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Concerning Zimmerman Verdict

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Re: Zimmerman Sues NBC

Postby Phatscotty on Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:36 am

The Voice wrote:
notyou2 wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:
notyou2 wrote:
comic boy wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:Let the riots begin. I hope everyone here realizes that this had NOTHING to do with white people. Someone from a Hispanic descent was defending himself against a Black kid roaming the streets.

I think what you meant to say was ;
' A hispanic coward stalked a black kid for no other reason than the colour of his skin , he then got his arse kicked so murdered the innocent teenager in order to escape. '

That seems to be a fair and accurate statement of the facts. Pity the kid died.

Oh wait, neither of you live in the United States anyways...

Praise the Lawd.

We're happy, too. There's already plenty of hate in this country. :P

Plenty of love too.

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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Phatscotty on Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:42 am

Nobunaga wrote:
lokisgal wrote:Lets remember we are replying to someone who thinks FOX is the authority on new....
nuff said on that

That's funny. I don't watch TV news, but FOX was once again rated as most trusted and most watched television news program for 2013.

Still, I know FOX is bent right, but it's a matter of degree when you make the comparisons.

Here is the deal. Cable news is cable news, it is what it is. What Loki doesn't understand is that some are geared towards a certain audience, and others are geared to a different audience. Just because a person watches a cable news channel that is targeted to their interests and preferences does not mean "they think it's gospel"

In fact when people make comments like that, even just attacking a source in general, it tells me they don't know what they are talking about, since it would be much more prudent to discuss the topic at hand, not what channel they watch! for the love of Pete!
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Dualta on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:05 am

Phatscotty wrote:
Iliad wrote:
Phatscotty wrote:
Iliad wrote:
Phatscotty wrote:
The verdict was a joke, but not for the reasons I suspect you think so. It's joke because the jury came to the exact same conclusion that was reached the night of the shooting, which wasted millions of dollars, led to thug mobs jumping innocent white people and severely ruining innocent peoples lives, and displayed the ugliest racism by racist Liberals and blacks I have seen in my life, not to mention completely destroying race relations far more than you could ever fear Mitt Romney would if he got elected.

The prosecutor should be disbarred, and probably will be. The biggest joke was that there was even a trial.

If being outraged by the Trayvon Martin case was the ugliest racism you've ever seen then you''ve lived an extremely sheltered life with impressive wilful blindness. And all those racist blacks should just shut up and stop being outraged, eh Scotty?

A man pursued a teenager at night, followed him and antagonised him until a conflict eurpted and then claimed self defence to murder a teenager. It's a disgusting verdict

I said nothing about the outrage being racist, in fact I said nothing about any outrage at all. That is a figment of your own sheltered imagination. Since you seem to be the sheltered one about this story and think that is the only racism over the last year, but nonetheless continue having strong opinions somehow, I can elaborate. The racism I was referring to was things like the Black Panthers calling for Zimmerman to be lynched, people wearing "Kill whitey Zimmerman" t-shirts, mobs of blacks beating up innocent white senior citizens solely because their skin is white and yelling "this is for Trayvon!"


Phatscotty wrote: Not to mention the fact that if Zimmerman were black, nobody would have ever heard about this story, the only reason it's big news is because Zimmerman was not black and people think he's white.

Yeah, this would not be news if Zimmerman was black. For once we agree. If Zimmerman was black, and he had pursued a white teenager and then shot him and claimed self defence he would've been charged and thrown in jail before a single reporter heard about it. There was literally another case in Florida where a black woman received 20 year in jail for firing warning shots with her gun at her husband despite her claiming the stand your ground laws.

Phatscotty wrote:The self defense happened in when Trayvon was smashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete. Get a clue. Trayvon is the one who "erupted". All he had to do was say "I'm staying at my dads, Mr. Martin" But given that he was using racial slurs describing Zimmerman, it's clear who had a chip on their shoulder that night. It's also clear from Trayvon's past texts that he liked to get in fights and bragged about beating people up.All you are missing is some common sense.

It's kinda disgusting how Trayvon was put on trial instead essentially. The latent racial undercurrents in calling him a thug and so really went beyond subtext and into the almost outright said zone.
Why was he required to say anything, or have to explain himself to some trumped up vigilante who was playing at being a cop, but only highlighting his own personality? Zimmerman had no jurisdiction, no jurisprudence, no authority. If some older, bigger, man with a gun is following me at night and I should meekly obey him at all times or otherwise my life is forfeit? Excellent legal precedent set right there.

Where was Trayvon Martin's right to stand his ground here? I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to be persistently followed by someone in a car, then on foot, while I'm walking home alone at night. Zimmerman pursued him, antagonised him, created the conflict, and shot him because he thought he was losing that same fight he was responsible for. Not guilty is not a just verdict.

He was not required to say anything, no. But, if he had, he would still be alive. So you can defend him being stubborn and having an attitude, but I think it's pretty simple to answer the question "what are you doing here" I was asked that question constantly as a child, I answered it almost every time, even if it wasn't the truth, just to keep from anything escalating. And if not, I could just about outrun anyone, which was also an option for Trayvon btw.

Trayon Martin had a right to stand his ground, and he did stand his ground. The problem is, he went way too far. When he knocked Zimmerman down with 1 punch, he could have went on his way regardless of what happened before and never heard about it again and bragged to his friends about how he knocked out some crac*er, but he went to far by then getting on top of Zimmerman and smashing his head into the cement, and that is where Zimmerman stood his ground. Up to that point, Trayvon's life was not in danger, not until the moment he went to far and tried to kill Zimmerman. Then and only then did Zimmerman pull out his gun, which says a lot that he had not pulled it out earlier and is also a key piece of the self defense. He didn't pull the gun until the last possible moment.

Again, I don't know where the hell you are getting your information, but it seems like the last time you heard the story was last March. You are still calling Zimmerman the bigger man??? Even though Trayvon was taller almost by a foot???? I'm kinda wasting my time here with these regurgitated pieces of bullshit people keep spewing, and I know it's not totally your fault, but Zimmerman, while he may have been older, was certainly not bigger.

Again, if someone were following you and asked what you were doing, and you were terrified, all you would have to do is communicate what it is you are doing. Then you would no longer be terrified, and you might even get a ride home from the neighborhood watchmen.

It's not disgusting at all that Trayvon was put on trial, he tried to beat someone to death. It just so happened the person he was trying to kill, for whatever reason, was not going to surrender his life and was prepared to defend himself. This is exactly what a gun is for.

You think calling Trayvon a thug is racial? I think you are being racist there suggesting only black people can be thugs???? Think about that for a minute.... HE WAS A THUG!!! You seem to be unable to put any of the blame on Trayvon for anything.

But here is the simple honest to God truth. Trayvon could have done MANY things differently that night, and he would still be alive. Zimmerman was not looking for a fight, Trayvon was. He bragged about getting in fights and how bad he beat people up. He was also a thief. That's what makes him a thug, not the color of his skin.

I think you cannot see any of these simple truths because of your own racism. btw, what was so funny? The part about the white senior citizens getting jumped in revenge for Trayvon Martin??

Zimmerman has previous for assaulting a police officer and also for domestic violence. Martin had no criminal record at all. A brawl broke out between them. Who was most likely to have started that I wonder? Whatever you say about Martin, he was a minor innocently minding his own business when an armed racist accosted him in the street. An armed racist, who I might add, was told not to challenge Martin by the police, but went ahead and did it anyway, so he is a reckless armed racist too. A brawl ensued and Zimmerman shot and killed the kid, despite the kid showing no sign of being armed. But what's really fucked up about this is, Zimmerman is protected by the law in Florida. It's legal for an armed adult to accost a minor in the street, despite being told not to by the police, and if a fight were to break out and/or the adult felt at all threatened, he would be perfectly within his rights to kill the kid. There is no evidence to support your accusation that Martin tried to kill Zimmerman. You're just making shit up. Zimmerman deserves to be retried and sent down for this. It's murder in any civilised person's mind.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Night Strike on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:09 am

Iliad wrote:A man pursued a teenager at night, followed him and antagonised him until a conflict eurpted and then claimed self defence to murder a teenager. It's a disgusting verdict

If this is what you still believe happened, then clearly no dose of reality will be able to get to you.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:23 am

Phatscotty wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Phatscotty wrote:
oVo wrote:
phatscotty wrote:: I was surprised to learn that the only one who used a racial slur turned out to be Trayvon Martin himself, in how he described Zimmerman to his girlfriend in a text.

You don't know --with any certainty-- what words were exchanged between Zimmerman and Martin.

Yes there is certainty. Trayvon called Zimmerman the C word, and it's in a text message Trayvon sent to his girlfriend, and it is confirmed by the testimony of Trayvon's girlfriend.

Nobody said anything about conversation between Trayvon and Zimmerman.

And by not referring to the conversation between Trayvon and Zimmerman, your statement that Martin "was the only one who used a racial slur" becomes evident as the lie that it is. Stop lying, Phatscotty.

Who else used a racial slur?

I didn't say anyone else GUARANTEED did. My point is that YOU ALSO cannot guarantee that Zimmerman didn't use one, so you should stop making that claim.

Phatscotty wrote:(be sure to dodge the question completely and change the subject to who I have foed)

Stop being a dishonest asshole.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:27 am

Phatscotty wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Phatscotty wrote:Not to mention, you seem to state as a fact impossible that Trayvon ambushed Zimmerman. A resident chasing a stranger out of a crime ridden neighborhood is not's common sense.

Actually, it is BY DEFINITION "escalation". you English at all, Phatscotty?

Getting out of the car to talk to Trayvon is called conversation, moron.

So now "chasing a stranger out of a crime ridden neighborhood" changes to "getting out of the car to talk to Trayvon". You'll change your narrative as often as possible, won't you?

And yes, "getting out of the car to talk to Trayvon" WHEN YOU'VE BEEN ASKED NOT TO BY THE POLICE DISPATCHER would certainly be viewed as "escalation" in comparison to "not getting out of the car to talk to Trayvon".
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:28 am

Phatscotty wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:Let the hating begin folks.

It's not hating to point out your ignorant statements.

Jdsizzleslice wrote:No, I live in Alabama. But I have been to Florida and the Area you are talking about before. No one was there. No one knows why Martin was in the Neighborhood. But we know why Zimmerman was. We saw the photos of Zimmerman and his broken nose and cuts on his head.

Actually, we do know why Martin was in the neighborhood. Seriously...this is your level of knowledge of the situation? I guess this is what happens when you think that Fox News is the truth.

Jdsizzleslice wrote:And about that link. If a white kid was walking in a neighborhood where he didn't live or belong

Didn't belong? On the day Martin was fatally shot, he and his father were visiting his father's fiancƩe and her son at her townhome in The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, a multi-ethnic gated community, where the shooting occurred.

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Nobunaga wrote:A man was assaulted, his head slammed into the concrete. He drew a gun and killed his attacker.

Why are so many people upset?

The reaction to Martin's death both before and after the verdict is a sad indication of how ill informed the public is, and a tragic demonstration showing that media in the United States has simply quit attempting to fulfill the duties which are its responsibility in a democratic society.

It's actually quite frightening, that the public can be so damned ignorant while American major media fabricates and edits so as to fan the flames of outrage they themselves have created.

No I agree. Public Radio and Fox News is about as close to the truth as it gets.

Oh good LORD, I can't believe you just said that crap.

Uh, yes. Liberal Media is a joke. Take MSNBC for example Chris Matthews should be fired. He is a disgrace. Fox is about as good as it gets.

Fox is at least as embarrassing as MSNBC is. Fox News is absolutely a joke. If you want actual news, you unfortunately have to go outside of the United States for it.

Woodruff wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:2. 911 told him to stay in his car. I know that he got out. It would have not prevented the situation though.

Please explain how if Zimmerman had remained in his car as the police dispatcher asked him to, that it would not have prevented the situation? Because unless you're suggesting that Zimmerman would then have followed Martin IN HIS VEHICLE, he wouldn't have been approaching Martin to create the situation at all.

No answer for this one, I take it?

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:So answer this question. WHY would Zimmerman decide to shoot him... Zimmerman is of Hispanic decent, and Martin is of African American decent. So that throws the race card out of the question.

Uh...what the hell? That's just a thoroughly ignorant statement.

Now, I DON'T think race was particularly a motivator for Zimmerman. But to suggest that race wouldn't be an issue between a black person and a Hispanic person is ignorant in the extreme.

It isn't ignorant. It throws the race card out for those who are trying to play it.

It does nothing of the sort. Gang lines are frequently drawn between Hispanics and blacks.

Jdsizzleslice wrote:Zimmerman isn't a "White Hispanic" Just Hispanic.

You do realize that Hispanic is an ethnicity related to being Caucasian, right?

Jdsizzleslice wrote:You're being very ignorant though saying you don't think it was a motivator but yet say my statement was ignorant. You are being ignorant yourself by saying that.

Explain to me how my statement that I don't believe Zimmerman's actions were racially motivated is ignorant. I can only presume that you're contending that Zimmerman's actions WERE racially motivated then?

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
lokisgal wrote:Lets remember we are replying to someone who thinks FOX is the authority on new....
nuff said on that

Yes. Way better than MSNBC, like stated earlier.

You are drinking so much Kool-Aid you should be able to bust through a wall by now.

Race was an issue to Trayvon. He used a racial slur to describe Zimmerman.

How does that change any point I made there, Phatscotty? Stop trying to be a distractor.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:31 am

Phatscotty wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Night Strike wrote:
muy_thaiguy wrote:
thegreekdog wrote:
Woodruff wrote:I'm not upset by the judgement. Not at all, actually...I think it was probably the right one.

I AM frankly upset that the situation occurred at all, on several levels. I DO consider Zimmerman to be primarily responsible that this particular situation occurred, as well. I don't think that's unreasonable at all.

Why do you consider Zimmerman to be primarily responsible? To be fair, I haven't read much about the situation, but it appears that a neighborhood watch individual saw a suspicious looking person walking around the neighborhood, approached that person, was attacked, and shot him. The only way I would consider Zimmerman primarily responsible was if he was not supposed to have a gun.

If I remember right, Zimmerman had called the police, told them that there was a kid on the sidewalk, police told him to wait in the car until the actual cops showed up, Zimmerman gets out of car (ignores cops), approaches said teen with a gun, and then this mess happens.

If I'm Martin and see a guy coming at me with a gun and no badge, my flight or fight instinct would probably kick in too.

That said, I see both sides, and all I can really call it is a huge mess that should never had escalated that far.


911 dispatchers are NOT cops and their instructions are not law. Their instructions are recommendations, but no person is legally responsible to follow them. Police officers cannot give orders if they are not on the scene of a situation, even to their own subordinates, so even that wouldn't be a factor.

There's no indication that Zimmerman approached Martin. In fact, he stopped following Martin when the dispatcher asked and he had lost him from sight at one point anyway. There has never been any evidence presented that Zimmerman was walking around trying to stalk someone with his gun drawn like a police officer would be when getting into position around a house.

STOP SPECULATING AND DISCUSS FACTS. It's this type of stupid drivel that's causing all the idiotic comments in the media and the uninformed rioters.

Unless you agree with Night Strike, in which case he's more than happy to see you speculate.

Or.....Muythaiguy has the facts wrong/did not remember correctly, but look past that and cheap shot Night Strike who has the facts correct.

You don't worry about being intellectually honest much, do you? Perhaps if you spent less time being a cyber-bully...

Intellectually honest? I'm simply pointing out that Night Strike reserves his "stop speculating and discuss facts" only for those whom he disagrees with.

You seem to be the one who is being intellectually dishonest here. Could you please put me back on foe (for the sixteenth time) so I don't have to worry about your bullshit distractions and almost blatant racism being responses to my posts? Thanks.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:32 am

Iliad wrote:If being outraged by the Trayvon Martin case was the ugliest racism you've ever seen then you''ve lived an extremely sheltered life with impressive wilful blindness.

Oh, you've just met Phatscotty? Are you new here?
Last edited by Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:33 am

Phatscotty wrote:Zimmerman was just protecting his crime plagued neighborhood. There is nothing wrong at all with approaching a stranger who does not live in the community and asking him what he's doing. Nothing at all. It's the way Trayvon handled the situation that made it into what it is.

This really is not an honest statement of the situation at all. I'm not saying Martin isn't also to blame, but Zimmerman absolutely contributed to the problem SIGNIFICANTLY by not following the request by the police dispatcher.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:36 am

Nobunaga wrote:Let's not forget:

In October 2011, after a video surveillance camera caught Martin writing graffiti on a door, MDSPD Office Darryl Dunn searched Martinā€™s backpack, looking for the marker he had used. Officer Dunn found 12 pieces of womenā€™s jewelry and a manā€™s watch, along with a flathead screwdriver the officer described as a ā€œburglary tool.ā€ The jewelry and watch, which Martin claimed he had gotten from a friend he refused to name, matched a description of items stolen during the October 2011 burglary of a house on 204th Terrace, about a half-mile from the school.

Martin was indeed a thug. ... hool-miami

I don't even disagree with that...yet it IS rather only a tangent to the particular situation. Does it lend credence to the idea that he was an aggressor in the conflict? Certainly. Does it make Zimmerman less of an aggressor in the conflict? Not really.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:41 am

thegreekdog wrote:
Iliad wrote:I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to be persistently followed by someone in a car, then on foot, while I'm walking home alone at night. Zimmerman pursued him, antagonised him, created the conflict, and shot him because he thought he was losing that same fight he was responsible for.

Again, you Brits with your weird logic. You're essentially inferring (chang also inferred it) that if someone is following you, it is perfectly legal and justifiable for you to turn around and slam that person's face in the curb. I keep reading about how Zimmerman created the situation; why aren't those same people holding Martin responsible?

I don't believe I have absolved Martin of any responsibility by saying that Zimmerman largely created the situation which appears to have been further escalated by Martin after that.

thegreekdog wrote:This is a non-story that was made into a huge story by a national media looking for ratings and playing about the racism of black people and white people. Black teenagers are shot on a regular basis in this country and their killers go free on a regular basis.

This is certainly true.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby lokisgal on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:42 am

Phatscotty wrote:
Nobunaga wrote:
lokisgal wrote:Lets remember we are replying to someone who thinks FOX is the authority on new....
nuff said on that

That's funny. I don't watch TV news, but FOX was once again rated as most trusted and most watched television news program for 2013.

Still, I know FOX is bent right, but it's a matter of degree when you make the comparisons.

Here is the deal. Cable news is cable news, it is what it is. What Loki doesn't understand is that some are geared towards a certain audience, and others are geared to a different audience. Just because a person watches a cable news channel that is targeted to their interests and preferences does not mean "they think it's gospel"

In fact when people make comments like that, even just attacking a source in general, it tells me they don't know what they are talking about, since it would be much more prudent to discuss the topic at hand, not what channel they watch! for the love of Pete!

Please don't tell me what I do or do not understand. Duh on news being geared to certain audiences - we only have to look back to the election with the hanging chad's (once again in Florida) and remember what station called the election which way. I certainly do not think ANY news channel is gospel in fact I think 99.9% of TV news is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. When you get any news its always smart to question and research what you see and hear and that would be for some people here a big stretch Imagine questioning something - People in this country are like lambs they take anything they hear and state it as fact -its a very sad state of affairs all the way around
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:42 am

thegreekdog wrote:
Iliad wrote:There was literally another case in Florida where a black woman received 20 year in jail for firing warning shots with her gun at her husband despite her claiming the stand your ground laws.

That's what happens when you have trials... you get different verdicts and different punishments. Perhaps you have a better way?

Actually, the idea is that we WON'T get different verdicts and different punishments...that's what precedence is supposed to resolve. Even if one of those people is a black female instead of a white male.
Last edited by Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:47 am

Phatscotty wrote:Again, I don't know where the hell you are getting your information, but it seems like the last time you heard the story was last March. You are still calling Zimmerman the bigger man??? Even though Trayvon was taller almost by a foot???? I'm kinda wasting my time here with these regurgitated pieces of bullshit people keep spewing, and I know it's not totally your fault, but Zimmerman, while he may have been older, was certainly not bigger.

How much did they each weigh, Phatscotty?

Again, if someone were following you and asked what you were doing, and you were terrified, all you would have to do is communicate what it is you are doing. Then you would no longer be terrified, and you might even get a ride home from the neighborhood watchmen.

Phatscotty wrote:But here is the simple honest to God truth. Trayvon could have done MANY things differently that night, and he would still be alive. Zimmerman was not looking for a fight, Trayvon was.

But here is the simple honest to God truth. Zimmerman could have done MANY things differently that night, and Martin would still be alive. Martin was not looking for a fight, Zimmerman was.

You see, my truth is absolutely just as accurate as your truth is. But you keep spinning this one-sided bullshit.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:48 am

Phatscotty wrote:
Nobunaga wrote:
lokisgal wrote:Lets remember we are replying to someone who thinks FOX is the authority on new....
nuff said on that

That's funny. I don't watch TV news, but FOX was once again rated as most trusted and most watched television news program for 2013.

Still, I know FOX is bent right, but it's a matter of degree when you make the comparisons.

Here is the deal. Cable news is cable news, it is what it is. What Loki doesn't understand is that some are geared towards a certain audience, and others are geared to a different audience. Just because a person watches a cable news channel that is targeted to their interests and preferences does not mean "they think it's gospel"

No, but when that individual specifically does say that it's the truth, then it seems reasonable to make that point. Which is all lokisgal did.

Phatscotty wrote:In fact when people make comments like that, even just attacking a source in general, it tells me they don't know what they are talking about, since it would be much more prudent to discuss the topic at hand, not what channel they watch! for the love of Pete!

Except it wasn't her that brought it up, it was the individual she was referring to. God, stop with the spinning, Phatscotty.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Army of GOD on Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:06 am

Woodruff wrote:But here is the simple honest to God truth. Zimmerman could have done MANY things differently that night, and Martin would still be alive. Martin was not looking for a fight, Zimmerman was.

There's no way Zimmerman was looking for a fight. He was looking for a confrontation, certainly, but it didn't seem like he wanted violence.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:25 am

Army of GOD wrote:
Woodruff wrote:But here is the simple honest to God truth. Zimmerman could have done MANY things differently that night, and Martin would still be alive. Martin was not looking for a fight, Zimmerman was.

There's no way Zimmerman was looking for a fight. He was looking for a confrontation, certainly, but it didn't seem like he wanted violence.

How do you justify "There's no way Zimmerman was looking for a fight."? How can you know that?

Simply because he says so and we don't have the ability to ask Martin the same question?
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby BigBallinStalin on Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:27 am

thegreekdog wrote:
Iliad wrote:There was literally another case in Florida where a black woman received 20 year in jail for firing warning shots with her gun at her husband despite her claiming the stand your ground laws.

That's what happens when you have trials... you get different verdicts and different punishments. Perhaps you have a better way? For what it's worth, the jury in both cases (the Zimmerman case and the case you refer to above) were picked by the prosecution and defense and were as unbiased as one could get (assuming the jurors didn't lie under voir dire).

In my limited experience with high profile cases involving race (and by experience, I mean seeing the news), there tends to be an avoidance of racism against the minority party (I suppose in this case both Martin and Zimmerman were minorities, but I suppose that also depends on what media outlet you're getting your information from - some places called Zimmerman white and some called him Hispanic; not to go on a tangent, but all media outlets call the president black, when he's as white as Zimmerman is).

Iliad wrote:It's kinda disgusting how Trayvon was put on trial instead essentially. The latent racial undercurrents in calling him a thug and so really went beyond subtext and into the almost outright said zone.

Again, that's what happens in trials when an attorney is trying to defend his or her client. You put the victim on trial. Happens in murder cases, happens in rape cases, happens all the time. It's rarely effective (again, in my limited experience).

Iliad wrote:I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to be persistently followed by someone in a car, then on foot, while I'm walking home alone at night. Zimmerman pursued him, antagonised him, created the conflict, and shot him because he thought he was losing that same fight he was responsible for.

Again, you Brits with your weird logic. You're essentially inferring (chang also inferred it) that if someone is following you, it is perfectly legal and justifiable for you to turn around and slam that person's face in the curb. I keep reading about how Zimmerman created the situation; why aren't those same people holding Martin responsible? There are many different scenarios whereby Martin would have remained alive. He could have said, "Sir, I'm walking to my father's house" or he could have just kept walking and ignored Zimmerman or he could have let Zimmerman take him into custody (I would not have chosen that route given the penchant for people to impersonate police officers and the like) or he could have, you know, called the fucking police instead of texting his girlfriend if he thought some asshole was following him (that would have been my decision). Instead, Martin turned around, beat the shit out of a guy and was shot. I have nothing but contempt for Zimmerman, mostly because I think he's an idiot and should have been punished in some way, but I absolutely will not have sympathy for Martin beyond that the kid is dead.

This is a non-story that was made into a huge story by a national media looking for ratings and playing about the racism of black people and white people. Black teenagers are shot on a regular basis in this country and their killers go free on a regular basis. But if someone whose last name sounds white kills an "innocent" teenager, it's national news (if you're watching MSNBC and others... and the president, I suppose). Or if someone who is a hard-working Hispanic man carrying a gun defends himself against a hardened juvenile delinquent who attacked him, it's national news (if you're watching Fox News and others). The way you all have been played by your respective media choices and biases is absurd, but not surprising (for some, others do surprise me - like you Iliad and chang50 - you guys seemed smarter than this).

Well said, worth reading.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby thegreekdog on Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:53 am

Woodruff wrote:
thegreekdog wrote:
Iliad wrote:There was literally another case in Florida where a black woman received 20 year in jail for firing warning shots with her gun at her husband despite her claiming the stand your ground laws.

That's what happens when you have trials... you get different verdicts and different punishments. Perhaps you have a better way?

Actually, the idea is that we WON'T get different verdicts and different punishments...that's what precedence is supposed to resolve. Even if one of those people is a black female instead of a white male.

Actually, we aboslutely should get different verdicts and punishments and precedent is not supposed to give us the same verdicts and punishments. Your understanding of the legal system is lacking, but if your ideal legal system is that the judicial system will render the same decision based upon prior, similar decisions, your ideal legal system is lacking too. Very disturbing.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Army of GOD on Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:12 pm

Woodruff wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:
Woodruff wrote:But here is the simple honest to God truth. Zimmerman could have done MANY things differently that night, and Martin would still be alive. Martin was not looking for a fight, Zimmerman was.

There's no way Zimmerman was looking for a fight. He was looking for a confrontation, certainly, but it didn't seem like he wanted violence.

How do you justify "There's no way Zimmerman was looking for a fight."? How can you know that?

Simply because he says so and we don't have the ability to ask Martin the same question?

I can't know (then again, no one can) but he's in the Neighborhood Watch, not Fight Club. He seems to me like a wannabe cop and wanted to (non-violently) confront Martin. Zimmerman got his ass kicked by a 40-pounds-lighter Martin, so he couldn't be too confident about his fighting ability. Also, if he was looking for a fight, why would he ask that the cops come (I don't know what the law is, but I'm pretty sure assaulting a minor is a shit ton of jail time)?
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby patches70 on Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:39 pm

Ahh, so many people expecting Zimmerman to be found guilty because those people had already convicted him long before the first witness was ever called.

Expectations=planned disappointments.

Also, emotion, bias, lack of understanding of the law and judicial process, embrace of unethical prosecution practices and a complete inability to see all sides of the incident help contribute to those silly expectations that have led to such disappointment and anger. With a healthy does of coercion from political entities using said people as pawns.

Sad, really.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby oVo on Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:36 pm

patches70 wrote:Expectations=planned disappointments.

Also, emotion, bias, lack of understanding of the law and judicial process, embrace of unethical prosecution practices and a complete inability to see all sides of the incident help contribute to those silly expectations that have led to such disappointment and anger. With a healthy does of coercion from political entities using said people as pawns.

Spoken like a pawn on the other side of the equation.

Expectations? None, beyond not expecting a murder charge to stand up in court, period. There was no evidence to support it, but I did think he would be held accountable for initiating this confrontation and use of deadly force.

Now that I've seen the post verdict interview by the prosecution, I have to wonder what they were even thinking? She stands at the mic in what looks like a black evening gown & jewelry and speaks to the press as if she were accepting an lifetime achievement award. Bizarre.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:02 pm

thegreekdog wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
thegreekdog wrote:
Iliad wrote:There was literally another case in Florida where a black woman received 20 year in jail for firing warning shots with her gun at her husband despite her claiming the stand your ground laws.

That's what happens when you have trials... you get different verdicts and different punishments. Perhaps you have a better way?

Actually, the idea is that we WON'T get different verdicts and different punishments...that's what precedence is supposed to resolve. Even if one of those people is a black female instead of a white male.

Actually, we aboslutely should get different verdicts and punishments and precedent is not supposed to give us the same verdicts and punishments. Your understanding of the legal system is lacking, but if your ideal legal system is that the judicial system will render the same decision based upon prior, similar decisions, your ideal legal system is lacking too. Very disturbing.

I find it disturbing that you believe it's justice to have a black female sent to prison for 20 years for INTENTIONALLY NOT killing someone while a white male is found not guilty when he DID kill someone. Of course the situations aren't identical, but they are absolutely similar enough for that disparity to not be found under the heading of "that's what happens when you have get different verdicts and different punishments". Neither one avoided the situation that they had a definite hand in creating. Of course, the black female was an abused woman (at the hands of the man she fired the warning shot for), while the white male was someone policing his neighborhood. Again, the message seems to be that if you're going to be in any situation, kill first and ask questions later. Oh, and don't be black.
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Re: Zimmerman: Not Guilty

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:04 pm

Army of GOD wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:
Woodruff wrote:But here is the simple honest to God truth. Zimmerman could have done MANY things differently that night, and Martin would still be alive. Martin was not looking for a fight, Zimmerman was.

There's no way Zimmerman was looking for a fight. He was looking for a confrontation, certainly, but it didn't seem like he wanted violence.

How do you justify "There's no way Zimmerman was looking for a fight."? How can you know that?

Simply because he says so and we don't have the ability to ask Martin the same question?

I can't know (then again, no one can)

That's my point.

Army of GOD wrote:Zimmerman got his ass kicked by a 40-pounds-lighter Martin, so he couldn't be too confident about his fighting ability.

That definitely doesn't necessarily follow.
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