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Rules of the World...You Decide!

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Postby wcaclimbing on Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:48 am

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. Everyone must learn a martial art style (Eastern or Western or both)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
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Private 1st Class wcaclimbing
Posts: 5598
Joined: Fri May 12, 2006 10:09 pm
Location: In your quantum box....Maybe.

Postby mandalorian2298 on Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:47 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. Everyone must learn a martial art style (Eastern or Western or both)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.


Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
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Lieutenant mandalorian2298
Posts: 4536
Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:57 pm

Postby Norse on Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:50 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. Everyone must learn a martial art style (Eastern or Western or both)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
b.k. barunt wrote:Snorri's like one of those fufu dogs who get all excited and dance around pissing on themself.

suggs wrote:scared off by all the pervs and wankers already? No? Then let me introduce myself, I'm Mr Pervy Wank.
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Corporal 1st Class Norse
Posts: 4227
Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:14 pm
Location: Cradled in the arms of Freya.

Postby wicked on Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:11 pm

rule 69 was so wasted. :cry:
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Major wicked
Posts: 15787
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:23 pm

Postby Daring Overlord5 on Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:23 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. Everyone must learn a martial art style (Eastern or Western or both)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
wicked wrote:rule 69 was so wasted. :cry:

103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
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Sergeant Daring Overlord5
Posts: 1511
Joined: Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:13 pm
Location: KANSAS

Postby muy_thaiguy on Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:44 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed(New one)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
"Eh, whatever."

What, you expected something deep or flashy?
User avatar
Private 1st Class muy_thaiguy
Posts: 12727
Joined: Fri May 18, 2007 11:20 am
Location: Back in Black

Postby dustn64 on Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:10 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed(New one)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
User avatar
Sergeant 1st Class dustn64
Posts: 4683
Joined: Thu May 10, 2007 4:35 pm
Location: The Birthplace of Basketball

Postby muy_thaiguy on Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:25 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed(New one)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
"Eh, whatever."

What, you expected something deep or flashy?
User avatar
Private 1st Class muy_thaiguy
Posts: 12727
Joined: Fri May 18, 2007 11:20 am
Location: Back in Black

Postby Syzygy on Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:10 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed(New one)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
User avatar
Sergeant 1st Class Syzygy
Posts: 3382
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:07 pm
Location: My Acre of Africa

Postby Gold Knight on Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:14 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. autoload is to be treated as a god
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed(New one)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
107. Rule 106 can be discarded in certain intimate circumstances.
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Captain Gold Knight
Posts: 2749
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:47 am
Location: Out here in these woods...

Postby derfderf34 on Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:15 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed(New one)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Corporal derfderf34
Posts: 1424
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Location: Writing a song, ABOUT COOKIES!

Postby Gold Knight on Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:16 pm

Derf got fastposted for 107 :D
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Captain Gold Knight
Posts: 2749
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:47 am
Location: Out here in these woods...

Postby derfderf34 on Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:18 pm

autoloads the one who cheated
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Corporal derfderf34
Posts: 1424
Joined: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:21 pm
Location: Writing a song, ABOUT COOKIES!

Postby Syzygy on Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:37 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed(New one)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
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Sergeant 1st Class Syzygy
Posts: 3382
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:07 pm
Location: My Acre of Africa

Postby static_ice on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:05 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed(New one)
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
R.I.P. Chef
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Sergeant static_ice
Posts: 9174
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:51 am

Postby Dancing Mustard on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:30 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
User avatar
Corporal Dancing Mustard
Posts: 5442
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:31 pm
Location: Pushing Buttons

Postby static_ice on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:36 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Everyone must participate in one weekly orgy
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. If you hunt foxes with worms, Mr Blair gets to shout at you.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. Everyone must get jacked up on coffee so much that their eyes start twitching
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. Only next to muy_thaiguy is mm the greatest
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. f*ck rule 92
94. In accordance with rule 92, Tom Cruise will replace the Pope.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. all rules numbered 100 and above shall be ignored
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. All kids must learn to speak, read and wright in Mando'a, except the members of Klingorn minority.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
R.I.P. Chef
User avatar
Sergeant static_ice
Posts: 9174
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:51 am

Postby Dancing Mustard on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:46 pm

1. Something used to be here, but then I edited it
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. This rule is blowing in the wind, along with the answer
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
Last edited by Dancing Mustard on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
User avatar
Corporal Dancing Mustard
Posts: 5442
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:31 pm
Location: Pushing Buttons

Postby static_ice on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:47 pm

1. Everyone must like bananas
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. The French must participate in all wars
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. Everyone must worship autoload
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. All must aknowledge muy_thaiguy as supreme ruler of the world
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. No one would be required to read at least one book by Neal Stephenson.
13. Incandenza must tell everyone who the hell Neal Stephenson is
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. This rule is blowing in the wind, along with the answer
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
R.I.P. Chef
User avatar
Sergeant static_ice
Posts: 9174
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:51 am

Postby Dancing Mustard on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:52 pm

1. Something used to be here, but then I edited it
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. This rule is blowing in the wind, along with the answer
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
Last edited by Dancing Mustard on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
User avatar
Corporal Dancing Mustard
Posts: 5442
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:31 pm
Location: Pushing Buttons

Postby static_ice on Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:57 pm

1. Something used to be here, but then I edited it
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. Pikachu must be removed as a pokemon and replace the rainbow as the gay symbol.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. Fircoals rules are discarded, anybody can make laws
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: Everyone must learn the logic of anubis by heart and recite it when another person of more authority then them says to.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. This rule is blowing in the wind, along with the answer
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. this thread will never die
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
114. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule :)
R.I.P. Chef
User avatar
Sergeant static_ice
Posts: 9174
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:51 am

Postby Dancing Mustard on Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:02 pm

1. Something used to be here, but then I edited it
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. This rule is blowing in the wind, along with the answer
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
User avatar
Corporal Dancing Mustard
Posts: 5442
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:31 pm
Location: Pushing Buttons

Postby static_ice on Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:21 pm

1. Something used to be here, but then I edited it
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. This rule is blowing in the wind, along with the answer
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
R.I.P. Chef
User avatar
Sergeant static_ice
Posts: 9174
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:51 am

Postby muy_thaiguy on Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:48 pm

1. Something used to be here, but then I edited it
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. This rule is blowing in the wind, along with the answer
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Rap shall no longer be considered a genre of music
"Eh, whatever."

What, you expected something deep or flashy?
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Private 1st Class muy_thaiguy
Posts: 12727
Joined: Fri May 18, 2007 11:20 am
Location: Back in Black

Postby dustn64 on Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:59 pm

1. Something used to be here, but then I edited it
2. pikachu is to be treated as a god <-autoload cheated here
3.All people of the world over age 18 owe autoload a monthly tax of -1 dollar.
4. Anyone names fircoal must die
5. I am a man of constant sorrow.
6. Fircoal can die by any cirsomestans. In otherwords, Fircoal is not immortal.
7. All along the watchtower, princes will keep the view
8. How many years can a mountain exist, before it slips into the sea.
9. Women must come and go, barefooted servants too
10. All rules by Fircoal can not be obeyed.
11. Sportscenter must be watched at least once, if not multiple times, per day.
12. I'm knock knock knocking on hevan's door.
13. Put my guns in the ground, I ain't gonna shoot them no more
14. autoload gets all the women
15. Everyone else needs autoload's approval for their rules
16. Failure to learn, comprehend, and find daily use for Granite's Functions is punishable by death.
17. Everything Pokemon or related to it must be destroyed
18. Everyone but Fircoal can make rules.
19. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
20. Fircoal's laws are to be ignored if they have to do with Pokemon
21. Ignorant people are to go through a forced education.
22. Everyone must donate 1% of their income to the Save the Penguins Foundation.
23. Everyone must have the following words tattooed on their foreskins: "The Bushwackers Fellate Mutant Rhinos"
24. Everyone must make cena-rules a sandwich once a week
25. Buying, or in any way associating with, a Furbie, is punishable by death and/or extreme torture.
26: I ain't going to work for Maggie's brother no more.
27. The Logic of Anubis will now be included in all nation's National Anthems. Anyone who fails to learn it mentally, will learn it physically.
28. No one must hail cena-rules and Minister Masket every da or else br tortured by Chuck Norris
29. The hill must always belong to dustn64; my hill
30. No 1 must join my mafia game for one ultra mafia game
31. Someone must tell me how to play maleable games in a pm
32. you must go to this site:
33. Everyday shall be Saturday.
34. Hermione and Luna shall be in every pictures, whatever it is. And are MINERS.
35. You must give the ever so hot Hermione (Emma Watson) to Mo
36. If muy_thaiguy wishes for Herbal tea (Camomile), or any other hot drink, he has first dibs.
37.Hermione must suck anyones parents off if they lust for her
38. Especially for muy_thaiguy, whom she does lust after, along with all the other hot babes
39. This will be the final loo.
40. autoload can't make decisions
41. cena makes all the final decisions about wheat
42.dustn64 controls what ever cena does
43. Whatever muy_thaiguy says, grows.
44.dustn64 gets his prostate cut out
45. all those who oppose muy_thaiguy are sent to the headsmen's block to be executed
46. all herdsmen are kind and let everyone go before execution
47. but not before the ring leaders opposing muy_thaiguy are executed
48. all herdsmen are blind (for easy sheep rustling)
49. hanging, electric chair, firing squad, daytime television, and stampede of elephants are permitted ways of executing
50. not editing laws and muy_thaiguy has to test all methods of execution on himself
51. muy_thaiguy is not immoral, but moral things can harm him
52. ghosts have to attack MTG
53. Bellybuttons must eat penguins while they are dancing around a pole undressing themselves, eating apples, while swimming in a tank full of sharks that just came out of the ocean, which is very warm because the sun is so close, and the bellybuttons must live.
54. All ghosts, spirits, and such obey only muy_thaiguy's command
55.MTG must be blind folded and forced to suck old men's cocks
56. Your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat balances on your head
57. Just like a matress balances on a bottle of wine
58. muy_thaiguy obeys only muy_thaiguy
59. Everyone must watch HUMAN GIANT atleast 5 times a day. If they have to order the seasons then so be it.
60. Masturbating shall become the new national sport
61. We must all hail autoload's change to the laws.
62. Dinars become the new global currency.
63. Everyone must play PAWN
64. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
65. All Dinars are to have muy_thaiguy's portrait on them
66. We must all feed the trolls
67. Feed them cena-rules
68. Everyone must bring a dildo
69. All Tambourine men will be forced to play songs for me when I'm not sleepy and there's no place I'm going to.
70. It's not dark yet, but it's getting there
71. We must make this thread with the longest pages ever.
72. Our goal is at LEAST 300 rules!
73. MTG needs to go suck a cock
74. dustn needs to stop subbing other CCers for his own personal fantasies...
75. misterman10 is the greatest
76. If you see her, say hello
77. misterman10 is king
78. everyone must read the above rules carefully
79. misterman10 is supreme ruler
80. misterman10 shall be executed according to law
81. misterman10 gets lots of rules about him
82. Not always good for him though...
83. MTG must suck kyles eye-balls
84. MTG must shoot all of those that oppose him
85. sleeping is bitching
86. NO ONE can insult muy_thaiguy on this thread
87. everyone must be insulted daily by everyone else
88. Everyone over the age of 15 must have tax daily
89. everyone under the age of 15 must study techniques until they come of age
90. Poor flame writers will be dragged over cobbles by wild horses until they be dead. For real.
91. Dancing Mustard is allowed a daily portion of one 16 year old....he is also allowed to vary which sex the 16 year old is.
92. Scientology is the one true religion.
93. How many roads must a man walk down
94. Before you can call him a man.
95. Scientology will remain nothing more than an idea for a sci-fi novel
96. L. Ron Hubbard will strike down dustn64.
97. This rule is blowing in the wind, along with the answer
98. Humans will be replaced by a cross between computers and pond scum.
99. pond scum will now be the name for a clone of dustn64
100. Everyone in the entire world must be an active member of this site: Click Here
101. This is the story of a hurricane, the man the authorities came to blame.
102. Norse may do as he pleases.
103. Rule 69 must be replaced with a "better" rule
103a. New rule 69, All remakes of classic movies are to be destroyed
104. I once knew a woman, a child I'm told
105. Don't kick your own ass
106. And never lick it either.
106a. Something about intimate exceptions.
107. you will notice when autoload cheats
108. You will end any converesation with the following words: I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls.
109. you will start any conversation about how much you hate the Chinese Checkers map
110. Dancing Mustard is very grateful for Norse's contributions to this constitution
111. static is very tired of having to copy the whole damn list everytime
112. Dancing Mustard is loving it
113. Everyone must obey static's music suggestions
114. She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey, honey baby, from the bee
114. Dancing Mustard must be dipped in Ketchup daily
115. Changing the previous rule is banned starting with this rule
116. All skaters must burn in hell
117. Rap shall no longer be considered a genre of music
118.all emos and goths must leave the planet
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Sergeant 1st Class dustn64
Posts: 4683
Joined: Thu May 10, 2007 4:35 pm
Location: The Birthplace of Basketball


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