "ruined", I guess you are referring to the foundry, again it's probably because we have less people involved there, also many people complained vocally that there is too many maps anyway, leading to question the interest of making new ones. Not bW fault. And he tried some stuff to make the foundry alive again ( the kickstarter credit maps stuff, so far not a success, but again, lack of people is probably the reason).
Dice ? They were "ruined" before bW made any changes. I don't really think it's worse or better.

Yes CC isn't going well if we look at the numbers of members, but really it isn't true that all the blame is on bW if any.

The only bad things he made imo are the subscription for the memberships, as well as increasing the cost of gifting premium.
Game finder is probably debatable as well.

So yes, everything he did wasn't perfect, but he did made a lot of good things here, you can't deny many things changed since he took over.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed May 17, 2017 5:47 am

Poly, parachute and other things are great, sure. How many bugs did we put up with for months when polymorphic became live? Funny how it's a premium-only feature and yet premium memberships are in decline. I think guide games are largely redundant. The panel interface is absolute dog shit, BOB was superior by far. Auto-Tournaments were managed incredibly poorly and rapidly sped up the drop in member-run tournaments. The tournament scene is all but dead right now, compared to its former glory and that cannot be solely attributed to a lack of members. How many times have you been stuck in an auto-tournament for ten rounds with a deadbeat? Championships are good when deserving winners aren't cheated out of their rewards. The resign button has such specific requirements for it's use that it's pretty much redundant.

Did you notice the last post in the Foundry was by me, eight days ago? That place is dead and done.

So basically, we got a few nice settings and therefore we should be grateful? They are irrelevant in comparison to the issues we're facing.

To answer your second post, I'm not solely blaming bigWham for CC's decline. I'm not stupid. My point is how does he expect to stop, or at least delay, the reduce in paying customers when: he refuses to fix issues he himself has created; he refuses to work alongside people who's opinions differ to his; he refuses to disclose any information about "no longer using the 50k file"; he freely allows players to abuse systems he's implemented and does nothing about it? The list goes on.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Wed May 17, 2017 6:30 am

Guess I'll just weigh in, think my opinion has some merit behind it.

Been around this site forever and a day, a good portion of it has been spent lurking around and seeing how some of my old buddies have been doing. Recently more active now because...Well, honestly Serbia and Saxi. How or why those two convinced me to be more active here, I'll never know. They might regret it, they might not. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Back in 07, I joined this site with the intention of just having fun and playing this game, but being a nerdy little kid that I was and still like to think that I am, I started becoming a really active forum user. Shit, I've had so many good memories on this site. Flame wars, the uber mod drama, a really big community, Spamalot, those fun games with Koolbak and his crew and pissing off Glide. There were just so many personalities that made this site worth coming back to all the time. Even pieces of shit like Xtratabasco and Rhondalino (The self proclaimed Flame King), were funny to watch. The old feedback system was funnier than shit to when you could abuse it, now you're stuck with this weird system like you're grading 1st graders homework.
I became way less active on the game itself and was more in love with the forums really. This site was basically a downgraded version of 4Chan back in it's day. There was just so much content to sift through and there were plenty of subjects at the time to read about and have a good laugh, or people would just cause drama *coughwickedcough*. I really do miss those days of CC drama. Course afterwards, I joined the military and my activity plummeted to near nil, but I'd occasionally log in, say something snarky, read a few smart ass lines from other people and then disappear again for months to a year. Basically what I'm saying is, this site had one of the most creative forums back in it's time, but people left and with people leaving, others didn't feel any incentive to stay either. I think the main issue is, is that the forums is/was the main attraction. I haven't even scratched the surface of what made CC so damn awesome back then, but here it is.

Let's be honest about Risk and this site. Risk is a board game, the fact of the matter is, is that there's only so many ways that you can reinvent it to keep it fresh and creative. I applaud the folks in map foundry to making a crap ton of maps in the past 10 years, and I applaud the community with coming up with more settings on how to play the game. But the game itself is not going to hold a lot of peoples attention now a days. I mean, look at our competition. Xbox Live, PlayStation Live, MMO's, a plethora of other web based games that keep players active. Here it's "wait a day to a week and then make your one turn." People now a days, especially my generation and the younger generation are more into the action pack stuff (myself included). I only come on here now to kill time at work, or maybe an hour to play Mafia when I'm home...Or when I get drunk and want to be an ass.

I love this site, and I like a good portion of the community, but it's dead in comparison of what it use to be. I don't blame BigWam or whatever his name is, nor do I blame Lack, I blame peoples attention spans. Folks just got tired of coming here and spending their life on it.
Last edited by DirtyDishSoap on Wed May 17, 2017 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby Donelladan on Wed May 17, 2017 6:30 am

Who cares about the bug ? I find it totally fine to have new things with bugs that have to be solved afterwards.
Also, isn't beta site also a bW thing ? That's another nice stuff.

Panel interface, you are comparing it with BOB, but BOB wasn't CC.
You should compare panel interface with no panel interface, and then it's definitely an improvement. Also if it's really that bad for you, you don't even have to use it, it's an option !

Auto-tournament, I agree with you on the deadbeat problem with them, but except that, I do think they are a nice improvement. much less work for the TD if everything works smoothly.

Yes I think we should be grateful for what has been done, it's much better than nothing :)
Seriously, not saying we should just cheering for bW, but I think you were really harsh on him with your previous post, I think bW did way more good things for CC than bad one. Ofc there is a LOT of room for improvement. But I think he has been trying to make things go better for CC, and he did some good things.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed May 17, 2017 7:23 am

Donelladan wrote:Panel interface, you are comparing it with BOB, but BOB wasn't CC.
You should compare panel interface with no panel interface, and then it's definitely an improvement. Also if it's really that bad for you, you don't even have to use it, it's an option !

The panel interface was made as an integrated replacement for BOB that would be built into the website, so yes it is in fact very fair to compare the two. The panel interface was based on BOB and designed to replace it. It's also worse.

Donelladan wrote:Auto-tournament, I agree with you on the deadbeat problem with them, but except that, I do think they are a nice improvement. much less work for the TD if everything works smoothly.

In what way is there less work involved for the tournament directors? Take a look at community-run tournaments. There are rarely more than ~7 open tournaments in the forum anymore. Which tournaments are generally more fun: automatically ran, repetitive tournaments with no discussion, or ones led by an individual within the community who provides regular updates in a forum topic and often has an interesting theme?

Donelladan wrote:Yes I think we should be grateful for what has been done, it's much better than nothing :)
Seriously, not saying we should just cheering for bW, but I think you were really harsh on him with your previous post, I think bW did way more good things for CC than bad one. Ofc there is a LOT of room for improvement. But I think he has been trying to make things go better for CC, and he did some good things.

I'm not denying he's done some good things, but it also looks like he doesn't really give a shit about the customers.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed May 17, 2017 8:13 am

My time on this site is definitely reaching its limit. My clan already knows. I guess we'll see when I finally decide to pack it in. I'm sick of this bullshit and this pathetic excuse of an owner. You can come here and say "oh but he tried to make some improvements" like so fucking what? They mean nothing compared to the lies, the cheating of people's money, the lack of respect for paying customers, the abuse of the game and the complete lack of care in fixing things he breaks himself.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby laughingcavalier on Wed May 17, 2017 8:45 pm

2dimes wrote:
mrswdk wrote:
DirtyDishSoap wrote:Does CC get promoted at all? I've only heard about this through word of mouth back in the day. I think there is a facebook page as well, but I seldom check.

Yeah, I only heard about CC because my brother made me an account so that we could play together.

They had an ad on but the new owner must have stopped paying because it doesn't run anymore.

How do you know the site has a new owner? Are you like the chosen one who gets access to all the special info? Anyway I thought it was just like the same 50k horse pics they use over and over.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby Donelladan on Thu May 18, 2017 1:43 am

The change of ownership was announced in the announcement forum.
bigWham took over in 2013 :


no new ownership since then.

Also bottom of your CC page it's written " Big Wham LLC". I guess if it ever change then it means we have a new owner.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu May 18, 2017 3:52 am

The sooner the better.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu May 18, 2017 9:12 am

I just lost a game to a fucking Sergeant who intentionally deployed 1 troop on a region, to attack 2v1 for a kill, against a region he could only attack from that single spot. Of course he won the 2v1. If it was random luck then okay whatever, but this dude actually based his entire play on winning a 2v1. He could've deployed more troops there. How fucking bad do you have to be and still get gifted a lucky win like that?! Holy f*ck.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby riskllama on Thu May 18, 2017 10:33 am

fortune favours the bold, caff - be sure to leave him a shit rating for beating you.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby mrswdk on Thu May 18, 2017 11:12 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:I just lost a game to a fucking Sergeant who intentionally deployed 1 troop on a region, to attack 2v1 for a kill, against a region he could only attack from that single spot. Of course he won the 2v1. If it was random luck then okay whatever, but this dude actually based his entire play on winning a 2v1. He could've deployed more troops there. How fucking bad do you have to be and still get gifted a lucky win like that?! Holy f*ck.

i.e. he made a plan to beat you and executed it successfully
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby WILLIAMS5232 on Thu May 18, 2017 12:09 pm

I lost 9v5 the other day. I was really counting on winning that one.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu May 18, 2017 1:36 pm

The number of active users on this site will never see an increase. It's online risk, not an MMO, RPG or FPS. It's not a popular type of game; it's dated and been out-grown. The people in charge need to stop doing things they think will bring new membership in, accept that eventually this site will die, and do things to keep the core membership active, happy and paying for as long as possible. CC is obviously not bigWham's main source of income, it's a nice bonus on the side. Just find ways to keep the hardcore players here and having a good time. That doesn't mean effectively cheating people out of their money by automatically renewing premium. Utilise honest policies and changes. There is zero chance this site hits 20k active players again. The sooner bW and the others accept that, and do what they can to keep this site alive and profitable for as long as possible, the better this site will be.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby IcePack on Thu May 18, 2017 2:01 pm

I'm pretty sure BW doesn't expect it to hit 20k again, in fact he's explicitly stated he thought that was likely unsustainable and unrealistic

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu May 18, 2017 2:04 pm

20k wasn't intended to be a specific example. My point is more about the goal of this website from hereon.
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