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D&D: The Warlock's Boots (NOW RECRUITING!)

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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby safariguy5 on Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:51 pm


Alastair mutters as he approaches Sheyla.

Are you all right miss? Your boss should really make everyone check their weapons with the watchmen. There could have been quite a scene if that drunken bastard had gotten too frisky with that knife

I say with a look of concern in my eyes.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:33 pm

slowreactor wrote:Should I just wait now for the rendezvous? or do I still have actions I can do? :-s

Well, it's up to you. You have the "book" could do whatever you want. But if you don't get the "book" to the people that hired Black Jack to find and steal it from Mr. Urlag, not only will your guild's reputation be at stake (and yours), but you might find that you have in your possession more than what you bargained for.
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:22 pm

jonesthecurl wrote:
I have hear of Gregor the Honorable. It seems the reports were not exaggerated. I welcome your company, my friend.

Well, sir
(he looks straight into Cackle's eyes)
are you ready to proclaim that it was the wine that misbehaved, and not yourself?
Then mayhap we can move on to more friendly terms, and a game with the dice?

DM wrote:Cackle returns a murderous stare to Gorlan. Now that he sees that Gorlan has acquired two new friends (both of which stand almost a head taller than anyone else in the bar), he isn't as apt to cause anymore mischief. Also, Cackle and his boys need to leave right now, as they have to meet up with their new guild initiate--Firnam. They must get the "merchandise" to the gentleman that hired them for the job...otherwise, they won't get paid and the whole evening will have been for naught.

"Well, Mr. Hero, I think we will have to take you up on that offer some other time. As for now...we have our own business to attend to. As for that little tavern only regret is that I didn't shave off her nose." Cackle looks at Sheyla and mockingly blows her a kiss. "G'nite, gentleman!"

Cackle follows his thugs out the door and they soon disappear into the night.

Soon, an older gentleman wearing black leather long coat and a broad rimmed black leather hat. He has peppered beard and hair. His hair is pulled back into a long pony tail. You also notice that he has a scar across his right eye, and his right eye is clouded over and blind. He is also wearing the exact same type of bracelets that Sheyla is wearing. They are silver cuffs that have strange symbols and pentagrams.

"Excuse me gentlemen, my name is Gavrin Darkwatcher, and Sheyla is my daughter. We are friends with Mr.Urlag and whenever we need some help, he lets us work for him, doing whatever here at his establishment. I want to thank you for defending my daughter. You look as if you can hold your own, and I was wondering if your services would be for hire?

I could not pay you right now, but I promise that if you help me on my errand, you will be payed handsomely!

You see, there is an old wizard's tower that is only a few days journey from here, and there is something in that tower that I and my daughter need. Mr.Urlag was kind enough to help us out with horses, supplies, and a horse cart. He also protects our valuables from time to time until we need them.

If you have noticed, I have been studying these pair of boots. I know they are magical, and could very well be of Elven make, unfortunately I can't read Elven, and it seems that there are writings in the leather."

He shows Gorlan the boots.

They seem to be made out of some type of leather...forest green, soft and subtle. They are decorated with intricate designs of leaves, trees, birds...and the Elven words: Anvri'l Muzat Lor, Aelv Noen Kaffaer

As, Gorlan is looking at the strange boots, you can hear Mr.Urlag in the backroom cursing at the top of his lungs.

"Damn! DAMN! I knew someone was back here! I KNEW IT! Gavrin! It's gone! They bloody stole it! I thought for sure no one would ever look there! It must have been a professional!"

"What?!" Gavrin exclaimed. "You meant to tell me that my book of rituals is gone! STOLEN?!? It took me years of study to acquire those, and the last ritual I was working on was supposed to help my daughter and myself with our "little problem". We are going to have to find that book first before we leave tomorrow! Now who could have stolen it?"

"I can tell ya, Pops!" Sheyla said with a disgusted crooked smile. "One word...Cackle! I bet that's why him and his gutter dogs had to hot foot it out of here so fast! I bet they went to their usual hangout across town...The Beggars Boot Tavern.

"Well, we should hurry, they've been gone now for almost a half an hour!" Gavrin said frantically. "We need that book back! And can we get a blasted Elf to look at these boots!"

Okay, now what do you guys want to do?
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:25 pm

Sackett58 wrote:
jonesthecurl wrote:
I have hear of Gregor the Honorable. It seems the reports were not exaggerated. I welcome your company, my friend.

Well, sir
(he looks straight into Cackle's eyes)
are you ready to proclaim that it was the wine that misbehaved, and not yourself?
Then mayhap we can move on to more friendly terms, and a game with the dice?

Thinking that Gorlan is going to roll the dice Gregor hands him a small amount of coins and starts rubbing his lucky unicorn tooth.

Gregor is very disappointed that nobody is going to be playing dice, unless of course, any of the characters want to play dice together?
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:38 pm

safariguy5 wrote:

Alastair mutters as he approaches Sheyla.

Are you all right miss? Your boss should really make everyone check their weapons with the watchmen. There could have been quite a scene if that drunken bastard had gotten too frisky with that knife

I say with a look of concern in my eyes.

DM wrote: Sheyla straightens her dress, and thanks Alastair for his help and concern, but reassures him that she is completely capable of handling the like of Cackle by herself. She also tells him that even though the larger weapons are usually checked in, it is hard to accommodate for smaller weaponry that can be hid up a sleeve or inside a boot.

"Say?" Sheyla asks inquisitively. "I can tell you are a magic user, is that so? My father and I could use someone that can practice magic. You see...we have this little problem."

Sheyla shows Alastair her silver bracelets, and you do recognize the symbols and the make. They are a form of anti-magic warding used by the Githarians. In the empire of Githar, no one is allowed to practice any type of sorcery (except for individuals in the highest levels of power). If people are found that have practiced magic, they will ward them by placing these special silver bracers on the magic user. This type of ward is very powerful, and there is no known way of nullifying it. The individual will be cut off from practicing magic FOR LIFE!
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby slowreactor on Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:04 pm

Once he's sure that he's in the clear, Firnam takes off for the Beggars Boot Tavern, the tavern that they agreed where they will meet. On his way there, his curiosity makes him take a quick look at the contents of the book -

wait... this isn't tavern records... this isn't something he can even understand... Firnam slowly realizes as he slowly leafs through the book, that this book is important, that the simple fact of him transferring the book could mean a major shift in balance, whether good or bad. A third of the way there, he stops and turns around, heading back to the tavern, hoping to be able to eavesdrop and learn more information. He decides that, if he does decide to actually fulfill the mission and is late, he can just make up a story about being apprehended - after all, a dead body in the streets will raise questions about any lone wanderer.

*P.S* any chance you can update the 1st thread with all the players & their stats, just for easy reference? :)
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:54 pm

slowreactor wrote:*P.S* any chance you can update the 1st thread with all the players & their stats, just for easy reference? :)

There really hasn't been any hard stats in this game, if I make a skill check, I base it off of class chosen. A single class thief is probably going to have one of the best dexterity scores in the game (and I am kind of leaning towards 4E in this thread, not that I think it is any better than the other systems, it does simplify things...I don't need a bunch of tables). But the following are the characters so far:

Firnam-Human Rogue
Cheezus-Elven Cleric
Gregor Tombs-Half-Orc Fighter/Rogue
Gorlan-Human Bard/Wizard/Rogue/Spellscarred
Maximus Burst-Genasi (FireSoul) Fighter
Alastair Plainstrider-Half-Elf Wizard

The players in the same order are:
You (slowreactor)

If you want to play with stats and everything, just tell me. In a 4E type of game, you kind use a matrix of players want characters who are above average in their scoring and with little penalties for low scores.

I can tell you that the quickest character to react will be Firnam, and the most observant will be Cheezus. The strongest physical players characters are both Maximus and Gregor. The smartest and most diplomatic will be a toss up between Gorlan and Alastair.

Remember that you can ask the DM any questions about monsters and history. I can do a Knowledge check based on your skill proficiency for class and race.
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby Quirk on Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:18 pm

Cheezus introduces himself to Gavrin Darkwatcher and offers his assistance in translating the words on the boots.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:06 am

I do a quick alignment check (if that's possible) and examine the bracers. I also ask Sheyla privately what sort of magic they were doing that caused them to be magic blocked this way.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby BigBallinStalin on Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:22 am

Dizzie Dizzie the DM wrote:
Meanwhile, Cackle and Co. drunkenly shuffle further from the light of that local tavern. Leaves rustle lightly in the cool crisp breeze while the moon smiles peacefully down into the valley. The two watchmen immediately catch sight of such a boisterous crowd and flag them down for a few questions. Cackle and Co. kindly greet the watchmen and pass word that there's a group of armed men boasting about their recent highwayman adventures, fondling innocent barmaids, and causing an all-around ruckus. Kavin and Bravil have their doubts, but there's one thing they have in common with these local louts, and that's the suspicion of strangers--obnoxious no-gooders at that.

Having scrutinized enough the scene of the crime, Kavin slowly heads towards the bar to further investigate the surrounding area while Bravil runs for the nearest guardhouse--a mere few houses down the way. As Kavin investigation leaves many questions unanswered, Bravil shows up--eight-men deep.

Kavin quietly stares at his men. They're a sad lot with rusted chainmail but bearing axes and maces that'll do the job on anybody well enough. He nods his head in the direction of the tavern and says, "Let's have look-see, shall we?"

Upon entering the tavern, Bravil immediately notices a massive half-orc, but he's never cared for such a politically correct term. He addresses the half-orc as such: "Oy, you wart-faced, oozing slob of puss, I know you killed that man." The Town Watch immediately bears arms.

Gregor immediately takes offense and glares menacingly at the Town Watch.

"Oh, that does it there! You're days of rampage are over!!" He quickly pulls out his axe... His men are nervous but in numbers have courage and strength.

Now what?
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:38 am

^ Please disregard the above post by BBS, he is not this game's DM. Please read the additions I have made at the beginning of this thread.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby Sackett58 on Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:17 am

Gregor gets his coins back and walks over to a table. He looks it over to see a hobbit, 2 goblins and a kobold playing bones. "Gregor would like to play" as he sits down. "Who is buying Gregor a drink ?"
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby jonesthecurl on Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:54 pm

Does anyone here read Elvish well? I'm pretty rusty.

He looks around

And as for employment, I'm interested, perhaps - but I'd like to know a little more about what's going on first. How about we all pool our knowledge?

Oh, and bring Gregor the Honourable a drink please, miss.

Jonesey says, btw sorry if I slowed things down, my internet was out for three days after the nasty weather.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby Jace22 on Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:39 pm

I am also interested in this quest. At least it's something to do around here
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:49 pm

Sackett58 wrote:Gregor gets his coins back and walks over to a table. He looks it over to see a hobbit, 2 goblins and a kobold playing bones. "Gregor would like to play" as he sits down. "Who is buying Gregor a drink ?"

DM wrote:Gregor seems to be a little euphoric, and his eyelids and irises are wide open. He has been sneaking half mugs of ale and wine since he has entered the bar, and though there are no hobbits, goblins, or kobolds in the Dancing Goat Tavern...Gregor is hallucinating. It is apparent that one of the glasses of wine he drank just happened to be a glass of Drow Spiced Wine, which can cause such illusions, especially in anyone that carries Orcish blood in their veins. Though the spiced wine hampers Gregor's perceptions of reality and can cause him to be weak willed, Gregor's stamina is larger than normal and he is almost oblivious to pain.

Gregor will take a -2 penalty to all melee attacks, perception checks, and will defenses in exchange for an added melee damage bonus and a temporary hit point bonus of +10 each. The effects of the Drow Spiced Wine will last only for this evening.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:17 pm

slowreactor wrote:Once he's sure that he's in the clear, Firnam takes off for the Beggars Boot Tavern, the tavern that they agreed where they will meet. On his way there, his curiosity makes him take a quick look at the contents of the book -

wait... this isn't tavern records... this isn't something he can even understand... Firnam slowly realizes as he slowly leafs through the book, that this book is important, that the simple fact of him transferring the book could mean a major shift in balance, whether good or bad. A third of the way there, he stops and turns around, heading back to the tavern, hoping to be able to eavesdrop and learn more information. He decides that, if he does decide to actually fulfill the mission and is late, he can just make up a story about being apprehended - after all, a dead body in the streets will raise questions about any lone wanderer.

DM wrote:Firnam makes his way back to the Dancing Goat. He stops in the shadows just outside a window and keeps low so no one will see him.

~I need to find out a little more about this piece of merchandise I got.~He thinks to himself.

He hears Alastair the wizard speaking with Sheyla about...bracelets? Is Sheyla and her father slaves of some sort? It seems this book is important in someway to them, and then Sheyla tells Alastair that she will get her father to explain more.

As, Sheyla leaves the conversation, you hear somebody coming down the street. You can see that it is Cackle and his band of thugs coming back to the tavern with another figure dressed in black leather armor made from some type of scaly hide, his face is hidden beneath a leather mask and helmet. The helmet has large horns (like dragon horns?) and a reptile like face. The man in the "Dragon Armor" yells at Cackle,"You FOOL! That street rat should have been at the Beggar's Boot a long time ago with the object of interest! I hired you all to do a simple job for me, and now one of your company has decided to vanish and take the merchandise with him!"

"No, Dark Dragon...sir..."Cackle whimpers. "He is just an initiate and we figured this would be a good, easy job for new blood!"

"Well, you thought wrong...that book was very important to me and to the Githarian Empire! Without its return to the Dread Lord of Githar, we now risk the possibility of civil war within our borders! We need that book...or...we need to capture the old man and his daughter!"

"Yes, Dark Dragon!" Cackle shows his attention to the dark figure and proceeds to head directly in Firnam's direction. Cackle and his gang has not seen Cackle yet, but they are heading closer. "I'm going to skin Firnam alive!"Cackle curses.

~Damn!~ Firnam curses silently. ~Did I just miss the conversation between Alastair and Sheyla's old man?~
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:26 pm

Quirk wrote:Cheezus introduces himself to Gavrin Darkwatcher and offers his assistance in translating the words on the boots.

DM wrote:You understand the writing on the boots quite easily, even though it is an older dialect of Elven, you estimate about a thousand or so years old. The boots simply read: The Forest Obeys The Elven Walker.

You also recognize the boots from old Elvish folklore. The Elven King, Duriz Mollwhin, had fashioned twenty-four pair of such boots to be worn by Elven Knight Rangers to protect the Elven lands from the onslaught of the Shadow War. They are fabled to have great powers of movement through forest and brush. An Elf who wears these boots would be able to walk through briar and thick brush as easily as if it were not there at all!
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby jonesthecurl on Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:34 pm

Gorlan says
Tell us more of your quest. Something tells me that the time of choosing sides will be with us soon.
Landlord, I think it might be wise to return our weapons at this point.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby slowreactor on Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:57 pm

One look at the mysterious man, and Firnam knew that this wasn't someone he wanted to get involved with. He knew that if he didn't go in the bar and yell to Sheyla and her father to escape, there could be some major trouble. However, he also knew that if he were to get involved, there was no predicting what would happen to himself. Firnam blends into the shadows, waiting and watching the upcoming confrontation. He will jump in if it looks like he can help, but he does not want to jump in in vain.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:45 pm

safariguy5 wrote:I do a quick alignment check (if that's possible) and examine the bracers. I also ask Sheyla privately what sort of magic they were doing that caused them to be magic blocked this way.

You make an Insight check, and you sense no sign of deception from Sheyla.As for the bracers would have to acquire a ritual to perform over it. But you already know that they are a ward that shuts off the flow of magic coming from a magic user.

DM wrote:As you carefully examine the symbols and pentagrams on the bracers, as you touch the symbols with your fingers, the runes light up. You hear sizzling and see smoke coming up from your finger tips as they are being scorched by some type of magic!

You must take 4 hit points of damage.

DM wrote:As you pull your hands away from the bracelets, Sheyla says,"Oh, I should have warned you. Anyone that tries to remove these bracelets will be burned...and for magic users, they might even temporarily lose their magic casting abilities. Let me go get my father to answer your questions. He is better at explaining things than me."

Soon, Gavrin Darkwatcher returns and sits with you.

"I see you are not aware of Githarian politics or history,"he says to you looking at you with his one good eye. "Very well, let us begin the story, shall we?

The Empire of Githar was formed by a faction of War Wytches who came from the deserts of Tabor. Tabor has always been known for showing mercy upon astranged young children, often orphans, who show a little talent in magic or the dark arts. I was one of those children. The Taborian War Wytches took me in and trained me as a Warlock, and soon I became a Wytch Lord. I know that most wizards frown on Warlock's as they obtain their powers from bargaining with dark and little know entities for magical power in return, instead of long years of careful study; but I assure you that not all Warlocks and Wytches adhere to the darker practices. Sheyla and I--and many others--oppose such abhorrent delving, and that is why we are in this particular predicament.

In Tabor, the War Wytches protect their desert fortress. This fortress and the desert mesa and mountain range is known as Hellsblade. It was at Hellsblade Fortress where I was trained. But the War Wytches have one major must stay unmarried and without children to be a War Wytch, so the time came where I was challenged by that little law...I fell in love.

I fell in love with a beautiful girl who came from the country to the north of Hellsblade. This country was called Githar. I told her that I loved her and I would do anything for her, so we decided to run away to Githar and I left the War Wytches of Hellsblade.

In the city if Ironfell, we got married, had a home, and had a...daughter--Sheyla. I worked as a cobbler and made boots for peasants and kings alike! I was invited to the grand citadel of Ironfell to prepare a pair of elegant riding boots for the King of Githar at that time, and we became very good friends. We talked about life, God, and politics; and he realized that I was much more than an average cobbler. Eventually, I revealed to him that I used to be a War Wytch before I got married to the woman of my dreams. The King laughed and invited me to become the Wytch Lord of Githar. I accepted, as it paid a great deal more than pounding nails into the soles of shoes and boots!

As Wytch Lord, I found 13 talented men and women (one of which included the King's own son!). We formed the Wytch Council of Githar where we gathered and discussed possible expansion of the King's empire, but soon the King felt his power falling away as the power of our council grew. Soon, the King grew ill of some unknown illness and died. By his dying, it left his son, Kannith, in charge of the empire; and since Kannith was a member of the Wytch Council and a very powerful Warlock in his own right, he proclaimed himself Dread Lord of Githar and demanded absolute obedience to his rule...we were all happy to give it, for with Kannith in power...WE were in power!

Soon, Kannith expanded his territory with ease, conquering all that stood in his way, but there were yet a few countries that have yet to be enveloped. One of which is this one that we are in right now, Nyordand. The Githarians would have to send fleets of ships to defeat this land. The other is in the unknown lands and forests of Warsreach. As you should know, the greater Elvish kingdoms are said to be in the forests just beyond the lands of Warsreach, so if Nyordand falls to Githar, it is but a matter of time that he and his dark allies go to war with the Elves of Warsreach!

But time is yet with us, my friend. You see, first the Dread Lord must conquer the Taborian War Wytches of Hellsblade. The Githarians are only strong enough to keep up on one front at a time, if Kannith ever decided to go to war with Nyordand or Warsreach before he was ever finished with Tabor...he would surely fail! He knows this, so he is staying focused on defeating the War Wytches of Hellsblade first.

Now, when Kannith decided to go to war with Tabor...many of us on the Wytches Council were opposed, as Hellsblade had been our home and training grounds, but now we were being forced to choose between our teachers at Hellsblade or this arogant dark thing that calls himself a Dread Lord!

So, Kannith found opposition to his plans and soon had these silver bracers crafted. He forced all those magic users who opposed him to wear them or die! Some chose death, one of which was a very dear friend that saved my life and that of my daughters. He was a wizard from Nyordand, and it is his tower that we seek. When my daughter and I were "unspoken"--that is the term Warlocks and Wytches use for having our magic powers severed--we were sentenced to be thrown into The Deep...which is a giant hole where the worst criminals and murderers and traitors are tossed and forgotten. Left to starve and fend for themselves in a dark, damp cavern with no hope of ever escaping! Worse than death, some say!

As, we waited our trial on treason. My dear Nyordander Wizard friend came and got us out of that prison cell. He told me that he had been working on a ritual and a magic item that would release the bracelets from any Warlock or Wizards hands. He gave me the book and he gave me a pair of boots and told me to find an Elf to wear them and that would guide me through the bramble briar that surrounded his tower. He never had to use them, because he could teleport in and out of his tower without any worry, and he couldn't use them anyway, because he wasn't an Elf!

Now, when my daughter and I escaped, we had found word that my dear friend was caught and immediately executed for sneaking us out of Githar, so now we are highly sought after by the Dread Lord, and he wants us brought back alive to stand trial and serve the appropriate sentence!

Now...there is one little thing that I need to mention to you. The Dread Lord has bounty hunters looking for us and they are called Wytch Runners. They are Rangers, Rogues, and Assassins that were hired to find me, my daughter, and/or the ritual book and they all have a little magical power of which to deal with the likes of Warlocks and Wizards if need be.

They also carry a magical blade, called a Wytch Tamer, that can sap the magical strength out of a Wizard or Warlock that it touches!"

Gavrin suddenly turns his head to the window and notices Cackle and his men approaching the tavern!
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:47 pm

jonesthecurl wrote:Gorlan says
Tell us more of your quest. Something tells me that the time of choosing sides will be with us soon.
Landlord, I think it might be wise to return our weapons at this point.

As Mr. Urlag hears Cackle and his men approaching the bar...he immediately gets everyone their weapons back.
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:48 pm

slowreactor wrote:One look at the mysterious man, and Firnam knew that this wasn't someone he wanted to get involved with. He knew that if he didn't go in the bar and yell to Sheyla and her father to escape, there could be some major trouble. However, he also knew that if he were to get involved, there was no predicting what would happen to himself. Firnam blends into the shadows, waiting and watching the upcoming confrontation. He will jump in if it looks like he can help, but he does not want to jump in in vain.

Firnam waits in the shadows and is surprised to see the Dark man if he never even existed!
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby slowreactor on Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:30 pm

*bites his tongue* teleportation! that man is a frightening man indeed! Firnam pays even closer attention to the happenings around the tavern.

(P.S. how much of the above convo between Alastair & Sheyla/Gavrin did my character hear? should I do a stealth check?)
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:35 pm

slowreactor wrote:*bites his tongue* teleportation! that man is a frightening man indeed! Firnam pays even closer attention to the happenings around the tavern.

(P.S. how much of the above convo between Alastair & Sheyla/Gavrin did my character hear? should I do a stealth check?)

Firnam pretty much heard the basics of the convo between Alastair and Sheyla, but as Sheyla was retrieving her father is when Firnam started to notice someone coming and he was busy concentrating on who was coming his way instead of listening to Gavrin talk about politics.

Your stealth is fine, you are in a nice dark spot.
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: Dungeon And Dragons (Recruitment Full)

Postby Sackett58 on Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:00 am

CreepersWiener wrote:
Sackett58 wrote:Gregor gets his coins back and walks over to a table. He looks it over to see a hobbit, 2 goblins and a kobold playing bones. "Gregor would like to play" as he sits down. "Who is buying Gregor a drink ?"

DM wrote:Gregor seems to be a little euphoric, and his eyelids and irises are wide open. He has been sneaking half mugs of ale and wine since he has entered the bar, and though there are no hobbits, goblins, or kobolds in the Dancing Goat Tavern...Gregor is hallucinating. It is apparent that one of the glasses of wine he drank just happened to be a glass of Drow Spiced Wine, which can cause such illusions, especially in anyone that carries Orcish blood in their veins. Though the spiced wine hampers Gregor's perceptions of reality and can cause him to be weak willed, Gregor's stamina is larger than normal and he is almost oblivious to pain.

Gregor will take a -2 penalty to all melee attacks, perception checks, and will defenses in exchange for an added melee damage bonus and a temporary hit point bonus of +10 each. The effects of the Drow Spiced Wine will last only for this evening.

After several minutes of rolling bones Gregor finds himself in debt. But in his drunken euphoria he is having a good time. Laughing and hugging his fellow gamblers he comments, "you guys are pretty husky little fellows". The four rather large gentlemen are not finding this funny as one comments, "where is the money you owe us ?". Gregor points at Gorlan, "my friend will cover me".
2010-04-24 18:51:35 - MrMoody: OMG I'm in a game with stunna, what is up with this?
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