Link to season schedule.
Find the correct league tab and season schedules are listed by team ... sp=sharing
1,600 to Tourney champ
800 to tourney runner up
600 to 3rd place winner
400 to 4th place
200 to Final Unbeaten team -- reptile
200 to Highest Scoring team (regular season)
200 to NIT champ

In-season tourney results
Batch 1 -- Winners -- Michigan State, Washington and Illinois
Batch 2 -- Winners -- East Carolina, James Madison and Arkansas
Batch 3 -- Winners -- Nebraska, Sacramento State and Georgia
Batch 4 -- Winners -- Syracuse, Tulane and Michigan State
FORMAT: 1 vs. 1 play
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all players, although I ask freebies to keep pace with the flow of the tourney — six maps per week. If you start falling behind I will go to the reserves list at my discretion.
HOME MAPS: Sequential order is required, and no poly…the rest is up to you.
DEADLINE: Registration will close Sunday, Oct. 20.
TEAMS: When signing up just choose any school that plays Division I basketball. If you aren’t sure, let me know and I can assign you a school. The number of teams and shape of each league is fluid. The goal is to sort leagues into groups of 8-10 teams that best mimic the true NCAA landscape.
REGULAR SEASON: We will have a 28-game regular-season schedule, although some teams may sneak in more games based on holiday and league tournament results.
• Scoring is based on a three-map system (see box below). Teams that win 2 of 3 will usually come out on top, but it is possible to win once and take the game if you win quickly and lose long battles. This allows us to post realistic basketball scores and track scoring stats for the teams.
Two of the three maps will be played on the home team’s settings, while a random map (escalating, chained, foggy) will round out each game.
*New this year is the spoils bonus (also see chart), but basically holding spoils at the end of play can result in a slight bump.
*20-round limit applied to all maps.
If overtime is required an extra map will be sent out on random map settings..
If OT map goes 16+ rounds then another OT map will be sent, etc.
• Scoring example…
Duke wins in 7 rounds with 3 spoils (Duke 29-18)
Syracuse wins in 10 rounds with 5 spoils (Syracuse 27-18)
Duke wins 12 rounds with 4 spoils and 101 troops (Duke 26-18)
FINAL SCORE: Duke wins 73-63
Regular-season scoring

MARCH MADNESS: At the end of the regular season, a tournament committee will select the field for the March Madness playoff bracket.
Automatic bids are awarded to the winners of each conference tournament, so you can finish last during the regular season and still have a shot at the Big Dance with a run at the end of the year. That makes 10 automatic berths.
We will have a 36-team March Madness tournament. That will include four 'play-in' games with winners filling in seeds in the 14-16 range for the main draw.
We will also have a 16-team NIT tourney ... first two rounds at home sites and played in regular season format. The NIT semifinals will transition to the larger March Madness scoring style.
The March Madness phase of the tournament will be played under an 8-map format with each map representing a different player — 5 starters and 3 bench players. These are played on preset maps (see list below) to replicate the neutral-court environment of the NCAA bracket.
PG — Higher seed’s Home Settings
SG — Lower seed’s home settings
*SF — Classic
*PF — City map (to reflect which region you are playing in)
*C — USA
*Bench #1 — Random
*Bench #2 — Random
*Bench #3 — Random
*settings — escalating, chained, foggy
March Madness scoring tables.

POWER UPS: Teams earn up to four “power-ups” for their tournament teams by accomplishing various tasks during the regular season.

Team sign-ups --
* Note when signing up including your school along with home court map & settings.
Also, if you like designate whether you would like a Hard, Balanced or Easy schedule and I will try to accommodate as best I can. Default will be a balanced schedule.