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Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

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Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:16 am

------------ Happy 77th Birthday President Donald J. Trump :!: =D> =D> =D> ...
---------------You see The Ego Biden Administration/D.O.J. put a fools attack....Even before a grand jury, They knew about the one thing that can stop their attack,witch hunt on Trump, Biden's political rival...
------------- But they chose to ignore it, go ahead with their attack....The 1978 A.D. Presidential Records Act :!: :!: :!: ....
--------------- Boom, case over , Trump Wins Again...,It is like The Road Runner, Beep :!: Beep :!: ...He runs Free....

---------- Happy Flag Day 2023 A.D. :!: =D> =D> =D> ....
----------Go Fly A Flag :!: :!: :!: :D :D :D ....Last year I seen 11 Stars and Stripes on Flag day... Throughout the neighborhood....
------------ The Biden Administration,White House, As Commander In Chief Really Messed up...Broke Flag code....The Stars and Stripes should always go on land.... Always the Highest Flag(At sea, only the Mariner's Red Flag with 3 Black Crosses can fly over a country's flag, Think during burials at sea...), Or in a display, Centered above other Flags....
----------- Biden's White House has The Rainbow Flag Centered, The Stars and Stripes on either side....Shame,Shame, another spit in America, and the Military's, Veterans faces.....If they would have had The Stars and Stripes In the Middle , higher, 2 rainbow flags one on either side...That would of been O.K...At night, I will say, The Rainbow House with color lights, sorta looked O.K...But the topless White House grounds was sad...But funny.....If they are going to say 2 boobs can't come back...They should start with Biden and Harris... :lol: :lol: :lol:
.... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:53 am

Yep, Happy Birthday, Trump. Enjoy your numerous indictments, storing top secret information at Mar-a-largo and sharing that information with non other than Kid Rock and some of your goofy ass staff.

Congrats on not only doing what Hillary Clinton did, but managed to top it bar and none, and only did it as a dick swinging contest. What a true American hero that one.

If there was any real justice in this world, both him and Hillary should be breaking rocks down at Ft. Levaenworth for the remainder of their lives. This is the kind of shit any other military personal would be hanged and crucified for. Why these incompetent assholes that we keep electing AND getting away with it with nothing more than a slap on the wrist, or in your own words, "they're bullying him!" is beyond me.

Here's the real irony:

You couldn't make this shit up. It would normally be comedy gold how badly this is going, but it's fucking embarrassing that we voted for this dumb ass to begin with, and we still somehow have retards like you that are ready to unzip this mans pants and take on a pearl necklace.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

Postby GaryDenton on Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:20 pm

I figured someone would defend the very guilty Trump and then go with the false flag code violation involving a rainbow pride flag.

The false flag violations are from Republicans and conservative media cutting off the top of photos that show the American flag flying correctly on top of the White House.
And these same people ignore the Nazi flags at their rallies and protests like recently in Florida.

The fact of a very guilty and treasonous Trump should go without saying. Even Republicans that look at the indictment are saying holy crap, he is in trouble with no defense.

Who is not charged and won't be - Hillary Clinton, who has more balls than Trump and much more common sense. Trump had strengthened the penalties for mishandling government documents when he was sure she would be charged. No way in Hell, which he would have known if he asked a real lawyer.

Trump is really only under indictment because he took all of his document advice and how to respond from the fool without a law degree who doesn't even know how to buy shirts that fit - Tom Fitton.

Trump's pretend lawyer Tom Fitton: “Your honor, if my shirt doesn't fit, you must acquit.”
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Re: Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:32 pm

---------1st) I don't really care about Trump...I care about History....I didn't write in Raff and Jimmy B battling History...I like that Jimmy B is defending History like I do....
----------- Who ever would of thought that Grover Cleveland would happen or have a chance at Happening, again....Win ,Lose , Win....I want Trump to win on that fact alone....Go History, it always repeats.... =D> =D> =D>
---------- 2nd) It is not Republican to not See The White House or An American Flag spit on...Sure you might leave your flag out, up all year....But a flag should have a light on it if flown at night....I bet millions of Americans don't....As for The rainbow community....Like at Angels last week and Dodgers this week....Mocking Nuns ,the Catholic Church....There would be Hell everywhere....If someone did that with Jewish, Muslim, other faiths....You know it would....But let us get back to Trump...
----------- 3rd) You Democrats, Swamp brought everything on yourselves....If you would quit attacking Trump, He would go away, people would get Tired Of Him....Every since He came down the Escalator in June 2015 A.D...You have attacked him...When you attack him, in a one sided assault, The American people see it for what it is...Not an attack on Trump, but an attack on every American....
------------ Look at Trump as Hannibal, the LEFT/Swamp The Romans.....If you would leave him alone, the Fabin strategy....He would go away, but you can't do that....
---------- See the Romans would send out army after army after Hannibal... Hannibal would crush them...Then Fabin(I know Jp4fun not his Roman name).. took control, He chose not to go after Hannibal, leave him alone, Burn the food, go after those friendly to Hannibal....It was working but took to long for The Romans...They replaced Fabin with 2 ,a joint Council Army leaders...One would run the Army this day, the other the next...One was passive, liked to hide in a city, the other was aggressive, wanted to go out and destroy Hannibal, you guess who Hannibal chose to fight... Hannibal crushed the Romans again....After the defeat...The Romans went back to Fabin's strategy...No matter how long it took....With no supplies, Hannibal would leave the Italian peninsula.... Fabin strategy defeated Hannibal, by leaving him alone....
---------- Between February 2021 A.D. and July 2021 A.D. People were forgetting about Trump....Then the one sided January 6th attack on Trump, brought Him back in the News...Should of left Jim Jordan and Jim Banks on the committee, but Pelosi, "F"ED up!!!....Had to have no real Republicans on the committee...Once again...The once sided attack on Trump ,the American people was back on...Back in the news everywhere....
---------- These one sided attacks now on Trump, is only going to leave him everywhere in the news...He will be the only one talked about everywhere.....He will become The 47th Grover Cleveland 2.0 President.... Because you dumb asses couldn't leave Trump alone, stop attacking him....At every one sided turn...When the other side has done and is way worse...Trump would have been forgotten...Would have run Yes, but To the American people, there wouldn't be a one sided attack, on American people/America.....You on The Left, The Swamp...Just can't see that, let shit go, if you could, you wouldn't have to worry about Trump....You are the ones that will be getting Trump elected President in 2024 A.D....
--------- The fact That I just want a Grover Cleveland 2.0.....Let me say Thank You Kindly.... =D> =D> =D>
.... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...
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Re: Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

Postby GaryDenton on Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:26 pm

Amazing, so the Democrats did "the one sided January 6th attack on Trump, brought Him back in the News" I never heard that explanation.
Those wicked stupid Democrats. It was all their fault and not Trump's bad attempted coup he planned and which he refused to call the Nation Guard to stop.
If we just ignore Trump he will go away, otherwise, he will be Grover Cleveland 2.0?
I think most Americans take a dim view of the lying crooked Trump and there are too many criminal investigations to stop them all now.
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Re: Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

Postby mookiemcgee on Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:39 pm

GaryDenton wrote:Amazing, so the Democrats did "the one sided January 6th attack on Trump, brought Him back in the News" I never heard that explanation.
Those wicked stupid Democrats. It was all their fault and not Trump's bad attempted coup he planned and which he refused to call the Nation Guard to stop.
If we just ignore Trump he will go away, otherwise, he will be Grover Cleveland 2.0?
I think most Americans take a dim view of the lying crooked Trump and there are too many criminal investigations to stop them all now.

Actually the criminal prosecutions seem to be helping his polling among republicans. It seems much more likely today then it did 3-4 months ago 'the Trump' will win rep nomination, and while Biden may be favored by oddmakers, a Trump election is a very possible outcome. There is nothing in the law preventing someone from being elected president while in jail as a convicted felon. I think everyone needs to start preparing their brain for the very real possibility Trump is elected president again... from prison/house arrest(which is WAY more likely than prison), and immediately pardons himself.
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Re: Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Sat Jun 17, 2023 3:38 am

Much as I hate to admit it but mookie is right and has a better foresight than I do.

It's likely that Trump will be runner up again and also likely he'll win given how royally Biden has fucked up.

Edit - Unless Congress can somehow twist the Jan 6 as a rebellion/insurrection, barring him from a 2nd term.

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders." The public sucks. f*ck hope.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: Happy Flag Day 2023A.D./Happy 77th Birthday #45 Prez!!!

Postby jusplay4fun on Sat Jun 17, 2023 5:53 am

mookiemcgee wrote:
GaryDenton wrote:Amazing, so the Democrats did "the one sided January 6th attack on Trump, brought Him back in the News" I never heard that explanation.
Those wicked stupid Democrats. It was all their fault and not Trump's bad attempted coup he planned and which he refused to call the Nation Guard to stop.
If we just ignore Trump he will go away, otherwise, he will be Grover Cleveland 2.0?
I think most Americans take a dim view of the lying crooked Trump and there are too many criminal investigations to stop them all now.

Actually the criminal prosecutions seem to be helping his polling among republicans. It seems much more likely today then it did 3-4 months ago 'the Trump' will win rep nomination, and while Biden may be favored by oddmakers, a Trump election is a very possible outcome. There is nothing in the law preventing someone from being elected president while in jail as a convicted felon. I think everyone needs to start preparing their brain for the very real possibility Trump is elected president again... from prison/house arrest(which is WAY more likely than prison), and immediately pardons himself.

Because Trump has support from about 30% (my estimate) of Republican voters, he will be difficult to beat as the Republican nominee for the President. Because he has angered and ticked off at least 40-45% (again, my estimate) of the population, it will be difficult for Trump to win back the Presidency. The only way for him to win is to delay the worse of the indictments beyond the Nov. 2024 elections (something he does well, with his lawyers--to delay) AND the Democrats nominate a terrible candidate. That is what happened in 2016 when the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton. At that time, she was more disliked than Trump. Now Trump is more disliked and despised than even Hillary. So if the Democrats re-nominate Biden (or Kamala), Trump has a chance to win. Both Biden and Kamala are terrible candidates that are not highly respected by many voters. At this point, the only other really viable candidate (that I see) is California current Governor Gavin Newsom (and his state has LOTS of problems and does not help his candidacy).

Can you imagine that, we have a choice of TWO terrible candidates, one from each (major) party?

Of course, we are more than one year away from the election and much can change. Who predicted COVID in June 2019? NO one. And that changed the trajectory of the election in 2020.

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