For this year's Easter event, instead of launching new eggs, we will be celebrating some of our favourite eggs of all time.
Over the next week, you will see polls in the forum where you can vote for your favourites from each year.
In this thread, however, you can win prizes by predicting the eventual winner. Here are all 30 eggs that have been produced during the last six Easter events. (sadly, we can't go back any further, as a lot of the old art work is lost.)
You can participate three different ways!
First, by posting your predictions: look at the list of thirty eggs, name which ones will win. Choose up to five. You will score 1 point if any egg you named is on the list of the five that are eventually chosen. You will score an additional 5 points if any of the five eggs you named is the eventual #1 winner. You will score an additional 25 points if all five of the eggs you named are on the eventual list of 5. You will score an additional 125 points for the Quinfecta: if you name all five eggs that are the eventual winners, and name them in the correct order, the ultimate #1, the ultimate #2, etc.
With no further ado, here are the 30 eggs, in a randomized order. Polls will open starting tomorrow, but you can make your predictions immediately. In fact, there is a bonus for doing so, and this is your second way to participate. There will be five bonus points if you make your prediction today, before the first poll.
Finally, there is third way to participate: by bringing your friends to make their predictions, too! You will get 2 bonus points for every person who posts a prediction and says that you told them to. In order to score, they MUST make a valid prediction (naming five eggs that are on the list) and they MUST say that you told them to. Also, in order for the bonus points to count, you must score at least one normal point (ie. at least one egg that you name must be on the eventual list of winners).
The size of the prize for this contest is not set and will depend entirely on the level of participation. If only half a dozen people bother making predictions, we will give out some trivial little prize like a Silver Star. If several hundreds of people participate, we will give out some really good prizes like probably a Green Star, a few General Achievement medals, and a couple years of premium. And so on. If it's more than half a dozen and less than several hundred, it will be between those two bookmarks. You get the picture.
If you've played with me before, you know that sometimes I make it up as I go along, and I try to be fair. Work with me, and don't stress about being a rules lawyer.
Finally, DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST. Once you have made your prediction, it stands. Let it ride!!! I reserve the right to disqualify any edited predictions.
With no further ado, here are the 30 eggs we will be choosing from.

First poll:
Classic egg 1st, Sweep-the-map 2nd, and a tie for third with Doodles, Bird-Angel, and Prisoner all going to the finals.
Second poll:
Worldly 1st, Mad Dice 2nd, Turtle 3rd and Little Bomb 4th are going to the final
Third poll:
Tank 1st, Spiral 2nd, NotAnEgg 3rd, vonEggsbury 4th
FINAL poll: