Woodruff wrote:stahrgazer wrote:But since our country is founded with an ideal of "separation between church and state," I'd prefer politicians to LIVE the word they believe, but not force ME to live it, too. Unfortunately, what I see from any party is folks that live however the heck they want and try to force me to live according to "their beliefs," that they themselves don't live. (Abortion, for example... anyone who's anti-choice or anti-abortion shouldn't be having sex outside of marriage, if they do, they're hypocrites.)
Married people do occasionally get abortions as well, I should point out.
I don't think your analogy is quite accurate though. Someone who is anti-abortion shouldn't be having an abortion. They're not anti-sex, they're anti-abortion. Being anti-abortion means you're willing to live with the consequences of your having sex, should it come to that. Otherwise, I agree with you.
Nope. Remember, "Christianity," is supposed to be based on biblical things, right? Biblically speaking, sexual relations are supposed to be sacred to someone you're committed to raising a family with, and bibilically speaking, you're not supposed to do that outside of marriage - although, also biblically speaking, it was acceptable to have more than one spouse provided you could care for that spouse.
You see, it's still hypocritical of someone to say, "YOU need to follow 'this part' of MY beliefs even if I won't follow 'that part' of what is SUPPOSED TO BE 'my beliefs.'"
So, if someone wants to practice Christianity so zealously, they should not be having sex outside of marriage and in that way, they won't potentially force someone who doesn't share their beliefs about abortion to make a choice they wouldn't approve. Otherwise, maybe the someone they're screwing without marriage believes it's a sin to bring a child into the world without hope of BOTH parents being active fulltime; maybe that someone believes a fetus isn't a child with a soul until the first breath (as some religions state.) Or maybe that person believes... all sorts of things.
So just maybe, as I stated, the person who wants to be so utterly zealous about what OTHERS do or don't do, based on that person's "bible" should be more zealous about what he or she is doing or not doing that their own "bible" frowns on.
Oh.. and if they're gonna have sex out of wedlock, they should also stop whining about having to support all these children "on welfare" born out of wedlock whose mothers chose to have a child rather than have an abortion (biblically speaking, they're supposed to be charitable even to the point of giving all of their earthly possessions away to do God's/Christ's work, right?).