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Proof! 9/11 was a government conspiracy!

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Postby unriggable on Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:05 pm

DaGip wrote:

Here is Kevin Ryan speaking about NIST...take ten minutes and watch and listen. Of course, you guys who like to listen to the government, you will just pass this guy off as a disgruntled employee.

This guy is a patriot in my opinion.

I don't think anybody likes to listen to the government - try watching CSPAN for more than thirty seconds. You can't its too fucking boring.
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Postby got tonkaed on Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:23 pm

jay_a2j wrote:The funny thing is, well not really, is that they are conditioning our minds via television. They give us hints at what they are doing and then laugh at us because we don't see the clues. They knew some people would not buy the 911 terrorist plot and it doesn't matter if everyone knew, they laugh because they know we can't stop them. Read Revelation..... He will control the whole world. Buying and selling..... you will worship him or die. I choose death.

As much as i dont really agree with this....the last few sentences are pretty powerful stuff.
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Postby Iliad on Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:33 pm

Guys make your own conspiracy usergroup and leave us alone! This has to be the saddest thread ever
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Postby Jolly Roger on Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:40 pm

Iliad wrote: I find this topic highly objectionable yet I was somehow unable to prevent my finger from gingerly tapping the mouse button and my eyes from perusing both pages of this discussion. Having entered the thread, I felt compelled to offer my unsolicited opinion which, as noted previously, is that I object to the topic and I find the points raised so far to be complete and utter nonsense. I would like to suggest that the participants here retreat behind closed doors should they wish to continue their discourse since the mere sight of these words and phrases produce within me an intense melancholy.
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Postby muy_thaiguy on Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:47 pm

Napoleon Ier wrote:No more than that....he was arguing for conspiracionism in november when i first entered the forums.
Believe it or not, before that, he was a Bush fan to the extreme.
"Eh, whatever."

What, you expected something deep or flashy?
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Postby william18 on Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:59 pm

In The Notorious B.I.G. song Juicy, if you listen closely he says" time to get paid, blow up like the world trade. The song was made in the 1990's.


Here's the link if you want to check it out.
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Postby unriggable on Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:09 pm

Napoleon Ier wrote:No more than that....he was arguing for conspiracionism in november when i first entered the forums.

Around august he switched to becoming a conspiracy theorist, convinced that 9-11 was a gov't conspiracy. But before that, he was an obsessive bush supporter.
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Postby Iliad on Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:31 pm

Jolly Roger wrote:
Iliad wrote: I find this topic highly objectionable yet I was somehow unable to prevent my finger from gingerly tapping the mouse button and my eyes from perusing both pages of this discussion. Having entered the thread, I felt compelled to offer my unsolicited opinion which, as noted previously, is that I object to the topic and I find the points raised so far to be complete and utter nonsense. I would like to suggest that the participants here retreat behind closed doors should they wish to continue their discourse since the mere sight of these words and phrases produce within me an intense melancholy.

Well done. You can edit quotes. You want a fucking medal?
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Postby unriggable on Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:33 pm

william18 wrote:In The Notorious B.I.G. song Juicy, if you listen closely he says" time to get paid, blow up like the world trade. The song was made in the 1990's.

It was bombed in '93...
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Postby Neutrino on Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:44 pm

DaGip wrote:Sorry, trains don't make pyroclastic flows and melt steel into liquid pools for weeks and weeks.


1. Pyroclastic flows are solely the result of certain types of volcanoes. Unless the Twin Towers were actually built to conceal two very tall volcanoes in New York's midst, I don't see one of them occuring.

2. Linkage (Not Youtube) on the melted steel? Large pools of molten steel would have made rescue efforts nigh-impossible, not to mention frying the skin off anyone who got too close.

DaGip wrote: Trains do not cause tons of steel columns to fall as if they were in a vacuum.

Not even the conspiracists are claiming that THEY secretly somehow created and maintained a vacuum which no-one noticed, nor suffered any ill effects of, just to make the TT fall that little bit faster. It's a puzzling piece of information that supports neither side's argument.

DaGip wrote: Trains do not leave the trace signature of a nuclear device.

Again, linkage? I don't think anyone is stupid enough to use nuclear explosives to do a job conventional explosives would have done in a crowded city centre.
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Postby jay_a2j on Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:59 pm

Frigidus wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:The funny thing is, well not really, is that they are conditioning our minds via television. They give us hints at what they are doing and then laugh at us because we don't see the clues. They knew some people would not buy the 911 terrorist plot and it doesn't matter if everyone knew, they laugh because they know we can't stop them. Read Revelation..... He will control the whole world. Buying and selling..... you will worship him or die. I choose death.

Even if you are correct, they aren't comic book villains. They wouldn't take chances, no matter how small.

What chances? Of all the people waking up and seeing what is going on? And why would that scare them? They control the governments of the world! They know the fulfilment of George H. W. Bush's New World Order (he let out of the bag in 1990) is just one more massive "terrorist attack" away. The people will BEG for the National Guard to patrol the streets to keep them "safe". They laugh...because they know they can't be stopped.... the people slept too long.

Yeah I was a Bush supporter. And I woke up. The man can't get enough war! When they started talking about war with Iran.... the red flags went up. Sue me, I may have been sleeping then but I'm fully awake now.
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Postby DaGip on Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:49 am

Neutrino wrote:
DaGip wrote:Sorry, trains don't make pyroclastic flows and melt steel into liquid pools for weeks and weeks.


1. Pyroclastic flows are solely the result of certain types of volcanoes. Unless the Twin Towers were actually built to conceal two very tall volcanoes in New York's midst, I don't see one of them occuring.

2. Linkage (Not Youtube) on the melted steel? Large pools of molten steel would have made rescue efforts nigh-impossible, not to mention frying the skin off anyone who got too close.

DaGip wrote: Trains do not cause tons of steel columns to fall as if they were in a vacuum.

Not even the conspiracists are claiming that THEY secretly somehow created and maintained a vacuum which no-one noticed, nor suffered any ill effects of, just to make the TT fall that little bit faster. It's a puzzling piece of information that supports neither side's argument.

DaGip wrote: Trains do not leave the trace signature of a nuclear device.

Again, linkage? I don't think anyone is stupid enough to use nuclear explosives to do a job conventional explosives would have done in a crowded city centre.

I really don't want to rehash old debates...I got other things to do rather than cut and paste. Either you believe it or you don't. If you do your own research, perhaps you will be enlightened. Verily I am in serious doubt of that, I think we have come to the point to where we have drawn a diffinitive line in the sand. I am on the side that will be sent to naughty-unpatriotic-possibly-embedding-terrorists camp and you will enjoy your brand new securities. I will be beaten, tazered, and tortured; while you watch MTV and take a drive on the SuperHighway. I am among those who believe that in no way could 19 Arab kids with boxcutters cause all that ruckus, while you and your kin will gladly lap that conspiracy up.

What did you pay all those taxes for? To have Chenney tell the military to stand down?

The line is drawn. I am on my side and you upon yours.

Hint: Keep an eye on Texas...
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Postby Neutrino on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:19 am

DaGip wrote:
I really don't want to rehash old debates...I got other things to do rather than cut and paste. Either you believe it or you don't. If you do your own research, perhaps you will be enlightened. Verily I am in serious doubt of that, I think we have come to the point to where we have drawn a diffinitive line in the sand. I am on the side that will be sent to naughty-unpatriotic-possibly-embedding-terrorists camp and you will enjoy your brand new securities. I will be beaten, tazered, and tortured; while you watch MTV and take a drive on the SuperHighway. I am among those who believe that in no way could 19 Arab kids with boxcutters cause all that ruckus, while you and your kin will gladly lap that conspiracy up.

What did you pay all those taxes for? To have Chenney tell the military to stand down?

The line is drawn. I am on my side and you upon yours.

Hint: Keep an eye on Texas...

Would you attack several people armed with boxcutters with nothing but your bare hands? Once they got past security (not that difficult in those days) all that stood against them were a whole bunch of frightened uncoordinated people. Not that much of an obstacle.

Question: What is so fiendish about several million tons of tar and bitumen? It's a large highway, not a biological weapons plant (Unless they're using the construction of the road as cover for constructing the world's longest biological weapons factory underneath). Why are you against it?
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Postby heavycola on Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:39 am

DaGip wrote:So you can ridicule me for my beliefs. You can put me in your concentration camps. You can torture me and execute me, all with out a lawyer and a trial...but it will never, I repeat, never change my belief that the government was involved with the murders of 9-11!

.....You will hear my words from behind the chicken wire fences and they will touch your heart and pull your soul to the very limits of your being and existence. You will hear me cry and you will see tears, and those tears will fall just as fast as the Twin Towers did...without resistance.

I can't read much more of this BILGE

What is with these ridiculous persecution fantasies? WHO is torturing you? WHO is putting you in a prison camp? WHO is going to execute you without a trial?

If I indulge this pathetic, whining, self-pitying, self-aggrandizing nonsense for a minute, and imagine that you actually, for a second, believe that you are going to be locked up and totured for your beliefs - a belief I find pretty fucking offensive, given that you live in a country where freedom of speech is a given, while many others around the world in much shittier countries actually DO suffer for their words and thoughts - what separates you from the burning martyrs of islam?

Your bullshit is torturing ME.
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Postby Greven on Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:38 am

DaGip wrote:
Greven wrote:
DaGip wrote:Sorry, trains don't make pyroclastic flows and melt steel into liquid pools for weeks and weeks. Neither due trains throw debris upward and then outward. Trains do not cause tons of steel columns to fall as if they were in a vacuum. Trains do not leave the trace signature of a nuclear device. Trains do not cause explosions seven seconds before the apparent train starts to move downward through the building.

The problem here is that many people do not want to believe that 911 was a hoax, and therefore, would rather deny the evidence and call us who support it crackpots, conspiracy theorists, or unpatriotic...somehow, through our beliefs, we support terror.

Why does the government not answer the many questions that are put forward to them? Why do they act as if they are covering something up? Why were there only a few million dollars spent on the so-called investigation.

Hopefully this thread might help some people think about these and other issues.

And if it was TRAINS that plowed through the Twin Towers, then what caused the collapse of WTC 7?

I know this thread is meant to be a joke, but let's just call it what it is. It is an attempt to spark debate on the issue of the events of 9-11 once again. An attempt clothed in humor, to disguise it of its real purpose; because the person that posted this thread knows in his/her heart that something isn't right about the events of 9-11 and is afraid to admit it.

So you can ridicule me for my beliefs. You can put me in your concentration camps. You can torture me and execute me, all with out a lawyer and a trial...but it will never, I repeat, never change my belief that the government was involved with the murders of 9-11!

When the time comes, and you stand on the one side of the line and I stand on the other, I will look you in the eye and we will talk about this same subject again. You will hear my words from behind the chicken wire fences and they will touch your heart and pull your soul to the very limits of your being and existence. You will hear me cry and you will see tears, and those tears will fall just as fast as the Twin Towers did...without resistance.

So give up your attempt at satire over this issue and let's just get to what you really want to get to...the truth!

That was some cool writing but come on! Do you guy really believe that the US and A itself had a hand in it? that is more or less retardet.
There is no way that a politician would blow up the twins, what did they get out of it? nothing. Okay sure, Bush did get a lot more popular after 9/11 but he just caught the wave and surfed all the way to glory.
It is not like you americans have lost democracy after 9/11.
They have gained nothing agaist what they would have to risk if they had truly done it.
AL Q did it, dont deny it. That is the trufth, the whole trufth and nothing but the trufth. It makes sence that they didn't use a lot of money on investegating it: The answer was crystal clear. Al Q took the blame (or Honor if you are a terrorist) and nothing said prooved that they were lying.

Okay they got a war, but do you really think that they are some war hugry freaks?

I believe a secret facet and faction of the government had something to do with the incident. And this faction gained enormous control over our rights and freedoms after 9-11. This is all an attempt for one world government, and the United States Constitution stands in the way. 9-11 is being used as the catalyst to speed up the process. These guys had Iraq in their cross hairs a long time ago. Must be pretty comfie being asleep and being kept nice and warm by their lies...I know, I used to be asleep with you. But somebody screamed at me that I was going to be late for now I am hurrying up, throwing my clothes on...sometimes my shirt is on backwards, but I will notice or someone will point it big deal, that's how we get to the truth.

"Loose Change" admits it does not get all the facts right, but it is an eye opener nonetheless.

What about "Pandora's Black Box"? Do these professional and retired aviators' opinions mean nothing?

The NIST report ADMITS that it cannot explain the failure of the Twin Towers and Tower 7. The only way it can do so is if it disproportionally includes extra data until they get the results they want, totally basing their so-called science on visual evidence and the theory that fire brought down the structure.

NIST goes on to say that they are currently looking into hypothesis to explain the collapse through blast events.

The fact is that the floor trusses did not fail do to fire, and a pancake collapse did not was more like a banana peel collapse.

You are just going along with the flow...NIST is whitewashing the whole event for the government.

We have had this discussion in the past. ... e+collapse

So what if they can't explain how it collapsed? They slammed a plane into the towers, there are no tests about what happens when you do that is there?
Hell I am not being controlled, I am not sleeping, I am not following the flow like some dumb sheep. I look at the facts that I can see and that I believe in.
Secrets hints in TV? no Way, A train attack? not bloody likely.
I hear the voices saing that the gouverment had been given info about the attacks but did not act. Why? Well if someone told you before 9/11 that some crazy Al Q guys was going to steal planes and crash them into the twins would you believe them? Hell NO!
Some guy in the movie biss said that if he had tried to make a movie about a plane smashing into the Twins it would have been rejected as being too unrealistic.
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Postby Napoleon Ier on Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:46 am the train attack, it's a spoof...
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Postby Skittles! on Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:49 am

DaGip wrote:Hint: Keep an eye on Texas...

The place where they execute the most people in the United States? I'll pass.
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Postby Minister Masket on Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:06 am

Obviously it t'was Aliens, The Freemasons and Tim Allen, all working together to take over the world!
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Postby Guiscard on Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:52 am

DaGip wrote:I really don't want to rehash old debates...I got other things to do rather than cut and paste.

qwert wrote:Can i ask you something?What is porpose for you to open these Political topic in ConquerClub? Why you mix politic with Risk? Why you not open topic like HOT AND SEXY,or something like that.
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Postby Dancing Mustard on Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:59 am

heavycola wrote:I can't read much more of this BILGE

What is with these ridiculous persecution fantasies? WHO is torturing you? WHO is putting you in a prison camp? WHO is going to execute you without a trial?

If I indulge this pathetic, whining, self-pitying, self-aggrandizing nonsense for a minute, and imagine that you actually, for a second, believe that you are going to be locked up and totured for your beliefs - a belief I find pretty fucking offensive, given that you live in a country where freedom of speech is a given, while many others around the world in much shittier countries actually DO suffer for their words and thoughts - what separates you from the burning martyrs of islam?

Your bullshit is torturing ME.

This is fairly spot-on...
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Postby Heimdall on Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:17 am

I strongly believe that the government used WTC to test lab created Steel-Eating termites.
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Postby jay_a2j on Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:12 am

heavycola wrote:
DaGip wrote:So you can ridicule me for my beliefs. You can put me in your concentration camps. You can torture me and execute me, all with out a lawyer and a trial...but it will never, I repeat, never change my belief that the government was involved with the murders of 9-11!

.....You will hear my words from behind the chicken wire fences and they will touch your heart and pull your soul to the very limits of your being and existence. You will hear me cry and you will see tears, and those tears will fall just as fast as the Twin Towers did...without resistance.

I can't read much more of this BILGE

What is with these ridiculous persecution fantasies? WHO is torturing you? WHO is putting you in a prison camp? WHO is going to execute you without a trial?

If I indulge this pathetic, whining, self-pitying, self-aggrandizing nonsense for a minute, and imagine that you actually, for a second, believe that you are going to be locked up and totured for your beliefs - a belief I find pretty fucking offensive, given that you live in a country where freedom of speech is a given, while many others around the world in much shittier countries actually DO suffer for their words and thoughts - what separates you from the burning martyrs of islam?

Your bullshit is torturing ME.

Read the Patriot Act. Any "terrorist" can be apprehended, not given access to a lawyer, can be held indefinitely without a trial and even tortured. Now that being said, the National ID Card will separate the "terrorists" from the non-terrorists. If you don't have a National ID Card, they can't identify you, so they can arrest you as a terrorist. That means any American who does NOT get a National ID Card can be arrested as a terrorist! The ID card will be optional at first....and later become mandatory. (Yea! We get a ID card much like the Soviet "Domestic passport"!) Live free or die!
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby DaGip on Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:48 am

jay_a2j wrote:
heavycola wrote:
DaGip wrote:So you can ridicule me for my beliefs. You can put me in your concentration camps. You can torture me and execute me, all with out a lawyer and a trial...but it will never, I repeat, never change my belief that the government was involved with the murders of 9-11!

.....You will hear my words from behind the chicken wire fences and they will touch your heart and pull your soul to the very limits of your being and existence. You will hear me cry and you will see tears, and those tears will fall just as fast as the Twin Towers did...without resistance.

I can't read much more of this BILGE

What is with these ridiculous persecution fantasies? WHO is torturing you? WHO is putting you in a prison camp? WHO is going to execute you without a trial?

If I indulge this pathetic, whining, self-pitying, self-aggrandizing nonsense for a minute, and imagine that you actually, for a second, believe that you are going to be locked up and totured for your beliefs - a belief I find pretty fucking offensive, given that you live in a country where freedom of speech is a given, while many others around the world in much shittier countries actually DO suffer for their words and thoughts - what separates you from the burning martyrs of islam?

Your bullshit is torturing ME.

Read the Patriot Act. Any "terrorist" can be apprehended, not given access to a lawyer, can be held indefinitely without a trial and even tortured. Now that being said, the National ID Card will separate the "terrorists" from the non-terrorists. If you don't have a National ID Card, they can't identify you, so they can arrest you as a terrorist. That means any American who does NOT get a National ID Card can be arrested as a terrorist! The ID card will be optional at first....and later become mandatory. (Yea! We get a ID card much like the Soviet "Domestic passport"!) Live free or die!

And that's a whole lot of TEXANS! YEEHAW!
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Postby heavycola on Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:02 pm

DaGip wrote:You will hear my words from behind the chicken wire fences and they will touch your heart and pull your soul to the very limits of your being and existence

Really? I have yet to read any words by you that do anything other than make me want to gouge out my own eyeballs.

You + jay appear to be suffering from a persecution complex and fantasies of martyrdom. A bit like yer average suicide bomber, i might add. But you two are funnier.

Look - they are still talking about introducing ID cards here. But I won't play ball, and neither will plenty of other people. It is lazy civil disobedience, that's all. I do not envision being tortured behind chicken wire and touching hearts and souls with my tender martyr's words as a result; I expect a fine and eventually a government u-turn. IF they go ahead.
And we don't even have guns to protect us against oppressiev governments. What the f*ck are you worried about? Or are you just a massively irritating drama queen?
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Postby DaGip on Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:12 pm

heavycola wrote:
DaGip wrote:You will hear my words from behind the chicken wire fences and they will touch your heart and pull your soul to the very limits of your being and existence

Really? I have yet to read any words by you that do anything other than make me want to gouge out my own eyeballs.

You + jay appear to be suffering from a persecution complex and fantasies of martyrdom. A bit like yer average suicide bomber, i might add. But you two are funnier.

Look - they are still talking about introducing ID cards here. But I won't play ball, and neither will plenty of other people. It is lazy civil disobedience, that's all. I do not envision being tortured behind chicken wire and touching hearts and souls with my tender martyr's words as a result; I expect a fine and eventually a government u-turn. IF they go ahead.
And we don't even have guns to protect us against oppressiev governments. What the f*ck are you worried about? Or are you just a massively irritating drama queen?

HC, you have chosen your side of the line, so what's the point in debating? You uphold stripping the Americans constitutional rights away in exchange for The New World Order. And your words already are putting me and those like me into the terrorist category.

That's okay, you keep playing ConquerClub...all this is just a paranoid delusion. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along...
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