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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby Pack Rat on Mon Apr 15, 2024 5:35 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:Trump fell asleep at his trial today, probably Obama/Bidens fault.

Just confess Mookie!

You are part of the Deep State! You know it, I know it and ConfederateSS knows it, that Trump was drugged by the FBI
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:12 pm

saxitoxin wrote:the wonderful Ilhan Omar - whom I respect
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Postby 2dimes on Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:43 am

He shouldn't have had lunch before sitting down.

A guy told me this joke once, "How do you fall asleep in a chair? Be old, sit in a chair."
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby mookiemcgee on Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:20 pm

Multiple reports from reporters attending the trial suggest that Trump fell asleep again today.... two for two!
saxitoxin wrote:the wonderful Ilhan Omar - whom I respect
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby pmac666 on Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:10 pm

What are the odds for sleepy Donald to stay awake tomorrow?
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:34 pm

Biden 'Doesn't Understand Catholic Faith,' Bishop Says: 'I'm Not Angry, He's Just Stupid'

During a lecture titled "Forgiveness as the Heart of Christianity" at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption on April 5, Bishop Robert Gruss of the Diocese of Saginaw referenced President Biden.

Gruss encouraged attendees to release feelings of unproductive anger and resentment towards others, drawing from his personal background of being raised by an alcoholic father.


Contemplating his sentiments towards Biden, who identifies publicly as Catholic while endorsing positions like abortion and gender ideology that contradict Church doctrine, the bishop expressed feelings of compassion towards him.

"I don't have any anger towards the president. I feel sorry for him. I'm not angry at him, he's just stupid," Gruss said.

"It's not stupidity in the derogatory way, it's stupidity in the sense of [...] he doesn't understand the Catholic faith."

In the past, Pope Francis has addressed Biden's inconsistency on the topic of abortion, considering his Catholic faith.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby Pack Rat on Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:22 am

Yawn...who cares...
"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:26 am

Clearly President Biden is "losing it" getting more mentally FRAIL. For the supporters of Biden, do not attempt to be dismissive of this post. There are many facts here and many dire implications of an incompetent and feeble old man in the Presidency. We are not only talking about a minor slip of the tongue; these clearly show a lack of command of the facts, no matter what his handlers try to insist. These all point to a clear mental decline.

Similar to his 2020 campaign for the Presidency, Dr. Jill and his other handlers bring Biden out to make a few short-term appearances, before he goes back to the White House to rest and prepare for his next performance. This has NOT escaped the attention of most voters. This is why Trump leads Biden in many polls.

The impact of a Trump conviction in NYC is unknown; much will depend on 1) the verdict, 2) the facts presented, 3) public perceptions of this trial and Trump's other legal problems.

As I have repeated said, I do not want Trump OR Biden as President from 2025 onward. It is very sad that the US can only offer these two OLD men as the only two realistic choices as POTUS.

Joe Biden blasted for repeating lie that he used to drive 18-wheeler
President Joe Biden repeated a lie he's told in the past about having driven an 18-wheeler truck at a speech in Florida Tuesday. At 81, the oldest president in American history, Biden has remained a gaffe machine throughout his presidency, often re-telling lies about his biography that have been repeatedly debunked, even by mainstream outlets.

At Hillsborough Community College in Tampa Bay on Tuesday, Biden claimed to have driven a big rig. 'I used to drive an 18-wheeler,' he said, as he attempted to discuss how he'd negotiated pensions for labor unions. Biden was called out by CNN along with conservative-leaning media for the lie but it's not the first time the president has made the bizarre claim.

In 2021, Biden was caught off-camera by a local news channel's microphone during a visit to a Mack Truck facility in Pennsylvania , making the claim that he had driven such trucks before. 'I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man,' Biden was heard saying on Wednesday in a video later posted to Twitter. 'I got to.' Large trucks such as the one Biden gave a speech in-front of during the visit to the facility require a special license to drive, and there is scant evidence that he has ever driven an 18-wheeler truck as he was heard claiming. 'There is *zero evidence* that Biden 'used to drive an 18 wheeler,"' tweeted the RNC's Zach Parkinson, who is also the director of 'RNC Research' whose twitter account posted the video online. 'The extent of Biden's trucking experience is that he **rode in** a truck once, for one night in 1973 (he made sure to return home by plane though),' he said.(...)

He called out Trump, his 2024 general election opponent, as the sole person responsible for the 'cruelty and chaos' that's occurred after the overturn of Roe v. Wade. However, when he did so, he accidentally asked: 'How many times does he have to prove we can't be trusted?' ABC News tried to cover for the president, replacing the word 'we' with 'he' in describing the speech, though he was clearly heard saying 'we.'

In 2024 alone, Biden has made several mistakes, publicly forgetting the name of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny's widow, forgetting a German chancellor he'd spoken to died in 2017 and confusing the leaders of Egypt and Mexico. Then, there's the matter of the shocking transcript of his testimony to former Special Counsel Robert Hur. Hur was appointed special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland in January 2022 to investigate the president's handling of classified files based on a range of areas including Afghanistan.

According to the transcript of the two-day interview reviewed by ahead of Hur's highly-anticipated congressional testimony, Biden brought up Beau's death in the context of a book he wrote published in 2017. 'What month did Beau die?' Biden asked to himself during the hours-long sit down on October 8, 2022. 'Oh God, May 30th,' he seemingly responded. But the president had to be reminded about the year in which his oldest son died because he could not remember. A White House attorney stepped in to state that the year of Beau's death was 2015. 'Was it 2015 he died?' Biden again questioned out loud. The president then went on to ask if Donald Trump was elected in 2017, to which another White House attorney jumped in to correct him that it was 2016.

The mix-up of Beau's death date during the interview directly contradicts Biden's fiery denial that it ever occurred. Hours after Hur put out his scathing report on February 9, Biden engaged in a furious tirade from the White House saying 'I know what the hell I am doing!' and insisting that 'my memory is fine.' Similarly, Biden has several times erroneously said in speeches that his eldest son died in Iraq. 'My son was a major in the US Army. We lost him in Iraq,' Biden told the troops in Iwakuni on Thursday. Beau Biden, who served as Delaware's attorney general and in the Delaware Army National Guard in the Iraq War, died at age 46 in 2015 from brain cancer at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. It was at least the third time America's oldest living president - gearing up for a run for a second term in 2024 - spoke misleadingly about his eldest son's death in public. The president has previously faced criticism for embellishing his past, with claims about his involvement in the Civil Rights movement and working in coal mines coming under scrutiny.

Biden's 1988 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination also came undone over claims he embellished biographical details for years, including misstatements about his academic record, according to the Washington Examiner. However, at this point, the president's misremembering clearly affects how the voters view his ability to serve a second term.

The results show how the 81-year-old president's age will be a major factor on November 5 when voters pick the commander in chief they want for the next four years. Donald Trump, his Republican rival, is only four years younger but voters harbor fewer doubts. More than half say they are confident he will make it through a full term, with 34 percent saying they have doubts. Either way, the results show how Republicans and Democrats will have to weigh up not just their choice of president but also consider who is likely to step into the breach if ill health—or worse—incapacitates the leader of the free world.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby pmac666 on Fri Apr 26, 2024 6:46 am

Shit on Biden, shit on Biden, defend Trump, shit on Biden, defend Trump, shit on Biden......
Justplayformaga is so credible. :lol:
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:41 am

As expected, p-mac tries to answer the ENTIRE list of reasons Biden should not be the President by attacking me. What a pathetic response, but NO surprise for me. SAD.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby Pack Rat on Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:06 pm

Jusplay4MAGA responses are the same and immature. His attempt to decipher what other's post is mind blowing.

He can only hope that the pro-Putin and anti-Israeli Saxi, will come rescue him.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:44 am

[quote="Pack Rat"Jusplay4MAGA responses are the same and immature. His attempt to decipher what other's post is mind blowing.[/b]
He can only hope that the pro-Putin and anti-Israeli Saxi, will come rescue him.

What? ANOTHER impotent response by petty-rat. SHOCKING.....NOT. I checked a few posts by him and NO change, no analysis, no real refutation, no facts, merely personal attacks on me, as that is ALL p-rat has, NOTHING worthwhile. PATHETIC. Time to ignore p-rat and p-mac, AGAIN.

NO NEED, saxi. p-rat's stupidity has and will continue to show itself with nearly EVERY POST. PERIOD.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:18 am

The New York Times, that bastion of liberal thought and press, now blasts Biden for avoiding the questions of reporters. And WHY is that? Biden's handlers fear that the reporter will confirm what many of us know: Biden is indeed feeble, incompetent, and simply TOO OLD for another term as President. Simple.

Here is what the NYT said:

The New York Times Torches Biden for 'Troubling' Media Strategy in Official Statement

President Joe Biden campaigned on transparency in 2020 en route to the White House.

In her first press briefing, former Biden White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki spoke to reporters about the "importance of bringing truth and transparency back to the briefing room." (...)

However, the reality has been so far removed from the rhetoric that establishment media outlets like the New York Times are now calling out the Biden administration for establishing a "dangerous precedent that future presidents can use to avoid scrutiny and accountability."

"For anyone who understands the role of the free press in a democracy, it should be troubling that President Biden has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term," The Times wrote. "The president occupies the most important office in our nation, and the press plays a vital role in providing insights into his thinking and worldview, allowing the public to assess his record and hold him to account.

"Mr. Biden has granted far fewer press conferences and sit-down interviews with independent journalists than virtually all of his predecessors. (...)

The media are supposed to be watchdogs of the government, holding them accountable when they fail their responsibilities to the people.

An administration that does not consider itself answerable to the media does not consider itself accountable to the people --and these are media outlets in which the majority of the participants sympathize with their point of view.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby Pack Rat on Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:40 am

Jusplay4MAGA is always right! Any major and respected news sources are biased, but jusplay4MAGA favorite news media National Enquirer has been proving justplay4MAGA right for years!

Yes jusplay4MAGA, the National Enquirer has proven you are right!

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:21 pm

Pack Rat wrote:Jusplay4MAGA[/color] is always right! Any major and respected news sources are biased, but jusplay4[color=#BF0000]MAGAfavorite news media National Enquirer has been proving justplay4MAGA right for years!

Yes jusplay4[color=#BF0000]MAGA, the National Enquirer has proven you are right!

First notice that p-rat FAILS to address any of the points of my previous post. I think that, as USUAL, he cannot refute ONE iota about those facts. He is so much into the Biden influence that he cannot think outside that box (or that cage). Tell me, p-rat, do people keep their rats in cages?

Instead of an acutal refutation, he launches into ANOTHER personal attack, AGAIN. PUH-thetic.

This is simply another ridiculous reply by p-rat; I do not read that rag, UNLIKE you, p-rat. Is the National Inquirer what they use in your cage to sop up your crap? NO wonder you are so familar with that RAG.

p-rat continues to peddle THAT LIE about me; how many other lies are you posting, p-rat?

I should ignore him, but he is so easy to refute, that I cannot resist. It is simply way TOO EASY to swat away such impotent responses by petty-rat.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby Pack Rat on Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:47 am

Jusplay4MAGA, why play the victim card? I'm pulling my punches, as to show you mercy. I know your little bubble of alternative truths does not allow you comprehend anything outside your lonely MAGA life. Yet, you believe that your superiority complex is to force us to bend to your will. Force us to answer your incomprehensible posts....
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue May 14, 2024 9:49 pm


Biden (May 14) Biden told Yahoo Finance inflation was “at 9% when I came in,” repeating a claim he made in a CNN interview earlier this month (inflation was at 1.4% year-over-year when Biden took office in January 2021, according to the Consumer Price Index).

Trump (May 11) Trump referred to former President Jimmy Carter as “Jimmy Connors,” chuckling as he caught the error during a campaign speech in New Jersey, clarifying that “Jimmy Carter had a bad reputation,” but “right now he is considered a totally brilliant president by comparison” to Biden.

and more; Does Biden even KNOW that he is telling LIES?

Biden (April 26) Biden repeated a heavily disputed claim that he was arrested while standing on the porch with a Black family who was moving in to Lynnfield, Delaware, as it was being desegregated and protesters gathered outside, recalling to radio host Howard Stern he was “brought back” home by the police—previous fact-checks by multiple outlets into Biden’s oft-repeated claim have unearthed newspaper articles from 1959 reporting arrests at protests outside two homes of Black families near where Biden was living at the time, but there’s no evidence Biden was among those taken into custody. (...)

Biden (Feb. 8): Biden referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as “the president of Mexico,” ironically during a press conference where he contested a scathing report by Special Counsel Robert Hur that depicted Biden as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

Biden (Feb. 7): Biden referred to German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the late German leader Helmut Kohl twice while speaking at campaign events in New York, days after confusing French President Emmanuel Macron with his late predecessor Francois Mitterrand during a speech in Las Vegas.

Biden’s verbal missteps have been coupled with trips and falls throughout his tenure, often on the stairs of Air Force One, that have heightened concerns about his mental and physical fitness. In one particularly concerning incident, Biden took a hard fall on stage at an Air Force Academy graduation ceremony in Colorado in June last year, an incident his team blamed on a sandbag on stage.

The above is a summary of the gaffes of Biden, and has some from Trump, too.

Many voters, and not just me, have come to the conclusion that Biden is too old, too feeble, and incompetent to be POTUS for four more years. Examine all the polls cited in various threads here in this Forum. Biden is especially unfit when it comes to matters of:
1) the US Economy, and
2) foreign policy.
3) Add illegal immigration and all those issues will present major challenges to Biden's re-election.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby GaryDenton on Wed May 15, 2024 5:03 pm

Passing gas, if not filling his diaper, and falling asleep in court were more signs of dementia.

Following consultations with the Trump team, his lawyers are now giving him papers and not leaving him alone to cut his falling asleep.

“This may be the first criminal trial I’ve been aware of where the defendant appears, in my opinion, to have dementia,” Gartner told Salon. “Is it a coincidence that it’s also the only one I’ve ever known where the defendant can’t remain awake most days? Trump appears to be losing control of his basic biological functions. One is sleep-wake. The other may be excretion. Twitter blew up when both Ben Meiselas and George Conway reported they had heard from multiple credible sources in the courtroom that Trump was loudly passing gas and the smell was overpowering. This was judged by Snopes to be unconfirmed. Personally, I trust the people who reported it. I don’t believe they would make that up.

But it was Dr. Mary Trump, a psychologist and the ex-president's niece, who stepped in to dispel some assumptions about the former president and his risk of jail due to gag order violations.

Prosecutors have 14 examples of Trump's violations of the gag order, which demands he not attack witnesses or members of the jury.

The assumption has been that Trump wants to be thrown in jail for violating the gag order because he'll be able to raise more money for his campaign off of it.

As Manhattan District Attorney prosecutor Chris Conroy explained last week, "We are not yet seeking an incarceration penalty" on the grounds that "the defendant seems to be angling for that."

Reacting to this last statement, Dr. Trump said she has a hard time wrapping her head around anyone being afraid "of this pathetic, weak, person who can't even keep his eyes open at his own criminal trial."

She called it "demoralizing" to watch the Manhattan District Attorney's office stand before Justice Juan Merchan and claim they were not asking for jail time because "we know that's what Donald Trump is angling for."

"Who cares what he's angling for!?" she exclaimed. "And by the way, you seriously think — yes he's angling for the martyrdom — you seriously think that guy you know 'Mr Hair Product' and Bronzer wants to be in a jail cell overnight without any of his products and without his cell phone? Imagine what he's going to look like in the morning!"

Dr. Trump said that just being in court for three hours a day is leading to her uncle "dissolving before our eyes."

Anyone who hasn't realized it is Trump who is mentally and physically unfit and rapidly getting worse has just lost it.
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Thu May 16, 2024 1:42 am

You confuse Trump and Biden, GaryD. Biden is the one in FREE FALL decline, mentally and physically. You fail to see such overwhelming evidence. "Nuff SAID.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby Pack Rat on Thu May 16, 2024 7:43 am

jusplay4fun wrote:You confuse Trump and Biden, GaryD. Biden is the one in FREE FALL decline, mentally and physically. You fail to see such overwhelming evidence. "Nuff SAID.

Jusplay4MAGA, have you watched and listened to your wannabe dictator Trump's speeches in the last few months??? Are you dimwitted?

Trump lies about how many of his supporters show up for his court case.

We don't expect you to even dare watch any of these videos, since it would be like taking a plunge into the icy waters of Lake Michigan during their polar plunge event.
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby GaryDenton on Thu May 16, 2024 12:26 pm

Of course, it was all lies about his New Jersey rally.

It was not the 80,000 to 100,000 Republicans claimed.
The location officially holds 20,000 max and it was almost half-empty.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby jusplay4fun on Fri May 17, 2024 2:32 am

What is Biden hiding? That this video is more PROOF of his declining and declined mental state? NOTE the crap answer given that has NO LEGAL basis; please read below and at this link:
Biden Makes a Bogus Executive Privilege Claim

Sometimes we wonder if the Biden Democrats secretly admired some of Donald Trump’s stunts in the White House and decided that they could do them too when they were back in power. The latest example is President Biden’s dubious claim of executive privilege regarding his interview with special counsel Robert Hur.

Mr. Biden sat for an interview over two days with the special counsel about his mishandling of classified documents. A pair of House committees sought the transcript and audio recordings of the interview, and the White House turned over the transcript. But on Thursday the President asserted executive privilege over the audio tapes.

“Because of the President’s longstanding commitment to protecting the integrity, effectiveness, and independence of the Department of Justice and its law enforcement investigations, he has decided to assert executive privilege over the recordings,” wrote Edward Siskel, counsel to the President, in a letter to the chairmen of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees.

The privilege claim is bogus on two grounds. First, once a President waives a privilege right, it can’t be reclaimed. Mr. Biden conceded that the interview wasn’t privileged, and there’s no legal basis to say that a recording is different from a transcript.

Even if Mr. Biden had first claimed privilege over the interview, that wouldn’t pass legal muster because the interview subject didn’t concern his presidential duties or White House deliberations. It concerned his handling of documents while in the Senate, as Vice President, or as a private citizen.

Mr. Siskel’s claim that the goal is to protect the Justice Department’s “law enforcement investigations” also doesn’t work. Such a claim of law-enforcement privilege typically attends to a continuing investigation, but Mr. Hur’s work is complete. He has filed his report and closed up shop. (...)

But Republicans want the audio to judge the tenor and credibility of Mr. Biden’s responses and Mr. Hur’s conclusion that the President’s faulty memory was cause not to bring an indictment in the case. The White House claim of privilege over the recordings isn’t intended to protect executive power. It’s intended to avoid presidential embarrassment.

That’s a political goal, not a legitimate legal justification. If Mr. Trump had tried this, he’d have been denounced far and wide. Mr. Biden deserves the same treatment.

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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby Pack Rat on Fri May 17, 2024 6:55 am

Biden hiding???

Ha-ha-ha! My dear poor and confused jusplay4MAGA. Are you suffering some type of cognitive brain eating worm?

What world do you reside in?
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Re: DOJ Officially Certifies Biden as Mentally Retarded

Postby pmac666 on Fri May 17, 2024 8:37 am

jusplay4fun wrote:What is Biden hiding? That this video is more PROOF of his declining and declined mental state? NOTE the crap answer given that has NO LEGAL basis; please read below and at this link:

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