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school shooting

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Re: school shooting

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:42 am

DoomYoshi wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:Don't be so willing to give up another's freedom.

All of civilization consists of freedoms that can only be preserved by curtailing others.

We are only free to walk the streets in peace to that same degree that we succeed in curtailing the freedom of muggers and cutpurses to carry out their trade.

We are only free to drive the highway in relative safety to the same degree that we succeed in curtailing the freedom of reckless drivers to run us off the road.

We are only free to live in houses to the same degree that we succeed in curtailing the freedom of arsonists to set fire to whatever strikes their fancy.

All freedoms by civilized folk to enjoy safety and security of any kind require curtailing the freedom of the wild and reckless elements in society.

I actually agree with you. I just consider the wild and reckless elements of society to be the police and military, the two groups I least trust with guns. Disarmament should start with them.

What we are discussing here is a variation of the angry young man problem. Basically, society needs a certain amount of angry young men to serve in the military, but it doesn't need as many as it has, so you end up with extra angry young men that have no place in the military/police force. These people end up being classed "wild and reckless". There are a few solutions, conscription is one of them. The ideal solution is to stop fighting nature and go back to citystates as the proper organization. We need guns for militias, and militias need someone to fight.

To rephrase your assertion: All freedoms by the wild and reckless to enjoy life of any kind requires curtailing the oppressive onslaught of the civilized and society.

We already have rugby for those young men to work off their aggression. Letting them have lethal weapons is just stupid.

I almost shot someone three times when I was growing up. Luckily the voice of reason was loud enough in my head to stop me on all three occasions, but I was oh so close to spending my life behind bars. I got lucky, that's all. My parents were total fucking idiots to leave loaded weapons laying around when they were raising an angry young man.

Conscription wouldn't help much. Young men are volatile from their early teens to their late twenties. You'd have to keep them in the army for pretty much a decade and a half, which would be a catastrophic waste of resources, besides interrupting their education at the most crucial time. Conscription into sports and other physical activities, on the other hand, works wonders for most of society. Really, it's not that difficult to manage angry young men, as long as they don't have easy access to lethal weapons.
ā€œā€ŽLife is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.ā€
ā€• Voltaire
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Re: school shooting

Postby TA1LGUNN3R on Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:13 am

mrswdk wrote:
TA1LGUNN3R wrote:In your perfect utopia where no guns or police exist and everyone has free everything (sourced from the aether), do you genuinely believe this base thuggery won't still be there? Color me skeptical. People are pieces of shit. I know, you know it in your revulsion for the right, it's inescapable. How would individuals protect themselves?

If allowing personal guns is such a good means of protecting people then why is the murder rate in the US triple the murder rate of any other developed country, despite the fact that far more Americans own guns than do people in other developed countries? Why is America's rape rate double that of almost any other developed country? How come Americans are so much less safe from violence than people in other countries?

If it could be demonstrated that getting rid of guns was a more effective means of protecting individuals' right to be safe than allowing everyone to own guns, would you be in favor of getting rid of guns?

The US crime rates aren't bad because of guns, they're bad because it's not a homogeneous society and other countries have more effective means of reducing poverty rates, increasing education among the general population, etc. Neo and others were right in that providing means to emulate such countries would lower the crime statistics, i believe, but I'm no economist.

But no, so long as police or military carry weapons, or so long as multiple people can physically overwhelm me just to kick the shit out of me, I would never support banning guns, just as i would never ban the right to self-defense. Because that's all banning a gun is, a partial ban on the right to defend oneself.

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Re: school shooting

Postby mrswdk on Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:30 am

So your answer is that even if banning guns was guaranteed to make American citizens safer, you would rather allow people to have guns? I thought people's safety was your top priority?

TA1LGUNN3R wrote:The US crime rates aren't bad because of guns, they're bad because it's not a homogeneous society and other countries have more effective means of reducing poverty rates, increasing education among the general population, etc.

Malaysia is more ethnically diverse, poorer and has a weaker education system than the US and yet its murder rate is half that of the US.

In any case I didn't say that America is dangerous because of guns. I said that despite guns, America is more dangerous than other countries. So guns don't appear to be doing much to protect the people of America.
Last edited by mrswdk on Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: school shooting

Postby karel on Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:32 am

this school shooting iss getting more lamer by the day,but media not covering it.......the kid thats been all over the news was never a student at that school,he is from cali and graduated last year,in cali..............keep believing fake news snowflakes
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Re: school shooting

Postby Neoteny on Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:18 pm

TA1LGUNN3R wrote:I find this reasoning disconcerting in its blatant hypocrisy and disregard for personal rights. The level of contortion one must go through is remarkable.

Using guns to effect political change against the "bad guys" while disdaining their true worth as a power equalizer is the height of hypocrisy, but I guess you're a means justify the ends type person I suppose. In your crusade against the evil right, so cartoonish in their schemes to massacre children, brown people, and insert current sad poster child here, and to accumulate wealth, you admit that these repressive cretins, or "fascists" if you wish to use a commonly overplayed buzzword, need to be defended against. Yet real evil (yes, BURGLAR IN YUR HOUS) truly exists and commits atrocities every day, irrespective and independent of politics, and apparently shouldn't be defended against. The people that break into homes, rape women, abduct children, kill old and helpless people. The impetus is unimportant-theft, psychopathy, whatever. It happens every day. Real evil like the true fascists who gassed the gypsies and Jews.

I'm not really advocating both points here, just contrasting differing perspectives on the left on how to reach the same end goals: demilitarization of police and citizenry. You can equalize power in a variety of ways, by matching it or legislating against it. But the left is having that discussion right now, because they want to effect change. It would be easier to relate to the "evil right" if their response to systemic murder of minorities and the massive number of gun-related deaths wasn't putting their head in the sand and shouting "everything is fine, guns are working as expected, we don't need to do anything, those children deserved what they got etc." My legit personal views aren't unreasonable: bolt-action, pump-action, revolvers. Those allow for hunting and defense while minimizing risk to the broader population. And you'd still need to be permitted and regulated. I could maybe see exceptions for those who need weapons for herd protection and such, but that sort of thing is going to be exceedingly rare. Hell, this policy even allows for the only way a big stronk man like you can possibly commit suicide.

TA1LGUNN3R wrote:I sincerely wonder where one's "empathy" could be who would deny a woman the only substantive means to protect herself from her rapist. But that's the point of a weapon- to level the field. I grew up on a farm, used to toiling and strenuous labor. I am much stronger than an average Joe, but I'm not Batman. At the gym there are plenty of guys there who warm up with weight I can barely lift. If I'm attacked by more than one person what am I to do? Just give in, allow myself to be killed or beaten because someone somewhere misused a tool? Now adjust for a woman, or an old man shambling along with a walker.

In your perfect utopia where no guns or police exist and everyone has free everything (sourced from the aether), do you genuinely believe this base thuggery won't still be there? Color me skeptical. People are pieces of shit. I know, you know it in your revulsion for the right, it's inescapable. How would individuals protect themselves?

I mean, if you think thuggery is some sort of inbred trait and not a combination of many factors that can be acted on in a significant number of cases, I'm not sure we're ever going to see eye to eye. Noone expects to be able to eliminate violent crime, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything about it. That's shamefully neglectful. Economic and social policies could be provided to mitigate these concerns, not that you'd ever stop to think about them. But maybe lack of empathy is not the right descriptor here. You seem more than willing to let the vulnerable fend for themselves instead of doing what we can to protect them. Kids, the elderly. Give them a gun too. Let them deal with it. They'll be fine. Maybe there is some empathy there; but to me it's definitely starting to look a lot more like cowardice.

Neoteny wrote:re: suicide

TA1LGUNN3R wrote:Who gives a shit about suicide and how one kills themselves? That statistic could be in the billions, I would never consider forcing my morals on such a person. A person's death should be theirs, and their choice to die is just that, there own.

There are plenty of ways to die that don't involve unregulated access to tools of mass murder. Suicide should be incorporated into our health system and should be accessible and affordable.
Napoleon Ier wrote:You people need to grow up to be honest.
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Re: school shooting

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:29 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:Don't be so willing to give up another's freedom.

All of civilization consists of freedoms that can only be preserved by curtailing others.

We are only free to walk the streets in peace to that same degree that we succeed in curtailing the freedom of muggers and cutpurses to carry out their trade.

We are only free to drive the highway in relative safety to the same degree that we succeed in curtailing the freedom of reckless drivers to run us off the road.

We are only free to live in houses to the same degree that we succeed in curtailing the freedom of arsonists to set fire to whatever strikes their fancy.

All freedoms by civilized folk to enjoy safety and security of any kind require curtailing the freedom of the wild and reckless elements in society.

I actually agree with you. I just consider the wild and reckless elements of society to be the police and military, the two groups I least trust with guns. Disarmament should start with them.

What we are discussing here is a variation of the angry young man problem. Basically, society needs a certain amount of angry young men to serve in the military, but it doesn't need as many as it has, so you end up with extra angry young men that have no place in the military/police force. These people end up being classed "wild and reckless". There are a few solutions, conscription is one of them. The ideal solution is to stop fighting nature and go back to citystates as the proper organization. We need guns for militias, and militias need someone to fight.

To rephrase your assertion: All freedoms by the wild and reckless to enjoy life of any kind requires curtailing the oppressive onslaught of the civilized and society.

We already have rugby for those young men to work off their aggression. Letting them have lethal weapons is just stupid.

I almost shot someone three times when I was growing up. Luckily the voice of reason was loud enough in my head to stop me on all three occasions, but I was oh so close to spending my life behind bars. I got lucky, that's all. My parents were total fucking idiots to leave loaded weapons laying around when they were raising an angry young man.

Conscription wouldn't help much. Young men are volatile from their early teens to their late twenties. You'd have to keep them in the army for pretty much a decade and a half, which would be a catastrophic waste of resources, besides interrupting their education at the most crucial time. Conscription into sports and other physical activities, on the other hand, works wonders for most of society. Really, it's not that difficult to manage angry young men, as long as they don't have easy access to lethal weapons.

What about the second amendment right to shoot politicians who disagree with you? That right is slipping away, between the secret service and even Senators being protected now.
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Re: school shooting

Postby Neoteny on Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:04 pm

Just to clarify, bolt-action rifles, pump-action shotguns, and revolvers. BA PA revolvers sound awesome though.
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Re: school shooting

Postby karel on Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:18 pm

Neoteny wrote:Just to clarify, bolt-action rifles, pump-action shotguns, and revolvers. BA PA revolvers sound awesome though.

cuz they are
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Re: school shooting

Postby karel on Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:19 pm

they just had 2 school threats here in lasst 2 days,i call bull shit,all these damn kids want is attention,and nothing more,i blame media and social media for this
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Re: school shooting

Postby warmonger1981 on Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:24 pm

Make sure we all have abortions. That way the children don't have to grow up to be victims in mass shootings.
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Re: school shooting

Postby karel on Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:35 pm

warmonger1981 wrote:Make sure we all have abortions. That way the children don't have to grow up to be victims in mass shootings.

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Re: school shooting

Postby mookiemcgee on Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:53 pm

warmonger1981 wrote:Make sure we all have abortions. That way the children don't have to grow up to be victims in mass shootings.

I thought Karel's opinion was clear...
He is against killing babies with drugs, he's pro killing them with automatic weapons. (Also he's pro running them down in the street in his "rape van" when they protest)
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Re: school shooting

Postby karel on Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:59 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:
warmonger1981 wrote:Make sure we all have abortions. That way the children don't have to grow up to be victims in mass shootings.

I thought Karel's opinion was clear...
He is against killing babies with drugs, he's pro killing them with automatic weapons. (Also he's pro running them down in the street in his "rape van" when they protest)

and it's people like you is why this country is f*cked up,idiot
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Re: school shooting

Postby mookiemcgee on Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:07 pm

karel wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
warmonger1981 wrote:Make sure we all have abortions. That way the children don't have to grow up to be victims in mass shootings.

I thought Karel's opinion was clear...
He is against killing babies with drugs, he's pro killing them with automatic weapons. (Also he's pro running them down in the street in his "rape van" when they protest)

and it's people like you is why this country is f*cked up,idiot

Hey I'm on your side man. If all the kids had at that school had AR-15's the whole ordeal probably would have been over quicker... Sorry about outing you on the rape van thing, I know you wanted to keep that private... but at the end of the day that registry you are on is public record so people could have found out anyway.

Hey great photobucket image BTW! That's a real eye catcher. Do they pay you to advertise for them?
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Re: school shooting

Postby mrswdk on Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:48 pm

Neoteny wrote:
Neoteny wrote:re: suicide

TA1LGUNN3R wrote:Who gives a shit about suicide and how one kills themselves? That statistic could be in the billions, I would never consider forcing my morals on such a person. A person's death should be theirs, and their choice to die is just that, there own.

There are plenty of ways to die that don't involve unregulated access to tools of mass murder. Suicide should be incorporated into our health system and should be accessible and affordable.

You could also argue that a lot of/most people who survive suicide attempts later go on to regret the attempt. The fact that America has higher rates of suicide than other culturally similar countries, almost entirely due the prevalence of gun suicide, supports the idea that suicide is often a rash, emotional move made by someone who ultimately doesnā€™t actually want to be dead. Remove the quick, easy, painless method of killing oneself and a lot of people will decide theyā€™re not actually that determined to die. Provide the quick easy method of suicide and those people will kill themselves. Thatā€™s not just a personal decision: it affects their families and friends, and (from a policy-making perspective) it means the tax-paying workforce loses a body.

Of course you could say f*ck the workforce and f*ck the families and friends of suicide victims, but the whole point of forming societies is to work together for the mutual good. If your dedication to people doing whatever they want is so great that youā€™re willing to sacrifice the good of the group to achieve personal freedom then I guess youā€™re an anarchist.
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Re: school shooting

Postby Neoteny on Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:12 pm

That's why it should be incorporated into the health system. Capitalist or socialist, there will be paperwork and discussion. It won't be rash, but it should be available.

I have picked up some anarchist traits recently, I'll concede. Like my avatar.
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Re: school shooting

Postby mrswdk on Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:14 pm

Oh the second paragraph was more directed towards TG than you.

I don't really see any reason to facilitate suicide.
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Re: school shooting

Postby mookiemcgee on Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:45 pm

mrswdk wrote:Oh the second paragraph was more directed towards TG than you.

I don't really see any reason to facilitate suicide.

Ok just to keep score:

Pro: automatic weapons at schools:
me (facetiously)

Anti: automatic weapons at schools:

Pro: Suicide

Anti: Suicide

Anti: Free will/Choosing for yourself how to live your own life

Anti: Kids being exposed to media or social media

Pro: That kid never even went to that school, he lived in California. Media Lies, fake news. Shooting never happened, nothing to see here.

Pro: background checks

Anti: background checks, cus you can't trust the FBI

Anti: killing babies in Utero, but Pro: killing kids once they are teenagers with automatic weapons or rape vans (no rape implied, more like Bastille Day attack)

Pro: letting people in US territory PR die

Pro: Death penalty for trying to cross USA border

Did I miss anyone? Everyone happy with their score? Score reflected in body count (much like video game structure), Karel currently winning
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Re: school shooting

Postby mrswdk on Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:07 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:Anti: Suicide

I said that facilitating or encouraging suicide should not be a policy objective.

Anti: Free will/Choosing for yourself how to live your own life

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Re: school shooting

Postby notyou2 on Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:16 pm

Everyone knows mrs is pro anything about freedom of living your life from outside interference
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Re: school shooting

Postby karel on Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:53 pm

:D :D :D :D :D
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Re: school shooting

Postby warmonger1981 on Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:11 am

Why do men commit suicide more than women?
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Re: school shooting

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:58 am

warmonger1981 wrote:Why do men commit suicide more than women?

Because we can't get laid.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: school shooting

Postby Bernie Sanders on Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:36 am

DirtyDishSoap wrote:
warmonger1981 wrote:Why do men commit suicide more than women?

Because we can't get laid.

There's no "I" in "we"
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Re: school shooting

Postby warmonger1981 on Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:24 am

Bernie Sanders wrote:
DirtyDishSoap wrote:
warmonger1981 wrote:Why do men commit suicide more than women?

Because we can't get laid.

There's no "I" in "we"

There's no "Bernie" in "laid."
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