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A week in pathetic Britain

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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby The ram on Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:45 am

The Iraq war was all about keeping the petrodollar. I remember being young and the media telling people how crazy Saddam was and how he had WMD's. In my young mind I just thought well why hasn't he used them? We know the rest.

I sense a recession this year that will be far worse than that of 2008. I really hope it comes, it will affect me badly but money is nothing. We need revolution to clear the political scum of the UN and EU. Anyone that thinks their local MP or councillor has a voice is deluded. Although the bankers might keep the economy propped up for a few more years yet, they don't want angry hungry people on the streets just yet.

Armati, as time goes by all European countries can expect to hear Allahu akbar more and more. They can also expect certain aspects of their liberty to be suppressed and taken away, in the name of their security.

mrswdk wrote:
The ram wrote:Only 4 hours into a vibrant culturally enriched London and we had 2 murders and at least 4 others hospitalised with stab wounds.

City with 8 million people in it, bruh.

Maybe a cull is needed then, a nuclear bomb would do the trick
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby armati on Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:50 pm

Cant say I agree Iraq was about the petrodollar.

Definitely that akbar fellow is gonna be heard about all over Europe.

Personally I think most "liberties" are long gone, but I agree, more will be taken on the "for security" bs.
If any remain that is, people are watched constantly, soon facial recognition will be everywhere too.

I think the U.S. is already a police state, I used to go on a pretty regular basis, I havnt for years now.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby armati on Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:57 pm

Forgot to say, once cash is taken away, altho there is resistance to that happening, once we go cashless the authorities,government,face book and probly netflix and besos will know every move a person makes.

Chips implanted will follow that, chips have already begun on a volunteer basis at some companies.
People actually want them, I bet once a plug of some kind is invented to attach a smart phone to a persons brain every one will want it. lol
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby mrswdk on Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:30 pm

The ram wrote:
mrswdk wrote:
The ram wrote:Only 4 hours into a vibrant culturally enriched London and we had 2 murders and at least 4 others hospitalised with stab wounds.

City with 8 million people in it, bruh.

Maybe a cull is needed then, a nuclear bomb would do the trick

Are you the one who lives in Portsmouth?
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby The ram on Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:36 am

armati wrote:Forgot to say, once cash is taken away, altho there is resistance to that happening, once we go cashless the authorities,government,face book and probly netflix and besos will know every move a person makes.

Chips implanted will follow that, chips have already begun on a volunteer basis at some companies.
People actually want them, I bet once a plug of some kind is invented to attach a smart phone to a persons brain every one will want it. lol

Once we're cashless they can choose who eats and who doesn't, but I can't see that happening in the next 30 years.

Interesting you mention chips, how will they make the people think they need them inserted? Steal more children? Pl
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:17 am

The ram wrote:
armati wrote:Forgot to say, once cash is taken away, altho there is resistance to that happening, once we go cashless the authorities,government,face book and probly netflix and besos will know every move a person makes.

Chips implanted will follow that, chips have already begun on a volunteer basis at some companies.
People actually want them, I bet once a plug of some kind is invented to attach a smart phone to a persons brain every one will want it. lol

Once we're cashless they can choose who eats and who doesn't, but I can't see that happening in the next 30 years.

Interesting you mention chips, how will they make the people think they need them inserted? Steal more children? Pl

Same as everything else. Convenience. People have happily moved from cash to plastic because it saves the hassle of going to the bank and getting money out in advance. A chip in your wrist that you pass over the cash register instead of having to fumble through the 30 or 40 different cards in your wallet simply saves time. Like it or not, bottom line is if you can save people time they'll accept it.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby mrswdk on Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:54 am

Once when I was a kid I remember being cornered in town by some guy and his son who were out trying to recruit people to their church/cult. I remember them banging on and on about how the Bible warned against people being branded with the mark of the devil, and the example they gave of this coming starting to come true was people having banking microchips implanted in their wrists. This conversation was back in like 2004/2005, so I'm not sure if those guys were really in-the-know about where technology was headed or if, like most crazy people, they were just proof that a stopped clock is right twice a day.

But either way, for real I was having a conversation about this a few days ago and saying it'd be great to have my contactless chip implanted in my wrist. Like Duk says, it'd save me needing to get my phone or wallet out every time I want to pay for something.

People who use cash and hold up everyone behind them while they make the cashier rummage around for change are the worst. Or people who pay for things and then demand you repay them using cash instead of just doing a bank transfer. Buses in London have refused to accept cash for years now, and some bars and restaurants are starting to do the same. And it's great.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby The ram on Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:38 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
The ram wrote:
armati wrote:Forgot to say, once cash is taken away, altho there is resistance to that happening, once we go cashless the authorities,government,face book and probly netflix and besos will know every move a person makes.

Chips implanted will follow that, chips have already begun on a volunteer basis at some companies.
People actually want them, I bet once a plug of some kind is invented to attach a smart phone to a persons brain every one will want it. lol

Once we're cashless they can choose who eats and who doesn't, but I can't see that happening in the next 30 years.

Interesting you mention chips, how will they make the people think they need them inserted? Steal more children? Pl

Same as everything else. Convenience. People have happily moved from cash to plastic because it saves the hassle of going to the bank and getting money out in advance. A chip in your wrist that you pass over the cash register instead of having to fumble through the 30 or 40 different cards in your wallet simply saves time. Like it or not, bottom line is if you can save people time they'll accept it.

So to save a few seconds here and there you'd rather be chipped? And how many chips?

I'm still largely a cash man, of course certain things you have to pay by card but I get irritated by people fannying about with cards, with cash I find it's quicker. And more importantly not so easy to trace.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby tfh182 on Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:46 pm

Well, I think Trump has proven that to be true. Not all white people are superior to black people. That would be silly.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby tfh182 on Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:49 pm

Chips are the best I have several implanted. One in each hand and a few places I would rather not say in a public forum.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby HitRed on Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:56 pm

I still barter live chickens. :D
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby armati on Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:50 pm

The chips I have heard about are with private companies, their canteens, doors,start computers etc.
Those chips are implanted in their hands between the forefinger and thumb.

I use cash except for auto payments like phone bills,taxes etc

I find the people using cards slow lines down.

The trick is to carry change, I pay exact amount every time, the cashier
doesnt need to give me change, I am about 2000 times faster than plastic.

I carry 3-4, 2 dollar coins,4-1 dollar coins,6-7 25 cnts,5-6 10 cnts and 5-6 5 cent pcs.
count the change first, then grab the right bills from my wallet and its far faster than plastic.

The cashiers are always grateful.

Cash is our last form of privacy, and people are giving it up without understanding the consequences of what they are doing.
Well, privacy other than being filmed when we are in retail outlets etc.

I know its pointless, people really are brainwashed, directed how to think etc but I want to be able to tell my grandkids I did what I could to prevent it.

So I continue with cash, I wont buy from anywhere that doesnt accept cash.

There is a little hope for not losing cash, it has to do with small transactions by the less affluent.
I guess there is somewhere around 20-30% of business in small transactions.

Doubt it matters, eventually everyone will be hooked up to the net, those smart phones are already doing that.

Whats funny is people have all that info and cant think for themselves, just funny or sad depending how ya look at it.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby DoomYoshi on Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:01 pm

armati wrote:
I find the people using cards slow lines down.

This. You just don't notice the extra time because instead of interacting with the person standing in front of you, you are interacting with the machine. Paying with a card is like playing Civilization... before you know it a week has gone by.

Credit cards are the very tool of Satan.
" No man can serve two masters: for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else
he will hold to the one, and despise the other,
Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

They don't call them "Master"cards for nothing. It is a deliberate provocation of the people of God and an affront to human dignity.

The entire credit card system is designed to make you exploit your neighbor while not realizing it.

What would you call a person who steals from his neighbor, lends his stuff back to him at interest and then comes to claim it and more when he can't pay the bill? That's what I call Average Joe who carries a credit card, because that's exactly what we have. The points and rewards on the credit cards aren't free and they aren't paid for by the bank... they are paid by your neighbor. But of course that doesn't bother most people because... hey - you deserve to be upper middle class, just like you deserve being born into a rich, white family.

It's not too late though. Somebody has already paid the price for your sins. Repent, and be saved.

I'd like someone to do a series of videos with some credit card points earners (I'm looking at you max) speaking face to face with credit card debtors (I'm looking at you duke) and the former explaining to the latter why they deserve to exploit them. Put a face to the nameless system.

People laughed when Trump said the Mexicans would pay for the wall, but that's exactly what has happened in the currency world. The Mexicans (debtors) have paid to put a wall (terminal) in every store.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby mrswdk on Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:47 pm

Card only slows things down if you live in Stone Age America where people still have to sign card receipts like it's 1984.

The ram wrote:with cash I find it's quicker. And more importantly not so easy to trace.

So you're either a drug dealer or a terrorist. Given you're posting history my bet is far right extremist.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby armati on Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:09 pm

I was gonna say "theres a little brainwash for ya" drug dealer or terrorist. lol
Then I figured u gotta be being sarcastic.

DomYoshi, its not the cards, its the banks.
Before being called banks they were known as "money changers".

I do believe there was some kinda warning in the christian books but people actually dont really care what he said.
Even if they say they do, actions are louder than words.

Anyway, Usury is against allah/god according to the koran, which is what your talkin about.
The Talmud on the other
It wasnt just sacrificing christen children that got them kicked outta so many places.

The wieghts and measures talk is about gold/silver. Think thats in the christian books, I forget really.
Been forever since I read it.
Those books do have some smart stuff in them, like gold/silver....who listens?

In any case, not that anyone cares or even wants to think, thats the reason people should understand a little about economics, the #1 big one imo is that currency loses 50% of its purchasing power every 35 years.
Which is the big deal about gold, it retains purchasing power.

aaaa Im babbling.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby The ram on Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:38 pm

mrswdk wrote:Card only slows things down if you live in Stone Age America where people still have to sign card receipts like it's 1984.

The ram wrote:with cash I find it's quicker. And more importantly not so easy to trace.

So you're either a drug dealer or a terrorist. Given you're posting history my bet is far right extremist.

You could have a career in the civil service. ... k-46747862

ISIS will be shaking in their boots and stereotyping is ok
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby mrswdk on Fri Jan 04, 2019 3:21 am

Okay snowflake.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby The ram on Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:27 am

Gotta love these dindunuthin's ... ction/amp/

And still the piece of dog dirt hasn't got the dignity to resign, just hold her hand out and collect the pay.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby The ram on Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:18 pm

15 Muslims attack serving British soldier in Leeds, using a car to mow him down. Terrorism? Not if you believe msm, in fact I've not seen this reported on national tv. Imagine if 15 whites attacked a Muslim, it would be the first item on the news for days. ... 802646.amp
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby mrswdk on Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:24 pm

From your own link:

Chief Inspector Ben Ryder, said: “We would like to reassure service personnel that police have no evidence that the victim has been targeted due to his service in the army, or that it is motivated by racism.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby The ram on Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:29 pm

mrswdk wrote:From your own link:

Chief Inspector Ben Ryder, said: “We would like to reassure service personnel that police have no evidence that the victim has been targeted due to his service in the army, or that it is motivated by racism.

Hahaha it's certainly is reassuring the police have no evidence!
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby The ram on Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:34 pm

Man stabbed to death on train in front of his 14 year old son at 1pm, 9.30pm now and suspect still at large. No description on msn but if you look hard enough you will find he's black. So msm would rather protect their ideology than the public.

Also today man stabbed to death on London bus.

So glad I don't use public transport.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby notyou2 on Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:07 pm

Ram, try moving to China where they solve every crime immediately. You'll love it.
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Re: A week in pathetic Britain

Postby armati on Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:31 pm

Every Decent Man Is Ashamed of the Government He Lives Under

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Henry Louis Mencken was an American journalist, essayist, satirist, cultural critic and scholar of American English
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