Conquer Club

Sort My Games By Ready Turns

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Postby badnuzjr on Fri May 18, 2007 3:53 pm

I don't care how old the thread is, I would like a button that has just games that are on my turn. I play a lot of sequential games so that I can typically get on and take several turns at once. This way i could find them all at once.

I think that would be good.
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Sort games in different orders

Postby Aradhus on Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:58 pm

Recently I missed a turn in a couple of games, and it caused me victory in both of them. Basically what happened was I had an appointment that I had to get to. I quickly logged into the site and I could make a move in the majority of my games. I knew that I had at least 10 hours in most of them, but in a couple of them I had to take my turns right then. I just didn't have enough time to look through all the games to find out which ones.

The way it is set up just now really isn't efficient. I have a headache right now I can't really be bothered thinking up other ways in which games can be sorted. But sorting games in order of shortest time left would be really really useful.
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My Games Sort order -- Freestyle first

Postby dhallmeyer on Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:03 pm

Concise description:
  • Change My Games sorter so Freestyle games are played first

  • Right now games on My Games are sorted by "Playable" and "Waiting," both in order of shortest time left. Proposal would amend this to play Freestyle games before Sequential games when you click on the "Jump to Next" link.

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
  • Since Freestyle games are typically more time sensitive, this will get those taken care of first when a player logs in. I often check my games 2-3 times a day, and I usually play about 90% seq so it takes me about 1/2 an hour to get through my seq games that are waiting. It is really annoying to find a freestyle game at the end of the list, since I could have made that turn at the top and the other players take their turns in the meantime, making for more efficient and enjoyable gameplay. This would only affect games that are ready to play: the games waiting for turn would remain unchanged.
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Re: Sort 'My Games' Page *Pending*

Postby chapcrap on Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:29 pm

MERGED a couple of threads from SoC teachers here.

I'm posting about it years later, because I would like the ability to sort my games in various manners.
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Re: Sort 'My Games' Page *Pending*

Postby agentcom on Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:38 pm

I think the whole game finder system needs a revamp with more sorting options. This suggestion is for the My Games page specifically, but there are others out there. (Note to self/mods: should probably get indexed in some thread.)
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