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Political Debate in Global Chat

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Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby Razorvich on Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:23 am

Greetings fellow Chatters of Conquerclub.

For a long time now, us Moderators, have watched the political debates conducted in Global Chat from the sidelines.
This has mostly been centred around American Democracy, and obviously the two political parties involved.

The general debate has degraded to such an extent that if someone does not agree with the other side's views, that person, or people, are then barraged with hateful speech.
This is usually conducted in such a way that is walking the line, but not fully crossing it.

This has a detrimental effect on the rest of the members on the site, and the complaints have ramped up over the last few weeks.
The abuse and degrading barbs directed towards each other has made many members avoid Global Chat.

Let's be clear here, debate is welcome on the site, and we have forums open and available for those who wish to indulge.


This is what things have degenerated to with the constant bickering between regular chatters.

The Chat Team has been directed to ask that any further POLITICAL DEBATE, be taken to the forums, OR to the Chatrooms.

Chatrooms. are always available if people would like to speak real-time, to the extent that private rooms can be created.
Rules in the Chatrooms are somewhat relaxed, and the Moderation Team will only step in when there is a clear breach of Chat rules, or Site Guidelines.

Thank you all for your understanding.
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby GaryDenton on Mon Nov 14, 2022 2:03 pm

This may be obvious to others but there is no "Global CHat" forum.
Which board or boards are you referring to,?
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby degaston on Mon Nov 14, 2022 3:37 pm

GaryDenton wrote:This may be obvious to others but there is no "Global CHat" forum.
Which board or boards are you referring to,?

Left-hand side shows the chat collapsed. If you click on *** CHAT *** in the upper right corner, it expands to look like the right-hand side

I've never paid much attention to Global Chat, but the Forums are also a sewer.
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby riskllama on Mon Nov 14, 2022 5:03 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:

how many years have I been suggesting that you clowns outlaw politics & religion in there for now? three??? four???? I guess a sarcastic "well done" would be in order, but I'm far too lazy... :?
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby cdbridges on Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:32 pm

Of course I'm correct and those who disagree with me are usually wrong. It was becoming tiresome to prove that in GC anyway. Thank you again, Raz.
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby Razorvich on Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:33 am

Greeting Llama.. aways a pleasure.... Its a Goat thing.. the Goats have digested and have acted

riskllama wrote::lol: :lol: :lol:

how many years have I been suggesting that you clowns outlaw politics & religion in there for now? three??? four???? I guess a sarcastic "well done" would be in order, but I'm far too lazy... :?
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby yellowjesus on Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:36 am

degaston wrote:
GaryDenton wrote:This may be obvious to others but there is no "Global CHat" forum.
Which board or boards are you referring to,?

Left-hand side shows the chat collapsed. If you click on *** CHAT *** in the upper right corner, it expands to look like the right-hand side

I've never paid much attention to Global Chat, but the Forums are also a sewer.

I take offense to this partisan and selective screenshot as a representation of the mudslinging in GC
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby D3A7H on Tue Nov 15, 2022 10:00 am

What do you call some one who storms into Global chat, says something horrible then proceeds to argue with and insult everyone who disagrees?

A compulsive massdebater
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby SoN!c on Tue Nov 15, 2022 2:28 pm

GaryDenton wrote:This may be obvious to others but there is no "Global CHat" forum.
Which board or boards are you referring to,?

>Chat Settings

>Show Global Chat: >Show Global Chat by default (currently set to No)? Yes/No

BUT IF IT IS "currently set to No" don't change it :-) otherwise you get or see a lot of pee... "Pee" is an informal but common word that means "to urinate." Of all the slang words for bodily functions, this is one of the least offensive but still not what you wanna see / do/ hear / feel

"currently set to No" is so much better and avoids the pee man AKA that same compulsive massdebater and one of his flok everytime again

"has made many members avoid Global Chat." lol finally somebody noticed
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby GaryDenton on Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:12 pm

OK, I so rarely go to chat and thought that was another forum.
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby pmac666 on Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:33 am

D3A7H wrote:What do you call some one who storms into Global chat, says something horrible then proceeds to argue with and insult everyone who disagrees?

A compulsive massdebater

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Excellent decission.
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby Lonous on Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:17 pm

Coming here for clarification

As per the statement from Raz, this obviously covers arguing political sides, the MY side vs YOUR side.
As he gave the obvious example with American politics, with Democrats and Republicans arguing.
Completely understandable.

Current events, headlines, breaking news?
I just got a timeout for talking about the Orthodox church being banned in Ukraine.
Pretty far from partisan politics.
I know the chat policy is newly implemented and you guys are still figuring out where the proper line is.
Some elaboration is welcome.
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby *Pixar* on Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:32 pm

Lonous wrote:Coming here for clarification

As per the statement from Raz, this obviously covers arguing political sides, the MY side vs YOUR side.
As he gave the obvious example with American politics, with Democrats and Republicans arguing.
Completely understandable.

Current events, headlines, breaking news?
I just got a timeout for talking about the Orthodox church being banned in Ukraine.
Pretty far from partisan politics.
I know the chat policy is newly implemented and you guys are still figuring out where the proper line is.
Some elaboration is welcome.

When you start talking about a church being banned by a country that in my opinion is political.
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby D3A7H on Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:17 pm

When you start talking about a church being banned by a country that in my opinion is political.

You are entitled to your opinion and welcome to share it. As a mod you are also charged with enforcing standards, but not to apply your opinions to those standards. A warning might have been warranted in this case but a blindside chat ban was an abuse of power
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Re: Political Debate in Global Chat

Postby riskllama on Sun Dec 18, 2022 10:39 pm

D3A7H wrote:
When you start talking about a church being banned by a country that in my opinion is political.

You are entitled to your opinion and welcome to share it. As a mod you are also charged with enforcing standards, but not to apply your opinions to those standards. A warning might have been warranted in this case but a blindside chat ban was an abuse of power

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