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The Forum Tips/How-To Thread

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The Forum Tips/How-To Thread

Postby hecter on Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:49 pm

This is the How-To Thread

  • This will tell you how to post pictures, and make clickable links, and any and all other forum related needs. If you have something to add, please contact a Discussions Volunteer or a Global Moderator for any additions you'd like to see!

Firstly, some forum basics [Index]:
Last edited by rdsrds2120 on Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Updated Lists
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Posting Pictures & Links

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:22 am

Posting Pictures
This is how you post a picture. First, the picture must be online. You cannot post pictures off of your machine. If you have a picture on your machine that you want to post, then you can always make an account with an image hosting site, such as and upload your pictures onto it. It must also be in the correct format, such as jpg, or gif. Now, to the actual posting of the picture… Here is an example:
See that picture? Good. To post that picture, I had to type in:
Code: Select all

The thingies are called image tags. Now, don't worry about having to remember that, and having to type that in everytime you want to post a picture. If you look up to where you want to post, just underneath the title, you will see a whole bunch of little buttons. Push the Img button, and it will automatically put in the [img]part,%20then%20push%20it%20again%20and%20it'll%20put%20in%20the[/img] part. Cool eh :D Then, you just put in your picture's url in between those. In this case it was "". Now you know how to post a picture 8)

Clickable Links
To make a clickable link, such as this one, I had to enter the following:
Code: Select all

Again, you don't have to type in the all the time, just click the URL button, as it was with the pictures. But, here is how you make it clickable 8) Inside the [url] tag, you have to add in you website, in this case it was "". To do that, you simply need to do this: [url=website here]
See the "=" sign? That is what you need to add, along with the website. In between your [url=website here]and you[/url], you simply add you want to say. In this case, it was "this". So, it goes like this:
Code: Select all
[url=website here]what you want made clickable[/url]

You can always make a picture clickable as well. Just put what you learned from posting a picture, and put it in between the URL tags.
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Quoting & Code

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:24 am

If you want to quote somebody, you generally just hit the quote button at the top right hand side of there post. It will generally look like this:
hecter wrote:SPAM!

That was me saying SPAM! (big surprise eh ;)). It would look like this in your response:
Code: Select all

Let's say you have something that looks like this though:
wicked wrote:
hecter wrote:SPAM!

Stop spamming the forums!

and you don't want my previous SPAM! comment in your post, it would look like this:
Code: Select all
Stop spamming the forums![/quote]

You would have to take out the "[quote= "hecter"]" part, my "SPAM!" part, and my "[/quote]" part. You must always have the same number of [ quote] and [/quote] tags, otherwise, you end up with something like this:
hecter wrote:SPAM!

Stop spamming the forums![/quote]

That just looks weird doesn't it? It is best to preview posts before sending them, especially if you have a lot of coding like that. That way, you don't end up with things that look like that.
If you want to make up your own post, and you want more than just a "quote" at the top, and instead want a "This site/person wrote" at the top, just do this:
CC website wrote:Risk all your armies on a daring continent grab. Use diplomacy to coordinate a group assault on the game leader. Feel the thrill of victory as you eliminate your last opponent.

The key part of that post (in the code) was:
Code: Select all
[quote="CC website"]

See how at the top it says "CC website wrote"? Well, to get that, I had to add, in the quote tag, " ="CC website" ". Again, there are quote buttons, so you don't have to do all that [ quote][/quote] stuff. But, what you do have to do is add the ="whatever" part. I bolded the "'s because if you didn't get that, you would end up with:
and you don't want that do you?

If you want to show somebody something, such as the code for a picture, but you don't want to post the picture itself, then just use the Code button. It will add the:
Code: Select all

parts, and all you have to do is add what you want to say. And example would be what I did with the cat picture, but I'll do it again. This is the picture:
And this is what you need to type in for the picture. It is exactly the same, I just added Code tags:
Code: Select all
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Colors, Bolding, Italics, Underlines, and Sizes

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:30 am

Colours, Bolding, Italics, Underlines and Sizes
To make something a different colour, look to where the buttons are. Now look down a smidge and ther you will see:
Font colour: [Default]
If you click on the arrow, it will come up with a whole bunch of colours to choose from. Choose the one you want, and it will put in the proper tags for you post. An example would be:
Code: Select all

If you clicked red. It would make all the text in between the tags red.
It works the same way for font size, just go to the next one over, and choose the size you want.
To make something bold, click the "B" button, and it will give you the first bold tag, which is just a [ b]. Then add your text, click it again, and it will add the [/b] tag. All the text inside the tags will now be bolded :D
To make something italics, do the same that you do with bolding, just click the "i" instead.
The same goes with underlining. Just click the "u". If you would like to make strikethrough text, you can do so with the following tags:
Code: Select all
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Spoilers & CCTime & Game Auto-Join Links

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:41 am

Spoilers & CCTime & Auto-Join Links(rds addition)

Ever have a list of things you need to show, but don't want a mile-high post? Well, we have a solution for that.

show: Explanations and Whatnot

Since ConquerClub has people from all around the globe, the site has decided to take a standard time to clear confusion. CCTime is EST (GMT -5), and has a tag to help illustrate this.

The following code:
Code: Select all
[Time]2010-12-27 12:00:00[/Time]

Will yield: CC Time: 2010-12-27 12:00:00. The format a CCTime tag needs to be in is:

yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
CCTime also assumes a 24 hour calendar, so for 2PM, the hour would be 12+2 = 14

Game Auto-Join Links
This is mostly applicable to Tournament Games and the Callouts section of the forum, but nonetheless, good to know about. If sending someone a game, you can send them an auto-join link with the following code:
Code: Select all
which will give you something like this: View Game 8452370 (Auto-Join Game)
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How To Edit Your Avatar

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:42 am

How to Setup your Avatar

You know that little 100x100 pixel image people have to show themselves? Well, you can have one, too :)

First, you need to download the image you want as your avatar. If it isn't 100x100 exactly, that's ok. Many pictures get shrunk down to the necessary size to fit ;)

Once you have it saved onto your computer in a place you can remember, go to:
    --------> "Control Panel" --> "Profile" --> "Edit Avatar"

Or just click this link:Edit Avatar

Click "Choose File", select your image you would like as your avatar, and you're set!!
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Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:43 am

How To Set Up Your Signature and Some Common Troubleshooting

First, when deciding to use a signature, know that ConquerClub has a signature size limit. Your signature (including all text, pictures, links, etc.,) must be at MOST 150 pixels high, and at MOST 600 pixels wide in resolution. Here is an example box to match your signature size against:


Now, to access your signature editing tool, go to:

    --------> "Control Panel" --> "Profile" --> "Edit Signature"

Or just click this link:Edit Signature

COMMON ISSUE: Sometimes, people don't have the right settings to allow signatures to appear in their posts. Here are the most common problems with displaying signtatures:

1) You've Disabled BBCode in the Sig Editor
      Many people often check the "Disable BBCode" checkbox, and this renders links, img tags, quotes, etc., completely useless. Make sure that your selections look like this:

2) You aren't set to display a signature in the forums
    Sometimes people have their signature disabled, so it obviously won't show up! To make sure you are set correctly, under:

    Go there, and make sure that the specified information is in the right place optimal for signature viewing:


    This will attach your signature to every single one of your posts (unless you specify otherwise, per post)!

3) You have everyone's signatures turned off!

    You may be attaching a signature to every single post you have, but what's the use if you can't see yours, or anyone else's? Go to:

    And change it to look like this for optimal forum aesthetics:

If, after all of this troubleshooting, you still can't see you or other people's signatures, it may be worth opening a topic in the Bugs Report Forum if you are COMPLETELY sure that it is a bug. Although, I recommend contacting either a Discussions Volunteer or a Global Moderator first, to ensure that you have done everything correctly :)
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How To Attach Attachments

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:46 am

Attachment Guide


The ability to add attachments to forum posts has been enabled in select forums. In order to add an attachment, you must have the file saved as file to your computer (i.e. desktop, etc.). You will know if attachments are enabled in the forum you are browsing when you go to post a new topic or reply to a thread by seeing the "Upload Attachment" tab, next to the "Options" Tab, located under the text entry box. (See below for screenshot).

How to Use:

Step 1: In the “Post A New Topic” or “Post A Reply” screen, click on the “Upload Attachment” tab:


Step 2: Click “Browse:

Step 3: Find the screenshot picture file you saved, either click on the file to select it, and click “Open” or double click the file:

Step 4: Enter text in the “File Comment” text box (optional), then Click “Add The File”:



Step 5: At this point, you can change your comment or add one now if you didn’t add one in step 4. Place the file “inline” (which places the image in the post reply text area with attachment tags in the location where your cursor is) or delete the file:



Step 6: To add more files, simply repeat the above steps.

Step 7: Submit your post.


Guide Author: Calidrmr
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All About Lists

Postby rdsrds2120 on Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:54 am

How To Use Lists

Lists are a powerful BBCode tool that allows members to organize things that belong together. In this post, we will be discussing the list= and list tags, and what the difference is.

Using The Normal List Tag

For starters, let's use list. The list function will indent your selection once for each time it is listed. So, for example:
Code: Select all
[list]Indent Once[/list]

    Indent Once

Code: Select all
[list][list]Indent Twice[/list][/list]

      Indent Twice

You can continue to add multiple "list" tags to indent them more and more. This may be used to try and "center" text, for example.



Along with spacing, you can add bullets and sub-bullets to your text for organization and clarity. Use the [*] tag to indicate a bullet. Here are some examples:

Code: Select all
[list][*]Indent Once[/list]

  • Indent Once

Code: Select all
[list][list][*]Indent Twice[/list][/list]

    • Indent Twice

As you can see, the bullet in the second example is a different shape than the first. This is because, for each time we indent with one bullet, it changes. This makes for very clear lists! :)


The List= Code

List= is very similar to a normal "list", but it will substitute things in for your bullets. Very nice, I know. Here are some examples:

Code: Select all

  1. Numbered
  2. Numbered
  3. Numbered

Code: Select all
[*]Numeral One
[*]Numeral Two
[*]Numeral Three

  1. Numeral One
  2. Numeral Two
  3. Numeral Three

You can also use 'i', 'A', and 'a' to order them by lowercase Roman Numerals, lowercase letters, and uppercase letters respectively. Here are what they look like:

  1. Lowercase Numerals
  2. Lowercase Numerals
  3. Lowercase Numerals
  4. Lowercase Numerals
  5. Lowercase Numerals
  1. Lowercase Letter
  2. Lowercase Letter
  3. Lowercase Letter
  4. Lowercase Letter
  5. Lowercase Letter
  6. Lowercase Letter
show: Uppercase

I only made so many uppercase letter examples above to show you that you can go past 26, if you were wondering. It will just go into the double lettering system :)

Nesting Lists

Let's say I want to organize many things by different categories using the above methods. We can do that be nesting lists within another. I'll just give you a quick demonstration, and the code needed to do it.

  1. Numeral 1
  2. Numeral2
    1. Alpha 1
      1. Number 1
        1. Lowercase A
          1. Lowercase Numeral
  3. Numeral 3

Code: Select all
[list=I][*]Numeral 1[*]Numeral2
[list=A][*]Alpha 1
[list=1][*]Number 1
[list=a][*]Lowercase A
[list=i][*]Lowercase Numeral[/list][/list][/list][/list]
[*]Numeral 3[/list]

You can actually go in deeper, either by reusing your letter/numbers, or by not using them at all. Lists may be a little confusing at first when you go into a lot of nesting, but they're generally simple to use for the purposes on this site, as they usually don't get very complex. I hope this has helped, good luck with your lists!
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