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List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Syria

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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:56 pm

patches70 wrote:Sounds like a plan, let Kuwait go liberate Syria, no need to involve the US. Unlike what happened to Kuwait back in the 90's, Assad is not invading anyone. This is a purely civil war within Syria, and the US involvement so far, providing arms, logistics and training to the Syrian rebels, has contributed very much to the continued killing and misery.

When Syria invades Kuwait, then worry not, we'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail to save you and liberate you. Until then, your country can get embroiled in a civil war where there are no "good guys" and all sides fighting are just as bad as the side they are fighting against.

Screw getting in the middle of that. But, it appears that the decision is already made, so you'll likely get your wish. You should be more careful what you wish for though, because this isn't going to turn out rosy.....

The good guys are just as bad as the bad guys?
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby BigBallinStalin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:58 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:Do you want a Democratic, pro-American government or a second Taliban?

Haha, you know, all that moral rhetoric of yours has led us into inadvertently creating Al-Qaeda, reinforcing the 'first'* Taliban, and setting innocent Americans and Europeans into the target sights of terrorists. Your moral rhetoric of Zero accountability has created a vast environment of hate for the injustices from US interventions--ranging from imposing and subsidizing dictatorships to funding and arming extremist rebel groups, who have no desire for spreading "democratic, pro-American governance."

    There already is a 'second', in Pakistan--distinct from the Afghani Taliban, and guess who's causing them to take up arms? The US.

Admitting to the costs of past and current pattern of US intervention is difficult, but it must be done. Otherwise, the US will continue to needlessly aggravate foreign populations of which we hardly understand and will endlessly lose not only American citizens and soldiers but also those citizens and soldiers of our Allies.

If you wish to be a reckless, to be uncaring about more lives ruined or destroyed, then don't support foreign intervention.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:17 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:
patches70 wrote:"Certain people"? Which people? Assad? The rebels? Exactly who are you talking about here?

Kuwait1961 wrote: which all Arab nations want to do as they are enemy to us. Since USA is friend to Israel

You used the word "us", which includes yourself. If Israel is your enemy, and the USA is friend to Israel, then you are enemy to USA. Why should we help you in that case? Or do anything at all that you would want?

kuwait1961 wrote: if this happen there will be bigger war later on. Only reason Arab countries have not destroyed them is because of USA. Long as USA is friend to Israel then this is your war.

Maybe the USA is the only reason Arab countries haven't destroyed Israel, or maybe it's because Arab countries are busy killing each other.

You'd like to see the US go into Syria and make them get along with each other but you don't give a crap about getting along with your neighbors, especially if they are Jews.

US, Damned if we do, Damned if we don't. No matter what we'll be hated. It's not our job to be the policemen of the world. It's too costly, we don't have the moral authority, we don't have the ability to do so efficiently and the blowback only causes more and more death and problems.

You want someone to bring peace and safety to Syria? Then go do it yourself if it's that important to you. No one will stop you. The Syrian rebels are filled with mercenaries, you can be a mercenary too. Have at it.

I believe he is talking about Assad's chief allies, why have not only bombed Israel in the past, but also have promised to do it again.


While most of your posts are distortions of facts or are just plan wrong, I'd like to address one thing in particular, which is the Israeli war on Palestine. Israel has been taking land from the Palestinians for decades, as part of a conscious and intentional effort to expand it's borders by military force. Its identical to the US expansion west, where we slaughtered the Native Americans.
Where Palestinians still exist, their land has been taken from them. They are ruled by Jim Crow Laws, and they are segregated from Jews. Their children cannot be educated together. It's Apartheid in the Middle East.

Israel's total resistance to peace and enslavement of the Palestinians is why the Arabs hate the Jewish State. Al-Jazeera reports this stuff as it is, and daily, but CNN doesn't give a sh*t. If Israel wanted peace, they've never been closer to it. For the last two years Palestinians have been peacefully protesting and begging for help from the UN. The United States has blocked peace resolutions.

... and now the last remaining regional government to oppose the Israeli slaughter machine - Syria - is about to be kneecapped by the U.S. on orders from Tel Aviv. When Israel says "jump" every American president responds "how high?" The last flea in Israel's ointment is about to be exterminated with the sacrifices of American troops and dollars of American taxpayers as the Israelis sit back and laugh at the puppet government their bloody money has bought.

The government of Syria and the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party has been unrelenting in its support of the Palestinian cause for a half-century. Thousands of Palestinians live in Syrian government paid-for refugee camps in Syrian territory. The only leverage Palestine has left is about to be rolled over. Syria is the PLO's last ally; once it falls the plight of the Palestinians becomes permanent. The towers of Minas Tirith are bout to collapse to Zionist Mordor -

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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:21 pm

BigBallinStalin wrote:
Juan_Bottom wrote:Do you want a Democratic, pro-American government or a second Taliban?

Haha, you know, all that moral rhetoric of yours has led us into inadvertently creating Al-Qaeda, reinforcing the 'first'* Taliban, and setting innocent Americans and Europeans into the target sights of terrorists. Your moral rhetoric of Zero accountability has created a vast environment of hate for the injustices from US interventions--ranging from imposing and subsidizing dictatorships to funding and arming extremist rebel groups, who have no desire for spreading "democratic, pro-American governance."

    There already is a 'second', in Pakistan--distinct from the Afghani Taliban, and guess who's causing them to take up arms? The US.

Admitting to the costs of past and current pattern of US intervention is difficult, but it must be done. Otherwise, the US will continue to needlessly aggravate foreign populations of which we hardly understand and will endlessly lose not only American citizens and soldiers but also those citizens and soldiers of our Allies.

If you wish to be a reckless, to be uncaring about more lives ruined or destroyed, then don't support foreign intervention.

This is recklessly stupid of you, BBS, not me. You haven't spoken about any specific facet of Syria or the fight there. You just don't know what you're talking about and espousing generalized opinions about the middle east and war. I'm sure that you're sincere, but the problem is that you still don't know anything about Syria.
Again remember everyone:
Without foriegn intervention, there would be no United States of America. At all. French ships won the Revolutionary War for us. Our history begins with foriegn intervention. Isolationism only helps the oppressor. That means that there is an inherit moral predicament that comes with standing by and watching people be slaughtered.

Anyhoo- If you want to admit the costs and pattern of US military intervention then let's f-ing do it.

    WWI - USA loved like all hell in all Westernized nations but those defeated in Central Europe. And actually, they're not really begrudging.

    WWII - USA WORLD HEROES LOVED EVERYWHERE, we demolished our tanks and planes and really liberated people, when we could have occupied them forever and ruled the world. We rebuilt our enemies economies.

    KOREA- US LOVED LIKE ALL F*CKING HELL in South Korea to this day.

    VIETNAM - total disaster, Isolationist attitudes prevail in the USA

    First Gulf War - US follows UN rules for liberation of Iraq, LOVED LIKE ALL HELL IN KUWAIT, Middle East

    AFGHANISTAN - Total disaster, war run by corporations and incompetent civilian leaders

    IRAQ - Virtual disaster, incompetently run by corporations and terrible civilian leadership. Iraqi's say Iraq is still a better place to live today.*

Not every fight is the same. And you isolationists need to accept that. The worst wars that we ever fought in were the ones under the Bush Administration, because they were run by total idiots and corporations. The Afgahni people didn't ask us to come. The Iraqi people didn't ask us to come. But the Syrian people are begging for relief. Your other words are just ignorant and senseless. The rebels are fighting a dictator; the Rebels are fighting for a Democracy. The US has been helping the FSA specifically because they have a chance to win, and because they are non-sectarian, and non-religious. They are made of Christians and Muslims. They are physically fighting with al-Nustra, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations. They want a Democracy. They want freedom.

Syria has traditionally been a country where people from all different sects and religions have lived peacefully together. There is absolutely 0 reason to suspect that the FSA would bring about Sharia Law, a military dictatorship, or anything negative at all. Syria is closer to Bosnia or Turkey than Iraq.

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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:27 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:IRAQ - Virtual disaster, incompetently run by corporations and terrible civilian leadership. Iraqi's say Iraq is still a better place to live today.*

LIBYA - oil output down 80%, standard of living cut by more than half, militias run everyplace outside Tripoli, women's rights rolled back 60 years as equality legislation introduced under the Jamahriyah gov't is replaced by Sharia law in areas of property ownership and divorce, the national infrastructure destroyed

flashback - 2011 / 150 civilians murdered by the U.S. backed God-King - per capita nearly equal to Syrian dead; Israel does not "express concern," ergo no U.S. intervention - U.S. increases shipments of guns to Bahraini government

Juan_Bottom wrote:Syria has traditionally been a country where people from all different sects and religions have lived peacefully together.

No. Only since the 1960s when the Socialist Ba'ath Party introduced secular government. FSA troops are running wholesale slaughter squads against the Alawite minority. When the Ba'ath Party goes so does secularism.

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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:32 pm

Whoa Whoa Whoa

The Libyan people are Pro-USA because we helped them oust their Dictator. I consider that a success. There will always be a dip in exports during and after a civil conflict, that's just how it's going to be.
The Militias are are problem, and Libya chooses to deal with them herself. I'm ok with that. Though it was a Militia that struck Benghazi, it was also the Libyan people who then destroyed the militia in retaliation.

There are a lot of places the US chooses not to intervene, and most of it is bullshit. We could end world hunger today if we wanted to. But the world is full of assholes, and America is no exception.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:35 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:The Libyan people are Pro-USA

I stopped reading right here as you're clearly delusional.

That was my fault though - this should have clued me in ...

Juan_Bottom wrote:KOREA- US LOVED LIKE ALL F*CKING HELL in South Korea to this day.

In a survey of South Korean military cadets, ROK Koreans identified the U.S. as the nation's #1 enemy. North Korea came in second. ... -advantage
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:49 pm

Tell me the truth, did you check on all of those, and that was all you could find?

Anyway so what?
According to Pew Research, South Koreans have the most favorable view of the United States and Americans of any country in the entire world.

According to Korea's Gallup, the United States is the most favorable country in the world.

March 20, 2009, U.S. Ambassador in the Republic of Korea Kathleen Stephens wrote:...One of the first phrases I learned in Korean , I heard in Korean, when people talked about the US-Korea relationship, was ķ˜ˆė§¹ź“€ź³„, ā€œthe relationship forged in blood.ā€ I remember how moved I was by that, by the passion which people used in talking about it. Our relationship, as you all well know, goes further back even than that... ... untry/116/ ... -american/ ... _relations
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:58 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:
March 20, 2009, U.S. Ambassador in the Republic of Korea Kathleen Stephens wrote:...One of the first phrases I learned in Korean , I heard in Korean, when people talked about the US-Korea relationship, was ķ˜ˆė§¹ź“€ź³„, ā€œthe relationship forged in blood.ā€ I remember how moved I was by that, by the passion which people used in talking about it. Our relationship, as you all well know, goes further back even than that...

Oh, okay. The U.S. Ambassador to the ROK says the ROK loves the U.S. Gotcha.

You're one of the people who buy a lot of stuff off of infomercials, right? "Satisfaction guaranteed" and such?

Juan_Bottom wrote:Tell me the truth, did you check on all of those, and that was all you could find?

The rest were just the typical Super Bowl half-time show "Rah Rah America!" cheerleading schtick I can see anywhere. Should I respond to this:

WWII - USA WORLD HEROES LOVED EVERYWHERE, we demolished our tanks and planes and really liberated people, when we could have occupied them forever and ruled the world. We rebuilt our enemies economies.

Ah yes, the 3-year so called "Marshal Plan" - the world's greatest corporate welfare money laundering scheme. U.S. tax money is shipped to European governments - already on the way to recovery under their own engines - with the requirement they purchase specific products the U.S. has authorized them to purchase from giant American corporations. The Marshal Plan windfall definitely paid for at least a few new luxury pleasure yachts for the Rockefellers, Du Ponts and Morgans.

Most of your lines just come out of an ultra-nationalist middle school history textbook in which the U.S. is riding around the world on a white horse, saving virgins. They're tiring and boorish. If I wanted a fireworks show I'd PM PhatScotty and ask for one.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:18 pm

saxitoxin wrote:Ah yes, the 3-year so called "Marshal Plan" - the world's greatest corporate welfare money laundering scheme. U.S. tax money is shipped to European governments - already on the way to recovery under their own engines - with the requirement they purchase specific products the U.S. has authorized them to purchase from giant American corporations. The Marshal Plan windfall definitely paid for at least a few new luxury pleasure yachts for the Rockefellers, Du Ponts and Morgans.

Most of your lines just come out of an ultra-nationalist middle school history textbook in which the U.S. is riding around the world on a white horse, saving virgins. They're tiring and boorish. If I wanted a fireworks show I'd PM PhatScotty and ask for one.

While I don't agree that Germany or Japan would have recovered nearly as fast as they did without US aid, and while the Marshal Plan was more to fight Communism than rebuild shattered economies;
I concede that there's no argument here because It's also all irrelevant to the point that I was addressing and it's pretty off-topic here as well. Germany has had a strong US favorability since WWII, and this is a part of that. And that's all I was saying. What it means to me is unimportant. South Korea has had the best attitude of any country since the Forgotten War. And by god, I'd rather cram an iPhone or and XBOX down the throat of every Syrian just like Marshal than let 5,000 more of them be murdered. And there are a lot of dead Syrians with worms crawling around their decaying skulls who would have agreed. Growing old is a privilege, and It's one that I wish to extend to everyone.

I can't change the world alone. And I'm not going to cry about it either. When it comes to these issues I have to weigh the good against the bad, and I have to separate them as well. Clearly intervention is the better option because it will save people's lives, and allow the Syrian people a chance at a real Democracy. Then they can vote on whether they want an iPhone or not.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:18 pm

And by god, I'd rather cram an iPhone or and XBOX down the throat of every Syrian just like Marshal than let 5,000 more of them be murdered.

Maybe the U.S. should have told the fat, pedophile, coke-addicted King of Saudi Arabia they're so buddy with to actually obey the UN arms embargo and not ship U.S.-manufactured guns to the FSA then - why doesn't the U.S. enforce UN mandates when the fat king is involved and he's buying weapons from U.S. mega-corporations?

They are so desperate for war with Russia it's unreal. I hope everyone who is cheerleading this war gets drafted to the front so they can see a Russian Guards Rifle Regiment first-person. They tried in Bosnia, maybe this time the U.S. corporations will get what they've been so desperate for and get those guns sold by the ship-full when the balloon goes up ...

James Blunt has told the BBC how he refused an order to attack Russian troops when he was a British soldier in Kosovo.Blunt said he was willing to risk a court martial by rejecting the order from a US General.

But he was backed by British Gen Sir Mike Jackson, who said: "I'm not going to have my soldiers be responsible for starting World War III."

Blunt was ordered to seize an airfield, but the Russians had got there first.

In an interview with BBC Radio 5 live, broadcast on Sunday, he said: "I was given the direct command to overpower the 200 or so Russians who were there.

"The direct command [that] came in from Gen Wesley Clark was to overpower them. Various words were used that seemed unusual to us. Words such as 'destroy' came down the radio."
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby warmonger1981 on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:23 pm

Well what about Russia and Iran backing Syria? This is about to be WW3 in a few years. This is nothing more than Capitalist Imperial Globalism trying to take the world. I really doubt that Iraq was the only war for or by corporations. Suppose US corporations never funded Nazis or Stalin. Ever heard of Hegelian system. Welcome to the New World Order being created. Just give it time. The Middle East is prime real estate for corporations and the IMF. This is way more complex than humanitarian bullshit.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:28 pm

Why do you guys even think that?

Iran literally cannot in any way oppose Saudi Arabia, the leader of OPEC. If they do, Saudi Arabia will cancel all sales of Iranian Oil across the globe. All Iran can do is give guns to Hezbollah and Assad. Saudi Arabia is aiding the FSA.

Russia doesn't even border Syria, and they so they can't do anything but offer free guns to Assad either.

Somebody makes money in every war. There are a lot of opportunistic douchebags out there.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Mr Changsha on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:42 pm

I have to assume that, at the very least, all is not as the US/UK/French governments would have us believe. If I had to guess, I would say it was the rebels that released the gas as one can look at who is benefitting from the situation (the rebels quite clearly) and with some confidence work back to cause.

So I am left with two possibilities:
a) The rebels used the gas, the western governments weren't aware of it but are now taking advantage of the situation
b) The western governments actively planned the operation.

Such is my total disregard for almost anything the UK government says with regard to the middle east in general, that I don't believe for a second the story is as they would have us believe. What's worse, there is almost no way they could prove to me that they are telling the truth in this case..I simply don't believe a word they say anymore, and why should I? Tony Blair stood up in the House and lied about WMD. From that point on I felt quite justified in not believing a word the government say about anything related to foreign policy.

The ravings of a madman? Well you know that is how they want us to feel about ourselves when we question their honesty. You know I was very pro the US/UK alliance not all that long ago. But then we had 9/11, the various wars we have instigated and I came to the, not unreasonable, conclusion that my country is controlled by fucking gangsters.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:44 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:Whoa Whoa Whoa

The Libyan people are Pro-USA because we helped them oust their Dictator.

I am Libyan and I endorse this statement.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:44 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:Why do you guys even think that?

Iran literally cannot in any way oppose Saudi Arabia, the leader of OPEC. If they do, Saudi Arabia will cancel all sales of Iranian Oil across the globe. All Iran can do is give guns to Hezbollah and Assad. Saudi Arabia is aiding the FSA.

Russia doesn't even border Syria, and they so they can't do anything but offer free guns to Assad either.

Somebody makes money in every war. There are a lot of opportunistic douchebags out there.

Honestly, you just don't know what you're talking about. Sorry, but this has turned into a discussion about astronomy with someone who thinks the moon is made out of cheese. I don't think I get offended easily but this bile is just disgusting.

When Israel plays checkmate and finishes exterminating what's left of the Palestinians after their ogre, the U.S., takes out Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah, you can go spend a couple hours at your local Nakba protest and feel good about yourself or something. Bye.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby warmonger1981 on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:56 pm

It seems you make it a black and white answers. People die so the US must intervene on a humanitarian mission. Thats not how America works. America goes in for money and financial/economic control. Human lives dont mean shit to the US. We only support those that do what we want. Operation Northwoods mean anything? Our government would kill their own if it furthered a specific agenda.Corporations dont care about us. Remember trans national corporations run most media so be careful. What you think is truth is nothing more than someone elses version perceived through their corrective lenses of logic and understanding.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby tkr4lf on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:57 pm

27. My ass.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:57 pm

People who are not delusional may be interested to follow Salman's twitter feed, he's been on top of it for the better part of three years -

He's on break but will be back any day now.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:01 am

Bullshit, you're just a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

The general tone of this thread is that:

    a) nobody knows what is actually happening n Syria
    b) all governments are made up of Devils and lying liars
    c) this will start WWIII, which is something all governments want
    d) nobody cares how many people die

Your evidence that we're trying to start a war with Russia is bullshit Alex Jones Bullshit. James Blunt, your favorite musician, was in Bosnia in like, 1994, just as the Cold War ended. This is 2013. That was 20 years ago, Saxi, and I don't even know that it was ever even substantiated. Even if it was true, it was 1994. COLD. WAR.

Both in the 90s and in 2013 there are bad people and there are good people. Maybe Blunt was telling the truth, and Clark was being an asshole. But to tie that into a grand conspiracy to cause WWIII in 2013 is laughably stupid, and paranoid. The EU's intervention in Bosnia was a good thing, and it saved a lot of lives, but it also came too late. Civilians were being persecuted and slaughtered for religious beliefs, or for who they were born to.

Russia hasn't got the ability, or the reason, or the will, to somehow fight a global war with the US and Saudi Arabia, and GB. The US has no reason to fight a global war. Saudi Arabia and Britain have no reason to fight a global war.
There is no WWIII here. That's stupid people paranoia.

Do you guys even know how many times people have predicted global catastrophe in the last 40 years? Every conflict from Korea to Desert Storm was the next WWIII.

And I get it. We had an 8-year period here in the US where America elected the crookedest people possible to the highest positions, and they never stopped lying. Ok, shit happens. You need to ascend, and separate what happened then with what's happening now.

I would invite anyone to source a reasonable series of events that are about to unfold in which the entire world starts fighting to the death over Syria, a country the size of Nebraska with modest amounts of Oil.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:09 am

warmonger1981 wrote:It seems you make it a black and white answers. People die so the US must intervene on a humanitarian mission. Thats not how America works. America goes in for money and financial/economic control. Human lives dont mean shit to the US. We only support those that do what we want. Operation Northwoods mean anything? Our government would kill their own if it furthered a specific agenda.Corporations dont care about us. Remember trans national corporations run most media so be careful. What you think is truth is nothing more than someone elses version perceived through their corrective lenses of logic and understanding.

Operation Northwoods never happened; it was an idea. People have bad ideas, but it doesn't mean that the CIA only has bad ideas. The fact that it was willingly declassified is a credit.

Think of all the countries that the US actually opposes. You'll find that for all of the countries in the world, it's actually a very small list. Yes we control the world's shipping lanes and yadda yadda, but there's actually a lot of goodwill there too.

We literally just went into Libya, helped them gain independence, then disappeared.

And it doesn't matter even if we do go in and ask for $$$$ in return, it will still save lives.

Corporate Media is against Syrian intervention, which is a large part of why we haven't done anything. My opinion is not only against the popular opinion, but also against the established media's. You may remember me talking about how I've done interviews for with Syrian "ambassadors." They've hit the US in a campaign to educate Americans on what exactly is happening in their country, why they need help, and how to help. NPR has been interviewing the same people...... if you hate corporate media then you should already be acquainted with NPR's coverage of Syria.
GOOGLE what Syrian Americans think.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby saxitoxin on Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:15 am

Juan_Bottom wrote:Bullshit, you're just a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

The general tone of this thread is that:

    a) nobody knows what is actually happening n Syria
    b) all governments are made up of Devils and lying liars
    c) this will start WWIII, which is something all governments want
    d) nobody cares how many people die

Your evidence that we're trying to start a war with Russia is bullshit Alex Jones Bullshit. James Blunt, your favorite musician, was in Bosnia in like, 1994, just as the Cold War ended. This is 2013. That was 20 years ago, Saxi, and I don't even know that it was ever even substantiated. Even if it was true, it was 1994. COLD. WAR.

Both in the 90s and in 2013 there are bad people and there are good people. Maybe Blunt was telling the truth, and Clark was being an asshole. But to tie that into a grand conspiracy to cause WWIII in 2013 is laughably stupid, and paranoid. The EU's intervention in Bosnia was a good thing, and it saved a lot of lives, but it also came too late. Civilians were being persecuted and slaughtered for religious beliefs, or for who they were born to.

Russia hasn't got the ability, or the reason, or the will, to somehow fight a global war with the US and Saudi Arabia, and GB. The US has no reason to fight a global war. Saudi Arabia and Britain have no reason to fight a global war.
There is no WWIII here. That's stupid people paranoia.

Do you guys even know how many times people have predicted global catastrophe in the last 40 years? Every conflict from Korea to Desert Storm was the next WWIII.

And I get it. We had an 8-year period here in the US where America elected the crookedest people possible to the highest positions, and they never stopped lying. Ok, shit happens. You need to ascend, and separate what happened then with what's happening now.

I would invite anyone to source a reasonable series of events that are about to unfold in which the entire world starts fighting to the death over Syria, a country the size of Nebraska with modest amounts of Oil.


The likelihood of Russia getting involved being close to nil is the only sane thing you've said this entire thread.

Other than that, it's just more chickenhawk grandstanding interspersed with occasional bouts of moaning that the previous guy ruined the opportunity for your guy to have a carefree, fun war with lots of pretty flags, parades and jammin' country-western songs.


GOOGLE what Syrian Americans think.

"Everyone wants war! Just Google it!"

Corporate Media is against Syrian intervention,

Funniest. Thing. I've. Ever. Read.

"the corporate media don't want us to go to war - we have to go to war or the corporations will have won"

this is literally Ministry of Truth style 1984 double-speak

John McCain, that long-haired hippy who has been calling for an attack on Syria for the last year - being foiled by the corporate media. Juan has officially jumped the shark.

Those of us who don't parrot Israel's message points have been against war in Syria for longer than 3 days ...

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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby warmonger1981 on Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:30 am

Operation Northwood never happened does not mean that it could not happen under different circumstances. Operation Ajax and Operation Condor were ultimately for what or whose interests?? Humanitarianism?? Where was the humanitarian aid for those who died for unjust causes? All Im saying is , in my opinion , not about humanitarianism but for behind the scenes contracts.
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Re: List of Things More Popular Than a Potential War with Sy

Postby Juan_Bottom on Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:31 am

You talk, but you don't say anything of substance.

You're just anti-American.

The idea that we should allow more civilians to die, and be displaced, until there is no more Syria "because Israel" is dumb, Saxi. You've said all this garbage about America trying to take over the world through corpratization, but you've said nothing at all about all these people dying. You're so anti-American that death is irrelevant, so long as you can say that America stopping it is the true evil. I'm b*tching that you people don't care about massacres or dead children, and you're b*tching about the rates that Capitol One will offer to liberated Syrians.

That picture is actually on my feed.
Like :-P
The deal is, that every issue is connected to every other issue. But you have to weigh the good and the bad. You think Syria is the only thing stopping Israel from wiping out Palestine? Nothing is stopping Israel from wiping out Palestine. Look at the picture of it's erosion. But Syria is where Palestinians leave to. And a strong Syria is a Syria that can resist Israel. You think a 30-year civil war in Syria is good for Palestine?

John McCain is a lone voice. He's evidence that the News offers a dissenting view, not evidence that the news wants a war.
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